Volume 2 Chapter 46 Summary

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:49:43
A+ A- Turn Off Light

I checked the instruments on the rudder and they all looked normal. I said, “This ship seems to be normal, it doesn’t look like there was an accident… you think it’s possible that the coast guard caught them and sent everyone back?” The fat guy shook his head and said no: “If the people left, the ship would definitely have to be towed away. What’s the point of leaving it here? It definitely wasn’t the coast guard. This is in chaos, and there are many messy ships. Let’s go to the warehouse and see if everything is gone. If so, it must have been pirates.”

I knew about the pirates. The captain told me a lot about them when I came. I always felt that this was not very real. When the fat man talked about it, I was a little surprised and asked him, ‘This place is said to be near the coast, but it is not far from the open sea. Can pirates be so rampant?’

The fat man laughed at me for being naive: “How fresh! Do you really think the People’s Liberation Army is omnipotent? Even tigers doze off sometimes. I’ll tell you, this sea is also owned by the Vietnamese, the Japanese, and the Malaysians. On the surface, it looks peaceful, but in fact, there are many hidden currents. Do you know how much drugs, smuggling, illegal immigration, and pirate ships there are? And they all have guns in their hands. It’s not uncommon for an unmanned ship to appear here.”

We We walked into the warehouse. As soon as we entered, we smelled the smell of tea. The fat man walked in front of me and looked around inside and out. The supplies were all there, arranged the same as before we went down. Even on the bed where we had laid, there was a cup of tea. I touched it and said, “This is really strange. It’s still warm.”

The fat man smiled helplessly and said, “This strange thing happens every day, and there are a lot of them today. Could it be that the whole ship was taken away by ghosts?”

I said “You see, they’ve only had a few sips of tea, but the lids are still on the cups. This shows that they left in a hurry, but not in a panic. Under what circumstances would you leave in a hurry, but not in a panic?”

The fat guy shrugged his shoulders and said he didn’t know. I thought about it for a while, but I couldn’t imagine what had happened here. Thinking that we had to go back to the driver’s cab, the fat man shouted for help on the radio, but no one answered him. At this time, I saw the radio on the side and turned it on. I was just hearing the typhoon warning from the Taiwan Fisheries Radio.

When we We could already feel the wind picking up when we came up, but it was dusk and we couldn’t see too far. I didn’t understand any of the technical terms they were using on the radio, but the last sentence, “Please take refuge in port,” was repeated several times.

The fat guy and I both had a bit of a black face. At this point, we didn’t have to worry about anything. The captain would have found a way to get us to safety. Now we were all going to die, and the heavens were really playing a joke on us.

The fat guy He looked at his watch and said, “It seems that staying here is not an option. This tiny boat will fly into the sky in a moment. I’ll drive the boat out first. If we encounter a typhoon in the deep sea, we’ll still be able to ride out the rough seas. There are only reefs here. If we hit a wave, we’ll definitely hit a reef. You go and raise the anchor.”

He lit a cigarette and snapped on a few instruments. His movements looked like they were done properly. I was surprised. “Do you know how to drive a boat? This is no joke. It took us four people a long time to get out here. If we crash into the rocks, we’ll all be fish food.

The fat guy smiled at me and said that he had a natural talent for this. He could fly a plane or a boat with just a few adjustments.

I didn’t know I didn’t know if he was serious or not, and I was still very worried. The fat guy skillfully started the engine and told me that when he went to the countryside, he was the production leader of a fishing team. He still knew how to do the basics, and after watching the driver operate the boat when we arrived, he had a general idea of these high-tech things. I believed that if we didn’t encounter any big waves, there would be absolutely no problem driving back.

In fact The so-called production team leader was actually fishing in a mountain stream on a bamboo raft. But at the time, I saw him say it with such conviction that it didn’t seem like he was trying to fool me. I actually believed him and ran to the anchor.

After the boat After the boat started moving, Fatty told me not to bother him, saying that we were still in the reef area and he had to concentrate. I saw that he was sweating and his expression was serious, so I knew he was being serious and went back to the deck.

Muyoubing was rubbing Ning’s hands to promote blood circulation. She looked a little better than when she first came on board, but her face was still ugly and her breathing was short and unstable. I asked Muyoubing how she was doing, and he nodded, estimating that there shouldn’t be a problem.

