Volume 2 Chapter 39: A melee

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:49:20
A+ A- Turn Off Light

I was a little stunned, and immediately realized that the stone slab above my head must have been lifted by someone. At that moment, I thought it was Uncle San or Ning, because there was no one else in the tomb except them, but when I looked up, I saw a burly sea monkey covered with scales, hunched over, looking down at me from a high vantage point. I used I caught a glimpse of the bloody mess on its shoulder, and saw that it was still holding a spear. I sighed, “What a narrow escape! This thing is really stuck to me.”

I didn’t expect such a dramatic thing to happen, and I was suddenly at a loss. At this moment, someone suddenly pulled my pants. I looked down and saw that it was Mian Youping. He was signaling me to get down quickly. I saw that the sea monkey was huge, and immediately understood his intention. I hurriedly climbed down. The The pirate cave was a slope, and I was already crammed in with the fat guy, so it was very inconvenient to move. I was flustered and slowed down even more, and only after a few steps did the sea monkey “grunt” and suddenly poke his head down. I saw the hideous monkey face coming straight at me, and I was so scared that I slipped and hit my butt against the pirate cave wall.

Although Although my butt was in pain, I took the opportunity to slide down, thinking to myself, “Thank goodness, I can quickly return to the hole. The sea monkey is so big that it can’t fit in, so at least I can slow down my heartbeat. I was thinking very beautifully at the time, but the heavens were not willing to let me. I had only slid down half a meter when I suddenly saw the fat man blocking the bottom, drilling up energetically, shouting, ‘Go up, go up, that nosy woman is climbing up again!’ I I was shocked and hurriedly looked behind him. I saw a large mass of hair had already climbed up to the last “Z” turn. I cursed in my heart, saying that good fortune never comes alone, and that misfortune never comes alone. I hurriedly I threw the lighter to the fat guy, asking him to block it for a while, and I looked up to see what was going on. Just as I moved my neck, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. I turned around and saw that although the sea monkey’s shoulder was too wide, its neck was still very flexible. I wasn’t paying attention and it had already bitten my right shoulder.

Now was in trouble. It had bitten me just right, and its fangs had pierced my flesh, causing me to almost faint from the pain, but it hadn’t hurt my bones. I was just about to struggle when it pulled me out of the cave with a strong tug.

The sea monkey carried me in mid-air, as if it didn’t want to kill me right away. But I knew that if it threw me, it could tear me in two from the shoulder. I suddenly saw the spear I had driven into its shoulder. In desperation, I kicked it, and it was so well-placed that the spear was driven in four or five more inches. It let out a cry and threw me out of the way.

I rolled used all my strength and rolled around on the ground seven or eight times, which finally cushioned the impact when I landed, but when I tried to get up again, my entire right arm had completely lost its strength. The sea monkey was so angry at the pain that it roared a few times and pounced on me again. This time it went straight for my neck, as if it wanted to bite my throat off.

It came at me so fast that I had no way to avoid it, so I had to block it with my hand. This was was undoubtedly like a mantis trying to stop a car, but if I didn’t, I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to save my head. At this time, the fat guy suddenly pounced from behind, grabbed the sea monkey’s foot, and tripped it. The two of them fell to the ground at the same time and rolled into a ball. The fat guy was very agile and wanted to climb on its back like Wu Song, but the sea monkey was extremely strong, and the fat guy couldn’t hold it down at all. It kicked him and he flew out.

I I saw that the fat man couldn’t control it either, and I knew it was bad. Sure enough, the sea monkey gnashed its teeth at the fat man, turned around and pounced on me. I saw that you motherfucker was aiming at me! I quickly reached for the air gun hanging at my waist, but I remembered that I had thrown it away when I was climbing the rock wall in order to escape.

Now It was too late to regret it. The sea monkey was in front of me in an instant. I thought it would definitely bite my neck and tear my head off. I simply closed my eyes and waited to die there. I didn’t expect it to seem to still be angry, and it stomped hard on my stomach. This kick almost broke my spine. I spat out a mouthful of blood and was in so much pain that I almost lost consciousness. It still not give up, and raised his foot to step on my chest, but as soon as he lifted his foot, suddenly there was a loud bang, and I didn’t know what was going on. I saw that it was knocked out with a bang and fell several times.

I turned I turned my head and saw the fat man walking over like a god, holding a large bronze mirror in his hand, which was still shaking. I was shocked. It seems that the weapon that caused the loud noise just now was this one. The fat man’s hand was really black. If that was a person, he would definitely have been killed. I secretly reminded myself that I must not offend him in the future.

