Volume 2Chapter 28 Continued Untitled

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:48:44
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The fat guy coughed a few times and spat a few mouthfuls of saliva. I was anxious to hear what he had to say, so I hurriedly asked him to continue. The fat guy scratched his back and said, “You need to catch your breath after hanging yourself. This happened too quickly, and I can’t say it all at once. You have to wait for me to organize my words.”

I saw He looked really pale, and his voice was strange. It seemed that there was still water in his trachea. I patted his back a few times, and he shrank up when I patted him. He coughed up a lot of slimy stuff and said, “Okay, okay, if you keep patting him, you’ll kill him!”

I urged him, “If you’re done, just say it. What exactly happened to you?”

He He cleared his nose and gave me a brief account of what had happened. It happened very quickly, so his account was a bit disorganized, but I still got the gist of it.

It turned out At that time, he saw me staring at the porcelain painting, and he urged me a few more times, but I was so absorbed that I didn’t hear him at all. He saw that I didn’t respond and didn’t urge me, probably because he was thinking about the valuable jade accessories, so he ran back to work first. At that time, what he thought was that I would naturally come over after I finished picking, and the two ear chambers were only five or six steps away, so there was no way there could be any accidents.

However , what he saw next completely absorbed his attention, so much so that he completely forgot about me and didn’t notice when the stone door disappeared.

He returned to the coffin, and the two of them scooped water together. Soon the corpse floated to the surface. The fat man looked closely and was shocked. It turned out that the lumps of flesh he had thought were the head were actually the woman’s fat breasts, so fat that they were hanging down and dragging along the twisted torso. The fat man was dumbfounded. He really didn’t expect it to be a female corpse.

However , there should be 12 breasts since there were 12 hands, but there were only 5 on the front. They thought about how to get the corpse out of the coffin.

The fat man first tried to use the gun as a hook to hook the corpse out, but the corpse was too soft, and the body was almost completely waxy. Finally Muyoubing came up with a solution. They took off the clothes, one person wrapped the head, and the other wrapped the feet. They used a gun to make a pole, and the two of them lifted her out and put her on the ground.

Under the strong light of the flashlight, the corpse quickly dried and turned black. Now they could see clearly that several other breasts had been cut off, leaving several bowl-sized scars on both sides of the body. Her body was not twisted, but because of the fat on her body, it was piled up like a mountain.

At the time they didn’t think why the female corpse’s belly was so big, only that she was too fat. They didn’t see that she had actually died during childbirth, and that there was something else inside her belly.

After the corpse was carried out, the stone tablet below was revealed. Mian Youbing said that this was a coffin-pressing stone, which was used to prevent the coffin from floating up in case the air-tight structure of the tomb at the bottom of the sea was damaged. The coffin-pressing stone was very rough, with only a few large characters engraved on it.

The fat man couldn’t read it after a few looks, and then remembered me. It wasn’t until then that the two of them realized that the door on the wall was gone. The fat guy panicked at first, not because he was worried about me, but because he was worried that he wouldn’t be able to get out. The fat guy saw that he was so calm, and he also calmed down.

The two wanted to take the stone tablet out of the coffin, but found that the stone coffin was very heavy and had been coated with pine sap, which had firmly adhered to the bottom of the coffin. The fat man looked at it and said, “This doesn’t make sense. He knocked on the stone tablet hard and suddenly discovered that it was hollow underneath.

They lit a torch to melt the pine sap, then moved the stone aside, revealing a large hole underneath. Although the fat man was relatively thick, he was very experienced and was amazed at the sight. The hole was not deliberately made by the tomb’s designer, it was a thief’s hole!

This was is an explosive discovery. Other aspects aside, this tomb-robber’s hole is unparalleled in its positioning, directly digging under the coffin. If it weren’t for the coffin stone blocking it, the corpse inside would have long been dragged into the hole. The strangest thing is that this tomb is located at the bottom of the sea. How was this tomb-robber’s hole dug?

Moreover, if the tomb room has an elevator structure, then the coffin should be in another tomb room. How can the space accommodate such a deep hole? At the moment Fatty was certain that our idea about the tomb chamber mechanism might be wrong.

