Volume 3 Chapter 10: Taimen

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:50:14
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Lao Ye said that, but we were neck-deep in the water, so how could we escape quickly? I floundered a few times, and when I looked back, the triangular water mark had already rushed towards me like lightning, and the water surface had turned turbid.

I hurriedly tied the flashlight to my wrist, pulled out the dagger that was stuck in my belt, and used my backpack as a shield. I called out to Lao Yan for help, but found that the kid had already swum out ten meters.

I cursed his ancestors ten times over in my heart, but there was no time to think. The monster came at me like lightning, and in the blink of an eye it was right in front of me.

I crouched down and was prepared to take the monster’s blow. The three triangular water marks came fast, and when they were about three feet in front of me, suddenly a distorted ripple appeared on the water surface, and the water marks disappeared.

It was too late, or too fast. Before I could even wonder, suddenly a splash of water exploded in front of my eyes, and at the same time a huge force hit my chest. I didn’t know what was going on at all. I choked on a mouthful of stinky water, and the acid made my eyes water.

I was This force pushed me into the water, pushing me forward. I was pushed out more than ten meters in one go. I didn’t have time to breathe when I entered the water, and my air was very short, almost to the limit. If I kept pushing it down, I would have suffocated. So I gritted my teeth and stabbed the dagger at random. I felt a shock in my hand, and I didn’t know where I stabbed. The guy was in pain and twisted violently in the water. It flipped me over, and my head hit the wall, and I was instantly stunned.

But at least the knife had some effect, and I felt my chest relax, and the force disappeared.

I knew it had let go. I struggled to stick my head out and greedily breathed in a mouthful of air. At the same time, I felt my backpack, and it had been ripped off by half, and most of the contents had fallen out. Fortunately, I had blocked the backpack against my chest, or I would have been dead by now. The bite force of this thing is too powerful.

At this time the light was very poor, and I could only see the flickering light of Lao Yi’s flashlight in the back. But this faint light couldn’t see anything at all, and instead it made the water reflect light, affecting my vision.

I took a few breaths and my mind cleared up a lot. At this time, I discovered that the dagger in my hand was gone. I didn’t know if it had fallen into the water when I hit the wall just now, or if I hadn’t pulled it out at all. I sighed in my heart, now I was unarmed. no backpack protection, if it takes another bite, I think it will be my internal organs that fall out.

I stuck to the stone wall, it was a narrow place, so I stuck to one side. It would not be so easy for it to bite my body.

When I was fighting just now, I vaguely felt that it was a big fish, but how could there be a fish in this sealed mine, and it was still so big, it was too unreasonable. Even if there was, what would it eat, eat rocks?

Lao Yi came up from behind and yelled at me, “Are you okay? Are you missing any limbs?”

I quickly stopped him and told him to stick to the wall, saying, “Don’t come over. That thing is still around!”

He didn’t He didn’t hear what I said, and asked, “Are you okay? I was trying to make some noise to attract his attention, but I didn’t expect him not to fall for it…” He was halfway through his sentence when suddenly he leaned over, and was pulled into the water.

I thought to myself, “This is bad. I don’t know what part of Lao Yi’s body was bitten. If it was on his body, it would be really bad.

I touched I felt all over my body, but there was no other weapon. I only took out a knife from my pocket to open a military can. This knife was made of good steel, but it was too short. Even if you stabbed a hundred times, you might not be able to kill someone. Now there was no time to be picky. I yelled and jumped into the water, swimming in the direction of Lao Yan.

That was in a melee, and I couldn’t see anything in the water, so I had to feel my way. I had just felt around for a bit when I caught a fish tail, which hit me in the face and knocked me out. I was spinning around in the water, and my neck was almost broken.

This slap made me a little angry, so I bit my teeth together and rushed over again. In a panic, I grabbed something, and I felt it was slimy and slippery, and when I touched it, it was full of scales. I thought to myself It’s you, but it’s not a part of the fish. I grabbed a can opener and stabbed it.

