Volume 2 Chapter 34

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:49:04
A+ A- Turn Off Light

This was truly unprecedented. Even the zongzi he had seen before could only jump and dance, never smile. Zhang Qiling felt a tightening in his heart and hurriedly took a step back, bracing himself for its next move. What he did not expect was that the hand of the mummy, which had originally been pointing at the sky, suddenly moved, turning horizontally to point to the east. At the same time, the entire room suddenly darkened, and the night pearl on the ceiling, for some reason, instantly went out.

When they When they came in, they had already turned off the flashlights to save the batteries. At this moment, Li Sidi’s trembling voice came from the side: “There is… a face on the wall!”

Zhang Qi Ling was startled and quickly turned around to see that the yellow brick wall illuminated by the night pearl on the east side had changed in appearance, and a huge pale human face appeared for no reason.

Zhang Qi Ling knew it must be another trick, and he jumped off the stone platform with some annoyance. He walked over to the brick wall on the east side and looked at it. He discovered that it was actually a shadow painting. This kind of painting is formed by the shadows of the grooves on the wall when light comes from a fixed angle. If the angle of the light is not right, the painting will not appear. But because these lines are so strange, in a highly tense situation, it is easy for people to imagine them as a terrible human face.

He looked at it carefully He looked at it carefully and couldn’t help but feel a stirring in his heart. The painting in front of him seemed to be a narrative painting, and judging from the content, it should be showing the scene when the Genting Palace was just completed. He saw that the so-called palace was actually built on a very steep mountain range, and the clouds at the top of the mountain surrounded the entire palace, giving it a feeling of floating on the clouds. Zhang Qiling looked at the scene of that mountain peak, which seemed to be covered in snow, and the altitude should be very high. He didn’t know which mountain it was.

He turned He turned his head and found that there were shadow pictures on all four walls. He hurriedly turned to the brick wall on the south side to continue looking. He saw that on the cliff below the heavenly palace, there were many grottoes connected by plank roads. A group of workers were using a “crane” to pull a huge coffin up the cliff, one grotto after another, while the funeral procession was lined up and climbed up the plank road with difficulty. Zhang Qi He let out a cry of surprise. Could this heavenly palace be a tomb? Who was in the coffin?

He continued walking. The picture on the west side was even more strange. He saw that the plank road on the cliff was burning with a raging fire. This should be the soldiers guarding the tomb burning the only road into the heavenly palace after the burial ceremony to ensure the safety of the tomb. In this way this way, it is basically possible to eliminate all small-scale tomb raiding. No matter whether it is the Southern or Northern School, no one has the ability to climb a hundred-meter cliff at such a high altitude to pour a bucket. It is impossible and unnecessary.

He had never encountered such a tomb in his memory, and he was surprised. He hurried to the last shadow painting and was stunned at first glance because the painting was surprisingly simple: the palace on the top of the mountain suddenly disappeared, and all he saw was a field of white snow. Not only that, but even the cliff was covered in white. Although It wasn’t very vivid, but Zhang Qiling already knew that it should have been an avalanche.

He guessed that the fire might have caused the temperature to rise, loosening the snow above the palace and causing a large-scale avalanche. Not only did it bury the entire palace under a blanket of snow, it also covered the entire mountain, turning the palace into a veritable tomb.

Seeing this, he couldn’t help but let out a sigh. He really didn’t expect the final fate of this palace to be like this. It seems that Wang Zanghai was also very upset about this. His outstanding work was destroyed by an avalanche not long after it was completed. It was enough to make him depressed until he died. It is no wonder that he wanted to record this in such a secretive way. This should be the tomb of a prominent figure. He definitely could not make this work public, but with his love of showing off, he would definitely let future generations know in some way that there was such a magnificent Yunding Palace in his work.

Now The only thing that is not known is who is buried in this tomb. Zhang Qiling took a deep breath. At this time, he suddenly saw Wen Jin and two other people trying to move the large mirror in the southeast corner. He found it very strange and asked her what she was doing. Wen Jin said anxiously, “I just saw Sanxing hiding behind this mirror and disappeared in a flash.”

Zhang Qiling Zhang Qi Ling then remembered the story of his uncle and hurried to help. The 2-meter-high gilt copper mirror with the character “fu” was very heavy. They used all their strength to move it half a meter. When they looked inside, they saw a square hole half a person high in the corner of the wall behind the mirror. Zhang Qi Ling looked inside and saw a dark, black space that led to nowhere.

Wu San When the province planned the underground palace a few days ago, it did not discover that there was such a large room here, but Zhang Qiling had long known that the underground palace was not as simple as he had planned, because ship burial is different from land burial. There is a process of ship burial, and during this process the ship must maintain absolute balance, so the symmetry of the tomb is very high. Although the underground palace planned by Wu Sanxing did not have any errors in principle, it was obviously top-heavy. If it were sunk with such a structure, it is estimated that the entire tomb would fall into the sea.

