Volume 3 Chapter 12 Underground River

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:50:21
A+ A- Turn Off Light

I suddenly felt a chill down my spine and my whole body shook. I tried to pull my hand back like crazy, but the withered hand was so strong that I couldn’t get it off and it was pulling me into the coffin.

I was so scared that I almost lost my mind. In the chaos, I took out my pistol and tried to use it to break the corpse’s hand. But before I could aim, there was suddenly a commotion behind me and my hand holding the pistol was suddenly twisted.

I didn’t know I didn’t know what had grabbed my hand, and I yelled and struggled. Somehow, I managed to shake off the corpse hand, then kicked the sarcophagus, knocking everything behind me over.

I rolled twice on the ground, and I knew it was a person who had attacked me. I suddenly got brave, rolled over, jumped up, and was about to shoot.

But before Before I could see clearly who it was in front of me, I heard a loud bang. I didn’t know where the strong wind came from, but I felt a hard blow to the back of my head. I felt dizzy and was knocked out.

I was knocked to the ground. At least two people came up and held my hands, lifting me up and taking me to the coffin. Looking back, I saw that Lao Yi was also restrained. He was tied up and pressed to the ground.

The person behind me The man behind me used my belt to tie my hands and pushed me to the ground. Then he put a gun to my head. At this point, I saw their faces. These people were the same guys we met at the street stall in Xi’an.

How could these people be here? I was extremely surprised. Could it be that they were really listening to us, as Lao Yao said, and followed us here?

This is It’s bad. These people are desperate criminals. If they get their hands on us, we’ll be in big trouble. This kind of place is the perfect place to kill someone. The body probably won’t be found for hundreds of years.

After tying us up, those people threw us aside. They didn’t come to fight or kill us, but instead went to push the lid of the stone coffin we had just seen. When Lao Yang and I saw that the withered arm was still hanging outside the coffin, we couldn’t help but turn pale and scream, “What are you doing? That’s a zongzi inside! and we’ll all be in trouble!”

The men heard this and were stunned. They immediately burst into laughter. A young man said, ‘What’s a rice dumpling? You’d better take a good look at what’s inside!’

He said, and pushed the lid of the coffin with all his might. Amidst the screams of me and Lao Yang, the lid of the coffin was pushed to the side with a loud thud. Immediately, an old man with the appearance of a skinny farmer sat up from the coffin.

I looked at him and said, ”Holy shit, isn’t that Uncle Tai? How did he end up sitting in a coffin? Immediately I immediately understood, and I really wanted to slap myself. Fuck, I was actually fooled!

Uncle Tai stood up, put his ghostly hand, which was as white as a corpse and covered with dry wrinkles, into his clothes, then climbed out of the coffin and came to us.

I looked I looked at his hand. The nails were yellow, long and sharp. Suddenly I remembered a friend of my grandfather’s when I was a child. This man’s foot was scratched by a zongzi and it took more than ten days for the pus to heal.

But his foot has since shrunk and withered, and it looks exactly the same as Uncle Tai’s hand. I thought to myself, could it be that Uncle Tai’s hand is also the result of being scratched by a zongzi? Regret I thought to myself, how come I didn’t think of this earlier? If I hadn’t been so scared, we wouldn’t have been caught so easily.

Uncle Tai looked at us a few times, but didn’t say anything. He just lit a cigarette and said a few words to the people around him in their dialect.

I thought they were going to do something bad to us, so I was on full alert. I didn’t expect them to ignore us, but instead they surrounded the coffin. Uncle Tai Uncle Tai switched to Mandarin and said to one of them, “Mr. Wang, according to the directions that Mr. Li gave us, this place is the entrance to the underground tunnel of the tomb, but there’s nothing here. What’s going on?”

A slightly overweight middle-aged man squatted down with difficulty, took out a notebook and looked at it, saying, “There’s no mistake, this is the place. It must have been when the tomb was sealed that the entrance was hidden. The secret door should be in this room.”

