Volume 3 Chapter 20: The Fire Dragon Array

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:50:47
A+ A- Turn Off Light

I thought of the legend of Jiazi Valley, and the silent Northern Wei army that disappeared in the mountains. I already understood most of it. The soldiers were absolutely not going to reveal any secrets, so the emperor had them carry out dishonorable tasks, such as tomb raiding.

A thousand years ago, the descendants of the Snake Nation had already disappeared through intermarriage with the Han and overseas, but a group of Snake Nation ancestors who guarded the tomb of a certain chief in this cave had survived.

The Han had broken into the labyrinth-like caves and into the burial pit. The ancestors of the Snake Kingdom resisted to the death, but in the end they were no match for the advanced equipment of the invaders.

It is certain that the majority of the bodies here are the remains of the She people. Then we are walking in circles here, perhaps it is really the assembled ghosts who are still guarding their ancestors’ tombs and preventing us invaders from getting close.

That would be is really difficult. Should we just go back and waste our time? I was very unhappy, but if there really were ghosts, we would not have a chance of winning no matter what.

The torch gradually lost its light, flickering a few times, and the flame was as small as a candle.

Lao Yi did not urge us at this time, because he knew that it was impossible to reach the entrance of the tomb by ordinary means, and whether there were ghosts or not, the time for the torch was running out.

Liang Shi Master Liang said, “Since this is a battlefield, the bodies here can’t have been tampered with. This isn’t a corpse formation. I think we’ve really been bewitched by the ghosts. This is a ghost wall. Do you know of any way to overcome it?”

Lao Yang sighed helplessly. “My cousin from Shanxi said that in this kind of situation, if you tie a red thread to your left foot, you can walk out. But we don’t have any red thread. How about we use our own blood to dye it?”

I said to Lao Yang said, “Don’t do that. This place is full of bad energy. It’s not a good idea. Let’s think of another way.”

Liang Shiyi said, “That’s right. I heard my master say that ghosts can only be beaten in the dark. Don’t we have signal flares? Let’s shoot one off and run all the way. I think it’s better than using a torch. At least it won’t trap us.”

I thought it made sense. As long as we know where we’re going, we won’t be trapped no matter what. So I gave Lao Yang a wink.

Lao Yang sighed, took out a flare gun, and said, “What a waste.” He then raised his hand and fired a shot at his head.

The flare shot up into the sky like a shooting star. I subconsciously looked up, waiting for it to start burning. But I didn’t expect that the shooting star flew and flew, and suddenly it snapped and bounced, falling straight down.

I I let out a cry of surprise and thought to myself, “Damn it, I forgot that this is a cave. I shot the flare straight up, and it would have hit the ceiling before it even started to burn.

The flare The signal flares fell rapidly until they almost hit the ground before popping open. This is a phosphorus pentoxide signal flare used by exploration teams. It can burn for about 50 seconds. The initial ignition temperature is very high. I knew it was going to be bad when I saw how far it was from the ground. Sure enough, just a few seconds after it hit the ground, flames had already started to burn.

I kicked Lao Yi in the leg and scolded him for being so stupid. Luckily, it was just his bones, otherwise we would have had to run back to put out the fire. Before I could finish my sentence hadn’t finished, when the cool-headed old man patted my hand and cried, “Grandpas, this is bad!

I looked back and saw that where the small flame had been, a wall of fire had suddenly sprung up. Incredibly, the wall of fire was spreading at an alarming rate along the path between the piles of corpses. For a moment, I saw a fire dragon crawling along the ground in the pitch-black cave, and everywhere it went, the bones on both sides of the path burst with a loud noise.

The cool-headed old man Master Liang saw this scene and his face turned pale. He hurriedly squatted down and picked up a handful of dirt from the ground. He smelled it and yelled, “Kerosene! Kerosene has been poured into the mud!”

I I was shocked and crouched down to pinch some dirt. Sure enough, it was true. I hurriedly told Lao Yi to put out the fire. I was so scared. I didn’t expect that there was such a powerful trick hidden in the corpse formation. I’m afraid that it was the last line of defense set up by the ancestors here to protect the things in the tomb. Unfortunately, it was not used in time, and it caused us to be triggered.

It’s a miracle that nothing happened on the way. If we accidentally dropped the torch on the ground just now, Grandpa, we would have been burned to a coke.

