Volume 3 Chapter 30 Old Routine

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:51:19
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In theory, it shouldn’t be difficult to see the face of the statue, but we were looking up from the bottom, and no matter where we went, we couldn’t see it clearly because of the angle. I was annoyed, and my feeling that the statue was inauspicious grew stronger.

Boss Wang probably felt the same way as me. The more I wanted to see it, the less I could see it clearly, and he was getting very anxious. We We tried a few other places, but were not satisfied. In the end, we decided to climb over the collapsed plank road. The rock wall here was full of tree roots, so it would not be too difficult to climb. Plus, there were still several layers of plank roads below, so if we fell, we wouldn’t die.

We returned to the edge of the collapsed plank road. Mr. Wang checked the strength of the hanging roots, used the multi-purpose pickaxe to hang on, and climbed up the cliff quickly. I while lighting him up with my flashlight, I cursed him for falling. Unfortunately, the skill of this boss did not match his physique. In no time at all, he had reached the other side and jumped onto the plank road.

He turned around and threw the multi-purpose pickaxe back to me, then ran forward on his own, probably anxious to see what was up there. I turned on the headlamp on my head and climbed up the cliff after him, hanging the multi-purpose pickaxe on one hand and feeling the roots with the other. I had no idea how many years these things had been growing, but they felt as hard as stone, not at all like living things. The patterns on them also looked like animal scales, and if you weren’t very observant, you might think they were fossils of some ancient creature.

I climbed very carefully and slowly, and only halfway through the distance I heard Mr. Wang call out, “Come to me quickly, you can see better from here. It seems that there is more than one statue inside that mass of roots. I don’t know what it is carved from.”

I heard him and gritted my teeth, using my hands and feet to finally grab a root and swing to the other side. Then I followed his flashlight and saw that he had already gone around the plank road three times, holding a telescope to check on the situation at the copper tree. I looked in the direction where he was looking. Because of the angle, I could see that there was something wrapped in the roots, but I couldn’t tell what it was.

I followed him breathlessly, and after taking over his binoculars, I could see clearly that inside the huge root mass, which looked like a python, there were many rusty bronze arms. Judging from the number, there should be at least four statues inside, standing in four directions. With the exposed parts, it is impossible to accurately determine whether the sculptures are of the same shape. The other parts are deeply wrapped in the roots. A visual estimate suggests that they are very large, probably about the same size as the stone we saw on the cliff.

The “big benefit” that Lao Yi was talking about could not be these terrifying roots. It must be the things wrapped in the roots. But Even if these statues really have great value, we can’t take them with us. There must be something strange on the other side that we don’t know about. We definitely won’t find it here. We have to go over there.

We continued to follow the plank road. As we got closer to the upper end of the cave, the distance between the cliff and the copper tree gradually became closer, and we could see more and more clearly. There was originally a round sacrificial altar at the top of the copper tree, with four bronze statues facing in four directions. Originally we thought that we could see the true faces of the statues by changing directions, but the higher we went, the more disappointed we were. Their bodies and faces were firmly wrapped in the roots of the tree. If we wanted to see clearly, it was unlikely that we could do so without cutting off the roots.

We We came to a place on the plank road that was basically parallel to the sacrificial altar. Wang stopped and looked at it for a while, then said to me, “These four statues are placed at the four corners, which means that there must be something else in the center. Originally, if we had all our equipment, we could go up a little further and use a spotlight to get a clear view, but unfortunately, all these things fell into the waterfall. There was no way. Youngster, we have to go over there and talk about it again.” As he said this he had already folded the sharp end of the multi-purpose pickaxe back, shaped it into a hook, tied it to the rope, and made it into a flying claw. He swung it a few times like a cowboy in the West, and then threw it.

The multi-purpose pickaxe swung in a parabolic arc, hooked onto a root on the opposite side of the sacrificial altar, and circled a few times, just hooking back onto the rope. Mr. Wang Wang pulled the rope tight, causing the tree root to shake. Many strange gray bugs were scared out of the gaps in the tree root and fled in all directions at a very fast speed.

Mr. Wang frowned and said, “Youngster, you should go first this time!”

I knew that he was afraid of these bugs, so I cursed in my heart and took a look at the distance. It was much closer than when we were climbing just now, so I nodded and climbed up the rope.

After I couldn’t help but admire Mr. Wang. The rope was swung so well that the two ends formed an angle of about 60 degrees downward. As long as I clamped my legs around the rope, I would naturally slide toward the opposite side without having to exert any effort. I flew through the air and immediately reached the roots on the sacrificial altar, immediately grasping the roots above to stand firm.

