Volume 2 Chapter 24: Opening the coffin

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:48:32
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Given the assumption that the tomb has a double-layered structure, I’m not surprised to see a door here. It must have shifted up and down during our conversation. Although I don’t know the purpose of the tomb owner’s design, I won’t panic again.

It’s The coffin inside scared me. This golden nanmu wood is the best coffin material. For thousands of years, the size of the coffin has been determined by the size of the wood. This coffin is huge. It seems that the actual nanmu wood logs used to make the coffin are probably about the same thickness as the 32 golden nanmu wood pillars used to make the Ming Changling. This thing may be worth more than a life-size piece of silver.

But How could such a valuable coffin be placed in such a strange place as the ear room? If such a valuable coffin can only be placed in the ear room, then the main tomb room must at least be a golden coffin. I feel more and more inexplicable. The owner of this tomb room has no rules at all. Not only has he completely disrupted the feng shui position here, but he has also set up extremely clever traps everywhere, but he does not take human lives. I don’t know what he is trying to do.

Diving It’s inevitable that you’ll get the itch to open the coffin, especially one as magnificent as this. There must be a lot of good things inside. I saw the fat man’s eyes go straight, and he laughed, “What, you don’t even want to live if you see the coffin, or should you go in first and get a few things out?”

I was being sarcastic, but who knew he didn’t get it. He said seriously, “You fat guy, I have a high level of consciousness. Now our main task is to find tools to break through the top of this damn tomb. Don’t you go off on your own. When we get the tools, it’s not too late to come back and get a few more things!”

I heard him brag and thought it was funny. I said, “When you come back, who knows if the door will still be there. Maybe it’s fallen down again.”

The fat guy still thought about the burial objects, and when he heard this, he thought it made sense, and he couldn’t help but feel embarrassed. At this time, the Mian Youping suddenly waved at us and said softly, “Don’t talk.”

We saw him with a serious expression, and we quickly covered our mouths, not knowing what was going on. He pulled out the air gun and said softly, “This is not an ordinary coffin, this is a corpse-raising coffin.”

I I didn’t understand, and looked at him in confusion, but he didn’t want to explain. He bent down and walked into the chamber where the coffin was kept. The fat guy wanted to maintain his high-minded image, but when he saw that Mian Youping was going straight to the coffin, he immediately returned to his low-minded nature and hurriedly followed him in.

I saw that the tunnel was pitch black, and it was too scary to be alone outside, so I didn’t dare to be negligent and ran in after him.

This chamber The room was exactly the same as the one we came from, with two giant snakes in relief on the ceiling, and a spring in the middle, but there were no porcelain funerary objects, only a huge coffin placed three feet from the wall.

Muyoubing took out his saber and inserted it directly into the seam of the coffin, slowly drawing it up, as if looking for some kind of mechanism. The fat man thought he was going to open the coffin and yelled, “Slow down, look at you, little brother, you’re so honest, but when you see a coffin, you act like you don’t care about your life.” Then he took out a candle and ran to the corner to light it.

I looked at it and angrily yelled, “Damn it! We only have so little air, and you’re lighting a candle? Don’t you want to die?”

The fat guy said in a bad mood, “How much air can a candle burn you? At most, your fat uncle will breathe a few less breaths.” he hit the windproof lighter in his hand. The flame lit up, and suddenly it illuminated something in the corner. The fat guy was usually brave enough, but he was also scared and sat down on the ground. I saw him fall to the ground, and I hurriedly turned on the flashlight and shone it. I couldn’t help but shrink in fright.

In that corner there was a shriveled dead cat crouching in the corner. It was huge, but it was already in a state of mummification. Its two eye sockets stared at the fat man, most of its skin had fallen off, and its jaw was open, revealing a row of fangs, which looked very uncomfortable.

I I was always scared of dead cats. When I was little, my family would hang the wild cats that caught fish from the trees and let them rot. I was too young to understand what it was, but one day when I was playing under the tree, the neck of a cat corpse above me broke off and the cat’s head fell into my hands.

When the fat man saw that it was just a cat corpse in front of him, he couldn’t help but curse and kicked it away with one foot, then lit a candle. He walked towards As I walked towards the coffin, I felt something was wrong. There was a cat corpse in the tomb. Wasn’t it afraid of the corpse rising?

However, there were too many irrational things about this place. I vaguely sensed that it seemed that the owner of the tomb deliberately did things in reverse. He did everything in reverse of the rules. If there was nothing in the tomb, he would put anything in it. If this continued, I didn’t know what else I would encounter in the main tomb.

At this time, At this time, the Mung Oil Bottle had already found the eight treasures of the coffin’s exquisite lock, took out the treasure box, and used the two hooks inside to hook the coffin seam. The mechanism was cracked, and at the same time, the entire coffin lid snapped up, and a stream of black water gushed out in an instant. The fat man didn’t care about being sick, and suddenly pushed the coffin lid open. Looking inside, he screamed in horror, “Damn it, so many rice dumplings!”

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