I took out some dried food and gave it to everyone. After all the things that had happened, although we were still in danger, we had finally returned to a place that was familiar to us. I relaxed and began to feel sleepy, so I changed into my casual clothes, wrapped myself in a blanket and leaned against the outside of the cabin to take a nap.

I only wanted to sleep for a few hours and then go see if Fat Boy wanted to take over the shift, but I was not up to it. When I woke up, it was already the next day, I didn’t know if it was morning or afternoon.

I looked I looked at the sea. The waves were high, and I could see a few seabirds flying low. The sky was overcast, with clouds pressing together, as if it were going to rain. There were no tall buildings blocking the view of the sea, and the dark clouds filled your entire field of vision.

I glanced I glanced at the wheelhouse. The fat guy was curled up asleep on the side, snoring like thunder. The stuffy guy was at the helm. I had just woken up. Although I felt that the scene was not quite right, I didn’t care too much about it. I turned around and went back to sleep until noon before I was awakened by the fat guy.

“Innocent comrade, it’s time to eat. Get your own chopsticks.”

I opened opened my eyes and saw that the fat guy was cooking a fish head hotpot. He was using chopsticks to stir the soup, which had already turned white. The fire was just right. I saw that the fish looked familiar. It seemed to be the grouper that the captain of the ship had. I smiled to myself. This fish had been coveted by the fat guy for a long time, but the captain of the ship had refused to let him eat it, saying that he wanted to sell it to the hotel. I didn’t expect that it would still escape the fat guy’s clutches.

The fat guy was busy chopping onions, adding chili, and pounding the fish. It looked like he was an expert. I laughed and said, “Fat guy, you’re good. You’re really good. Where did you learn this?”

The fat guy said, “When I was young, I went to the countryside. I didn’t have a mother or a wife. I had to do everything myself. At that time, I hunted, fished, and dug out beehives in the old mountains. I’ve done everything. This fish soup is nothing.”

I looked at I gave him a thumbs up, “Brother Fat, I rarely really admire people, but you’re damn good, I have to learn from you.”

He didn’t buy it, and scolded, “Stop kissing my ass, if you want to eat, eat quickly, if not, get out of the way, don’t spit in my mouth!”

Of course I wouldn’t give up the food, so I immediately grabbed the chopsticks and grabbed the meat. In less than 20 minutes, a 3-catty grouper was in our stomachs, and I was so full that I was turning sour.

After eating After he had eaten his fill, the fat man went to relieve the man on the oil bottle. The ship had its own navigation device, which we didn’t know how to use, otherwise the ship would have sailed itself. The fat man had eaten and drunk enough, holding the rudder with one hand and taking out his night pearl with the other, looking at it and humming a little tune: “The good girl in the bamboo house is as dazzling as a night pearl.”

Humming He looked at me sitting there, and then handed me the pearl, saying, “You’re just sitting around, so help me estimate the price and see how much money we can make.”

I took it and weighed it, saying, “It’s fake, it’s not a night pearl.”

The fat man almost passed out, staring at me with his eyes wide open. I hurriedly comforted him, “Don’t get excited, fake ones are also valuable. This is a fish eye stone. Do you know what it means to pass off a fake as a real one? It means This is what it means. This is also very rare. It depends on whether there is a buyer. I knew it when I saw it just now. You think that a treasure top with so many night pearls on it? Who do you think Wang Zanghai is? Is it possible? The entire Chinese imperial family, accumulated over hundreds of years, can only get so many.

The fat man felt better after hearing this and scolded, “Can you not just say half of what you say in the future? You can scare people with shortness of breath. Then give me an estimate. How much is this thing worth?”

I I really haven’t handled this kind of thing before, so I can only speculate on how much the few customers in my hands can probably afford. I quoted a few prices, but the fat man wasn’t satisfied, saying that this was a life-and-death struggle. If there’s no good price, I’d rather keep it at home as a lamp. I sighed and said, “That’s fine. I met a big customer in Jinan last time. I’ll ask you about it later. I think it shouldn’t be a problem to exchange for a villa. Don’t think about it.” The fat man said, “Then you have to take the trouble. I’m counting on you for this villa. By the way, if I had known earlier, I would have held back for a few more minutes before knocking down another bead, then I could have exchanged it for a small plane to fly around in. We could learn from the American rich, right?”

I saw that he was daydreaming in the sky, so I ignored him. He put the beads in his pocket and asked me, “This time I didn’t find your third uncle. What are your plans? I think this matter is not over yet, and you still have to suffer.”

