Volume 2Chapter 14 Yongxing Island

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:47:58
A+ A- Turn Off Light

As soon as I turned onto the deck, the ghost ship emitted a mournful, distorted sound, as if a huge part had deformed. I saw that the front and back of the ship were no longer on the same horizontal plane, and I thought, “This is bad.” I hurriedly glanced at the cabin. Sure enough, the keel was broken.

Once the keel is broken, the hull will inevitably crack. For a ship like this, a crack is already very fatal. The water is almost flying in, and it is estimated that it will be completely flooded in less than five minutes.

The bald man’s face turned pale with anxiety and said, “Our ship is coming. Let’s get out of here quickly.”

I looked back and saw that the fishing boat we were sitting on was already very close, but it had not yet approached. The captain on the boat waved his hand and yelled, “How are you?”

Zhang Baldy picked up the woman and waved to the fishing boat. The fishing boat cheered and then started the engine and moved closer to us. The fishermen on board were shouting excitedly. I really couldn’t understand why they were so scared just a moment ago. These simple fishermen are really different from us.

The ghost ship had slowed down because it had taken on water. After our boat had approached, a few of the fishermen jumped overboard. They looked scared, and they hurriedly carried the woman back to the boat and then quickly moved the anchor back. The captain of the boat yelled, “Set sail! Set sail! Let’s get out of this ghostly place!”

The captain of the boat told us to put the woman on the ground, gestured for me to hold her, and then lifted her hair.

I was mentally prepared, but when I saw it, I still gasped. I saw two withered hands curled up in her hair. Now it seems that these hands are not very long, and the skin has already turned a bit petrified. The ends are growing under a mass of tumors. The most disgusting thing is that there is a faintly visible small human face on the tumor, and the face is tightly sucked onto the woman’s back of the head through some unknown principle.

The boatman looked solemnly at the thing, first bowed to it, then took something out of his pocket and sprinkled it on the little face. The little face suddenly screamed and twisted. He immediately took out a knife and carefully but quickly inserted it between the tumor and the scalp, picking up the tumor and then pulling it off with a forceful tug.

The thing fell to the ground, writhing and twisting, and scared everyone watching on the side to take a few steps back. In a few moments, it melted into a mass of goo and flowed down the deck. I had never seen this thing before, so I asked, “What is this?”

He put the knife in the sea water to wash it off and said softly, “This is a human face wart. It is the ghost of the ship. Just sprinkle it with cow hair.”

I could tell from the captain’s expression that he regretted taking on this job, and he kept muttering to himself. After checking the woman’s hair, there was nothing else, so he told his men to go back to the cabin. Soon after, the ship set sail.

At this time, the sea had calmed down. Although the dark clouds in the sky were still there, they had been divided into small pieces. The sunlight shone through the gaps between the clouds, making the sky look very magical. It seemed that the storm had finally passed.

After we had settled the woman, the boat captain climbed onto the roof of the boat. I knew that he was going to look around the sea. The sea monkeys were extremely vengeful, and I didn’t know if they would follow us to find an opportunity to retaliate. However, the water in the Xisha Islands is very clear, and when the light is good, the visibility is more than 40 meters. If something is following us, it will definitely be seen at a glance, so I’m not very worried about this happening.

When these people got busy, they ignored me as I started running around. I had just expended a lot of energy, and now that it was quiet, I felt sleepy. I found a soft place to lean against and slept for a while. When I woke up, I found that the sun had already set, and our boat was sailing along the coast of an island. I saw a very beautiful white beach, but the sand looked coarse and might not be comfortable to step on. In front of us was a dock, and it looked like we were about to dock.

I had always thought that we would go directly to the next exploration point, but I didn’t expect to have the opportunity to dock. I asked casually, “Where are we going now?”

A man next to me replied, “We are going to Yongxing Island to pick up a few people.”

I turned my head and saw that the woman was sitting next to me. Her face had already recovered, and it seemed that she had just woken up. I have no resistance to women. Seeing her sickly appearance, I thought it was really a bit of a taste. I smiled and asked her, “Who are you picking up?”

She pointed to a group of people with backpacks on the distant dock and said, “That’s them, a few divers, and a consultant like you. I think you must know them.”

I looked hard a few times and felt that the shape of one of the fat men was a bit familiar, but I couldn’t remember who it was. At this time, a boatman was already standing at the bow of the boat, calling out, “Oh, Luli! Get ready, we’re here!”

The fat man turned his head and yelled, “Oh, you little shit! You’ve got me blowing in the northwest wind for half an hour here. Do you have any fucking sense of time?”

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