Volume 3 Chapter 13 The Waterfall of the Underworld

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:50:24
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The underground river water was fast-flowing and extremely hot. I originally thought that there must be no living creatures in it, but before I could finish my thought, a yellow water column suddenly rushed out of the water, straight up to the ceiling of the cave, and washed everyone down to the shallows.

In the chaos I didn’t see what happened to Erma, who was directly hit by the water column. I only heard Tai Shu ask the water master what was in the water. The latter was so scared that he couldn’t even speak, and couldn’t answer him at all. I turned to look, and all I could see was a large splash of water. I couldn’t even tell what was under the water, let alone its shape.

The water column of water didn’t subside for a moment, but instead seemed to grow more and more ferocious. It reminded me of a whale in the sea, but how could there be a whale in this ravine? I thought to myself, could it be the legendary adult taimen, which is more than 20 meters long and has a head like a truck? My heart I thought to myself, “This is a tough life. Nowadays, when the Buddha closes his eyes, all kinds of demons and monsters come out to play.

At this moment, Er Ma Zi suddenly splashed a few times and came out of the water. I don’t know why he was all red, and he fell into the water after just a few steps and didn’t move. Uncle Tai didn’t know what happened, so he kicked me hard and told me to go pull him back.

I thought to myself I cursed the old guy in my heart, but there was nothing I could do with a gun pointed at my back. I had to pluck up my courage and rush into the spray. The water was spraying down like rain from the hole in the ceiling. As soon as I got wet, I realized that something was wrong. The water was so hot that it would blister you if you touched it. In a panic, I pulled up my clothes to cover myself and used my other hand to pull the second pockmarked man.

But When my hand touched the body of Er Ma Zi, I was burned and shrunk, and I was horrified. This grandson of his mother was already cooked, and there was no hope.

At this time, suddenly there was another loud noise, and a yellow gas was sprayed out of the water column. I looked at it and realized that it was definitely not a fish. Any living thing that moved in water at such a high temperature would have been boiled into a soup long ago.

Old Itch yells at me, “What the hell are you doing? Dive into the water! This is an intermittent hot spring. It’s not worth dying from the heat!”

The water column was getting bigger and bigger, and the boiling water started to pour down like a heavy rain. I quickly ducked down and dived into the underground river. The rest of the people were being boiled like pigs by the boiling water rain, and when they saw me escaping into the water, they also dived in after me.

The fountain The water mixed with the underground river water, and the temperature of the river water was much higher. I swam out a few meters and looked back. I could see that the water around the spring had already boiled, and the heat was spreading rapidly. I could see that almost the entire river surface was beginning to emit steam. If I didn’t find a place to get out of the water, I would end up like the pockmarked man.

At this time it was impossible to return to the mine shaft. The water there was the hottest, almost boiling, so I had to follow the underground waterway. I looked at the direction of the water flow and regretted that I should have chosen to swim against the current when I first went in. The current would have carried the hot water in the opposite direction, but now we were going down with the current, and the water was faster than us.

But now there was no other way. Should I just wait to die here? I said hello to I waved to Lao Yi, and swam ahead of the others.

The current carried me forward for several hundred meters, and I felt that the water temperature was no longer rising. I breathed a sigh of relief, turned around, and swam back while shining my flashlight. I saw Lao Yi waving frantically at me, shouting, “Stop! Stop! “

He didn’t finish his sentence before he was suddenly hit by something, and his mouth was pressed into the water. I didn’t hear the rest of his words, but at this time I could already hear the roaring sound of water behind me. I turned around and shone my flashlight, and saw a large cliff not far ahead, with a large yellow waterfall pouring down from it.

I was suddenly scared, this is no good, if I get washed down there, I’ll be dead. Lao Yang At this time, he poked his head out again and yelled, “Pull over! Pull over!” I only then realized what was going on and quickly swam to the edge of the waterway, clinging to the wall with all my might. I let go of the wall and was carried away by the current for three or four meters before stopping myself. Just as I was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the cold-hearted teacher suddenly came up behind me, yelling for help, and knocked me out of the water. The two of us rolled around in the water.

When I When I looked out again, I had already been washed up to the edge of the waterfall. There was no time or way to react, so I subconsciously reached out and grabbed at something. Suddenly I grabbed onto a chain, and I clung to it with all my might. I finally stopped at the edge of the waterfall. Looking down, I saw my feet dangling below the cliff. The sound of the water was loud and the darkness was complete. I had no idea how high it was.

