Volume 2Chapter 32: Qimen Dunjia

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:48:57
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The huge figure was almost the same height as the stone tablet. It vaguely had a head and neck, just like a human being. However, the way it stood there, hunched over, was indescribably strange and made people shudder.

Wen Jin cold sweat was pouring down her face. They were standing at the junction of the stone steps and the bottom of the pool, only five steps away from the giant, which was neither long nor short, and was very embarrassing. The fog at the bottom of the pool was swirling, and all the lighting relied on a few low-power flashlights, so it was impossible to see whether this thing was a person or a ghost. And just just now there were so many people here, and they searched inside and out. At the bottom of the pool, 10 meters away, there was nothing but four stone monkeys and a stone tablet with no words in the center. When did this huge “person” appear? No one knew.

And this damn Zhang Qiling didn’t seem to have noticed at all, still staring at the stone tablet, not knowing what he was studying. Wen Jin She hated him so much that she was ready to bite her teeth. But she was the person in charge, so she couldn’t leave him alone. For the moment, she had no idea what to do, so she could only tell the person behind her not to move.

After five or six minutes, the giant “person” was still hiding behind the fog, as if it had no intention of moving.

At this time, Huo Ling couldn’t help but call out softly, “Zhang, what are you doing here? Hurry up and come to us.”

Wen Jin was scared and hurriedly stopped her. Zhang Qiling was too close to this thing. Once the situation changed, it would be difficult to escape from the two-step distance. The best way was to maintain the status quo for the time being.

Wen Jin quickly analyzed the situation. Although there were many dangerous things in the tomb, as long as you knew what you were dealing with, there would be a way to deal with it.

Wen Jin After a brief analysis, he felt that there could be no zongzi in this place, because the location of this ancient tomb was very good. The Xisha Islands had been very little disturbed by humans for hundreds of years. Several circular islands and reefs were scattered on the surface of the sea, but they were connected together under the sea, forming a continuous chain of mountains and rivers. The mountains and rivers were hidden under the sea, gathering wind and nourishing qi. belongs to the water and then flies in the sky, so the water dragon is slightly higher than the mountain dragon in feng shui.

If there is a coffin in such a place, it must be a person with official status and wealth. Especially if this ancient tomb is really buried with Wang Zanghai, this person must be lacking water in the five elements according to his name, which makes him even more complementary among the sea tombs.

So unless the feng shui books are all blind, there will definitely be no zongzi here. Wenjin At this point, Wenjin felt relieved. Since it wasn’t a vampire, it must be a person or an animal. As long as it was alive, there were so many people here, so even if you were two meters tall, we could take you down, let alone three meters.

At this point, one of the boys said, “Wenjin, I don’t think it’s right. I remember that in that position, it should be the stone monkey. Could it be that something has stood on top of the stone monkey?”

Wenjin suddenly thought, it could not be that Uncle San woke up and found that they were not there, so he came in here to look for them. This person is not very serious, and probably blamed them for not obeying his orders, so he hid behind the fog and then climbed up the stone monkey to scare them.

If that was really the case, it would be too hateful. Wen Jin thought about it and already felt that this was the most likely explanation. Thinking about it, she called out to the shadow, “Wu Sanxian! Stop playing around! Come down here!”

If If it really was Uncle San, he would know that he had been discovered by this shout, and there was no need to continue pretending. Uncle San was a broad-minded person, and he would just laugh at such a trivial matter and not mind at all.

But before he could finish his sentence, the shadow suddenly reached out a hand and waved at them, as if telling them to be quiet!

Wen Jin She saw that his body shape, the length of his hand and his height were not proportional. She thought without thinking that it must be Uncle San. She was so angry that she stamped her foot and ran up quickly. She jumped onto the stone monkey and went to pull his ear.

This was her last move against Uncle San, because they had agreed never to quarrel. As long as Wenjin was extremely angry, she could go and pull Uncle San’s ear to let him know that she was very angry. Generally In this situation, even if Uncle Three had the courage of a leopard, he would not dare to be so presumptuous.

Before she could do anything, the man on the stone monkey grabbed her and covered her mouth with one hand, saying softly, “I’m Zhang! Don’t speak! Look down!”

Wen Jin was already furious, but when she heard the voice, she couldn’t help but be stunned. This was really Zhang Qiling’s voice! How could he be standing on the stone monkey?

She turned suddenly had a cold sweat. No! If that’s the case, then who was squatting in front of the stone tablet?

She immediately recalled the scene just now. At that time, she only saw a person squatting in front of the stone tablet, with a flashlight in his hand. Among so many people, Zhang Qiling was the only one missing, so she immediately made a judgment. Could it be that this was a preconceived mistake?

Thinking she immediately poked her head out to take a look. She was stunned when she saw the person squatting in front of the stele wearing the same diving suit as them.

She didn’t understand what he was doing at first, but after taking a closer look, she realized that he was combing his hair in front of the smooth, mirror-like stele. What made people feel creepy was that his manner of twisting and turning was clearly something only a woman would do.