Uncle Tai looked around and asked another man, “Master Liang, you have studied this, what do you think?”

The man was hiding in the dark, I couldn’t see his face, but I heard a rather young voice say, “I’ve seen Mr. Li’s map, it should be correct. I just took a look at it, if there is a secret door, then there won’t be any other places, it must be under the coffin bed.”

They lowered their heads and looked at the protruding part under the sarcophagus. Lao Tai took out his gun and knocked on it, saying, “How do we open it?”

Liang Shiyu thought for a moment and shook his head, “I don’t know. Let’s push it open and see.”

Uncle Tai stood up and walked over to the young man. The two men pushed against the coffin with their shoulders and pushed hard. With a creaking sound, the coffin shifted a little, and a black gap appeared on the coffin bed below.

The other Other people also went up to help. A few people pushed a few times, and the empty coffin slid down halfway, revealing a one-meter-wide entrance in front of us.

I stretched my neck and looked inside. It was dark and gloomy, and there seemed to be a very steep stone staircase leading down. I smelled a strange smell coming up from below, which was a bit familiar, but I couldn’t think of what it was.

That year The young man shone his flashlight down and wanted to stick his head in, but was stopped by Uncle Tai, who pointed at me with his chin and said something in their local language. The young man nodded, came over, pulled me to the edge of the hole, untied my hands and feet, then pushed me into the hole, pointed his gun at my head and told me to go down.

I looked and knew that they hadn’t killed us just then. I realized that they hadn’t walked through the secret passage here before, were afraid of traps, and wanted to take us to the mine. I thought of I remembered when Lao Yang begged me to go with him, saying that we would be on a tour. I felt terrible about listening to him. I thought to myself, “How could I have listened to him? Now it’s all over. There are bound to be traps on the stairs down there. We’re dead.”

I moved my hands around, thinking that I might as well fight them. I figured that I was going to die anyway, so even if there were no traps down there, I would still have plenty of opportunities to go through them in the future. I wouldn’t be so lucky every time. Fighting them might give me a chance to survive. At that moment Old Itch gave me a wink and said softly, “It’s fine. Go ahead.”

I was puzzled. He hadn’t been down there before, so how did he know it was fine? But he looked so confident, and I couldn’t figure out what he was planning. So I tied the flashlight to my hand, braced myself with my other hand, and gingerly lowered myself down with my feet first.

I took a deep breathed deeply, first shining the flashlight down, and found that this was an almost straight walkway, so deep that you couldn’t see the bottom. The greenish stone walls around it were very damp for some reason, and my hand slipped a little when I pressed it against them. But there was no water below, so I didn’t know where the dampness came from.

I wanted to go down, but Uncle Tai patted me on the head and handed me a whistle, saying, “When you get to the bottom, blow it. If you don’t hear it for half an hour, I’ll kill you, buddy.”

I knew I knew he was afraid I would run away, so I sneered and took the whistle, then ducked down into the tunnel.

The almost straight stone steps were very difficult to climb, and they had not been carved carefully. Some were shallow and some were deep, and most of them could only be stepped on with half a foot. I had gone down a dozen steps and was already panting, and my toes were starting to hurt. Looking up I looked up and saw that the stone door above had turned into a small square light, and the darkness around it was like ink squeezing in. I saw a few faint shadows flickering above, and they were obviously looking at me constantly.

At first I was worried that these stone steps would have traps, so I walked very carefully, but the lower I went, the more I realized that the stone path was built more roughly, with the stones all being whole pieces.

Walking Walking, the mine tunnel changed direction, gradually becoming angled, and the steps became easier to walk on. I saw that the rocks in this section had obviously turned reddish brown, and there were many small reflections when I shone a light on them.

This kind of stone is probably granite, with some mica inside, very hard. They changed the direction of the mine tunnel, probably to avoid this granite belt. So this must already be the interior of the mountain.

I don’t know I don’t know when the sound of water came from below the tunnel. After a few turns, the sound of water grew louder and louder, sounding like a thousand horses galloping.

