Volume 2Chapter 44: Peeling

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:49:36
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“Where did the tail come from? Why didn’t I see it before?” I thought he was teasing me and said, “Don’t make fun of me.”

“Isn’t this it?” The fat man pointed to me seriously: “Your eyesight is too ‘divine’, can’t you see such a sudden thing?”

I looked along the fat man’s finger and saw that there was really a protrusion on the tailbone of the golden body, three inches long, two fingers thick, dark black, and it looked the same as the degree of drying of the corpse itself. It looked a bit like a hardened cow’s tail, curving upward.

I felt I felt strange. I didn’t seem to have seen this thing when I was moving it just now. Could it have grown just now?

I recalled, but I had no idea. I was highly nervous just now, and I couldn’t remember whether I had seen it or not. A chill suddenly ran down my spine, and I suddenly had a very inauspicious feeling.

Immediately I reminded myself that this was not the time for superstition, and that it was not certain that this dry thing was a tail. So I said to the fat man, “Don’t jump to conclusions too quickly. How can a tail grow on a person? Don’t be a dick. Take a closer look.”

“Fuck you!” the fat man laughed. “Can a dick grow on the ass? Besides who died like this—this—

I knew what he wanted to say, so I interrupted him immediately: “Come on, come on, you don’t care what it is, anyway, after the explosion, there won’t be any residue left. If you study it, in a few years, others will study us.”

The fat man was reminded by my words and immediately reacted. He didn’t care about the strange thing and hurried to work.

I helped I helped him turn the corpse over, took down the rope that was originally used to assist climbing the pillar, and fixed the mummy to the pillar with difficulty. I still couldn’t estimate how violent the explosion would be, but I remembered hearing that the Nine-Son Cannon in the Three Heroes and Five Righteous could already crack ten layers of diamond-hard rock, so this thing shouldn’t be much worse.

After tying it up, I pulled it hard, and it was done in a hurry and not very strong, but it should be enough to handle it for a while.

At that moment I didn’t want to stay up there any longer. I checked everything and saw that everything was in order, so I was ready to go down.

I couldn’t help but feel nervous when I thought about the time of the explosion. Now it all depended on this move. I just prayed to God for help. I didn’t care about anything else. I just wanted to get out of there alive.

As I was thinking about this, the fat guy grabbed me and said, “Wait a minute. I’m still missing something.”

I had just checked everything, and I was stunned. “What’s missing? Isn’t this all there?”

The fat guy told me not to go down yet, then turned his head and said to the corpse, “This tailed senior, whether you are a human or a monkey, you have already passed away, and this stinky body is of no use to you. Although we used it as a bomb is a bit excessive, but the situation is really forced, you have a lot of tolerance, don’t argue with us, wait a minute you will be steamed sauna, no conflict with the world, no taboo.” After that, he gave the golden body a symbolic bow.

I was furious, grabbed his underwear and pulled it down, cursing, ‘Damn it, when is it, you still have the heart to play this set!’

He straight slipped down to my side and said, “You don’t understand. This thing looks evil. It’s hard to say that it won’t bring us bad luck. Besides, the people are sitting here nicely. We took him as a bomb package, and it was our fault. How can we not say something if we want to go through the motions?”

I scolded as I climbed: “Come on, what were you doing when you moved the twelve corpses? I didn’t see you bow to anyone. Now he just has a long tail. What’s the big deal?”

This is how the conflict between the The conflict between the two schools is thus born, and it can be said to be a difference in ideology. The fat man didn’t like what he heard, and he grunted and turned his head to ignore me.

We went down to the ground, and the fat man picked up Ning and led us to the corner of the tomb. We moved the other bronze mirrors in front of us, like shields, in case the bomb was too powerful later and we were accidentally injured by the debris. Everything was ready, and we just had to wait for the right moment. With his precise technique, he threw a mirror leg over to detonate the mechanism in the golden body. He had almost killed the fat man with a flying knife in the palace of King Lu, so this time it should be no problem.

The regularity of the rise and fall of the sea is: there are two tides every day, 12 hours apart. The high tide The high tide generally lasts for more than an hour before the tide begins to recede, and the lowest tide occurs between the two high tides. At this time, the sea level is at its lowest, and sometimes even the seabed is exposed.

