Volume 2Chapter 26: Porcelain Painting

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:48:38
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I had just understood what the fat man meant by “keeping the corpse in a state of calm,” and then Mǔnyóubǐng said something else, but it was so incoherent that I couldn’t understand it at first.

Mǔnyóubǐng pointed at the coffin and said, “Look closely at their heads. What’s the difference?”

I followed followed his finger and saw only six heads of different sizes hanging from the torso like a bunch of grapes. I shook my head to indicate that I couldn’t see it, and he asked me to look again. This time I squinted and finally found a problem.

It turned out that except for the top head, the other heads seemed to have no facial features. Not only that, but there were no basic head contours, and it looked like some huge tumors had grown on them.

Seeing I understood what he meant and immediately followed his line of thought. I found that the joints of each hand seemed to be connected to a torso, but the torso was so twisted that it looked like it had been put in a washing machine and spun dry.

The black water was muddy and obstructed my vision, so it looked like a lot of bodies were twisted together. the more I looked, the more my heart sank. But I still had some reservations about the conclusion. If the corpse in the coffin was a rare deformity with 12 limbs, then what was its origin and identity? Why was such a monster raised to such a large size in those days?

The fat guy also saw the door, and he said to us with a tongue sticking out, “My grandmother, is this thing a human? It’s just a bug!”

His He was right, but his words were a bit mean. I said, “We can’t see clearly through the water, so it’s too early to draw conclusions. In theory, such a serious deformity is simply a demon. When it was born, its parents would have killed it, and it would never have had a chance to grow so big.”

Muyoubing said lightly, “Nothing is absolute.”

I shook I shook my head, still not fully convinced. The fat guy said, “You know, it’s actually very simple. Why don’t you do as I say and go next door to get some basins to scoop up the water so we can see better. And look, there’s a stone slab under the corpse. Let’s get it out and take a look. Maybe there’s something else we can find.”

I I was interested. Since I entered this sea cave, I haven’t seen a single word. I still have no idea about the owner of the tomb. If I can read the words on this stone slab, at least I can guess a little bit, and it may also be helpful for our actions.

My fat friend and I agreed at once, and without saying a word, we turned around and went back to the opposite side of the tunnel. We picked three porcelain bowls with handles. These things are all million-dollar treasures outside, but in my hands they are just what they are.

Out of professional habit, when I picked up the bowl, I unconsciously looked at the glaze on it. I was stunned when I saw that the patterns on it were actually some narrative patterns.

Probably I was so focused on thinking about Uncle San that I didn’t really study the burial goods. Now that I see them, I immediately think of something very unremarkable: After entering the tomb, Uncle San, like me, only took a quick look at the goods and then went to rest. But the others were different. They were very excited when they entered the tomb for the first time and must have carefully studied the porcelain. Is there anything critical on it!

I thought I hurriedly picked up a few bowls and looked at them carefully. I found that the paintings were all about a group of people building a civil engineering project. There were people who were repairing stones, transporting logs, and building wooden beams. The order in which the porcelain was placed was the order in which the project progressed. The more I looked, the more shocked I was. I was sweating. The fat man looked at me as I was contemplating the porcelain one by one and said, “Is it so difficult to pick a jar? Don’t pick it. Just pick one that suits you.”

I didn’t listen to him at all. I didn’t listen to him at all. I crawled down and kept looking until I saw the last octagonal bottle. The pattern on it was a giant gate slashing at the waist. There was nothing after that. It looked like there should be more things recorded on other porcelain.

I was was simply breathtaking, I could hardly breathe. Although it was impossible to tell from these simple drawings what they were building, the descriptions inside suggested that the scale of the project was almost as large as the Forbidden City. However, the structure was completely different from the style of the Central Plains. I really couldn’t think of any other place in China that had such a large building at that time.

I came back to my senses and wanted to tell the fat guy about this amazing discovery. I turned around and saw that it was completely dark behind me. The fat guy had long since disappeared.

I was I was stunned and cursed in my heart. This fat guy really is something. He left without telling me. Knowing that I wouldn’t dare to stay in this place alone, I grabbed a basin and hurriedly ran to the opposite ear chamber.

As soon as I entered the corridor, I was stunned. I saw that the door to the opposite ear chamber was gone, and it had turned back into the white marble brick wall!

I only thought it was the reason for the trap, but I didn’t expect the trap to be so fast, without even a sound. I couldn’t help but panic. I was alone in a pitch-black tomb, and I never wanted to experience this again.

I calmed down a bit and comforted myself, saying that the tomb was very active, and as long as I could wait patiently, I estimated that the door would definitely appear again in a few minutes.

But without The tomb was so quiet that it was scary. My heart was pounding like thunder, and it was so dark that it felt like a minute was an hour. I couldn’t wait patiently.

I took a deep breath and shone my flashlight at the three dark doorways in front of me. I couldn’t see anything inside. The scariest thing in the world is always in your own heart. As soon as I calmed down, I felt like something was staring at me from inside the door, and it was so creepy.

I slapped slapped myself to calm myself down, and walked down to the ear room, thinking about going back to look at the porcelain, lest I miss it. At this time, I suddenly heard a creepy cry coming from the ear room. I shone my flashlight and saw a huge sea monkey coming out of the spring. Half of its body had already climbed onto the shore. The hideous face covered with scales, I will never forget it in my life.

I called I called out to my grandmother, and ran down the tunnel, regardless of whether there were any other traps. I closed my eyes and rushed forward, and I was about to reach safety when I tripped and fell on my back next to the jar. Luckily, I was quick on my feet and rolled over to sit up. I looked back and saw two green eyes darting out of the ear room and rushing straight at me.

I I gritted my teeth, picked up the jar and tried to smash it. The sea monkey reacted very quickly. Seeing that I had a weapon, it didn’t charge at me, but immediately turned and jumped to the top of the tunnel. I took this opportunity to turn to the left and slide into the jade door, which immediately pushed the jade door back up.

Under the jade The door was automatically closed by a stone bolt, which automatically popped up when the door closed. The sea monkey hissed a few times outside, slammed the door a few times, and looked very unwilling. I knew that the material of this door was very strong and could not be broken by flesh and blood. I quickly calmed down. The sea monkey saw that it had been banging on the door for a long time without getting any response, and it even tried to squeeze through the crack in the door. I saw its big head rubbing against the door, and my temper flared up. I raised my air gun and fired a dart directly at the crack in the door. I didn’t know where I hit it, but I heard the sea monkey scream and jump away.

I didn’t I didn’t know if the door next door was connected to this tomb, so I quickly loaded another dart, then turned on my flashlight and miner’s lamp, which immediately lit up the entire tomb. I was shocked to see that it was a huge circular tomb with a huge pool in the middle. I was standing on the edge of the pool, and if I took another step back, I would inevitably fall in.

In the middle of the pool floating in the middle of the pool was a huge footbath-like object, quietly resting in the middle of the pool. I saw the drawings and reliefs on it and knew that it must be a coffin. I couldn’t help but laugh. The owner of this tomb really thought of it. He had his coffin made to look like a bathtub. It seems that he must have liked to take baths before he died.

I I looked into the water again and saw that the water was so deep that I couldn’t tell how deep it was. I wondered what kind of design it was and suddenly felt an itch on my neck.

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