I originally was going to go back and turn his house upside down to see what the hell he was up to. When the fat guy asked, I couldn’t tell him the truth, so I just smiled helplessly and said, “What else can I do? I’m going back to my shop. I’m definitely not going to come down here again. This is a money-making business, and it’s a life-and-death situation. It’s not worth it.”

The fat guy laughed and didn’t say anything else.

A few hours later, we arrived at Yongxing Island. The island was preparing for a disaster, and there were many fishing boats taking refuge. We packed our luggage and took advantage of the chaos to escape. We didn’t even want the boat anymore. The fat guy carried Ning and took her to the island’s military hospital first, and then we found a guesthouse to stay in. Fishermen usually stay on their own boats, so they can take care of things if anything happens. When a typhoon comes, there are not many tourists, so the guesthouse is basically empty.

We We stayed on the island until the flight was resumed, and we stayed there for about seven days. During that time, we discussed the underwater tomb more than once and came to a number of conclusions.

First, we all agreed that this was the tomb of Wang Zanghai, but we couldn’t be sure whether the golden body sitting on the stone slab was his. Because the mummy had obviously been tampered with, Wang Zanghai was eccentric, but he wasn’t that crazy.

Second , the Yunding Palace is located on Changbai Mountain, but it is unknown who is buried there. It can only be inferred that it should be a Mongolian, and it is very likely that it is a woman with a very special status.

Third, the snake-browed bronze fish appeared in the Lu Palace and the underwater tomb, and the hexagonal bronze bell also appeared in these two places, indicating that the hexagonal bell and the snake-browed bronze fish may be related in some way. Lu Shang Wang was a tomb raider, and Wang Zanghai was a construction worker. The only thing they had in common was that they both had to dig up the earth. It is unknown whether they both dug up something in a certain place.

Fourth , was proposed by Mian Youping. He drew a sketch for us, mapping out our movements in the tomb, roughly outlining the structure of the tomb, and then he pointed to several places. These areas are sandwiched between the top chamber (where we broke through) and the bottom between the top chamber (where we broke through) and the bottom chamber. Mung Youbing estimated that the structure of this chamber was similar to that of the tombs of the Warring States period. One of these suspended chambers should be the pit for rare birds and exotic animals.

I heard I heard him sweating and asked him, “Are you saying that Wang Zanghai caught the Drought Demon and the Forbidden Woman as pets? This is too fucking arrogant, isn’t it?”

Muyoubingzi nodded and said, “He’s not the first. There are several imperial tombs from the Shang and Zhou dynasties, including the Mausoleum of the First Emperor. Especially Wang Zanghai likes this. There is nothing wrong with him doing this.”

When I’m When I have free time, I take out my laptop and dial up the Internet to look up information about Wang Zanghai, but there is very little online. I only know that he designed Macau, and that he copied the look of another city. The next few days were boring to death. The wind was so strong that we couldn’t even go out. On the fourth day, the phone line was cut off, so we had to play mahjong with Fatty. Mian Youping didn’t like this, and all day long he just leaned against the bed and looked at the ceiling. I couldn’t do anything about him.

Fatty The white hair on his back, I didn’t bother to take care of him later, and it inexplicably got better. I suspected that it was really my mouth that was effective, and it felt strange, but I didn’t want to delve into these things. Later, I forgot about it. In fact, at this time, I should have felt something was wrong, but I had no choice but to live with it.

These I also tried to ask about the life of the man who was silent these days, but he didn’t seem to hear me. This man’s ability to pretend to be stupid may be slightly better than A Ning’s.

On the fifth day, the phone line was working again, and I went online again. At this time, I was thinking about Zhang Qiling’s background, and suddenly I had an inspiration. Since Zhang Qiling could recover his memory, maybe if other people had the same experience as him, they might also recover their memory. Thinking about it, I accidentally typed his name into the search, and the search was terrible. There were records of the same name and surname. I randomly clicked on a few of them and found that none of them had the information I wanted.

This was not a solution, so I added my uncle’s name to the search. Suddenly, there was only one message left. Looking at the title, it was a missing person’s notice.

This discovery was unexpected. I suddenly felt a little suffocated. When I clicked on it, it turned out to be the group photo they took at the pier before they left. It had been scanned and uploaded, and the names of everyone were listed below. I read it all the way down and found that there was a sentence at the end.

This sentence is just a few words, but it has drawn my thoughts all the way over.

“The fish is with me.”

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