Volume 2 chapter25: A man

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:48:35
A+ A- Turn Off Light

As soon as the lid of the coffin opened, I felt a stench of fish and rotten flesh. I looked inside and saw that the coffin was full of black water, with a misty, humid atmosphere. I could vaguely see limbs and bones scattered about, and I didn’t know how many bodies were inside. They had all been embalmed and stuck together to form a huge mass of corpses. I could count 12 of them with my bare hands. The scene was disgusting.

Muyou Bottle frowned at the sight, but his expression relaxed and the gun in his hand hung down. Judging from his change, I guessed that this thing should not be dangerous, and I wondered what he had been nervous about.

The coffin There were several rows of dark golden nails in the coffin, nailed from top to bottom every few centimeters. In the water, it was unclear whether it was pure gold or gilded. Underneath the corpse was a strange object. The fat man used a flashlight to shine down inch by inch, and it looked like a slate with engraved characters. There were jade and ivory objects between the corpses and on their hands. This kind of thing is priceless and easy to carry.

The fat man was itching to take a look, but the corpse was too disgusting. No matter how reckless he was, he didn’t dare to put his hand into the coffin, which was floating with a layer of human oil. After thinking for a long time, he couldn’t think of a way out, so he had to give up and turn to study the corpse inside. He shook his head while looking at it: “This is too miserable. They said that the owner of this tomb was a cultivator. How could he have attained enlightenment with such evil things on display? He deserved to be dug up by us.”

I I didn’t understand what was going on, but I saw the scene inside and felt that my nerves couldn’t take the shock. I dared not look a second time, and asked, “Why is this co-burial coffin so disgusting?”

The fat man laughed: “Little comrade, you’re silly, who do you see co-buried like a twist? This thing was obviously buried alive. These people were piled together, drugged, and drowned to death inside. This is called ‘cultivating qi and concealing the corpse.’

When I heard When he mentioned the twist, I felt my throat itch. I was already very hungry at this time, and the corpse and the twist overlapped together, and it felt like bile was about to come out. However, listening to him, it seemed that he also knew the background of this thing. I calmed down and asked for details.

The fat man saw that I didn’t understand and wanted to show off, saying, “You don’t even know this? Then this is like a child without a mother. It’s a long story. I was still in the mountains of Changbai Mountain when I was young.

I heard him start to bullshit again and said, “Don’t bullshit me, don’t you see what time it is? What does this corpse-raising have to do with Changbai Mountain? If you don’t know, don’t bullshit me!”

The fat guy This kind of person is afraid of being provoked by others, so he stiffens his neck and says, “Who says I don’t know? I just want to start with the big picture. If you don’t want to listen, forget it. This thing is called a corpse-raising coffin, which is a study of feng shui. It is generally used in what kind of mountains? If there is this coffin, it means that there are two coffin positions with excellent feng shui in this ancient tomb. If you don’t put coffins on all the coffin positions , the empty coffin will attract evil spirits because it gathers the energy of the sea and the river. So if you put a coffin here, and bury someone who is related to the owner of the tomb, it is considered a joint burial. This coffin must be exactly the same as the main tomb. This is called “nourishing qi” in feng shui. Do you understand?”

The fat man He spoke like he was endorsing something, and I half understood what he was saying. I couldn’t help but say, “Then all these people in here are…”

The fat guy slapped his thigh and said, “That’s what I’m saying. This guy’s mother probably stuffed his whole family in there. That’s terrible!”

I yelled, “How could that be? This good feng shui was originally for the sake of future generations. Now that the whole family is buried together, what good is good feng shui?”

The fat guy seeing that I was serious, he said, “What are you still believing in? Those rich people are not that stupid. They must have found some poor nephews of their relatives to accompany them in the grave. This kind of thing is most common in open tombs. I’ve seen a lot of them, but I’ve never seen such a big one.”

I looked I looked at the corpse and thought about the scene at the time of burial. I couldn’t help but be moved. It was still my grandfather’s words that the human heart is the most unpredictable. For a little thing that has no factual basis, these people’s lives are taken away like grass and straw.

But Since the coffin lid was already open, the fat man would not give up so easily. He scratched his head and said, “Seeing how pitiful these people are, I think we should go next door and get some jars to scoop out all the water.

I know what he is thinking. I said, ‘You look like a thief. I know you are still thinking about these funerary objects. Can’t you just give me some peace? There will be plenty of things for you to take in the underworld later.’

The fat man His face turned red and he scolded, “You fat bastard, do I look like that kind of person?”

I was too lazy to argue with him and said, “This is not the time to get involved in this. If we can’t get out of here, we’ll be suffocated to death here. I’m afraid we won’t even have a coffin, and no one will pity us.”

When we mentioned this, we immediately became nervous again. The fat man didn’t say a word, and first looked around the ear room. Unfortunately, except for a cat corpse, there was nothing else that could be used.

The stuffy oil Bottle had been staring at the pile of corpses for a long time. Suddenly, he seemed to see something and let out a gasp.

This person is usually very calm, but once he gets nervous, something big must be happening. So when he made this gesture, I was startled and quickly bent over to raise my gun.

He was still stood there with his brows furrowed, staring at the coffin, and remained silent for five minutes before turning to us and saying, “There is only one person in here…”

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