Volume 2Chapter 29: The Stone Tablet

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:48:47
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The bubbles rose evenly, at a high frequency, and there was a tendency to expand outward. It seemed that there was a big guy under the pool, breathing. The three of us were on guard, holding our guns, backs pressed tightly against the wall. I was been a little nervous, my palms were sweating, and I didn’t know what to expect. The bubbles had been rising for about five minutes when suddenly there was a strange muffled sound from the bottom of the pool.

At the same time, the water level in the pool began to drop, and a dozen vortices appeared on the surface of the water. I saw water splashing, as if a dozen toilets were pumping at the same time, and the basin coffin was spinning desperately with the water flow, like a top. In instant, the water level dropped two or three meters. I was puzzled and quickly took a flashlight and shone it into the pool. I saw a stone staircase on the inner wall of the pool. The staircase spiraled down the stone wall, seemingly leading directly to the bottom of the pool.

The water was moving so fast that before I could take a closer look, it had already disappeared into the pitch-black bottom of the pool. Only the roaring of the whirlpool continued to come. I I used the flashlight to sweep the area a little, and found that the pool was bowl-shaped, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, and was more than ten meters deep. The flashlight’s penetrating power was not enough, and the bottom of the pool was hidden in the murky darkness, so I couldn’t see anything clearly.

I remembered that we still had a deep-water searchlight with extremely strong penetrating power, so I wondered if it would work on the water mist. I quickly asked them to turn it on and adjust the light to the maximum, shining it down from three different directions at the same time.

This time Although it was not completely clear, the shape of the bottom was roughly outlined. The bottom of the pool was a circular plane with a diameter of 10 meters, with relief carvings on it. It was not clear what the specific pattern was, but it was certain that there were several large holes on it, which looked like openings to the water.

The center of the bottom of the pool The center of the pool was filled with water vapor, and there was a black shadow in it. I don’t know what it is. The fat guy’s eyes are very sharp. After thinking about it for a long time, he said, “Can you see that in the middle of the bottom of the pool, there seems to be a stone tablet?”

I looked in the direction he was pointing, and I could only see an outline. The fat guy said, “This stone staircase goes on like this, I don’t know where it leads to. Maybe there are other passages below. Let’s go down and take a look!” He jumped onto the stone steps.

This ancient tomb was eerie, and I didn’t agree to go down rashly. I said, “Don’t worry, it’s too dangerous to go on like this. At least wait until the fog has dispersed.”

The fat guy had already taken a few steps down, and said, “It’s fine. I’ll just go down and take a look. If it’s not good, I’ll come back.”

I knew his temper, and didn’t stop him. I watched him go down for about two laps, and it seemed like he had encountered something. He squatted down to take a look, and after just a few seconds, he looked up and yelled at us, “Damn it, there’s even foreign language here!”

I heard I was stunned by this sentence. How could it be? Foreign words in a Ming Dynasty tomb? What the hell is going on? I shouted, “What the hell are you talking about? How could there be foreign words in an ancient tomb? Are you sure you didn’t read the patterns wrong?”

The fat guy was furious and shouted, “Although your fat uncle doesn’t know much about foreign words, he knows the ABCD. You’re taking me too lightly! If you don’t believe me, come down and take a look!”

I said, “What’s written up there? Read it to me.”

The fat guy was outraged and shouted, “If I could read it, I wouldn’t have asked you to come down!”

I didn’t plan to go down, but after this, I had no choice. I sighed and jumped like the fat guy, onto the stone steps. The stone steps were only half a meter long, and seemed to be made of a single piece of green granite. One end was inserted into the pool wall, and I stamped my feet on it a few times. It was very stable and there was no danger of it collapsing. At this At this time, the oil bottle also jumped down, and we walked towards the fat man one after another.

The fat man stood on the steps, like a wall. He pointed at the pool wall and said, “Look here. If it weren’t for the foreign language, I would write the character ‘king’ upside down!”

I I looked up and saw that someone had really chiseled out a few letters with a chisel. The marks were neither new nor old, so I thought it might have been carved by the group of people from 20 years ago, and I couldn’t help but be secretly surprised. Could it be that Uncle San had been to this place while he was sleeping? Could their disappearance be related to this strange pool?

The fat guy saw me staring blankly and patted me hard, “Is it or isn’t it? Hurry up and say it!”

I hurriedly nodding and said, “Yes, I apologize to you. This is really fucking English.”

The fat man was pleased and slapped his thigh, “I said why is it so strange? We have been looking for this broken bucket for so long, and there is not even a slightly better thing. It seems that the foreigners got here first. When the Eight-Power Allied Forces came, they didn’t leave us anything. This time, needless to say, I guess there is nothing left.”

I thought I thought for a moment and said, “It can’t be said that they are foreigners. Chinese people can also write in foreign characters. When it comes to engraving, it takes much less time to engrave foreign characters than Chinese characters. These letters are all abbreviations. I think it may be a sign. You see, he engraved it in a very hurry. I’m afraid that when he was going down, something urgent happened, or someone was urging him. He engraved a few letters here in order to leave a mark for the people who came after him.”

The fat man said, “You’re right. What do you think they were doing down here? Could it be that there’s a treasure?”

I knew he was thinking of something else again, so I ignored him. The fat guy chased after me and said, “We still have plenty of time. Why don’t we go down and take a look? Maybe we can find some bronze tools. Wouldn’t that be a win-win situation?”

I looked I looked down and I didn’t care about the treasure. I didn’t want to spend money that I didn’t have. But if I could find Wenjin and the others down there, it would be worth a look. I was hesitating whether to continue, when I suddenly heard the muffled oil bottle next to me say, “I think I’ve been here before!”

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