Volume 2 Chapter 30 The bottom of the pool

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:48:50
A+ A- Turn Off Light

After the muffled oil bottle said this, he ignored my questioning and ran down quickly. I saw a glimmer of truth, so I naturally didn’t let it go and hurriedly chased after him.

The pool The fog at the bottom of the pool was rising constantly. I had only gone ten steps before I entered the thick fog, and my visibility dropped sharply. I could still see the fat man’s back at first, but after a few steps, all I could see in front of me was a flashlight. Plus the fat man was bold, running three steps at a time, and as a result, he suddenly left me far behind.

As a result, I couldn’t even see the fat man’s flashlight. I panicked a little. I was now in a cloud of mist, and I could only see less than half a meter in any direction. This feeling of being able to see but not clearly was even more uncomfortable than being in complete darkness.

The vertical distance between the surface of the pool and the bottom was not long. After walking for a cigarette’s worth of time, the fat guy called out from below, “I’ve reached the bottom here!”

I heard the sound of his feet stepping on the water, and I hurriedly ran down a few steps at a time. Suddenly, my feet felt cold, and I stepped into the water. It turned out that The water at the bottom of the pool had not been completely pumped away, and there was still about knee-deep water. No wonder I couldn’t see clearly when I looked down from above.

I looked around and found that this place was almost the center of the fog, with even lower visibility. I touched the pool wall and walked a few steps, and then I heard the fat guy call out from the left, “Pay attention to the water below.

I tested it with my foot, and sure enough, there were holes the size of a bowl in front and behind. It seemed that you had to be extremely careful when walking here. At this At this time, Fatso came out of the fog with a flashlight in his hand, and asked me to follow him.

I nodded nod, followed him into the water, and after a few steps, suddenly saw a few black silhouettes in front of me. I didn’t know what they were, but the fat guy had obviously seen them before and wasn’t afraid at all. He told me not to dawdle, so I followed him over to take a look. It turned out to be four stone monkeys, about half a meter tall, sitting on a stone pedestal, facing all directions, and I didn’t know what they were praying for. I knew that these were called “stone monkeys of the sea,” which are usually sunk at the bottom of ponds to ward off evil spirits, so it was normal for them to appear here.

I let I calmed down and walked a few more steps. I saw that in the middle of the four stone monkeys stood a large green stone monument more than two meters high.

I walked over and asked him, “What do you think? Does seeing these things remind you of anything?”

He pointed pointed to the foundation stone in front of the stele. I looked at it and saw that there were a few lines of small characters engraved on it. The fat man couldn’t read them and asked me what they meant. I said, “These few lines tell us that the owner of the tomb built a heavenly palace, and the door to the heavenly palace is inside this stele. If you are destined to meet it, the door will open, and if you walk through this door, you will be able to go to heaven.”

The fat man looked at the stele and said, “There’s no such thing as a door.”

I said to him: “This sentence is a bit like Zen, and everyone has a different understanding of it. His original meaning is not that there is really a door in the stele, but that the content of the stele may hide something.”

The fat man said to me: “Damn it, is there any ‘content’ on this stele? I can’t see a word!”

I looked up and saw that the front of the stele was bare, polished to an extraordinary shine, almost like a piece of jade, yet there was not a single word on it. I also I was also puzzled and said, “It says here that it will only open if you have a connection. You don’t have a connection with the heavenly palace, so of course not.”

The fat man spat and sighed, then leaned over and felt around in the water, muttering, “It doesn’t matter if I don’t have a connection with the heavenly palace, as long as I have a connection with the Mingqi.”

I turned I turned to look at the bottle, but he was in a bad mood. I asked him a few questions, but he ignored me and just stared at the stone tablet, as if he was looking for something. I was curious, but it was just a plain stone tablet. I didn’t know what he was staring at so intently. At this time, the fat guy clapped his hands. I turned my head and saw him pull a diving mask out of the water. He said, “It seems that many people have been here.”

I walked over to him and said, “My third uncle didn’t have any diving equipment when he went out. These things might be his. See if there’s an oxygen tank.”

As soon as he finished After saying that, the fat guy had already fished out a flattened oxygen bottle from the water. He tried it out, but it didn’t seem to work, so he threw it back into the water and said, “There’s nothing but junk down here. It’s hard for me to run down here at such a high altitude. It’s really a waste of time. I think we’d better hurry up and get back up. It’s hard to say when the water will fill up again, and by then it will be too late to fly.”

I looked at the water level and thought that the fat guy was right, so I went back to look for the diving bottle. When I looked , he was not there. I called out a few times, but no one answered. Suddenly, my heart sank.

This kid is like a ghost. He often appears suddenly and then disappears. I hope he doesn’t disappear again.

I thought I hurriedly called out to the fat guy to look around. Although the fog was very thick, the place was not very big. After two rounds, we finally found him sitting in the corner of the pool wall, staring blankly ahead. I felt something was wrong when I looked into his eyes. There was no longer the calmness he usually had, but rather a look of despair, almost like a dead man.

I hurriedly asked what was going on. He looked up at me and said in a barely audible voice, “Twenty years ago, I remember…”

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