The fat man The fat man was still angry at this point, and before the sea monkey could get up, he rushed up and hit it again with his backhand, making the same loud “bang” sound. Unfortunately, the sea monkey was very strong, and these few hits did not cause it serious damage, but it also knew the fat man’s power, and never dared to rush over again. It climbed onto a pillar and yelled at the fat man from above. At this time At this time, I had already discovered that this was the room where the model of the Heavenly Palace was placed, as described by the stuffy oil bottle. The most direct evidence was that there were four huge shadow paintings on the four walls of the room. I couldn’t see if the content of these paintings matched his description, but I was sure that the scene here had not changed at all after they left 20 years ago. However What surprised me was that the room was not as big as he said. The only thing that made me feel the grandeur he described was the golden nanmu pillars on the sides, which were indeed surrounded by three people, and were authentic.

The fat man won with one blow and became arrogant, cursing, “Fuck you, I’ve killed countless zongzi. You’re just a broken monkey acting like a big shot in front of me, and you don’t even take your fat grandfather seriously.” He said and wanted to throw the mirror up, but the bronze mirror was really heavy. The fat man had just exerted all his strength, but this time he couldn’t lift it up, and he swayed around in place for several circles.

This sea The sea monkey was very cunning. When he saw that he couldn’t make it, he suddenly jumped off the pillar and slammed the fat man to the ground. The fat man couldn’t react in time and was pressed down. He couldn’t push it off for a while, and as a result, he got a solid slap from the sea monkey. This slap directly ripped off a piece of skin from the fat man. When had the fat man ever suffered such a loss? His eyes turned red all of a sudden, and he roared and bit his face in one bite. The sea monkey screamed in pain and jumped up and ran away several steps.

I saw I saw a large piece of scales torn off the sea monkey’s face, bleeding profusely, making it look even more hideous. But it was also confused by the fat man and became cautious, standing far away and observing us, as if trying to find a flaw in the fat man. The fat man was also holding on at this time, and I could see that he was out of breath and his physical strength was being depleted.

The two sides confronted each other for a few minutes. After all, the sea monkey is an animal, not a human, and it began to lose concentration. It yawned, turned its head, and began to look around. Immediately, it saw that Mian Youping was gritting his teeth and putting the stone slab back on the entrance to the cave. The stone slab was very heavy, and it was difficult for one person to lift it. He could only drag it inch by inch. The sea monkey saw that Mian Youping was alone and his murderous intent arose again. He roared and rushed over.

I was I was shocked. I didn’t expect this thing to be quite human, knowing that it was afraid of being soft and tough. I hurriedly yelled, “Be careful!”

Muyoubing had already sensed the sudden gust of wind behind him. There was no way he could do anything but drop the stone slab. The sea monkey missed its claw and immediately pounced again. I knew I knew that Mung Oil Bottle must be able to deal with this thing, and I wasn’t very worried. I saw him run a few steps forward, leading the sea monkey to a camphor tree pillar. Suddenly, he jumped, stepping on the pillar with his first foot, then kicking, turning like a dance in midair, and pressing his knees hard on the sea monkey’s shoulders. I didn’t I didn’t know what kind of kung fu it was, but I was impressed. However, the sea monkey was very strong, and this didn’t have much of an effect on it. But Mung Oil Bottle didn’t stop there. Not only did he not jump down immediately, but he clamped his knees around its head, and then twisted his waist with all his might.

This series of actions were completed in almost a second, it was a kill in a split second. Me and Fatso were so shocked that our jaws dropped, and we both felt a pain in our necks, as if we had a cramp. I thought of the head of the blood corpse and thought to myself that it must have been twisted off like this, and I couldn’t help but gasp in horror. This move was too ruthless, and I felt that it wasn’t worth it for the sea monkey.

Muyou After the bottle jumped down, I hurried back to move the stone slab. I saw a ball of hair had already come up from the hole in the cave, so I hurriedly called Fatso to help. Fatso used the same method as before, first using a lighter to force the ball of hair down, and then he and Mung Oil Bottle put the greenstone slab back in place. The forbidden The old woman was very unhappy and hit the ground several times, trying to knock the stone slab open. The fat man was afraid that it would crack the stone slab, so he simply sat on it, firmly pressing down on the hole.

The sound of the impact continued for ten minutes. The fat man was exhausted by the shock, and the things below only quieted down. He cursed and was so tired that he suddenly lay down on the floor and didn’t move.

I saw I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the danger had passed. At this time, my right hand had already regained some feeling, and I could do some light activities. I saw that Mian Youping had walked to the southeast corner, so I hurriedly followed him. The mirror there had already been removed, and there was indeed a dark hole in the wall, only half a person tall. It looked very deep inside, and I didn’t know where it led to.

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