Volume 2 chapter40: The hole in the wall

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:49:23
A+ A- Turn Off Light

This hole is probably the most important point in the whole incident. Mian Youping’s memory ends here, and what happened after that is a mystery. What was in the hole, how did he get out, and did the others lose their memories like him?

I looked I looked at the hole carefully. From the outside, it could only be described as an artificial door hole in an unreasonable location (except for the tunnel warfare, I have never seen anyone open a door in this location). The area visible inside the door was made of the same yellow mortar bricks as the outside. are very ordinary in structure. I have seen many such holes in the coal-burning factories in Shanxi, all of which are used as the courtyards of brick kilns. However, opening them here makes them very abrupt in the layout of the tomb, and I don’t know what they are used for.

In my memory, almost all the tombs are symmetrical structures, and it is rare to inexplicably open a passage or an extra room in one place, unless the owner of the tomb has this kind of hobby. If If it is not for this reason, then there are only two possibilities: the first thing that comes to mind is that there may be some secret burial objects inside, which is not surprising. In my grandfather’s notes, there are many people who designed secret rooms in their own tombs, but these secret rooms are generally very well disguised. This hole, which has neither a trapdoor nor a disguise, and which simply has a mirror placed outside, seems too frivolous.

The second The second possibility is related to feng shui. My reasoning is that mirrors are an important prop in feng shui, and there should be a way to explain their placement here. Generally speaking, opening a door in a room is a manifestation of “passage” in feng shui, which means that something is being brought in or let out.

This is This is a small form of feng shui, which is very different from the ancient form of feng shui. Just like the Mahayana and Hinayana in Buddhism, small feng shui emphasizes change, that is, through certain means, it can change something bad in a small area into something good.

I walked away along the diagonal of the mirror to check other places, hoping to find some clues for me. Here The entire room was arranged exactly as Mung Oil Bottle had described, but because it had remained the same for twenty years, only four directions were illuminated by the night pearl, and the model of the heavenly palace in the middle was hidden in the dark. I could only use a flashlight to look at a few local areas. After scanning the room a few times, my gaze was attracted by the shadow paintings on the wall.

The content of these four The content of these four paintings, I have already described before, but at that time I also heard Mung Youping describe them, which was very vague. Now that I have seen them for myself, I have discovered that these paintings are actually very realistic. If you are careful enough, you can also see a lot of specific things.

First of all, I immediately noticed that the snow-capped mountains in the painting are very likely to be the northern slope of the Changbai Mountains in Jilin. This is not It’s not that my memory is amazing, it’s just that the main peaks of Changbai Mountain are very distinctive, and anyone who has been there should be able to tell.

Second, I noticed that in the second painting, the funeral procession was all wearing Yuan clothing, which means that the person in the coffin must have been a prominent Yuan Dynasty dignitary. The construction of the Yunding Palace was most likely during the end of the Yuan Dynasty, when the dynasties were changing. In such a troubled time, the ability to build such a huge mausoleum is not simple.

Third What surprised me the most was that all the funeral processions were led by women. This is really very unreasonable. I don’t know how the Mongolian burial ceremony is, but it is really unheard of for all the funerals to be led by women.

There are many other such small details. I don’t know if the sculptors deliberately left clues, or if their own style of work is like this.

I think I knew that with these clues, it would be possible to find the location of the palace by asking a local mountain man who was familiar with the terrain. However, it was buried under hundreds of years of snow, and the permafrost was very soft. If you were not careful when digging, a small avalanche would be enough to keep you buried in the snow forever.

But These clues should have nothing to do with the hole in the corner. I went to check the mirrors in the other corners and the walls behind them, but found nothing special. It seemed that the only way to find the answer was to go into the hole. I returned to the hole and saw that the oil lamp was still looking at it, and there was a rare hesitation in his eyes, as if he was thinking about something. When he saw me coming, he suddenly said to me, “I may have to go in again.”

“No,” I was shocked to hear this. “Aren’t you going to die? If you lose your memory for another twenty years, it will all be meaningless.”

He said calmly, ‘I am different from you. For you, what happened here is just a bizarre experience, but for me, it is a huge knot. If I don’t untie it, even if I remember everything, I won’t be happy in this life.’

I was anxious to hear this, and kept saying no. In fact, I didn’t really understand him, but the environment we were in now did not allow for any complications. Getting out as soon as possible was the only thing we should consider. Otherwise Even if I knew all the secrets in the world, the air would run out and everyone would suffocate and die, and the secrets would lose their value immediately.

I told him my concerns, and he also seemed a bit conflicted, asking me, “How sure are you that we can get out?”

Hearing him ask, I suddenly remembered that I hadn’t looked closely at the top of the treasure here, so I looked up quickly.

In all the notes I had seen all the notes, and the top of the Ming Tomb was described as very solid. According to my thinking, the dome should be an arch structure with a high center and low sides to resist pressure, but now it seems to have used the same method as the terrestrial palace, making it a flat roof. So it doesn’t matter where you make a hole.

The dome It is more than ten meters high from us, and there is nothing here to use as a foothold. We can only start by making a few holes in the side pillars with the lens legs, then climb up, knock the white plaster on the surface, and then start to deal with the green bricks. We don’t need to be too careful, as long as we calculate the time well, destroy the pressure-bearing structure above, and a hole will naturally collapse from above.

