Volume 2Chapter 23: Continue to solve the mystery

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:48:28
A+ A- Turn Off Light

He got up and walked to the stone door in the corridor, touched the door frame and said, “This is indeed a mechanism, and it is very simple. It can only fool children, so your uncle couldn’t see it 20 years ago, but he could find it 20 years later.”

The fat man Seeing that he seemed to know something, he said, “Younger brother, if you know, just say it. Don’t keep it a secret. I’m fucking dying of impatience!”

Muyoubing said, “Let me give you an example. You’ll understand as soon as you hear it. If there are two floors, with one room on each floor, and you come out of the room on the second floor, at this time, I build another floor underneath this one. When you come back, the room on the second floor is already on the third floor, and the room on the first floor has become the second floor.”

This example is actually not a good one. The fat man was confused and reached out two fingers, thinking: “One two, two one, one two one, what the fuck is one two three, the more I talk the more confused I get!”

I I understood it at once. What Uncle San meant by the elevator was this. It seems that when he first discovered this secret, the first thing that came to his mind was this word. I was shocked and couldn’t help but sigh. This was both unexpected and reasonable. Moreover, such a structure was not complicated, and it could only be considered a trick to fool children.

I saw The fat man really couldn’t understand it, so I explained it to him again. He finally understood, and suddenly his interest waned. He said, “So that’s it. It’s really simple. I thought there was a bigger mystery in it, but it’s just like that.”

I felt ashamed in my heart. I was originally studying architecture, and this mechanism is completely in the realm of architecture. I didn’t even realize it at all. I really should review it. It seems that everything should be thought of in a simple way.

The expression on the The expression on the bottle did not lighten up. After carefully inspecting the door frame, he walked over to look at the water in the spring. From his actions, it seemed that there was something he still did not understand. I asked him, “What, is there still a problem?”

He nodded and said, “There is a big contradiction between what Uncle San said and our experience. I don’t know if you’ve noticed it.”

I looked at him in doubt I looked at him in confusion. In fact, I also felt that there was something inappropriate about the statement he just made, but I couldn’t think of where it was. The oil bottle said, “Uncle San was lying in this room and did not walk out of the tunnel. No matter how the room was raised or lowered, what he saw should still be this room. How could it change?”

I was enlightened. Indeed, he said again, “Moreover, the ear room in the ancient tomb has always been symmetrical, and there can’t be only one. According to reason, there should be another room opposite us.”

We We walked into the tunnel and shone the flashlight. There was only a white marble brick wall on the other side, and there was no door. Mian Youping pressed his ear against the wall and used two fingers to press against the brick seams, feeling his way along little by little. After feeling for more than ten minutes, he shook his head and looked like he was looking at a real brick wall.

The fat guy was impatient and yawned, saying, “Forget about the ear room. We haven’t found a way out yet. Even if we know what happened, we’ll still die.”

The fat guy He made a lot of sense. I sighed, thinking about how Uncle San had escaped twice. What method did he use? He didn’t have any diving equipment on him when he came out the second time. Could it be that he had swum out of the tomb with his mouth closed?

There must be something else that he experienced that I don’t know about, but this old fox just won’t say. Uncle San, do you know that your casual remarks could have killed your nephew at the bottom of the sea, more than ten meters deep?

They were both silent, as if they were thinking about the whole thing. I also thought about it. In fact, there are only a few ways to get out of the tomb. One is to go back the same way, which is of course impossible, unless our lung capacity is the same as that of a dolphin. The second is to find the secret passage left by the craftsmen at the time. is a half-baked solution, but in the sea, I’m afraid it’s not realistic, because the shipwrecked tomb was built on the ship and then sunk to the bottom of the sea. Even if there is a passage, it must lead to the sea, and the water becomes the most convenient medium to separate the yin and yang.

The third , is the most stupid trick—digging it out directly. I looked up at the roof and saw nothing but piles of bricks. I sighed, and it seemed that even if I could dig it out, it would be a huge project.

I tried to design this underwater tomb myself to see what it would be like if I followed the simplest architectural principles.

Now I can be sure that bricks alone cannot form an airtight structure. There must be some white clay in the brick joints, and there should be several layers of lacquer on the wooden boards as a water-tight seal, and then clay on top.

Thinking I suddenly had a flash of inspiration. I had already come up with a bold plan. I excitedly told them, “Actually, we don’t have to be afraid. I estimate that we are only a dozen meters from the surface of the sea. This tomb chamber must be very high to accommodate the elevator mechanism. The tomb ceiling is not too far from the seabed. If it doesn’t work, we can dig straight up. The water above the sea is not very deep. If we do it at low tide, I estimate that as long as the sand above doesn’t collapse, there is still a chance to get out.”

The fat guy wave his hand and said lazily, “We didn’t bring any tools when we came in. It’s all made of whole stone bricks. What do we use to dig with, our hands?”

I said, “You don’t understand. Most of the bricks in shipwrecks are hollow. They can be crushed but not smashed. As long as we can find a few metal objects and hit them a few times, we can definitely make a hole.”

The fat man He said, “Hey, this method may sound like it will work. Let’s not bother digging anymore, just take out some tools. This tomb is so big, there must be some bronze objects buried with the dead in the main tomb room.”

This is how people are. If they are sure to die, they won’t want to do anything, but once they know there is still a glimmer of hope, all their wisdom will be mobilized. My brain my brain was spinning fast, and I suddenly had a draft of the plan for digging the hole. I studied architecture in college, so I was very familiar with this kind of thing. After careful consideration, all aspects met the conditions. As long as the hole could be completed within the next few tens of minutes of low tide, the possibility of escaping was very high!

At this time, the stuffy oil bottle said, “There is still a long time before low tide. I don’t know if the air here can last until then. Everything depends on fate.”

The fat man jumped up and said, “Damn it! I don’t care if the tide is coming in or not. Let’s find something to dig with and start digging. I’d rather be bitten to death by a zongzi than suffocate like this!”

I wanted to tell him that if we dug through when the tide was not coming in, the water above our heads would be at least two meters deep. However I didn’t want to dampen his spirits.

The three of us gathered our wits and tidied up our things before heading towards the tunnel. As soon as we stepped out of the tunnel’s stone gate, the three of us were taken aback at the same time. The fat guy cursed, “This place is fucking weird.”

In front of us, where there was originally just a brick wall, a door suddenly appeared. I shone my flashlight inside the door and saw a huge golden-threaded nanmu coffin.

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