Volume 2 chapter 45: Escape

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:49:39
A+ A- Turn Off Light

I yelled, “This is bad! This oil bottle is moving too fast! We’re still outside, and if it explodes, we’ll definitely be in trouble.

But when I thought it was too late, but then I saw a flash of white light in front of me. The fat guy had already thrown me to the ground. Then there was a loud noise, and the entire tomb room shook violently. A wave of hot air lifted us up, and I spun around in the air for six or seven times. I was blown three zhang away and hit my head on the wall.

I really got hit this time. Luckily, the fat guy threw me down, or my neck would have definitely been broken. I lost consciousness the moment I hit I lost consciousness the moment I hit the wall, I couldn’t see anything, I could only hear a buzzing in my ears, I thought I was dead, but after a while, there was suddenly light in front of my eyes, I tried to open my eyes, and immediately saw the world spinning, my eyes were filled with yellow and gray, I was so dizzy that I wanted to vomit.

I I struggled to get up, and I could already hear a lot of noise, but I couldn’t tell what it was. I just felt that it was very noisy, my head was splitting, and I coughed out of the smoke in the midst of the chaos, asking, “Is everything okay?”

I said I said, “I’m okay,” and waved my hand at him. We both covered our mouths and went to find Fatty. I ran two steps and suddenly saw Fatty sitting there, with a piece of skin missing from his shoulder from a broken brick. When he saw Mung Youbing, he yelled, “Fuck, your fucking moves are too fast. At least wait for us to take a few steps back, and I’ll move two centimeters to the side. One hand is about to be scrapped.”

Mung You Bottle spread his hands and let us see the mirror legs in his hands: “You’re wrong, it wasn’t me just now!”

“Ah! It wasn’t you!” We were both shocked.

The strength and accuracy of the shot just now were absolutely extraordinary. Who else could it have been? Fat Man was right next to me, and from the way he looked, his accuracy was definitely not that good, and I was even less likely to be able to do it. If it was someone else, there was only one person—I had a flash of inspiration and hurriedly turned back to find Ning.

Fat Man and I thought the same thing. We both ran to the corner and looked around, but there was no trace of her. The fat guy cursed, “It’s that bitch! She’s really faking it!”

Muyoubing showed a look of disbelief. It seemed that he was very confident in his judgment and didn’t expect to make a mistake. I had to re-evaluate this woman. I said, “This woman is really a master. I think she’s an old pro in the underworld. I’ve never seen anyone who can pretend to be stupid so well.”

The fat guy said, “I think she’s not just an old oiler, she’s the fucking Oscar winner. Next time I catch her, I won’t believe anything she pretends to be.” After saying that, he picked up his tools and was about to go look for her. Mian Youping hurriedly stopped him and said, “There’s no time, forget it.”

I also persuaded him, “Don’t make things worse. The most important thing for us now is to see if the treasure has been blown up! If you can’t swallow this, wait until you get out to talk about it.” Before the sound had not yet finished, suddenly a very long and desolate sound came from the top, as if something was slowly breaking. The sound was not loud, but it made my heart jump to my throat. I thought to myself, “No way, you’re going to collapse just like that, you’re giving me too much face.”

The fat guy was still very unwilling, and when he heard the sound, his face turned white. He asked me, “What the hell is that sound? Little Wu , it seems that the situation is much more serious than the hole you said would be blown out.”

I looked up I looked up at the hole in the bombed-out body and was shocked. The bomb in the mummy’s stomach was more powerful than I had imagined. The iron bars above had all been blown off, creating a hole less than half a meter in diameter. The waterproof layer above the brick ceiling had been blown apart, and seawater was pouring in, creating a small waterfall. The strange sound I had just heard was the sound of the waterfall getting louder and louder. I estimated that the hole would be completely washed away in a short time.

The golden phoebe wood pillar on the side the golden nanmu pillar on the side has been blown off, a huge crack has been split from top to bottom, and there are signs of collapse. This pillar, which is worth a lot of money, is completely scrapped.

It seems that because of the broken pillar, a beam above it has been affected and may really collapse. From the sound, the beam must have already developed cracks. Even if it doesn’t collapse now, it will definitely be doomed to collapse after a while.

I reassured the fat man, saying, “It’s okay, don’t worry. reassured the fat man, saying, “Don’t worry, this tomb is much stronger than the average tomb. As long as there is no earthquake now, it will definitely not collapse.”

Before I finished speaking, the ground beneath my feet suddenly began to shake. I had long expected that the airtight structure of this ancient tomb at the bottom of the sea would be destroyed, and the seawater below would surely be surging up. I just didn’t expect the movement to be so great, and I couldn’t help but feel a little dizzy from the tension.

The shaking was getting more and more intense, very terrifying, and this terror was real, more real, if it continued to develop at this rate, I was afraid that the roof of the treasure would not collapse, but the floor we were standing on would collapse. The fat man was so scared that he cried out, “My goodness, how can the ground be shaking again? It can’t be an earthquake, can it? I said, ‘Xiao Wu, what part of the tomb did you just blow up?’