Uncle San After combing his hair for a while, he turned his face and looked carefully at himself in the stone mirror, just like a young girl who has not yet left the bridal chamber, putting on makeup and dressing up, and finally taking a look at the effect.

The face of Uncle San in the stone mirror looked like a smile, but it looked ghostly and unspeakably strange. Such a picture would definitely be very funny if it were normal, but now Wen Jin felt cold all over, and he didn’t even dare to breathe.

Below The others saw the two on the stone monkey hugging each other and not moving, thinking that it was really Uncle Wu pretending to be a ghost to scare people, and they couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Huo Ling was worried about Zhang Qiling, so she suddenly ran up to the person behind the stone tablet and patted him on the shoulder, saying, “Zhang, what are you doing here?”

This This was a surprise to everyone. Zhang Qiling cried out in alarm, but it was too late to stop him. The man in front of the stone tablet suddenly stood up, scaring Huo Ling into screaming. However, she immediately realized that it was Uncle San standing in front of her. She turned from fear to anger, and shouted, “Wu Sanxian, it’s you! You’re not sleeping, what are you doing here?”

Uncle San When he saw Huo Ling, he suddenly covered his face with his hand, let out a strange cry, pushed her hard, pushed her to the ground, then turned and ran. His speed was very fast, but when he passed Huo Ling, he stopped for a moment to see if she was injured. It was this moment that ruined everything. When Huo Ling saw Zhang Qi Ling looking at her fall to the ground, she rushed over, thinking that he was concerned about her, and she couldn’t help but feel warm in her heart, and she actually went to hug him.

Zhang Qi Ling couldn’t help but sigh. This delay of a few seconds was enough to make him lose all his opportunities. He rolled over and passed under her arm. When he looked again at Uncle San, he had already run into the thick fog and was almost at the edge of the pool, looking at his shadow.

Zhang Qiling shouted, “Watch the stone steps! Don’t let him go up!” He chased after him. At this time, he vaguely saw that Uncle San in front of him suddenly turned sideways, and in an instant, it seemed that he had penetrated into the wall. However The fog was too thick, and he didn’t see the whole process.

Zhang Qiling chased to the edge of the pool wall, but there was no one to chase, so he had to stop. He didn’t believe that Uncle San had gone into the wall. Although he wasn’t one of those old-fashioned people who believed in materialism, this kind of scene was too unbelievable, and there must be something fishy about it.

He stayed for a moment, and immediately used his hand to touch the stone wall. However, the stone wall was solid. Zhang Qiling did not believe that there was such a thing as wall-walking in this world. He extended his two unusually long fingers and pressed them against the stone wall. In an instant, his extremely sensitive fingers immediately felt that the stone wall was actually slowly rotating!

His mind immediately went “boom!” He had not realized it before, but this pool was actually a huge mechanism!

He suddenly felt He suddenly felt very emotional. This was simply a miracle of ancient engineering. His so-called experience was as naive as a child in front of the tomb owner.

But what was the purpose of this mechanism? During the few minutes they had been down here, it seemed that there had been no change at all on the bottom of the pool! This damn Wang Zanghai wouldn’t just want to build a revolving restaurant in his own tomb, would he?

As for Zhang Qiling is no stranger to the principles of traps. In his own words, he knows more about the traps in Chinese ancient tombs than anyone else in the world (his exact words). He knows a lot about the principles, origins, shortcomings, and even the names of the inventors of these traps.

According to his experience, this trap must be operated using the simplest principles. Because he knows that the so-called clever spring mechanism and the wooden bow crossbow, no matter how good the materials are, after a few hundred years or even thousands of years, the fuse used to fire them has already rotted and become unusable. What can block tomb robbers is often the simplest anti-theft sand layer outside the tomb wall (tomb robbers After the tomb raider digs to the sand layer, a large amount of quicksand will collapse, suffocating the tomb raider alive. But this is also a very passive method. Now tomb raiders will instead determine the actual location of the ancient tomb based on the sand in the Luoyang shovel, and directly penetrate the twelve layers of blue bricks from the top of the tomb.

To make For a mechanism to operate for hundreds or thousands of years, it must use materials that will not rot for hundreds or thousands of years, such as stone and living water that will never dry up. These things are all here, and the water here also provides a kind of power according to the changes in the tides, making it more convenient to use.

If the tomb owner is Wang Zanghai, then this person, from his obsession with strange and ingenious techniques and his ability to use them, has reached a state of enlightenment, and I’m afraid no one in the world can surpass him.

Zhang Qi Zhang Qi Ling thought to himself as he touched the stone walls in other places. He already had a vague idea in his mind that there must be an entrance on this wall. Just now, he hesitated for a moment and the entrance had already moved. He felt his way along and only took a few steps forward before he discovered a secret door.

It couldn’t can’t be so easily found by him, he shook his head, not daring to enter, and continued to walk all the way down. This time he walked more and more confused. In the end, he counted that in this small place, he had actually touched eight secret doors. At this point, he thought to himself, it seemed that he already knew that this was not Qimen Dunjia?

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