Volume 2 Chapter 38 The Banshee

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:49:17
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Before my eyes, less than the size of a palm, was a huge, pale human face. The skin on it had been soaked in the sea for God knows how many years, and it was all swollen and transparent. The most creepy thing was that its two evil eyes had no whites, and the black pupils almost filled the entire eye socket.

At first glance, it looked like a hideous corpse with its eyes gouged out. scared me almost crazy. I yelled hysterically, pushed it away, and crawled forward desperately, with only one word in my mind: escape. But the aisle was difficult to pass for two people. I and the bottle got stuck together and couldn’t move. I couldn’t squeeze through, so I grabbed him and yelled, “Ghost! There’s a water ghost!” He covered my mouth with his hand and asked me softly, “Don’t yell! Where is the water ghost?”

I turned and pointed frantically behind me: “It’s right behind me, it’s…”

I froze in the middle of my sentence, and my heart skipped a beat. I saw nothing behind me, no face, no hair, not even a single water stain. My finger almost touched the fat guy’s face, and he was completely confused. He said, “Go to hell, you’re the water ghost.”

I I was stunned, and I hurriedly looked around, looking east and west. It was really gone, but it wasn’t right. The feeling was so real just now, it couldn’t have been an illusion. Could it be that I really had a psychological problem caused by this ancient tomb? My heart was still pounding, and there was another fog in my head. I didn’t know what reaction to have.

The fat guy looked at me and said, “What’s going on? Don’t worry, take your time.”

I stuttered, “Just now I saw a lot of hair, naked women, and water ghosts! kiss me!”

My thoughts were very confused, and I didn’t know what I was talking about for a long time. The fat man finally got impatient and said, ‘Xiao Wu, you’re not dreaming, are you? If there really is a water ghost, it would have to crawl over me first, right?’ He patted my shoulder and said, ‘But you’re in your twenties, it’s normal to dream of a naked woman. When I was young, I also dreamed of a lot of them, so it’s okay.’ I scolded I said, “Don’t make fun of me, I definitely wasn’t dreaming! Look, my neck is still wet, it’s from rubbing against it!” I showed them my neck, and they both frowned. The fat guy looked up at the brick ceiling of the cave and thought that water was leaking from it. I told him that was impossible, because the brick joints were filled with white plaster, which was very watertight.

The fat guy said in a strange voice, “This is strange. There is only one path here. If something were to climb onto you, I would have noticed it.”

I said, “Could it be that you were asleep? You wouldn’t have noticed someone crawling over you.”

The fat man said in a bad mood, “Go to hell, fat man. Even if I were asleep, wouldn’t someone notice me if they crawled over me? Besides, can you sleep in this place? If you don’t believe me, look to see if there are any footprints on my back!” He turned around and let us see his back.

I had already recovered by then, and I didn’t expect that thing to be crawling on his back. I had already recovered from the shock, and I didn’t expect that thing to be lying on his back. The moment the fat guy turned around, the thing turned its head and its mouth touched my nose. I was so scared that my throat went into spasm and I squeaked and desperately backed away. But after crawling two steps, I suddenly felt a tightness in my feet. I looked down and found that my calves were covered with hair. I tried to pull my foot out, but I couldn’t get free at all. At the same time, a large amount of hair began to wrap around me and into my mouth. I was most afraid of having hair in my mouth, so I hurriedly blocked it with my hands. In a panic, Mian Youping grabbed my collar and pulled me toward him.

He pulled a few steps, his own hands were also mixed in the hair, no longer pull, I looked back, the fat man had been wrapped into a pupa, twisting inside, but the thing was gone, the entire tomb is full of hair, like entering the black cave.

Muyoubing forcefully pulled his hand out and asked me, “Do you have a source of fire? This thing is afraid of fire!”

I I touched my fanny pack and found a windproof lighter. I was overjoyed. I had asked the captain to light the kerosene stove when we were eating fish head hotpot on the boat. I thought I would burn the hair on my body. Although the hair was very wet, it could be burned off in a large handful when the fire was lit. I quickly broke free. I rushed to the fat man, just about to pull him, suddenly a huge face poked out from the pile of hair on the side, almost immediately lying on my back.

I looked at it, there was no time to hide, the first time I lowered my head, I actually punched it, that is completely a human to the extreme fear of the time of the conditioned reflex, I do not know how much effort this punch, just listen to a crack, the nose was hit into a concave, hit a ball of black water. Fortunately I was lucky that the windproof lighter in my hand didn’t go out. I clenched my teeth and tried to hit it again, but I found that the thing shuddered and actually retreated a little.

I I suddenly had a bright idea. There was a door. Damn it, it really is true that the gods and ghosts fear the wicked. I thought my mind was also confused, and I was so excited that I kicked it in the face, knocking its face crooked and kicking it back into its hair. I was afraid that another kick would be caught by him, so I quickly retreated a few steps, holding the lighter up and confronting it.