Mr. Wang board made a gesture across the way, asking me to first explore the situation. I looked back and saw that the gray bugs were not chiggers, but rather a type of insect similar to cicada larvae. There were quite a few of them, but they should not be harmful. I chased them away and made a gesture to the boss across the way. He shone his flashlight around me to make sure there were no bugs before climbing up the rope.

The tree roots here the roots are almost as thick as my thighs, intertwined and fused together where they touch, hollowed out into holes where they don’t. Over time, the fused parts grow larger, and the hollowed-out holes are connected in all directions. This is very common in banyan forests. Where there are large banyan trees, or even entire forests, they are stuck together, with one tree hole connected to another.

We We circled around the roots and found that they were so old and so well-covered that we couldn’t see what was underneath. We couldn’t cut the roots, so we didn’t know what to do. After a while, Boss Wang said that we might be able to see through the hollows between the roots, so let’s split up and shine the light through each hole.

I thought to myself that it was unlikely that they were so thick, but he wasn’t prepared to discuss it with me. He just raised his hand and let me do it.

I had a I vaguely sensed that this person was very violent, and a bit like the fat Wang I knew before. I thought to myself, “Could they be related?” But my Wang was much cuter and more straightforward. This person was too dark.

The roots were here, like a tombstone. We shone the flashlight into the hollow holes, but we couldn’t see the bottom. We worked for a long time, sweating, but still couldn’t see anything. I I also hurt my back and was sweating profusely.

The two of us were at a loss. Mr. Wang looked at me and suddenly shouted, “You son of a bitch! Is Li Pipa trying to trick me?”

I thought to myself, “Since there’s nothing here, why does Lao Yi insist on emphasizing it?” He wouldn’t make such a silly joke. The problem is still with us. What went wrong? Where did we make a mistake?

The two of were both silent, quietly thinking things over. I thought about the lies that Lao Yang had told me on the way over, and no matter what state of mind they were in, they were all just trying to lure me to this place. But after arriving here, I saw nothing. And what exactly was the so-called benefit that I couldn’t tell me, and even if I knew, I wouldn’t do it? I still couldn’t see it at all.

Just as I was about to get lost in thought, Boss Wang suddenly pushed me. I turned my head and just wanted to speak, but he made a gesture to keep quiet.

I was What is he saying? He waved his hand and carefully pulled me down to listen carefully to the roots of the tree…

I immediately concentrated and listened carefully. There was no wind here. In this extremely quiet cave, I could clearly hear a slight “de…de…de” sound coming from the roots of the tree, as if someone was grinding their teeth from the cold.

The sound was not loud, and if you weren’t paying attention, you wouldn’t hear it. It was very regular, and it was completely different from the sound of a blood corpse. It couldn’t be the sound of bugs crawling in the tree trunk either.

Mr. Wang said softly, “The intervals between each sound are the same length, like a monk hitting a wooden fish. It could be the sound of some kind of mechanism. There is definitely something in here, but I don’t know if it’s alive or dead.”

I started I started to sweat, and there was someone grinding their teeth in the roots of this thousand-year-old tree. I was about to speak, but Mr. Wang shook his head and raised his short rifle, cocked it, and told me to follow him. We crept along the sound, and we came to the edge of a hole in the roots of a banyan tree. We found that the sound was coming from here. Mr. Wang turned on his flashlight and shone it into the hole, and the sound stopped abruptly.

He glanced at me and said softly, “That’s right, it should be here. at me and said softly, “Yes, it should be here. The things in the ‘River Wood Collection’ are inside, and we may have to go in from here.”

I frowned and said, “The root system in here is very complicated, much more complicated than the cave system in those karst formations. And I don’t know if this copper pillar is hollow. Going in rashly could be dangerous.”

He nodded and said, “I know, so the two of us can’t go in at the same time. One of us should go down first to explore the way.”

My heart I thought to myself, “You’re not going to let me go in, are you?”

Mr. Wang looked at me hesitatingly, then raised his short rifle and said softly, “I’m too fat. You go first, I’ll follow you and protect your back. Don’t worry, nothing will happen.” He pushed me and I was pushed into the hole.

I looked down and saw it was pitch black. I looked back and saw him looking at me with a serious expression on his face. I gritted my teeth I gritted my teeth and had to put on the headlamp again, acting as a mine-sweeper. Just as I was about to go in, the fat boss stopped me again, handed me a small walkie-talkie and said, “If it’s very deep inside, use this. Go ahead. You’re a young man with a future.”