Although the can opener was short, the cross-cutting edge was very sharp. After the monster was stabbed, it twisted violently, and I couldn’t hold it anymore. I was thrown out of the water, but with the lesson from last time, I held the can opener tightly in my hand. The barb of the can opener stuck in its body, and when it exerted its strength forward, it pulled a big gash on its body.

When I When I looked up again, the green water was already full of red blood. The two colors mixed together, which was very disgusting. I raised my hand out of the water and found that the can opener had rolled up. The rolled edge flipped up and cut into my finger, which was already swollen and white.

I couldn’t care about it anymore. I calmed down and took a step forward. Suddenly, a huge fish head rushed out of the water. I only saw a dense mouth of fangs rushing towards my head. In a panic The next time I leaned back, the fish jumped on me. It pushed me under the water.

I struggled desperately in the water, trying to grab something. At this time, a man grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the water. I looked up and saw it was the old itch, covered in blood, gasping for breath.

“How are you?” I asked hurriedly. “Where did you get bitten?”

He took half a backpack out of the water, and I let out a sigh of relief. It seems that the place here is too narrow, and the fish can only attack our chest. This is really a blessing in disguise.

The water was muddy, and the big fish was obviously in pain, flipping around in the water, occasionally hitting the stone wall on one side. We were on guard, but soon it floated up not far away, belly up, with its two fins still shaking, but it didn’t seem to be able to move anymore.

I waited waited for a while, and when I saw that it was really stiff, I dared to swim over to it.

This fish was at least two and a half meters long, with a big head and a basin-like mouth full of small barbed teeth. The strangest thing was that there was a strange pattern on the fish’s forehead, with a dagger stuck in it without a handle.

I I could already tell that it was a taimen, the most ferocious of freshwater fish. If we were talking about this species, this fish was still considered small, but how did this fish, which only lives in cold water, get here?

Just as I was wondering, I heard Lao Yan cry out, “Look, there are steps there.”

Just now There was a melee, and I didn’t know where I had brought the fish. It looked like it had entered the depths of this stone path. I turned and looked, and on the side of the water, there were a few crude steps that extended out of the water, and there was a highland above. The flashlight swept over, and you could see some murals.

We were cold and itchy, and we urgently needed to rest. The two of us discussed it and decided to go to a place without water first to treat the wounds.

Lao Yan was so cold that he didn’t say much. He grabbed the gills of the fish and dragged it inside. I looked at him strangely and asked him what he wanted with the fish. He said, “If it swallows the equipment in our bag, it’ll be terrible. We’re hoping to get rich with these things, so we have to get it out somehow.”

I listened I shook my head and had no choice but to help him push the fish forward. This almost straight staircase, I climbed up first, and there was a stone room propped up by wood, and there was also a stone path leading to other places. It was dark inside, but this place was relatively spacious. It should be used for temporarily stacking the mined stone and waste stone. The supporting wood had already rotted and the surrounding murals were very simple, leaning towards an abstract style. I felt uncomfortable and had no desire to look closely.

We We took off all our clothes, built a fire in the corner with rotten wood, and started to bake our clothes. Lao Yi was anxious about his equipment, and went to carve the fish belly while naked. He said to me, “This fish is so big, it’s a waste to just throw it away. How about we cut some meat out and eat it later?”

I took I took some medicine out of Lao Yan’s bag and disinfected my fingers, then wrapped them in a band-aid and said, “You eat it yourself. The water is too dirty. I don’t know where the fish came from or what it ate. It’s not safe to think about it.”

Lao Yan At this time, he had already scooped out the stomach of the big fish, slashed the stomach with a knife, and a stench came at once, almost suffocating me. My head involuntarily turned to look, and I saw a mass of pulpy stuff oozing out of its stomach, and one of the round things rolled a few times and came to my face.

I looked and let out a “Oh!”

It was a human head.

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