Volume 3 Chapter 31 Ghost fog

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:51:22
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In this narrow and dark space, a strange sound came from the walkie-talkie next to a coffin. It sounded like a ghostly cry, like someone crying or someone trembling and saying something.

This is a military walkie-talkie made by Moto. It has a plastic shell and is very suitable for use in harsh conditions. I turned I turned it on and off a few times, and the strange sound disappeared, but the speaker kept making a crackling sound, as if someone was calling, but I couldn’t hear any clear words. I shouted a few times, but it didn’t get better. I changed the frequency, but it didn’t work.

I’ve messed around with these electronic things, and I know that this kind of noise isn’t a physical malfunction, but rather radio interference. There are many reasons for this, from solar flares to the operation of household appliances. We are now deep underground, so it is unlikely that we are affected by solar flares. There are no household appliances in this deep mountain cave, so where is this interference coming from?

I moved the walkie-talkie around to find the source of the interference. Soon I discovered that as long as it was close to the huge coffin, the noise would be severe. If I moved away a little, the noise would decrease, which was very strange. Could the source of the interference be inside the coffin? I carefully inserted the walkie-talkie into the gap between the lid and the body of the coffin. Suddenly, the noise suddenly burst into a bizarre loudness, as if someone had suddenly screamed. I was so scared that I let go of the walkie-talkie and almost dropped it into the coffin.

Oh no, I thought to myself, it seems that there is something inside the coffin that is emitting irregular electromagnetic waves. This is too incredible. Is it a natural phenomenon or something weird?

I know I knew that plants could emit weak electromagnetic signals, and that the signals emitted by plants under different external conditions were different. For example, when you play it with comfortable music, or when you cut it with a knife, it emits two completely opposite signals, which is called the language of plants. But these signals are extremely weak, and even if you use a special instrument, you may not be able to detect them, let alone receive them with an ordinary walkie-talkie.

There are also There are also some special circumstances that can also produce strong electromagnetic waves under natural conditions, such as on the eve of an earthquake or during a volcanic eruption.

I looked at the huge coffin and thought of an unlikely possibility: that there would be strange electromagnetic interference near mass graves or large burial grounds, constantly, and that it was said to be the energy emitted by the decaying bodies or the message sent by a large number of ghosts. Could this strong strong electromagnetic waves could be coming from the corpse in the coffin?

The light here was extremely dim, and the pale roots of the old banyan tree looked like deformed snake bones under the searchlight. I felt goose bumps all over my body, extremely annoyed, and quickly took out the walkie-talkie to turn it off.

The surroundings became quiet. I suddenly felt dizzy. It was probably the humid air and the strange smell that made me start to feel oxygen-deprived. Looking at the surroundings, I felt a chill in my heart, which I had never felt before.

Mr. Wang had been shouting outside, presumably unable to hear my reply. He was jumping with impatience. His shout had been filtered through the roots of the tree three times, and had become very weak by the time it reached me. It was like listening to someone speaking outside while inside a dozen layers of quilting, and it was difficult to hear clearly.

Just now I was thinking of tricking Mr. Wang into coming here and overpowering him, but now I’ve changed my mind. I’m thinking of temporarily retreating, because this place is really spooky, and if I stay here for too long, I’ll feel really uncomfortable. This is mainly because I’m alone. If there were two or three people with me, I’d feel a lot more at ease.

After much deliberation, my old problem of indecision returned, and I couldn’t make up my mind. Outside Wang boss outside called for a while and then stopped. I heard him shout a few words outside, and then it quieted down. Probably he didn’t know what to do either. I don’t think he would dare to come in and check. These people who travel around, although they are very strong in society, in this strange place, they still have an instinctive fear of hearing the sound of a coffin. The coffin represents death, which money and power cannot control. It is an authority that cannot be shaken by human power. This is something that people who dig graves find difficult to understand.

I was thinking about it, suddenly, I heard the sound of teeth grinding again, “de… de… de…” I don’t know where it came from, it was much clearer than when I was outside.

Now I can hear it clearly, this sound is like the footsteps of someone walking on a stone floor in wooden clogs, but the sound is not undulating, it’s not like walking back and forth, it’s like… jumping non-stop.

The sound It was very regular, one after the other, and in this silent environment, it was particularly frightening. I had already been startled by it, and now it sounded like a death sentence.