I looked at my watch and realized that I had been walking for almost 20 minutes. I felt that if I went any further, the sound of my whistle might not reach the surface.

The sound went up and up, and soon, a whistle echoed from above.

I continued I continued downwards. The tunnel widened and the exit soon appeared in my field of vision. A strong wind blew in front of me, almost knocking me down. I ran a few steps downwards, and suddenly there was a roar in my ears. I had already stepped out of the tunnel and onto a riverbank. At the same time, a rushing underground river appeared before my eyes.

This The underground river was about the width of a basketball court, and the ceiling was about ten meters high. The cave was not decorated with stalactites, but the surrounding rocks had become very smooth after years of erosion. I looked at the scale of the cave and knew that it was not artificially excavated.

The water The water was very fast-flowing. The loud sound I heard above was because the cave structure here was like a megaphone, amplifying the sound of the water. I walked towards the middle and found that the water was quite hot, a bit hard to step into, and the deeper I went, the deeper the water got, and it was up to my knees in a few steps, so I quickly retreated.

This should be a rock vein, just like the blood vessels in the human body, the blood vessels of the mountain. I looked I looked to the sides and found that the underground river on both sides seemed to be shrinking, gradually becoming narrower. On the left side of the river, there were many iron chains hanging from the rock walls.

Just as I was wondering, the young man came out of the tunnel, screaming, “Fuck, it’s so hot!”

I went back I looked back and saw another young man coming out behind him. He was wearing glasses and looked scholarly. He was the cool counselor. When he approached, I realized that this person was actually a bit older and not as young as I had seen from a distance. The third person to come out was Lao Yang, followed by a slightly overweight middle-aged man, and then Uncle Tai. I thought there should be one more person behind them, but I found that there was no one following. I was puzzled. When they entered the mountain, weren’t there five of them?

They Several of them all turned on their flashlights, and several beams of light swept back and forth in the rock vein. The cool counselor cried out in surprise: “It’s really a work of art. The path to the tomb is actually an underground river. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t have believed it.”

The young man walked a few steps into the water, frowned, and then retreated. He said to the others, “It’s pretty deep. Uncle Tai, it’s hard to walk here, it’s not good.”

Uncle Tai glanced at Mr. Wang and asked, “Mr. Wang, how should we proceed now? Is it written on your precious map?”

Mr. Wang flipped through his notebook and said, “According to the map, when they came to explore the tomb last time, they had set two iron locks underwater. If you keep touching the iron locks, you will reach the entrance to the underground palace!”

The flashlights all shone into the water. Sure enough, a black iron chain about the thickness of a wrist lay horizontally at the bottom of the water. Uncle Tai pulled it out of the water, weighed it in his hands, and exclaimed, “Damn it, it’s really there.”

The young man walked over and pulled a few times, but it wouldn’t budge. He looked ahead uneasily and said, “Uncle Tai, I’m afraid it’s not appropriate to take the water route. Just now, Boss Li died so tragically. If we encounter that kind of fish again, we’ll all have to answer for it.”

Master Liang Master Liang touched the water and said, “It’s fine. The water is so hot here, there must be a hot spring at the bottom. There will definitely be no fish. If there are any, they will be cooked. Er Ma Zi, you’re thinking too much.”

Er Ma Zi opened his mouth and seemed to not believe it. He asked, “Really?”

Master Liang patted his shoulder and was about to say something when suddenly a huge wave broke out in the water behind Er Ma Zi. In an instant, we were washed into the water and soaked to the skin. I panicked I turned the flashlight back and saw a column of water shoot out of the water and hit the ceiling of the cave. The boiling water turned into rain and fell down.

Master Liang was so scared that he turned pale and sat in the water, shaking. I don’t know if he peed his pants. Uncle Tai was a man who had seen storms and waves. When he stood up, he had already pulled out his gun and yelled at Master Liang, “What the hell is this?”

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