Volume 2Chapter 18: A lot of hair

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:48:11
A+ A- Turn Off Light

If a strand of hair is found in an underwater tomb and it is still moving, most people would immediately think of a ghost. Fortunately, there is a stone slab in between, so even if there is a ghost, it can’t get through.

The fat guy didn’t seem to be satisfied with not catching the strand of hair, so he took a flashlight and shone it into the gap to see what was behind it. I didn’t have as much courage as he did, and there are so many horror movies about hair! I just stayed far away from the stone slab and watched what the fat guy would do.

He looked at it for a few seconds, as if he really saw something. He looked puzzled, then looked again. This time, he reacted very strongly, suddenly jerking back, swimming desperately for several meters as if he were escaping for his life, then turning around and shaking his fists at us. At first, I thought he was going to hit me, but then I thought, “Oh, no! This is not a gesture to let us escape for our lives.

But nothing seemed to have happened just now. I reflexively turned around and saw that the stone slab blocking the way suddenly rose up, and a black ink-like substance oozed out of the gradually widening gap at the bottom. I took a few steps back in a panic, thinking it was poisonous water. When I took a closer look, I was so scared that my jaw went numb. The black stuff was actually human hair!

The fat guy saw that we were so slow to react and swam back to pull us out. We only then realized what was going on and hurriedly escaped for our lives. Underwater, the more nervous you are, the more energy you use, and the slower you swim. I saw that there was no way to keep up the rhythm in the panic, so I simply learned from the fat guy and kicked against the wall. Although it was not very elegant, it was very fast, especially the feeling of my feet firmly planted on the ground was very good.

We pedaled for about twenty steps, and then came to a turn. The fat guy pulled us over and told us to hide behind the corner and wait and see what happened.

We took a deep breath of oxygen and looked back. Holy cow, the tomb passage behind us was full of hair, black and clumped together. I felt my throat tighten as I looked at it. How many years did it take to grow so long! The fat guy cursed, picked up the air gun, and aimed at the center of the black mass. He probably thought the gun could penetrate it in one shot, so when he saw the spear fly six or seven meters and then suddenly slow down, and then suddenly be wrapped in the hair, his face turned white.

But the spear still had some effect. The hair seemed to have some consciousness, and it retreated a little, then rolled up. It seemed that the rolling was more like something inside the hair was trying to come out. We became alert. The fat man took another spear and was about to get closer and give him another shot. At this time, the hair suddenly retracted and then suddenly released. At this moment, I immediately saw a dead person spit out from the deepest part of the hair.

The man was wearing a diving suit of the same style as ours, and it was possible that he was one of the three. I only had to take a look to see that his nose and mouth were full of hair, and even his two eyeballs had hair coming out of them. It was obvious that he had died of suffocation, and now his eyes were swollen and very ugly.

I felt a tingling sensation on my scalp. The hair was very strange. I wanted to pull the fat guy, but when I looked up, he was gone. I was shocked and turned around quickly. I saw that he had run far away and was waving his fists at us.

I cursed in my heart, daring you to run to a safe place first and then warn us. I quickly gave him a kick in the butt. The fat guy was in pain from my kick, but he was still not convinced and wanted to rush up and beat me up. Ah Ning hurriedly stopped us, pointing behind us. I looked at it and realized that it was important to escape for now, and we would settle the score with him later.

At this time, the oxygen in my hand vibrated. I looked down and saw that it was terrible. It had been nearly half an hour since we started out, and we were breathing so quickly that the oxygen consumption was several times that of normal. I counted the time left and the situation could be described as very bad. If there was no progress, we would have to go back the same way, otherwise there would not be enough oxygen. But if we went out like this, we wouldn’t even find the ear chamber that Uncle San said was there, and I was a bit unwilling.