For a moment, I felt a little strange. I wondered why I was so scared. I should have overcome this fear. I calmed down a bit, took off my gas mask, and smelled the real smell around me. Generally generally speaking, gas masks can remove some odors that are harmful to the human body, so the smell you smell when wearing a gas mask is processed. Sometimes the characteristic odor of some toxic substances will be filtered out, but in special circumstances, toxic substances can still pass through the mask, which will cause poisoning.

The smell around me was very irritating to the nasal mucosa. I sneezed as soon as I took a breath, and I was sweating all over. I quickly put the mask back on.

I listened for a while, the sound did not come from anywhere else. Judging by the direction, it seemed to be coming from inside the stone coffin.

I started to sweat, pulled out a long-handled hunting knife with one hand, and crawled toward the gap to hear it more clearly. But my heartbeat was getting louder and louder. When I reached the edge of the coffin, my heartbeat was about to jump out of my throat.

I knew I knew I was infected by the environment here. For a while, I thought I had overcome this problem, but now it seems that I haven’t. I reminded myself that having a vivid imagination is a big taboo in this line of work, and I calmed my mind and imagined that the light around me was bright and not so dark. I sighed and turned my ears to try to distinguish what the sound was.

But At this moment, the sound suddenly stopped, and there was a sudden silence like a ghost. I was scared stiff by this sudden change, and at the same time, I suddenly felt as if something had suddenly touched my shoulder!

My head My scalp suddenly went numb, and I almost blacked out. I went crazy and swung my hand back, slashing at something. The flashlight hit a tree root and immediately went out, and it became pitch black. Then, my hand was entangled by something, and I desperately twisted it back. I was so scared I screamed and tried to roll over with all my strength. As I struggled, a root that had not yet been fully keratinized snapped under my body, and I sank down with the thing behind me into a shallow pit.

As I fell I fell, and suddenly I heard someone yell, “You loser!” Then the flashlight came on, and Mr. Wang pressed me down while shining the light in my eyes, almost blinding me. I just wanted to cover my eyes with my hands, but suddenly he slapped me, completely without holding back. My nose immediately went cold, and I started to have a nosebleed.

After he hit After beating me, he cursed me again, saying, “You little bastard, you don’t know how to behave, playing tricks with me, you go to hell.”

I I immediately realized what was going on. This fat bastard from Guangdong had the nerve to sneak in. Probably seeing that I didn’t react, he thought I was playing tricks on him, and being afraid that I would trick him after he got in, he didn’t turn on the flashlight and snuck in. He happened to be listening to the sound of the ghost jumping, and almost got killed by my knife. Now he probably thinks I want to kill him.

I wanted to explain, but he was holding my neck and I couldn’t speak. He was Like being angry enough, another slap, hit my ears ringing, I suddenly angry, I said, fuck you, dare to hit people, indicating that I was not treated as a human, immediately hit his head, he hit a solid, two people rolled together, you punch me a kick, suddenly rolled to the edge of the coffin gap, he is stronger than me, he was stronger than me and immediately regained the upper hand, pinning me down on top of him. He looked up and tried to strangle me, but the place was too low, and when he raised his head, he hit a tree root, knocking him out. I took the opportunity to slam my foot under his crotch, knocking him over and then pouncing on him to grab his flashlight. I smashed it against his head, knocking him out.

I was on top of him, and seeing that he was temporarily unable to move, I used the flashlight to look around. I found that the birdman had not brought his equipment or gun in, presumably because he thought it was too cramped inside and was afraid of accidentally shooting himself. I went to touch him again, trying to get his dagger, but suddenly he pushed me up, and I, like him, hit my head on the ceiling, causing me to see stars. I quickly rolled over to avoid another push. My brain was about to come out of my nose.

Wang Lao Wang Lao Ban got up, his body covered in rootlets and crushed fungi, his face distorted with rage, breathing heavily, his eyes red. I knew he was about to kill me. People like him, who started out as a riffraff and worked their way up, must have a strong desire to kill, and they want to kill their opponent at the slightest provocation. It seemed that this time, it was really going to be a fight to the death.