I was lucky to be alive. I was lucky to be alive. I don’t know who pushed my feet away, but when I looked with my flashlight, I saw that Mr. Liang was hanging on another chain, and my feet were on his head. I I kicked him hard, kicking him to the side. I touched the side and found that there were a large number of iron chains lying horizontally underwater, crisscrossing together, like a railing that blocked what was rushing down from upstream, except that some of the chains had now broken and hung down from the waterfall, leaving many gaps.

Lao Yan floated to my side, and I grabbed his hand and pulled him to my side, while Tai Shu and the fat boss also stopped on the other side, all holding onto the chains. Er Ma The corpse of Er Ma Zi floated past us, spinning on the chains and getting stuck between two chains. Lao Yang reached out and took the pistol and the gun from his waist.

I saw him get the gun and reach out to shoot Uncle Tai, so I grabbed him and yelled, “What the hell are you thinking? There’s water in the barrel!

You want to blow it up?” Lao Yang yelled, “If we don’t kill them now, we won’t have a chance.”

I pulled him back and yelled, “You still have time to think about this, look in front of you!”

He turned his head and looked ahead. There was a lot of steam in front of him, and the boiling water had already arrived. After cooling down for hundreds of meters, the water had not cooled down at all. I could already feel the heat wave rushing over me from dozens of meters away. Lao Yang looked at the water and cried, “Damn it, I didn’t think I would have to be boiled today after eating lamb for so long.”

I I didn’t want to die like this, so I gritted my teeth and thought to myself, “What should I do?” The only chance of survival now was to go down the waterfall, but I had no idea what the environment was like down there. If it was too high, it would be no different from jumping off a building.

The cool master hanging below me suddenly called out to me, “I have a way!”

I asked, “What way? Tell me quickly!”

“Pull me up first!” the cool master yelled. “I’ll tell you when I’m pulled up, or else we’ll die together!”

I hurried I quickly reached down and pulled him up, grabbing him by the collar: “Hurry up and tell me!”

He clung to the chain, took a look at the boiling water rushing down, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva involuntarily: “The hot water floats on top of the cold water. If we can hold our breath and survive that time, we still have a chance!”

I I didn’t have time to think about whether it was feasible or not. I pushed him back down again, then dove into the water myself and pulled the iron chain down.

The underground river was very deep. I kept diving until I was about two meters down. I felt that the temperature around me had dropped a lot. I held my breath and calmed my mind, preparing to wait for the hot current to pass.

At this time, my hand suddenly touched something. At this time, my hand suddenly touched something, as if something was hanging on the iron chain. I shone my flashlight and suddenly saw a hideous face appear behind the iron chain, which scared me so much that I almost inhaled water into my lungs.

A decaying corpse was wrapped around the iron chain underwater. The flesh on his body had already rotted, and his two eye sockets stared at me straight, looking particularly hideous. I took a closer look I took a closer look and found that he was wearing a winter mountaineering suit and had a backpack on his back.

It looked like a mountaineer, but how did he get washed up here? I used I bit down on the flashlight (the back of the tactical flashlight has a special part for other parts of the body), looked around his body, and found several drawing pens. I opened the backpack that had fallen off the side of the chain, and inside were a drawing board and a lot of paint. I understood that this guy must be the black tour guide on the bus who said that a few students who were sketching in the mountains had disappeared a few years ago.

The body It should have been washed down the river and got stuck here. The upper reaches of this underground river should be on the surface. This person was really unlucky to die here.

I looked through the contents of the bag. Although there was nothing particularly useful, I had lost my own backpack anyway, so it was better than nothing, so I put the bag on my back.

At this time, the water temperature around me was getting hot, and the boiling water had arrived. I immediately felt a tingling sensation all over my body, clenched my teeth, and continued to dive down.

The boiling The water suddenly surrounded me. It only took a few seconds for me to realize that the method of the cool master was not working. The boiling water was too much. Going down was just the difference between being boiled and being half-boiled. The old itch who was diving with me was so mad from the heat that he kicked me hard and pointed to the waterfall, meaning that diving was useless and I would be boiled to death.

I looked at the corpse and said to myself, “Buddy, I’ll be right down with you.” Suddenly, a more hot boiling water rushed in. I glanced at the corpse and thought to myself, buddy, I’ll be right down there with you. Suddenly, a wave of even hotter boiling water rushed in. I gritted my teeth, let go, and rolled down the cliff with the current.

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