I cursed in my heart I cursed in my heart, took it, familiarized myself with how to use it, then put it in my pocket and said, “Mr. Wang, let’s be honest. I’m going to risk my life for you. You have to give me some weapons, even if I die in there. You’ll be out of luck, right? If you won’t give me a gun, at least give me a cold weapon, right?”

Mr. Wang Wang looked at me warily, probably thinking that I had a point, and reluctantly took a small dagger out of his boot and threw it to me, while immediately pointing the gun at me and laughing, “You see, I’m a bit confused, so I forgot.”

I took the dagger and found that it was a long-handled hunting knife, which was used specifically for skinning. I thought to myself It’s better than nothing. I grumbled, lowered my head and crawled into the hole. I smelled a musty smell, so I put on my gas mask before continuing to crawl further in.

It was very humid inside. The surface of the tree roots was completely different from the outside, very soft and fluffy. There were also many unknown mushrooms growing inside. Many cicada larvae were frightened by me and began to flee. I crawled in for a while and suddenly froze. There were at least a few forks in front of me. Which one should I take?

I looked carefully I looked carefully and saw a mark on one of the branches. It must have been painted by someone before. I didn’t care, I climbed towards the branch with the mark and went a few meters further. Suddenly, there was a void in front of me and my upper body was already sticking out.

My upper body was hanging from the hole. I turned on the headlamp and looked around. It was a small hollow with roots tangled all over the place. To put it To put it more plainly, this is just a place where the roots are less dense. I was wondering why this was the case when I suddenly saw a stone slab peeking out from inside the roots.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a huge stone coffin. There was a coffin bed underneath the coffin, which was also wrapped tightly. Judging from the distance I had just climbed, this should be the center of the sacrificial altar. This is exactly what we were looking for.

Using my I used my hands and feet to get to the edge of the sarcophagus, which was partially exposed. It was not as big as I had thought, almost like a miniature container. The edge of the lid was engraved with a double-bodied snake, just like the copper tree. The rest of the sarcophagus was almost fused with the roots, and I couldn’t tell what kind of relief was on it.

Wang Lao board shouted twice outside. I was so stunned by the sight that I didn’t reply. He thought I had gone inside the bronze tree and asked from the intercom, “Youngster, what’s inside?”

“There’s a coffin!” I said, trying to find a place where I could at least sit up. It was too uncomfortable to lie down.

“A coffin? Can you tell who it belongs to?”

I scolded I said, “How would I know? But it wasn’t easy to get this coffin here. It’s so grand and everyone is involved. The person who is lying inside might be the person who made the bronze tree.” He probably wanted to be close to the palace when he ascended to heaven. I don’t know who this person is, but he is so generous.

At this time, I saw that the lid of the coffin and the coffin body were not tightly closed together. At this time, I saw that the lid and the body of the coffin were not tightly joined together. A section of the roots had grown into the coffin along the gap, lifting the lid a little. I felt very strange and said, “Hmm.”

Mr. Wang was very nervous and asked, “What’s going on?”

“The coffin… the lid is not closed properly,” I said, crawling over to the gap. Could it be that the coffin was not closed properly when it was buried? Did the roots grow in?

I thought I thought about it and thought it couldn’t be. It could be that the tiny roots grew into the lid of the coffin and then grew thicker and thicker, lifting the lid. These roots are everywhere, and they may have filled up the coffin. The surface layer is so hard that even if these guys in our hands can cut it, we don’t know when we can dig it out.

I climbed to the edge of the gap, and shone a flashlight inside. It seemed to be completely empty, gray and murky, and the light seemed to be absorbed by something, so nothing could be seen.

In the history of archaeology, it is the most troublesome to remove the coffin from the casket. Regular The coffin and the casket are always attached to each other, and at most, you are given a one-centimeter gap, which is very good. This one is counter-current, with a considerable amount of space inside, which is very strange. I don’t know what the fuss is about. The burial customs of the Western Zhou period of time, even the royal family and aristocrats would not use such an outrageous burial method. It seems that the cool counselor was right. This should be a royal tomb of a minority at the time, and this country seems to be not weak, at least it should be comparable to the Western Zhou Dynasty at the time.

I picked up the walkie-talkie and said, “This coffin is empty. I don’t know what’s inside. My flashlight is not as powerful as yours. It’s too dark. You can come in. It’s safe here.” As I said , I had already climbed into the hole I had just explored, thinking that as soon as you poke your head out, I’ll get you stuck and see what you do.

The walkie-talkie made a few sounds of static interference, and a few sounds came from inside, which I couldn’t hear clearly.

“What?” I asked.

With a few sounds of static interference, some strange sounds came from the walkie-talkie, very noisy, and I couldn’t hear it clearly at all.

“What?” I called out impatiently again.

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