I explained explained to him, and then said to him, “It’s okay, it’s normal. We’re ready. Maybe later, all the cracks here will have water rushing out. Be careful of being sprayed by the water. The pressure is incredible, like a fist, and it can knock you down.” As soon as the words fell, there was a strange sound, and the green rock slab covering the entrance to the cave was blown up by a strong current, and the seawater rushed up like a fountain, seven or eight meters high. I still hadn’t reacted yet, and then I saw something spurt out of the hole and crash into the ceiling, then fall onto the stone plate in the middle. It was too fast for me to see what it was, but there was nothing else in the hole, so I guessed it was the demon.

This thing being washed out was a minor problem, and it might even be a big problem. There was no way to start a fire in the water, and if it got tangled up with him, it would be even more unimaginable.

Unfortunately I don’t have time to think about it now. The entire ground around the entrance of the cave was arching up, like a volcanic eruption, surging and surging, and the water level was rising very quickly. Almost instantly, we had already floated to a height of five or six meters above the ground.

I looked looked for Aning everywhere. By this time, the smoke from the explosion had almost disappeared, but I still couldn’t see her. I guessed she might be behind one of the pillars. The fat guy wasn’t a very good swimmer, and he was having a hard time swimming. He didn’t have the energy to look for her, but there was only one exit here, and we would bump into each other anyway. The fat guy gave me a sideways glance, probably wanting to wait and see what would happen to her. I still couldn’t bring myself to do anything to a woman, so I ignored him.

We We floated for a few more minutes, our heads already touching the ceiling, when suddenly the fat guy swam to the side. I didn’t know what he was doing, so I yelled, “You’re going to lose everything in less than a minute! What are you doing? Don’t you want to live?”

He swam straight to a night pearl, knocked one off with his hand, and stuffed it into his underwear. Then he swam back and said, “I’ll take something back to compensate for my mental loss and for good luck.”

I almost wanted to strangle him, but at this time I had no words to scold him, and I didn’t have time to scold him either. I almost wanted to strangle him, but at this time I had nothing to scold him with, and I didn’t have time to scold him. All of a sudden the water had reached below my eyes. I held my nose up and greedily breathed in the last few breaths of air. A few seconds later, my ears felt cold, and I was already immersed in the water.

I gave I gave a gesture to the fat guy, who was the worst swimmer. I asked him to go first, but he shook his head and said he was too fat. I nodded and swam into the broken hole first. The hole was wide at the bottom and narrow at the top. When I looked up, I saw about 17 or 18 palm-thick layers of sand. The loose sand at the top kept falling down, creating a white mist. I couldn’t open my eyes, so I had to kick hard to float up.

The timing The timing was perfect. The water was very shallow at that time, but I had already reached the limit of my breath. I swam up almost in a flurry, and almost fainted as soon as I got out of the water. I immediately took a deep breath and gasped wildly.

After a few seconds, Fat Boy and Muddy Oil Bottle almost simultaneously poked their heads out of the water. Fat Boy coughed and laughed as soon as he got out of the water: “Fuck! I never thought I would really make it. I, Fat Boy, finally made it out! Ha ha!”

I calmed I calmed down, looked around, and saw that it was already sunset. The fiery clouds on the horizon were reflected in the water, making them look particularly enchanting. The sun was deep red, emitting a yellowish glow that enveloped everything in a soft light, creating a very beautiful and peaceful scene.

I had seen several sunsets on my way here, but I had never felt that this one was as beautiful as this one, and I couldn’t help but feel a lot of emotion. However I immediately felt a slight cramp in my leg, so I hurriedly turned to look for our boat. I found it on a nearby reef, and I felt relieved. With the boat nearby, I could soon escape from this miserable place and get a good night’s sleep.

After the fat guy came to his senses, he remembered something and suddenly dived underwater again. I followed him and saw that Ning was stuck in the hole, struggling desperately but unable to get out.

This is really It was strange. This woman was much slimmer than Fatty, and Fatty had come out so easily, so there was no reason why this woman would be stuck.

Ah Ning was already at her limit, and suddenly I saw her throat tighten, and a large string of bubbles came out of her mouth. She began to roll her eyes, and Fatty and I dived down, each holding one of her hands, and pulled her out.

At this I realized that there was still a force pulling her down, but since there were two of us, we had the upper hand. In just one round, we pulled Ah-Ning out of the hole. I saw a large mass of hair wrapped around her body and immediately knew what had happened.

The hole was now full of black hair. It looked like the witch might climb out in a moment. It was best not to stay in the water. We floated to the surface. The fat guy checked her breathing and found that she was limp, as if she had lost her strength, but she was still breathing. The three of us swam back to the boat and pulled the woman up. She kept spitting water and her eyes rolled back, as if the situation was not good.

I didn’t know much about drowning, so I yelled, “Boatman! Someone choking on water! Come out and save her!”

I shouted twice, but there was no response at all. I was surprised. I asked the fat guy to watch, and I went into the cabin to look around. I couldn’t help wondering why there was no one there. I suddenly felt a strange feeling in my heart. It’s impossible. This is the open sea. How could the whole boat be gone? If you go swimming, you should at least leave a few people to watch the boat.

I I yelled a few more times, but there was still no response. The fat guy did, however. He ran in and asked what I was doing. I pointed at him and said, “There’s something going on. There’s no one on the boat!”

The fat guy was stunned. He looked around and scratched his head, saying, “There really is no one here, but the fish in the fish tank are still alive, which means they were fishing half an hour ago. Where did everyone go in such a short time?”

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