At this time, Zhang Tu, who had been swimming at the back, suddenly acted like a crab, grabbed the straps on our backs, and scrambled to the front, grabbing the fat man and stopping him. I saw him squinting and thought to myself, this person knows more about the structure of the tomb than I do, could it be that he found a clue first?

Sure enough, he told us to follow him. The fat guy was jumping up and down in a panic, but since he had just behaved so badly, we ignored him.

Zhang Tu swam awkwardly back a few meters, pointing to a tomb wall that had sunk in a little. He said that when the fat guy had been pushing his way through, he had kicked the tomb wall into the wall.

I was overjoyed at the sight, and gestured back and forth. This was indeed the end of a long corridor, and the trap that Uncle San had mentioned was most likely here. However, once the trap was opened, the water would rush in. Uncle San had a helmet on, so he was fine, but we only had a diving mask on our heads. If we were caught in the current, we would be sure to get our heads bashed in and bleed.

I looked back and saw that the hair hadn’t caught up yet, so I wanted to warn them first. At this time, that bald guy Zhang didn’t know what was good or bad, and suddenly pressed it down. Before I could react, a large number of water bubbles suddenly came out.

I knew I was in trouble as soon as I saw it. I really didn’t expect that this bald guy’s ability to cause trouble was even greater than that of the fat guy. I didn’t say a word, and I felt a huge force rushing directly from behind me, pushing me hard into the hole in the wall. The water was spinning, and I immediately realized what my uncle had meant when he said that my internal organs had been thrown to the side. I felt like I had been stuffed into a washing machine and was being churned around, and I was so dizzy that I couldn’t see anything clearly.

I don’t know how long it took, but when I finally came to my senses, I felt like my whole body was falling apart, especially my neck, which was hurting so much that I was lucky it hadn’t broken. I looked up and saw that it was pitch black all around. The fat men were below me, and they looked like they were also dizzy. The fat man in particular was still spinning around, as if he were dancing ballet.

I looked at the walls of the well, which were made of high-quality white marble. Since such high-quality materials had been used here, I thought that we must have reached the inner chamber of the tomb. It looked as if we had reached the spring in the ear chamber that Uncle San had mentioned. I kicked my feet and floated upwards, and suddenly my head felt warm, and my head rose out of the water.

It was pitch black all around, and the beam of the flashlight was too concentrated, so it could only illuminate one point. I turned off the flashlight and replaced it with a flashlight, and carefully looked around the tomb chamber. The tomb chamber is rectangular with sharp corners and edges. Apart from the star map on the ceiling, there are not many other decorations on the eaves, making it look simple and unadorned.

There is no coffin bed or coffin, so this should be one of the ear chambers. I looked around and didn’t seem to find any other exits, only a stone door on the left leading to a corridor.

The walls of the tomb chamber were also sealed with very cheap white plaster, and there were originally some colorful murals on it, but unfortunately they had been corroded by moisture and were in a terrible state. I could no longer tell whether the murals depicted the images of forbidden women.

There were a few hundred pieces of porcelain on the floor of the tomb, including a few very valuable blue and white porcelain vases with dragon and cloud patterns. I also found some footprints on the floor, all of which were wet footprints in the dust on the ground. They looked very new and were probably the work of Uncle San.

I measured the air quality and let them come out of the water one after another. After Ah Ning climbed out, he was first worried about the footprints and asked, “Did the tomb robbers leave these?”

I frowned and wasn’t sure, because I saw that among these footprints, there was a very glaring red footprint. The strangest thing was that this footprint was very small, and it looked like it belonged to a child, definitely no more than three years old.

I had never heard of a grave robber bringing a child, so I called over the fat guy to take a look. He had more experience and might know what was going on.

The fat guy looked a little confused and said, “Don’t worry about whether he’s big or small. The footprint itself is abnormal. Take a closer look.”

I looked again and found that there was a yellow layer of something like wax on the footprint. I scraped it off with a knife and smelled it. I couldn’t help but gasp: “This is corpse wax…!”

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