The dragon The dragon fire was still going strong, and I didn’t know when it had split into two paths. The flames shot up more than a person’s height, and in an instant the cave was lit up. I took a quick look and found that I could finally see the layout of the area. I saw that the entire corpse formation was connected, and although it wasn’t a large area, the paths were connected. This dragon fire would burn us down sooner or later, so we had to find a place to hide.

I looked around anxiously I looked around anxiously and saw that the sunken clearing was actually just a dozen meters to our left, but there was already a wall of fire in the middle, and the soil inside had not burned up. It seemed to be a good place to take refuge. At this time, the fire dragon was already rushing towards us. There was no time to think about it. I yelled at them, “Don’t just stand there gawking! That pit is over there! Just fucking rush over there!”

The two of them They reacted quickly and ran directly over the bodies to the clearing. I didn’t know I had the potential to hurdle, but I was able to jump over the stone men. In just a few seconds, I was already in front of the fire wall, and a wave of searing heat hit me.

I wanted I wanted to rush over, but as soon as I got close to the wall, I could smell my hair burning. I hesitated and wanted to stop, but I was too strong with my inertia. I had to yell and jump over with my eyes closed. Fortunately, I was fast enough, and I just felt a burning sensation on my body and fell to the ground. I rolled over to extinguish the fire on my body, and then Lao Yi and the cold master also rushed over and rolled over to extinguish the fire.

At this time I already knew why the ground was sinking here. It turned out that the top layer of soil had already been shoveled away. I rolled over and didn’t have time to look closely. Lao Yi had already rolled over to my side screaming.

I hurriedly took off my coat, helped put out the fire on Lao Yan’s body, and helped him up. I saw that he was fine, except that his eyebrows had been burned off. I turned around and saw that Liang Shiyi was still rolling around, but the fire on his body wouldn’t go out. I thought that maybe it was because he had fallen on the ground and the kerosene on his clothes had caught fire, so I quickly knocked him down and used the mud on the ground to put out the fire.

Liang Shiyi Master Liang was screaming and emitting white smoke. Lao Yang and I peeled off his clothes and saw that his back was blackened in several places. Fortunately, he had a lot of cold sweat, which had a protective effect. Overall, it wasn’t serious. I opened the kettle and poured half a pot of water on his back to cool him down, then looked up to see the situation around us.

The The open space we were in was already blocked by a wall of fire, and it was a mess outside. The heat wave was coming, and all the hair on our bodies was curling. Many of the bones were probably bursting because of the gas inside, and the bone fragments were flying high in the air. I saw that the situation was hopeless, and the corpse hole would definitely be completely burned. This place is low-lying, and oxygen may be burned out later.

While was going crazy when Lao Yi grabbed me and yelled, “Something’s wrong! Grab your stuff! The King of Hell is here to collect you!”

I I didn’t know what he meant, but when I turned around, I suddenly saw six or seven big rats that had gone crazy from the fire, jumping over the fire wall and heading straight for my face. I ducked and dodged, and before they could pounce again, Lao Yi shot one shot into the air. I held up the extinguished torch and used it as a weapon to knock a few more away. But at the same time, another dozen rats came out like lightning. This time I was too close and was scratched a few times on my back. I immediately rolled to the ground. Lao Yi I fired a few more shots to drive them back. I looked up and saw that, outside the fire wall, there were already rats of all sizes, all staring at us with their burning eyes.

I thought to myself I thought to myself, “This is bad. The few mice that jumped in were scared by Lao Yi’s gunshots and didn’t dare to come near for a while. But those outside the fire wall, seeing that the place where we were standing seemed to be safe from the fire, would surely come in one after another, and the number would increase. In a few minutes, when they realized that they had the advantage in numbers, they would surely come at us in a rush and eat us alive.

I thought It’s not worth it to fight here. I grabbed Lao Yao and told him to leave the rats alone for the time being. The most important thing was to find a way out. At this time, the cold counselor yelled at us, “There’s a hole here!”

We turned around and saw an inconspicuous hole in the center of the pit. Lao Yao He quickly ejected the magazine, looked at the bullets, handed me the gun, then picked up Master Liang and walked towards the center of the pit. I followed behind him, holding the gun in one hand and the slingshot in the other.

We had only had taken a few steps, the nearest few mice suddenly screamed and pounced on me like lightning. I raised my hand and fired four shots, hitting three of them. Two more had already pounced in front of me. I had no choice but to throw out the clapper and hit the two mice in mid-air with a loud noise, turning them into minced meat.

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