However, the seabed here should not be so shallow, otherwise there would be many more stranded ships here than there are now. I estimate that if it can reach below two meters, that would be ideal.

I know how long the low tide will last. In my memory, it should be a very short time. We need to wait for the water to wash the hole above it, which will delay for a while, so we can’t delay for a minute at the beginning.

This is is a relatively optimistic estimate. There may be other unexpected situations. At that time, we can only respond to the situation as it arises. I thought that I was getting more and more worried. I was talking nonsense. If the situation doesn’t develop as I thought, but the entire roof collapses, I’m really sorry for them. I thought, and I couldn’t help but feel nervous. The fat guy looked at my expression and probably knew that I was a little guilty. He asked uneasily, “Tell me the truth, guys. Are you sure you don’t have any confidence?”

I didn’t I didn’t know how to reply, so I said, “In this situation, it’s hard to say. Anyway, the arrow is on the string. You’ll see in a moment.”

The fat guy sighed: “Really, the more you say, the more I feel panicked. If this thing doesn’t explode in a moment, do you have any other countermeasures? If you tell me first, it will make me feel a little more at ease.”

I said, “There is a way. The way you just said is one. Go back the way we came and see if the tomb room we came in has reappeared. Or Or, there is another way that is not a solution, which is to stay here and wait for the third group of people to come in and save us.

The fat man said, “How can we wait? If they don’t come in, what should we do? Wait for a lifetime? Then we will become the living dead tombs on the seabed of Xisha, and the tomb robbers will disappear from the rivers and lakes.”

I reassured the fat man reassured the fat man: “What I mean is that although it is extremely dangerous here, we can’t leave for a while, and we won’t die immediately. As long as we have time, we can discuss it at length and always come up with a solution. You can see that there is a lot of space here, and there is enough air for several days. I think it won’t be a problem for a week. We should sleep more, exercise less, and use it as sparingly as possible.”

The fat man said, “There’s enough air, but you still need to eat. This isn’t the middle of the woods, there’s nothing here, not even any northwest wind to drink. I’d rather suffocate than starve to death.”

I laughed and said, “People think of ways to get out of trouble. Look at this fat, you won’t starve to death even if you’re hungry for a week. If you’re really hungry, there’s still a sea monkey. If you’re still hungry after eating the sea monkey, then catch the forbidden woman down there and strip her.”

The fat guy He was also amused. This guy is only excited when someone argues with him. He patted my shoulder and said, “Okay, this sentence of yours is quite in my style. To carry out a revolution, you must have the spirit of not fearing the heavens or the earth. It seems that this time you have indeed made a lot of progress.”

I was also surprised when I said it. How did I start talking about such irrelevant things? It seems that I was influenced by the fat guy. No, I must not become like the fat guy. At that moment I stopped arguing and continued to pay attention to my watch. There were five minutes left. If we were to detonate at this time, it wouldn’t make much difference. I told Mian Youping to get ready, so that if we missed, the golden body wouldn’t fall off the pillar and explode underneath.

Mian Youping weighed the device in his hand and nodded in agreement. At this time, suddenly Fat Man shouted, “What? Where’s the mummy?” We We were shocked. We looked up and saw that the corpse on the pillar was gone. My first reaction was that it hadn’t been tied down properly and had fallen off. I looked down and saw that it wasn’t on the ground either. I couldn’t help but curse. This was really evil.

I really didn’t expect this to happen at this critical moment. I was just preparing to adapt to the situation, and I was comforting myself. I didn’t expect it to come true so soon.

“Look, I told you, something with a tail is definitely evil.” The fat guy cried out, “Quickly find out where it is.”

We rushed out together and saw at a glance that the thing we were looking for was clinging to the top of the pillar behind us, holding on to the relief on it with its fingernails. The black crust on its body had cracked and was falling off in pieces, and inside it was bloody and we didn’t know what it was.

I saw I saw that the rope was still tied around its waist. Because it was made of several strands of wetsuit material, it was still very secure for tying a person, so it didn’t break free at once, but judging from the situation, it couldn’t hold on for long.

The fat guy looked at it and shouted, “Quick, before he escapes, detonate it first!”

Muddy oil Bottle, he reminded, the fat man’s words had only just begun when I heard a gust of wind, and at the same time a green light had already flown past, straight into the mummy’s stomach.

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