Wang Lao Wang Lao Ban calmed down, pulled out a dagger from his belt, held it in his backhand, and approached me menacingly. My hunting knife was half as short as his dagger, so even if I could stab him, I wouldn’t be able to injure him. At this point, I had to use my flashlight as a weapon, chasing after his eyes and shining the light on him. But this fat guy was very fierce, he didn’t even look at me. He turned his head to avoid the bright light, and then he rushed over like a lightning bolt, slashing at my neck with a knife. I ducked my head and dodged, grabbed his hand with my left hand, and then suddenly turned off the flashlight with my right hand.

His eyes had become accustomed to the bright light, and when it suddenly went out, he subconsciously stopped for a moment. I remembered the position of his head, and swung the flashlight around my arm and hit him. In the darkness, I heard a muffled grunt, and the flashlight was actually smashed into a bright light. I shone it at his position and saw that he had already given me a bloody blow and was lying there, seemingly unconscious.

I didn’t I didn’t know if he was faking it or if he was really knocked out. I kicked him hard into the gap. If he wasn’t knocked out, he would have definitely resisted, otherwise he would have fallen into the coffin. I kicked him several times in a row. His feet slipped in first, but unfortunately, when they reached his chest, they got stuck. I went up and gave him another kick, pushing him hard into the gap.

Wang Lao board was stuck like a dead fish for a long time, and suddenly slipped into the gap. At that moment, I finally let out a sigh of relief, thinking that he had really fainted. At that moment, suddenly a fat hand reached out from the gap, grabbed the foot I kicked him with, and suddenly pulled it down.

This was really unexpected. I had already relaxed my whole body, and I only felt a flash in front of my eyes, and I had already been dragged into the coffin. I I was so scared that I thought I was going to die. I grabbed at anything I could see, but I couldn’t hold on to anything. I just kept falling into the darkness!

Mr. Wang pulled me down the whole way. I originally thought that the coffin was only a little over a person’s height, but when I got in, I realized that it wasn’t. There was a depression in the coffin, and it looked like it was actually hollowed out of the copper tree. I I slid down for about three or four meters before sitting down on something. It hurt so much that I gritted my teeth. At the same time, Mr. Wang let go of my hand, as if he wanted to pounce on me again.

I immediately shone my flashlight around to see if Mr. Wang was next to me. After sweeping, I saw nothing but a foggy, gray mist. I couldn’t see anything more than half a meter away.

I stood up and shook my flashlight around vigorously, but I didn’t hit anything. Here The fog was so thick that after Wang fell, he must not have been able to see anything clearly either. He probably hid in the fog.

I felt very strange. How could there be such a thick fog inside the coffin? It was impossible that it was incense that had not dispersed after a thousand years. I used my hand to push it. The fog was so thick that it was like water.

Coffin I couldn’t see anything in the middle, and I didn’t dare to go in. I could only see if I could climb up the side I had slid down. Looking up, I couldn’t see anything either. I only found that the roots had grown in from the gaps, and didn’t seem to be growing wildly inside. They were just like ivy, clinging to the inside walls and bottom of the coffin. The roots were covered with a fungus that looked like fluff, and would fall off when touched, a bit like mold.

The inside walls of the coffin There were some reliefs on the inside of the coffin where the roots had not covered them. I could see at a glance that the patterns inside were in the same style as the four statues standing outside, but most of these patterns were also covered. The long-handled The blade of the knife is too thin, so it is a bit difficult to cut the roots on the top. After I cut off some of the new roots that were spreading out, I could do nothing about the main roots that had already become keratinized and were stuck to the wall.

Even so, I could still distinguish some details, which should be the scene when the bronze ancient tree was built. The people on it were wearing left-hemmed clothes. To my surprise, I found that the bronze tree on it was segmented. It seems that this giant casting was not cast in one go, but may have been cast in segments over several generations, and finally became such a spectacular work of art.

There were many reliefs There were many, but I didn’t dare to move around. After I finished looking at the one behind me, I looked back at the fog, and I felt an inexplicable fear coming over me.

So I stepped on the roots of the tree next to me and tried to climb back the way I had come. But strangely, the roots, which seemed very good for climbing, made me slip down quickly after I had climbed up twice. I touched it, and found that after the fungi were squashed, they were very slippery, like lubricating oil. It seemed difficult for a person to climb up.

I calmed down and thought about what to do. It seemed that I had to scrape the fungi on top before I could climb up, or use the knife as a climbing pick. I didn’t know if it would work.

While I was thinking, “de…de…” a strange sound that was unusually clear suddenly appeared again. This time, it was behind me, and it seemed very close.

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