Volume 2 chapter43 Bomb

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:49:32
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The three of us looked at each other and our faces were not very good.

After the bricks were poured with iron slurry, they were like reinforced concrete. Even if you were given a sledgehammer on flat ground, it would be useless, let alone in this situation.

On top of this, there are at least seven layers of this structure, and they are staggered with each other. It is already impossible to open up here without modern equipment.

I was I was annoyed and blamed myself for not thinking of this layer. The flat roof is not as resistant to compression as the vault, so the bricks above must be reinforced with something. There is nothing you can do about this in an open tomb. They are all poured with molten iron, and now I have finally suffered the consequences.

The fat man looked at me and asked, “Comrade architect, what should we do now? give me an idea.“

”What can we do? We’ll just have to try,” I said, still hoping for a miracle. ‘It’s been more than 200 years, I don’t believe it’s still so strong.’

The fat guy I didn’t seem too worried, thinking that the problem wasn’t too serious. I went to knock on the bricks. The hollow bricks were easy to break, but after the bricks were broken, the iron bars made of the solidified iron paste were still there. The fat guy hit them with all his strength, but only made a few marks on them. He knew something was wrong as soon as he saw them. He said, “No, the iron bars are all the thickness of a palm. You wouldn’t be able to break through them even if you drove a truck over them.”

I I knocked a few times, and my whole hand went numb. I knew that brute force was not going to work, and I was discouraged. “It seems that we underestimated the construction techniques of ancient times. This iron bar is very pure, and it’s impossible to break it.”

The fat man said, “Why don’t you try grinding it? The ancients said, as long as you have deep skills, you can grind an iron pestle into a needle.”

“Pull You’re not going to be able to grind it down to a needle in a million years,” I said. ‘There’s still twenty minutes until low tide. By the time you’re done grinding, we’ll be done.’

The fat guy was furious. ‘What do you suggest? Didn’t you hear what the girl said? This area will be in the wind season soon, and it will last at least a week. If we can’t get out now, we’ll have to stay down here for seven days.’ He emphasized, ‘Seven days. We’ll either die of boredom or starve to death.’

I knew I knew the seriousness of the problem and said to them, “You have much more experience than I do. If you encounter this kind of tomb wall in normal times, what would you do?”

The fat man and the stuffy oil bottle didn’t think about it at all and said together, “Dynamite!”

The fat man looked at me and explained, “Don’t be surprised. The strength of this kind of wall is beyond your imagination. I used to pour this kind of bucket, and the holes were usually opened at the bottom. If you have to forcefully drill into this kind of wall, you can only use dynamite.”

I listened I was saddened. I knew what he was talking about, but where could I get explosives in this ancient tomb? I thought about it and regretted it. I remembered that before we went down, Ah Ning asked me if I wanted to take some down with me. At the time, I was still in shock from the explosion at the Lu Palace, and I was very resistant to this stuff, so I just threw it back in the storage room. If Uncle San had been there, he would have definitely taken it.

Now I think back, at that time, the idea was too naive. If there is a next time, it must not be so childish.

I see that there is no hope of getting out from above, so I had to give up: “It seems that this method will not work. We still have to discuss it for a long time.”

“Damn it, we only have less than 20 minutes left?” The fat man said, “I think, if it really doesn’t work, we can still go back the same way. Maybe the tomb room where we left our diving equipment has already returned.”

I nodded nod, although I really don’t want to go back into the cave, but there is no other way. In this way, we have to face the monster in the cave again, which is really a headache.

At this time, the bottle suddenly said, “Wait! You stay here and don’t move! I think there is a place where there may be explosives!”

Before we could react, he suddenly let go of the rope and slid down the pillar.

The fat man looked at me, confused, and I shook my head at him, indicating that I didn’t understand either.

The bottle Bottle is a serious person, he can’t be joking, but I really can’t think of where there would be explosives. I stared at him, and saw him jump onto the stone disk in the middle of the room. Following the light of his flashlight, I saw him squat in front of a mummified corpse meditating in the center of the stone disk, constantly touching something.

This corpse body should be the golden body he was talking about, but I didn’t know what he was looking for. I thought to myself, and suddenly, my heart jumped. It was like this!

