Volume 3 Chapter 28 The Unicorn’s Blood

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:51:13
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I was in a state of amazement when he asked me this. I shook my head and said, “This big? I don’t think I’ve ever eaten it. What do you think, Master Liang?”

Master Liang Master Liang touched my blood and sniffed it, then said to me, “From what you just said, I suddenly remembered something. I heard an old man say that there is a kind of thing that, when eaten, can drive away evil spirits and keep evil insects away. It is a very rare kind of Chinese medicine. Do you think you have eaten anything like it?”

I let out a sound, “Black, scaly? Chinese medicine? This really It really stumped me. There have been so many things happening recently, and most of the time I eat in a hurry. I haven’t been sick, and I don’t really care what I eat. Now that you suddenly ask, I really can’t remember.

Lao Yi laughed at me and said, “I’ve only heard that black dog blood and rooster blood can drive away evil spirits. I never thought that Lao Wu would have this ability. You can’t tell anyone about this, or everyone will come to you to borrow blood, and you’ll be drained of it in a few days.” He laughed.

I scolded : “Can you be a little more respectful? What kind of dog and chicken! I tell you, human blood has always been the best thing to ward off evil, especially the blood of a condemned prisoner.

Lao Yang looked at me and laughed proudly. He laughed twice and suddenly cried out in pain, touching his back and wincing.

I thought I thought to myself, “Serves you right. I’m not going to bother with him. I said to the cool counselor, ‘If you don’t describe it more specifically, there are too many things that meet the conditions, such as black, scales, etc. What are the obvious characteristics of this thing?’

The cool counselor thought for a moment and said apologetically, ‘I haven’t seen it with my own eyes, I’ve only heard others describe it, and it’s been a long time. I really can’t think of it.’

I was disappointed and sighed.

The cool counselor Laughing, he said, “Young man, don’t take it too seriously. This is not a bad thing. If it weren’t for you, we would have been finished. I can see that this is fate. It is predestined. Think about it. In the future, when you dig up tombs, with this capital, you can dig up any tomb.”

I felt quite upset after hearing this. The way things have gone so far, it shows that I have a cold fate. If I dig up tombs in the future, I’m probably looking for death. I looked up I looked up and said to them, “To be honest, we don’t know if it’s really my blood that’s working, and it would be a hassle if it wasn’t. We’d better hurry up and get up there while we still have the chance, and talk about it after we get past this section.”

The cool master wanted to rest again, but when he saw the insects lurking around, he agreed with my idea. We started climbing again, and suddenly Lao Yi grabbed my hand and told me to stop. He said in a hoarse voice, “Wait… wait a minute!”

I looked back I looked back and saw that he was pale and sweating, and his expression was very inappropriate. I asked him what was wrong.

Lao Yan was holding onto the rock with one hand and touching his back with the other, and he said with a grin, “I don’t know what happened. I just laughed and my back hurt like hell. Maybe I was hit a little when the rope broke. You show me. It hurts so much that I can’t use any strength.”

Just now The impact after the rope broke was really not light. I had already felt pain all over my body, but just now the situation was critical and there was no time to think about it. Now that the atmosphere has eased down, these wounds have begun to act up. Lao Yi was at the bottom of the rope and was hit much harder than we were. Could it be that he had broken a bone somewhere?

I told He told me not to move, and I lifted his shirt to reveal a large bruise on his back, right at the third rib. It was even a little sunken. I pressed it lightly, and he suddenly screamed like a pig being slaughtered, arching his back and almost knocking me off the cliff.

I thought to myself, this injury doesn’t look good. It hurts so much just from a light touch. Could it be a broken bone?

Lao Yi’s face twisted in pain, and he turned his head back with difficulty to ask me how I was doing. I frowned I frowned and didn’t know how to tell him, so I said, “We can’t climb like this. You’re in pain like this, and we can’t climb. We might have broken a bone. If we do any more strenuous exercise, it’s no joke. We need to find a flat place to check carefully.”

Lao Yang wanted to get up early, and he was already struggling to get up. He said with gritted teeth, “There’s no need to check carefully. Our torches and flashlights can’t last for too long. We can’t stop here. Let’s talk about it when we get up there.”

Liang Shi Master Liang looked at his back and shook his head, saying, “No, Brother Itch, Brother Wu is right. Your back is deformed. You must have a look. If you really have a fracture, you must treat it immediately, otherwise the bone will easily pierce into the chest cavity, and then it will be over. I know a little about this. We are not far from the top now, so there is no reason to delay.”

Old Itch He wanted to argue with him a little more, but it was probably too painful, and the words on his lips turned into moans. I saw the small caves on the side, which seemed to be relatively flat. I gave a look to the cool master, and the two of them carried him up without saying a word and helped him into the best cave on the side. I took back the torch and stuck it in the hole to prevent the worms from coming in.

This The cave was about seven or eight meters deep and less than a meter high. Because it was dark all year round and the air was very humid, there was a layer of mold on the cave walls. There were some signs of human activity, but they were not obvious. After going in five or six meters, you could see the bottom of the cave, which was a rough rock surface. There was nothing else.