At that time, he He didn’t bother to show off at the time, so he didn’t tell Wu Sanxing. Now that I think about it, it’s not surprising that there is a passage here for balancing.

He explained to everyone and went in first with a flashlight. Because the flashlight was on the whole time when entering the cave, it was basically a little bit low on power. Wenjin told them to turn on one each, and everyone else turned it off. This The stone path was quite wide, almost enough for four people to walk side by side. Huo Ling saw Zhang Qiling and Wen Jin walking so close together that she couldn’t help but feel a little uncomfortable, so she squeezed her way up. At this time, Zhang Qiling already felt that something was wrong. He vaguely saw something moving in the darkness ahead.

At the same time , the increasingly strong fragrance in the air also caught his attention. It felt as if they were approaching the source of the fragrance. After walking a few more steps, the smell was so strong that he could no longer concentrate. He turned to ask Wen Jin, but suddenly realized that the people behind him had already fallen to the ground. Wen Jin touched his forehead and looked at him in a daze, then suddenly collapsed in his arms.

Zhang Qi Lingxin cried out in alarm, immediately holding her breath, but it was already too late. She felt an irresistible drowsiness coming over her, and began to lean against the wall. Then she gradually lost consciousness. In the haze, she saw her third uncle crouching down and staring at her expressionlessly.

Muddy oil bottle. At this point, he took a deep breath, fell silent, and said, “When I woke up, I was lying in a hospital bed, unable to remember anything or understand anything. It wasn’t until a few months later that I began to remember bits and pieces of things. After a few more years, I began to realize that there was something wrong with my body.”

I couldn’t couldn’t help but want to interrupt and ask him if he had discovered that he would never grow old, but he didn’t give me the chance and continued, “I can’t tell you what the problem is yet, but I met your third uncle three months ago, and I found him very familiar. In order to remember more things, I followed you to the Lu Palace.” He turned to me suddenly and said, “I found that your third uncle had a problem in the Lu Palace!”

I stunned, not knowing what he meant. He continued, “The gold silk book you took out of the bronze coffin was actually fake, and it had long been switched by your third uncle.”

I was shocked and exclaimed, “Nonsense! Didn’t you switch it yourself?”

The The bottle looked at me with a faint smile and said, “No, it was your third uncle himself. He and Dakuai both dug a hole from behind the tree and directly dug to the bottom of the coffin. This is probably why Dakuai had to die.”

I listened I felt cold all over, more nervous than ever. Although I still wanted to stand on Uncle San’s side, a flash of lightning had already crossed my mind, and countless images jumped out. I remembered how Da Kui was poisoned, why Pan Zi was still sober before climbing the tree, and when we saw him on the ground, he was already in a deep coma. I remembered that when me and the fat guy hadn’t climbed out of the gap yet, he had already run over with a gas can.

I couldn’t I couldn’t think anymore, I just felt that everything in the world was upside down, I didn’t know who was telling the truth and who was a liar, who should I believe in the end. I felt my mind was in a mess, I couldn’t control myself and kept saying to myself, “No, no, things are not that simple, there is no motive, why did Uncle San do this?”

Muyoubing said lightly, “If this person is really your uncle, then there is indeed no motive. But…” he sighed here.

I didn’t understand what he meant, but I seemed to have already believed him. I couldn’t help but smile wryly. I had been wondering how much my uncle was lying to me, but now I had to think about how much he wasn’t lying to me.

I really didn’t expect things to change like this, but on second thought, it didn’t matter. Whoever was lying or telling the truth, it wouldn’t matter until we escaped. Otherwise, if we died here, what would it matter if we knew the truth?

Thinking Here, I quickly calmed down and relaxed a bit. At this time, I noticed that the fat man had already walked up to the stone tablet, awkwardly squatting down, curling his fingers and swaying back and forth as he combed his hair. I frowned and yelled, “Fat ass, what the fuck are you doing? Can’t you just give me a break?”

He turned He turned his head and said in a woman’s voice, “My dear mother is combing her hair. Combing your hair won’t kill you. What are you talking about?” I was at my wit’s end. I asked him, “Comb your hair? Do you want to go to the Tianmen to take a look?”

The fat man said: “Of course, such a spectacular scene, how could I miss it? Besides, it’s not easy for us to come down once, and the woman has run away again. It seems that we can’t expect our commission. No matter what, we have to dig up a few night pearls. As the saying goes, if you have money, you won’t be empty-handed.”

I scolded: “Did you just hear a night pearl after listening for so long?”

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