Volume 2 Chapter 33: The Gate of Life

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:49:00
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Qimen Dunjia originated more than 4,600 years ago, almost as long as the written history of China. The first person in the world to use Qimen Dunjia was the Yellow Emperor, the ancestor of all Chinese. Then it was passed down, and you can see that almost every military strategist or military in the world knows a little bit about it. But in fact, after the Han Dynasty, Qimen Dunjia was no longer complete. After Huang Shi Laoren passed it on to Zhang Liang, this bird man simplified it to the point that later people basically couldn’t understand what he was talking about.

My understanding of My knowledge of Qimen Dunjia comes mainly from my second uncle (not my third uncle). Although I don’t know much about it, when Zhang Qiling mentioned it, I wasn’t as confused as the fat guy. Qimen Dunjia originally had 4,320 rounds, but when it came into the hands of the Yellow Emperor, he only understood 1,080 rounds. By the time it came into the hands of Zhang Liang, it had only 72 rounds, and now it has only 42 rounds in the hands of my second uncle. It is already very rare. Only 18 rounds are circulated in the world, and the other rounds were found by my third uncle in a Han tomb.

Although Although the Qimen Dunjia is mysterious, it is actually a theory of military strategy and numerology. Using it to set up an array is a way to make use of its residual heat. The Qimen Dunjia Array is also called the Eight Array, and is divided into eight doors: the open door, the rest door, the birth door, the death door, the surprise door, the injury door, the closed door, and the view door. The birth door is for birth, and the death door is for death. Entering the other doors will see the eight doors again, and the cycle repeats.

Zhang Qi Ling found these eight secret doors and naturally thought of the theory of the Eight Trigrams. These secret doors are actually very narrow and can only accommodate one person passing sideways. The place is filled with fog, and there is a brick door on the outside that may be turned. As long as you push it, it will open. After entering, the trapdoor will automatically close. If you don’t touch it, you won’t see that there is such a strange place.

Zhang Qi Ling was a little bit upset about his carelessness. He was not a reckless person, but he was too eager for quick success just now. All the strange and ingenious skills in the world are proud of being small and refined, but this one is the opposite, that is, it is big and complete, which made him unprepared.

He walked back to the stone tablet, and told everyone what he had discovered. The crowd was in an uproar. This knowledge is very profound. They have just gone through the Cultural Revolution, so how could they possibly understand this? Wenjin thought for a moment and suddenly said, “Just now, Sanxing’s behavior was so strange, as if he had been possessed by a female ghost. Could it be that this ghost is the owner of this tomb? The secret door he just entered, could it be the door of life?”

Zhang Qi Ling looked at her eyes, which seemed to have thought of something, and asked her, “Did you think of something?”

Wen Jin She asked them to follow her, and then turned around and walked to the stone tablet. She also knelt down like Uncle San, and began to comb her hair. She had a very good figure, and this posture was very attractive. All of a sudden, several men were stunned. She combed her hair a few times, and then turned her head very modestly. With this turn, she suddenly shuddered, and immediately cried out, “I found it!”

Everyone immediately surrounded the stone tablet, looking left and right, but after a long time they couldn’t see anything. Wen Jin said, “No, you have to kneel here like me to see it!” Zhang Qiling seemed to have a bit of an epiphany, and hurriedly knelt down. Wen Jin pressed on his shoulder and said, “You’re too tall. Lower yourself a bit. You can’t look straight, you have to look sideways, and stare at your temple.”

Zhang Qiling Ling thought it was funny and followed her example, combing his hair. Then he took a very feminine glance, and suddenly he saw his own reflection in the stone tablet. There were three shallow fish tails connected at the temples, very blurry. He moved his head again and found that as soon as the angle was slightly off, they immediately disappeared and could no longer be seen.

He He let out a sigh and finally understood what it meant to be destined for each other. He cursed to himself, thinking that only a woman who happened to be kneeling in front of the stone to fix her hair would be able to see the mark, and that it would be impossible to see it if she was too tall or too short. Fortunately, Wenjin had observed carefully, otherwise, as a man, he would never have been able to find this secret. (I also suddenly realized it when I heard it, but then again, could the tomb owner be a pervert?)

He stared stared at the fish carefully and found that the mark was also slowly moving. It seemed that there should be a mechanism inside the stone tablet that was the same as the rotation speed of the pool wall. The position of the mark was always the so-called Tianmen. When he thought of this, he hurriedly asked Wenjin to look at it, and he himself turned on a flashlight and ran to the edge of the pool to locate the hidden doors one by one. When he reached the third hidden door, Wenjin saw that the mark and the flashlight light spot coincided, and he shouted, “This is it!”

All cheered, even Zhang Qiling couldn’t help but clench his fist. He pushed open the secret door and was the first to enter sideways. Inside was a very narrow walkway that led all the way to the back. This time, Zhang Qiling was very careful. He first touched the walls around him to make sure there were no other traps before calling them in.