I checked it out and saw that there was no danger, so I put the gun away. Liangshi Master Liang made a holder with a padded stick and tied it to Lao Yang’s back with a rope. Lao Yang’s face eased a little. I thought to myself that this master is different, he can do everything. It seems that if we are going to dig a hole next time, we should find someone like him.

Master Liang After he had finished, I asked him how it was. He whispered to me, “The bones are probably not broken, but they are definitely cracked. I fixed them temporarily, so it shouldn’t hurt so much. But Brother Wu, you’d better persuade your friend. He definitely can’t climb any higher like this.”

I glanced at the cool master and knew that he was saying something else, probably meaning to persuade me to go down. All the way He hinted to me that it wasn’t the first time I had done this. To be honest, this kind of adventure was really very difficult for him. I could see that he had long since wanted to give up, but unfortunately, due to Lao Yi’s insistence, he couldn’t bring it up. Now that he had found an excuse, he would naturally take advantage of the situation.

However, in this way, I don’t know whether I should believe what he said about Lao Yi’s injury.

Liang Shi Master Liang looked at me suspiciously and said, “Brother Wu, although I’m not with you, we’re all in the same business, and I won’t be sloppy about some things. You know what I mean. To be honest, look at the way we are now. If we insist on going up, I’m afraid we’ll really die here this time.”

I looked I glanced at Lao Yang, who was enduring the pain and not paying attention to our conversation. I patted Lao Yang’s shoulder and whispered to him, “We’ll have to see how things go. You should also go and rest. It’s not the right time to talk about this. Even if we have to go down, we have to rest enough first.”

Lao Yang grunted, leaned over, rubbed his thighs, and fell silent. I checked the remaining things and sat down, rubbed my temples, and began to consider what Lao Yang had said.

Originally I wasn’t very interested in what Li Pipa had to say, and I wouldn’t have minded if I had to give up earlier, but now that we had climbed here with so much difficulty, I felt a little reluctant to give up at this point, and a little bit of a cowardice. But I knew in my heart that what the cool master said made sense. Now that one of us had a broken bone and the other was in very poor physical condition, and I myself had reached the limit of my physical strength, it would be unwise to climb recklessly.

However In that case, it would be difficult to get past Lao Yao. After all, he and I are on the same side, and now we are joining forces with outsiders to deal with him. This friend may not be able to continue. Moreover, Master Liang seems quite useless, but in the end he is an old hand. This may be a trick to divide us. If we follow his line of thinking, we may fall into his trap. This is really a difficult decision.

After thinking about it, I couldn’t figure it out, so I just didn’t think about it anymore. One step at a time.

When I turned When I looked back at them, the old master was already asleep. He was so tired that he was snoring. The old itch was also squinting, but he didn’t sleep deeply, probably because of the wound on his back. Although this small hole was damp and cold, it was much more comfortable than hanging outside. I saw them sleeping so soundly, and I was overcome by endless fatigue. Although I forced myself not to sleep, I fell asleep unconsciously.

This I slept extremely soundly. When I woke up, I felt very soft and comfortable, and a pleasant tingling sensation spread throughout my body. At this time, the torch was already very weak, and it was obvious that I had slept for a long time. I poked my head out to take a look, and the worms were gone, except for a few that were still lying there.

I let out a sigh of relief I let out a sigh of relief, and shone my flashlight upwards. From here, it looked like we were only about three to four hours away from the top of the copper tree.

Lao Yi was still asleep, but he looked peaceful, and seemed to be much better. I turned to look at the cold-blooded counselor, wanting to wake him up and discuss what to do next.

I looked, but found that the place where he had been lying was empty. I was stunned, and I shone my flashlight into the depths of the cave, but I couldn’t see him anywhere. I wondered where he had gone. At this moment, I suddenly saw that the bandage that had originally fixed the wound on Lao Yan had disappeared. I immediately broke out in a cold sweat, and an ominous premonition struck me. I touched my waist, and sure enough, my pistol was gone!

“Son of a bitch!” I yelled I cursed, I really didn’t expect that such a coward would steal my gun and run away while I was sleeping! But why didn’t he take the flashlight with him? Without lighting tools, how could he move? I was so angry at this time that I didn’t think carefully. I grabbed the torch and wanted to go after him. This guy was slow, so if he hadn’t gone far, I would definitely catch up with him.

As soon as stepping out of the cave, I had not yet had time to tell whether he was going up or down, when suddenly my vision was blurred and a dark shadow swung down from above, kicking me in the chest. I felt a burst of air and fell back into the cave. After After that, I gritted my teeth and tried to get up, but my jaw was hit again. This time it was a very hard blow, and I almost fainted. In my daze, I saw a fat man with a cigarette in his mouth sneaking into the cave, holding a short rifle in his hand, and Lao Liangzi was following him with a pale face.

I only I recognized the fat man as one of the two Guangdong bosses, Wang, who pointed his gun at me and told me to step aside. He then turned to the cool master and said, “Old Cool, which one of these young men has eaten the unicorn’s essence?”

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