The key to this plan, the most important thing is to grasp the timing. If it is not at low tide, and the load-bearing structure is destroyed, the entire roof may be washed away by the surging sea water, and we will be crushed to death inside.

I told him all this, and I emphasized that the chances of us getting out were very good, but once we got out, the tomb would be completely ruined. However, the tomb would not disappear, and everything that should be there would still be there. He could come back in a few days with the equipment ready, and there was no rush.

He nodded nodded, and was finally convinced by me. The fat guy couldn’t stand it anymore and said, “If that’s the case, then what are we waiting for? Let’s just get started now and get this pillar done first. It’s going to be a mess later.”

I saw I looked at my watch. There were still six hours until low tide. There was still plenty of time. I shook my head and said, “We just expended a lot of energy and haven’t eaten anything. We’re in a very low state. At this time, we should rest well. After we get out, we don’t know what will happen. Maybe the boat above has already left. If we don’t have the energy and drown when we get out, that would be a waste.”

The fat guy was originally very motivated. After hearing what I said, he scratched his head in frustration and said, “Do we have to wait? That’s fine. I’ll take a nap first. When we start working, wake me up.”

I I found a place to lean against, but my mind did not stop. I calculated how to get out if the seawater started to flood in. The passage to the stone tablet at the bottom of the pool was now blocked. Although it was not sealed, the water would definitely enter more slowly than the water entering the pool. A large amount of water would definitely rush into the strange hole in the wall first, but I didn’t know where this short hole led to. If it was connected to other rooms, it would be very troublesome. A vortex would form here, trapping us inside.

Thinking I couldn’t help but glance into the depths of the hole, thinking about what I could do to block it. Then I thought I could pile up the models together, estimating the height and width of the hole and thinking about how to block it properly.

However, in the split second when I focused my attention, a strange feeling suddenly rose in my heart.

In the darkness of the doorway, there was a force that was strongly attracting my attention. This power was not only strong, but also somewhat coercive. I wanted to turn my head away, but I found that I couldn’t move my neck, and I couldn’t even move my eyes.

At the same time, I immediately felt anxious. This kind of anxiety is hard to describe. It’s like a person who is extremely hungry, but can’t tear open the packaging of a bag of food. This kind of anxiety quickly gave rise to a strong urge in my heart to go inside the door and take a look.

This It all happened almost instantly, without any warning. By the time they realized something was wrong, it was too late. I pushed the oil lamp in front of me aside and rushed into the hole. Because I was so close to the hole, I was in the dark in a few steps. At that time, I didn’t think about what I was doing at all. I just wanted to run to the deepest part of the hole to take a look. I didn’t even turn on my flashlight, and I ran forward in the dark, completely ignoring my feet. I didn’t even pay attention to whether anyone was chasing me.

But I had only taken a few steps when suddenly I felt a strong gust of wind behind me, and then a sharp pain in my left knee. I couldn’t use my leg at all, and I fell to the ground.

The fall was very hard, and my forehead hit the floor. It hurt so much that my head was buzzing, and I even had blood coming out of my nose. But after taking this step, the anxiety in my heart suddenly disappeared, and everything returned to normal.

My heart I felt a strange sensation in my heart, I just felt a strange feeling, this cave is too powerful, just seeing a black mass can make people lose their minds, I just looked at it and fell for it.

I looked back and saw that the fat man and the fat man had already chased in, there was a flashlight lying on the side, it looked like this thing hit my knee joint.

They They walked up to me and without saying a word, they dragged me out. But I couldn’t stand up because of my injured knee. They dragged me a few times but couldn’t lift me. Plus, it was dark and the scene was chaotic.

The fat guy saw that it was too inconvenient to use one hand, so he clipped the flashlight in his armpit and dragged me with both hands. His movements were very violent, and I almost fainted from being pulled by him.

Just At this time, his flashlight swept over a place, and my eyes flashed, as if I saw a person crouching in the darkness.

The light was too fast, I didn’t see clearly, but I was sure that it must be a person. I immediately thought of Uncle San and shouted, “Wait a minute, there’s someone in front!”

The fat man heard this and turned around to shine the light, sweeping over a back. But he had already stood up and was running quickly into the cave.

This suddenly all three of them could see clearly. We were stunned, but none of us could see who it was. Mian Youping reacted the fastest and immediately yelled, “Quickly chase!” After saying that, he chased after them like a flying bird. The fat guy cursed and had to keep up.

I tried a few times, but I could only stand up with difficulty. I limped up behind them. At this time, Mian Youping had already twisted with that person, and then the fat guy also pounced on him. The two of them, one in front of the other, directly pressed that person to the ground. The fat guy He shone a flashlight at her and exclaimed, “It’s Ah Ning!”

I followed him over and was shocked to see that she was disheveled and dirty, her wetsuit was torn, and she smelled bad. There was blood on her nose and mouth. I really didn’t know what had happened to her, and she was in such a state. But then I realized that the three of us weren’t much better off, especially the fat guy, who was covered in wounds and looked terrible.

The fat guy was angry at the sight of this woman, and started to scold her, pointing at her nose. But just as he had started to scold her, Mian Youping suddenly stopped him, saying, “Wait a minute, there’s something wrong with her!”

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