The face was hidden in the hair, revealing a very resentful expression, but it was afraid of fire and did not dare to rush forward. At this time, the oil bottle did not know where to take out a few wet matches, rubbed them against my lighter a few times and they caught fire. The fire was much bigger, and the monster screamed and began to run backwards. I saw it shrink far away in a few seconds, giving the fat man room to move, and I took the opportunity to burn the hair that was wrapped around the fat man’s head.

The oil bottle The bottle kept pushing the monster into the darkness until it disappeared, and then he lowered his hand. At this time, the firecracker was about to burn his hand. I looked down at the fat man and saw that his nose and mouth were full of broken hair, and his face was blue. I hurriedly pounded his chest, and he suddenly coughed up a breath, spitting out a large black mass from his nostrils.

I let out a sigh of relief. I let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the fat guy had a large lung capacity, and he cleared his airways on his own. Otherwise, even if I had died, I wouldn’t have sacrificed myself to give him artificial respiration.

After panting for a while, the fat guy coughed up the remaining contents of his airways, and then asked us half-dead, “My grandmother, what the hell is that thing?”

I I pressed the lighter in my hand, which I had been holding on to, and felt that it was already very hot, burning the skin on my hand. The oil bottle was no better than me. He shook his hand and said to the fat man, “This should be a forbidden woman.”

I heard the old sea of ​​the Hero Mountain talk about this thing, and I didn’t believe it. I said, “Is there really a forbidden woman?”

The oil bottle nodded and said, “I don’t know how this thing came about, but there are many legends about this generation. It should not be wrong.”

I was curious, so I asked him for more details, but he just shook his head and said, ‘The forbidden woman was born in the water. I know that she is definitely afraid of fire, but I really don’t know anything else. Just like the zongzi, we only know that zongzi is afraid of black donkey hooves, but we don’t know why it is afraid of anyone. I just didn’t expect this thing to have a mind. We must be careful. It must still be hiding behind us.’

The fat man was still scared and leaned over to us, asking, “It’s strange. This tomb has such good feng shui, but why is there so much weird stuff inside?”

I’m not sure if this I’m not sure if the tomb has good feng shui, but I did look up some information on the jinpo. In the mountainous areas, the jinpo actually represents shamans and mediums, but in the old legends of the seaside, they are the most evil ghosts in the world. I don’t know why there is such a difference. I don’t know why there is such a difference, but the fate of the forbidden woman is generally worse than that of a person. If she is caught, she is usually cut off her hands and feet and then buried alive. When it comes to the origin of the forbidden woman, it is generally related to pregnant women. The ear chamber where the coffin is kept may be related to this thing. There is also The mural of the big belly that Uncle San said, the forbidden woman should not be here by chance, maybe it was deliberately placed by the tomb owner.

I thought, the stuffy oil bottle was worried that the thing would come after us again, and beckoned us to move on. I listened to the top of the cave, and there was no sound. I didn’t know who had just walked past. We made so much noise down there, maybe he had already heard us. We shouldn’t stay here for long, so let’s hurry up and open the way.

I looked I looked at the fat guy, and he said he was fine. I didn’t think he wanted to stay here, so I let him turn on his flashlight and hang it on his belt so we could keep an eye on him. I took the lighter in my hand and continued on.

We After crawling forward for a while, the tunnel suddenly began to zigzag upwards. I looked at the side and saw that he had beaten his way all the way here. Further ahead was the tomb wall, and I guessed that the outside was the sea. He could only change direction and find a way out upwards. Perhaps this idea of solving a chain of problems was the same as ours, wanting to get out from the top of the tomb.

We From the time we entered the cave to the present, it has been about half an hour. It seems that the underwater tomb is not very large. As we have come along, I have a general feeling that the length and width of the tomb chamber are not very long. The main problem is still its height. Now I can estimate that the height is nearly 30 meters. If we follow the current standard of three meters per floor, then this tomb should be 10 floors deep into the sea. Although it is majestic, it is not a miracle.

We We have no way to go back now, so we have to keep climbing. After climbing for a while, suddenly the oil bottle stopped moving. I pushed him a little, and he turned around and said softly, “There’s no way.”

I was I was stunned. It couldn’t be. I hurriedly squeezed up to take a look and saw that it really had reached the end, blocked by several large green granite slabs. I pushed them with my hand. These slabs were very heavy, but they weren’t impossible to push. The two of us tried to lift them up with all our might, and we lifted up a small slit. Immediately, we discovered that there was light leaking down from the tomb room above. We were wondering, and when we let go of the slabs, the slabs above our heads suddenly disappeared.

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