At this time, the Mung Oil Bottle had carefully lifted the entire mummy. The mummified body was almost only the weight of the bones, and it didn’t take much effort. The fat man asked me, “What is he doing?”

I said, “I’m just guessing, but there may be a mechanism inside the mummy, triggered by the eight-treasure rotor, and there may be explosives inside. If if you disrespect the corpse and try to take the treasure inside, it may detonate directly.“

The fat man was shocked: ‘How could he know about this?’

”Twenty years ago, when he touched the corpse, he probably already knew about it. I said, “I just don’t know if the explosives from hundreds of years ago are still effective.”

As I said this, Mian Youping had already moved the mummy to the bottom of the pillar and said to us, “Come down and help.”

I saw It was too much trouble for the fat man to go down, so he stayed there and I climbed down myself. Mian Youping passed the mummy over my back and tied it with a rope, saying, “Don’t bump into it. If the mechanism inside is still working, it will go off at the slightest touch.”

I saw this golden body I saw this golden body at close range and felt that the description of Mian Youping just now was not as real as this. The body was completely black, so black that it was shiny, as if it was not made of flesh, but carved from some smooth material. The muscles were all sunken, especially the corners of the mouth, which looked like a smile, but not a smile. It gave me goosebumps. In short, this corpse was not at all like the high priests I saw in the monastery, but instead gave me a very ominous feeling.

I looked I really didn’t dare to touch it. I asked him, “Are you sure there’s nothing wrong with this corpse? I always feel that he seems to have some kind of trick up his sleeve. Look at his expression, it’s so—so—”

“Eerie.” Mian Youbing continued my sentence, “I don’t understand either. This corpse really gives people an uncomfortable feeling, but he’s already dried up, so he can’t transform.”

I nodded, and cold sweat broke out. I asked him, “Then it’s good. Are you sure the explosives inside are still usable?”

He said said: “As long as the eight treasures rotor can be used, the explosives will definitely work. Now I’m afraid the mechanism is aging.”

With I felt uncomfortable carrying the mummy on my back, especially when I saw his long fingernails, which were pointing at me. I felt a bit faint, and I thought of the corpse-carriers in Xiangxi, who carried the corpses on their backs like this, but they were wrapped in layers of cloth. I was better off, because the mummy was naked, and so was I, with our flesh touching. The feeling of dryness was really chilling.

But There was nothing I could do about it, but luckily the light was still good enough for me to see clearly, so I didn’t start imagining things. I gritted my teeth and, with a sack on my back, began to climb step by step.

After I had climbed five or six steps, I suddenly felt that something was wrong with the corpse, because I was touching its skin with my back, so I could feel it very clearly. I stopped and carefully felt it again, but I couldn’t feel anything unusual.

I looked back at Mian Youping. He was below me. If the corpse had changed in any way, he would have seen it immediately, but it seemed that he hadn’t noticed anything.

Was I being paranoid? It was no wonder. It was hard not to be paranoid when carrying such an eerie corpse.

Thinking , I heard the fat guy urging me from above, so I had to continue climbing. I was so nervous that my feet were shaking. I wanted to end this situation as soon as possible, so I took three steps at a time and finally managed to reach the top.

The fat guy had seen countless corpses, but even he looked uncomfortable when he saw this corpse. After all, when you hang a corpse with a rope, there is still a distance of two or three fists. Now it’s like a close dance, and it must be uncomfortable.

I bravely said to him, “You fix this to the top of the treasure, then come down immediately. We will detonate it from below. If the mechanism inside still works, there should be no problem.”

The fat man looked at the top of the treasure and said, “Are you bluffing me? How the hell do I fix it? Do you want me to learn from Dong Cunrui?”

I looked up and saw that there was nothing on the top of the treasure to hook onto. If the full force of the explosion was to be exerted, the entire corpse would have to be pressed tightly against the top of the treasure.

I thought I thought for a moment and said, “If that doesn’t work, tie it head-down to this pillar. Hurry up, time is running out.”

The fat man carefully took the corpse and asked me, “Hey, it’s strange, why does this corpse have a tail?”

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