This suddenly the whole thing fell into a fog again, and the two men were silent at the same time. The fat man knew very well that because of this hole, the qi-cultivating and corpse-hiding situation here had been disrupted. Although the corpse had been embalmed and could no longer change into a vampire, the qi of this place had already disappeared, and it was bound to has affected the feng shui of the entire tomb. Although it is not known how the overall changes will be, it is difficult to prevent it from suddenly turning from a spiritual tomb to a tomb of failure. Although the fat man’s attainments in feng shui are not high, he is after all a member of the northern school, and he knows that this kind of transformation is very bad.

However He was not an expert in this field, and when he thought about it in detail, his brain was not enough. He thought that the characters on these stone tablets might be the key, so he copied them down. At this time, he heard Mung Oil Bottle, who was crouching next to the female corpse, suddenly yell, “Oh no!”

He turned his head and saw that Mung Oil Bottle’s left hand was grabbed by a small hand covered in white hair that had been extended from the female corpse. Fat Man He was shocked to see that there was a dead baby in the woman’s stomach. He was quick to react, however, and after he recovered his senses, he immediately took out his gun and shot the woman in the stomach. It seemed that he had hit the right spot, and the bottle immediately broke free. The fat man wanted to shoot again, but the bottle yelled, “You can’t kill me!

The fat man At first glance, he saw that there was still some liquid in the coffin, which made him feel sick and unable to move his feet. But when he looked back, he saw that the shape of a face was protruding from the corpse’s stomach, as if it was desperately trying to get out. The skin on the corpse’s stomach had been pulled so thin that even the facial features of the thing inside were clearly visible. He couldn’t help but shiver, and thought to himself, “A gentleman doesn’t eat his losses in front of him.” He gritted his teeth and followed it in.

The hole The hole was dug out of bricks, and it was very cleverly done. Only half of the bricks were knocked out, so that an arched brick beam was naturally formed at the top of the hole. The upper things would not be crushed down. This kind of craftsmanship is really a test of skill, and it is estimated that it will not be completed in a few days.

The stuffy oil The bottle had already climbed in a few steps, and the fat man was desperately chasing after him. He didn’t know where the hole led to, and after climbing a few steps, he suddenly discovered that the hole was sloping downward, and there was water at the bottom. saw light diffracted in, and expected that it might be me, so he dived into the water. He swam a few steps and sure enough, it became a wide pool. At that time, the two of them were out of breath and desperately floated up. As soon as they came out of the water, they saw me holding a spear at them.

I heard I couldn’t help but say, “You only saw one hand, too.”

The fat guy said, “I’m not afraid of that thing at all, but this guy is so powerful that he sees that thing and runs away. I don’t really understand why we have to run, little brother. What is that thing? Is it really that powerful? I think I can handle it with a few spears.”

Muyou Bottle touched his wrist and said, “That’s just a white-haired drought demon. You can kill it by cutting off its head, but once it dies, a lot of corpse poison will evaporate, and we’ll have so little air that it’s not worth it.”

I was I was shocked. The drought demon is a ghost that causes droughts according to legend. It is also said that a zombie may become a drought demon after spending too long in a graveyard. The Book of Songs says that the drought demon is a scourge, like a burning fire. In short, there are many different theories about this thing, but I never imagined it would be like this. However These are not important. I came into the tomb and was prepared to see strange and weird things. It was the hole that was unusual. It turned out to be connected to this pool. This is unlikely. I think the hole under the pool must be just an exit. Maybe when this person was digging the hole, he couldn’t be sure of the location of the main coffin, so he dug holes in several possible directions. This is just one of them. Thinking about this, I asked them if they had found a fork in the road?

The fat man He shook his head and said no. The tunnel was not very long, and it was obvious that it went all the way to the end. I wasn’t upset when I heard this, because it was a brick tunnel, and it was very convenient to use bricks to hide a hole.

Thinking Since this tunnel did not damage the airtight structure, its entrance must also be inside the tomb. I figured that he must have entered the ear chamber from the spring, but the ear chamber was still in a state without a door, so he had no choice but to dig another way. However, this person was really unlucky. When he dug into the ear chamber, he dug into the coffin stone. When he dug into the auxiliary chamber, he dug into a pool. I don’t know if the main tomb chamber was dug through by him.

Thinking , the fat man suddenly said, “Do you think the Drought Demon can swim?”

I was stunned, not knowing what he meant. He pointed at the water, and when I looked back, I saw a large number of bubbles suddenly rising from the center of the pool.

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