This passageway was also made of Qinggang stone slabs, only one person wide, and two slightly fatter people could not walk through it. Zhang Qiling walked in front with a flashlight, and at a glance, he found that the darkness in front of him, combined with the color of the Qinggang stone, became a kind of blue and gloomy feeling, as if it were the color of the underworld. He gathered gathered all his spirit and walked very carefully. Whenever there was a strange sound, he would stop and wait for a long time. However, by this time, he had become the spiritual leader of the group, and everyone followed his every word. No one dared to say a word of nonsense.

They had been walking for half a cigarette, and it was already dark in front and behind. Zhang Qiling felt as if they were the only ones left in the universe, and he began to feel uncomfortable. At this time, the walkway began to slope upward. He looked up along this trend and found that a light had appeared in the distance in front of him. It was dim and yellow, like the light of the setting sun. was not very bright, but very warm. Zhang Qiling knew that it was already the end of the road, so he called out and rushed forward in a few steps. He only saw the light point getting closer and closer, and suddenly his feet were leveled. The whole world seemed to be suddenly enveloped in golden light. He hurriedly squinted and looked, involuntarily screaming and almost kneeling down.

In front of them In front of them, a huge square room appeared. This was definitely not just big, it was an extreme kind of domineering. The atmosphere of the entire building could only be described as magnificent, giving one the urge to kneel.

On each side of the room, there were ten whole pillars of golden nanmu wood, which the three of them could not hold around them, like the pillars that support the sky at the ends of the earth and sea. The entire The room was made of yellow bricks, ten zhang wide on the left and right, with carved eaves and painted beams. There were ten five-clawed golden dragons, extremely resplendent. And on the almost ten-meter-high ceiling is inlaid with a map of fifty stars. Each star is a bright night pearl, estimated to be the size of a goose egg, emitting a faint yellow light. In the four corners of the room, there is a large mirror in each corner, and the light reflects off each other. Although it is not very bright, it is enough to illuminate the entire space. What surprised them the most was the huge stone plate in the middle of the room. Zhang Qiling knew at a glance that on the stone plate was a model of a grand palace. Although it was just a model, but it had everything you would expect from a palace: a dragon tower, a treasure hall, fake rocks and flowing water.

Zhang Qiling ran over and excitedly circled it several times. He immediately understood that this was a model of the palace in the sky. He didn’t believe that there would be a palace in this tomb, so he wasn’t disappointed, but the mystery in his heart was even stronger. It seemed that Wang Zanghai really built a palace in the sky. Where is this palace in the sky? Is it really in the sky?

This discovery was so amazing that everyone was excited and shouting. Several boys even started a commotion and carried Huo Ling onto the stone plate. Huo Ling, who had just stood up with a silly smile, suddenly screamed and jumped down, shouting, “There’s a dead person up there!”

Zhang Qi Zhang Qi Ling was shocked and hurriedly jumped up to take a look. In the middle of the entire model, there was a circular jade garden. In the garden, on a stone pedestal, sat a completely shriveled mummy. The clothes on his body had all been torn off, and the exposed torso was black. This was a very rare golden body that had been naturally air-dried very well. As long as it was dipped in gold powder, it could be placed in a temple for worship. This corpse pointed one finger at the sky and one at the ground. Like other golden bodies, its hair and fingernails continued to grow after death, especially the fingernails, which were almost as long as the fingers, which looked a bit strange.

He jumped to the front of the mummy, and without any regard, he first looked at his mouth and found that there was nothing in it. Then he forked his armpit and pressed it all the way down. Wenjin also jumped up and saw clearly. She hurriedly jumped behind him and asked softly, “Zhang Qiling, what exactly are you? How did you know how to dig up tombs!”

Zhang Qiling Ling looked at her and didn’t answer. Wen Jin was furious and grabbed his hand, saying, “You are obviously a grave robber. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be so calm in the tomb. What is your purpose for following us?”

Zhang Qiling made a gesture to stop talking and pointed to the mummy, saying, “These are not important. Look!” he took off the clothes of the mummy and saw a very long scar on the belly of the corpse, from the last rib on the left to the lower abdomen. He pressed the belly of the mummy himself, then grabbed Wen Jin’s hand and pressed it as well. Wen Jin shuddered. Sure enough, there was something clearly hidden in the belly of the corpse.

Zhang Qi Ling looked up. He wasn’t sure whether to take it out or not. If this person hid something in his stomach even before he died, it meant that this thing was very important to him. Or maybe this was a way for the deceased to test them. His principle was never to destroy the corpse for the sake of the things in the tomb. Zhang Qiling struggled for a long time, and then looked at Wen Jin again. Wen Jin was from the Northern School, and naturally emphasized morality. She shook her head and said, “If you take it without benevolence, you will be punished by heaven.”

Zhang Qiling Ling sighed and decided to give up. He took a step back and bowed to the corpse. When he lifted his head, he suddenly realized that something was wrong with the corpse. He looked left and right, and suddenly gasped. It turned out that the mummy had revealed a strange smile.

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