Volume 2 Chapter 22: Solving the first mystery

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:48:25
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The three of us were stunned. It had only taken us five minutes to get there and back. No one could have moved all our equipment in such a short time. And there was only one way from the ear chamber to the tunnel. Where could all this stuff have gone?

The three of us looked at each other, and our faces didn’t look good. This was really one wave after another. The fat guy was scared at this point, too, and said, “Could there be more than one zongzi here?”

I waved I waved my hand, saying that this was not the time to discuss the zongzi. We could still fight for the zongzi, but without diving equipment, how could we pass through the dozens of meters of underwater tombs? This was a very serious problem. If we didn’t do it right, we would all be trapped in the underwater tomb.

I asked the fat guy, “You were the last one to take off your equipment. Did you move it when you put it down?”

The fat guy said, “Of course not! These eight steel cylinders are so heavy, I’m too full to move them around.”

I thought I thought so too. We were all there at the time, so if anyone had moved the stuff around, we would have definitely known. And it was indeed very heavy. It would have been almost impossible to move it all at once.

We stood there for a while, lost in thought. Seeing that it wasn’t a solution, Fatty suggested looking around. He said that even if a ghost had moved the stuff, it would have left some kind of clue. I thought thought it was also a good idea, so I ran over to move the porcelain jars one by one to see if they were hidden in the back. This was actually a bit of self-deception. In such a small place, if there was anything, it would be visible at a glance, but at that time, we could only treat a dead horse as a live horse.

We searched very carefully, searching for five or six minutes. The more I searched, the more I felt that something was wrong. I didn’t know where the problem was, but I just felt that everything here had an indescribable strangeness. In the end, it was the fat guy who found it. He suddenly yelled, “Damn it! This is not the place where we were just now!”

I turned around and saw that his flashlight was shining in the corner. I remembered that there was nothing there before, but now there was a stone pillar, one side embedded in the wall and the other side exposed. There were many carved precious birds and exotic beasts on it. This was a completely different kind of tomb structure from before. We immediately looked at the other three corners. Sure enough, the same changes were found in all four corners. I began to sweat on my forehead. This was not only against common sense, it was simply inconceivable.

I looked I looked at the mummy, and he nodded and said, “He’s right. It seems to be another room. The baby coffin in the corner is gone, and the arrangement of the burial goods is very different. Moreover, look at the top…”

I looked up and was shocked to see that the Yin-Yang star chart on the relief of the roof had turned into two giant snakes intertwined with each other, coiled around the entire round beam, carved so lifelike that it seemed like they were about to pounce on me. I was so scared that I quickly lowered my head and said, “What’s going on? Did we enter the wrong door?”

The fat guy said, “How could that be? This is obviously the one road from ancient times. This place is big. We went from here to that broken road, got shot into a hedgehog on the broken road, and then ran back here. That’s right! How could we have written the king’s character upside down like this?”

At this time, I realized that it was possible that we had also encountered the same thing that Uncle San had encountered 20 years ago. However, the current situation was a bit different from what he had described, and I didn’t know what had happened. At that time Uncle San had not taken off his diving equipment and was able to escape from the spring by chance. When I came in, I knew that this might happen, but I didn’t do anything to prepare for it. When I thought about it, I couldn’t help but blame myself a little.

The fat guy was a little confused and asked me, “Aren’t you Southerners familiar with the mechanisms in ancient tombs? Have you seen anything like this before?”

Of course of course I haven’t seen it before, I sighed and said, “There are no outsiders here, so I’ll tell you the truth. This is the second time I’ve entered the cave, not to mention the clever stone mechanisms, I can’t even remember the names of these bottles and jars, so don’t expect me to.”

The fat man didn’t believe it and said, “Little comrade, don’t scare me, I really hope you can see a way out.”

I bitterly I smiled bitterly and didn’t know how to answer him. I said to him, “The situation is so strange now. Even if I really am good at this, I don’t think there’s any way I can do it. Look at these few minutes. What kind of mechanism can change all the furnishings in a room and even change the structure of the house? This is impossible. There must be another reason.”

Muyoubing nodded lightly in agreement. The fat man scratched his head and said, “If it’s not a mechanism, what is it? Is it magic?”

I heard When he mentioned this, I also thought of it and said, “How should I put it? It’s also possible. I heard a story before that a grave robber entered an ancient tomb and found it magnificent, like a palace. Inside, there was even a man drinking. When the man saw him coming, he not only invited him to drink, but also gave him a belt. He and the man drank several cups and then passed out in the tomb. When he woke up, he was lying next to a broken coffin. The belt was a snake. It’s not a bit like our situation now?”

The fat man said, ‘Like a fart, at least he had booze to drink, we only had water, how can we compare with him.’

I also thought so. At this time, I was a bit hesitant about telling them about what happened to Uncle San. The main reason was that the story was so confusing, and if I told them, it might involve the Mian Youbing. I still didn’t know what his position was, and if I said the wrong thing, it would be even more trouble. After thinking about it, I made up my mind to tell them half the truth and half a lie.

The fat was still sighing there, so I asked them to sit down and told them some of the things about Uncle San. The fat guy kept interrupting, so I couldn’t really say anything, so I just kept it short. In the end, the fat guy yelled, “You little brat, you know so much and you don’t say anything!

Muyoubing was listening intently, and at this time he grabbed me and asked, ‘What did Uncle San say when he was unconscious? Tell me again!’

I saw he looked so serious, stammered and said, “He, what he said was ‘elevator.’”

Muyoubing let out a sigh, suddenly smiled and said, “So it was such a thing–”

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