Volume 3 Chapter 32: A surprise attack

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:51:25
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The eerie sound that had led us here suddenly appeared behind me. Although the sound was not loud, it was as clear as thunder in the silent coffin, causing me to tremble and my forehead to tighten.

This The coffin was about six or seven meters long, not long, not short, judging from the sound, the source should be no more than one meter away from me, that is almost next to my back, the distance I could pat my shoulder. “The sound of the sound was regular, almost like listening to the sound of knocking on the door, a cold breeze ran down my back and down to my heels.

For a moment all my muscles were stiff and unable to move. I considered whether I should turn around to see, or pretend I hadn’t heard the sound and ignore it. But I immediately reacted, and I couldn’t help laughing and crying at the same time. I bit my tongue to remind myself to calm down. At this time, there was actually no choice, only to face it. Being afraid and making excuses was a sign of death.

After a moment of After a moment of stalemate, the ghostly voice neither approached nor receded. I took a deep breath, clenched my teeth and slowly turned around to see what was behind me.

As As I turned around, the strange sound suddenly stopped. I looked closely, but there was nothing in the gray mist behind me. The direction from which the strange sound had come was still gray and misty, but it was disturbed by my movement, and some strange air currents appeared.

I swallowed and felt a bit surprised. I looked around with my flashlight, but there was nothing unusual. The sound was as if it had never existed.

Just now The sound was so close to me that I heard it clearly. It was definitely not an illusion. I turned around in about a second. If it was emitted by a moving object, it couldn’t have disappeared so quickly. Could it be that the sound came from somewhere else? Was I wrong?

I subconsciously took a step forward to find the source of the sound. Suddenly, a figure suddenly pounced on me from the fog next to me. My eyes I was quick-eyed and just in time to see the situation. I hurriedly crouched down, and the figure did not catch me, but still knocked me to the ground. I rolled on the ground and looked back. The person who knocked me down was fat and it was the boss Wang who had pulled me in here.

I cursed and showed my hunting knife, wanting to finish him off, but I didn’t expect him to dodge into the fog in a flash and disappear.

I I spat contemptuously. His dagger must have fallen outside during the fight. Now he is afraid of my short knife and dares not confront me head-on. He hides in the fog, waiting for me to get close, then launching a surprise attack. He is definitely a villain.

But But then again, the situation here is so strange, and this guy’s guts are not average. If I had no flashlight or weapon, I would have been too scared to sneak up on someone, and I would have been trembling in the corner. Fortunately, the fog here is as thick as water, and if anything moves, it will leave a very obvious trail. He can’t sneak up on me so easily, otherwise I would have knocked him down just now.

I thought I thought, “Here, I feel strange again. If the owner of the strange sound is moving in this coffin, it must have a moving trajectory, but when I looked just now, the fog was smooth, not like something had moved. Is it a ghost?

I I stood up, on the one hand, guarding against another sneak attack from Boss Wang, and on the other, I quickly retreated to the edge of the coffin, trying to figure out how to climb up.

The space here was not very large, and now I looked around and found that I was already close to the center of the coffin. Through the fog, I saw something in the center. Looking at the shadows, it seemed that there were many ropes hanging from the top of the coffin, all the way to the bottom. I thought I thought it was aerial roots hanging from the branches on top, but when I took a step forward and shone my flashlight, I realized that it wasn’t. Those things were all bronze chains as thick as my wrist, covered in fungus and the roots of banyan trees, winding all the way from the top to the bottom, but the chains seemed to be only fixed between the top and bottom of the coffin, and nothing was tied to the bottom.

This This stone coffin is said to be huge, but in fact, coffins of this size were found in several aristocratic tombs of the Western Han and Five Dynasties with large domes. This thing is called a coffin, but it should actually be called a coffin chamber. If it is a burial tomb, the formal inner coffin should be placed in the center of this coffin chamber. For those with deep pockets, there are also more than a dozen layers of wooden coffins in the stone coffin chamber, all the way to the innermost coffin.

Now I walked a few steps, and according to the size of the coffin, I should at least be able to see the general shape of the inner coffin, but now I can only see a few chains, and there is nothing on the ground. Could it be that the coffin is empty? Where did the sound come from just now? Where did the strange radio interference come from?

I was stunned for a long time, and took another step forward, wanting to walk to the middle of the bronze chain to see if there was a trapdoor on the bottom of the coffin it was attached to. I took a step forward, but suddenly my feet fell through, and I fell down. I quickly grabbed the bronze chain in front of me, and slid down a few meters before I stopped, scared out of my wits and sweating profusely.

What the hell was going on? It felt like I had stepped through thin air. I was I was still scared, and when I shone my flashlight down, I couldn’t see the ground. The fog was particularly thick, and when I stepped down, I stepped into the fog, but I couldn’t step on anything. It seemed that there was a deep depression.

There was indeed something strange. I thought, this coffin room is embedded two meters into the sacrificial altar on top of the bronze tree, and there is nothing in the middle. It may be like the multi-layered embedded coffin method during the Warring States period. This There may be a depression in the middle of the coffin chamber, called the coffin well. The real coffin is below that. I don’t know how deep the coffin well is. It was really dangerous. If I had stepped on an empty space and fallen, I might have died.

The bronze chains here may be part of the lifting device used to lower the coffin into the coffin well. The inner coffin containing the corpse should be directly below me.

Just as I was was thinking, when suddenly there was another disturbance in the fog, and Mr. Wang rushed over again. This time he was holding some kind of weapon in his hand, and he lunged at me. The fog was so thick here that he probably used the light from my flashlight to determine my position. I looked and saw that it wasn’t right, and subconsciously I yelled, “No! Stop!”

But it was already too late. Mr. Wang let out a cry of “Oh!” and stepped on an empty spot, and he fell down. I felt I felt a sudden jolt from the chain below, probably because he had grabbed it. At the same time, a gurgling sound came from my hand, and my body began to slide down.

I turned my head and saw that it was the mushroom-like fungus above that had squeezed my hand, pressing out a lot of greasy, waxy-like juice, making the bronze chain look like it was coated in oil. I cried out in my heart I yelled out in my heart, and quickly shoved the short-handled knife into the hole in the chain. The damn thing wouldn’t go in, and in the end, the knife got stuck in the roots of the tree. I twisted it hard to stop my body. At this point, I had already slid down more than ten meters, into the interior of the coffin well, inside the trunk of the Chinese tallow tree.

Wang Lao Wang Lao Ban was bleeding and hanging from the bronze chain below me, about a foot away. He couldn’t hold the chain either, and used his belt to pass through a chain hole before he could barely stop. I shone a flashlight at him, and he swiveled his head away from the blinding light.

I saw He posed no threat to me for the time being, so I went to check the coffin pit. The inside of the trunk of the bronze tree was just as engraved as the outside, with a double-bodied snake path that went deep into the ravine. The roots meandered down from above, following the lines all the way down. The fog inside was much thinner than above, and I looked around, desperately wanting to know how big the coffin pit in the center of the coffin chamber was. If it was too big, I was afraid that climbing out would be a big problem.

The coffin pit It was rectangular, four meters long and two meters wide, just big enough to hold a coffin. I could feel the walls of the coffin with my hands. I don’t know if it was because of the fog, but the roots here didn’t have a lot of fungus, and I could see the natural color of the roots. There was a strange smell in the air in the coffin, probably because there was too much fog outside, and the isolation medium in the gas mask was starting to get damp and the effect was starting to decline. I could feel the smell getting stronger and stronger, and it was choking my nose. From this it seems that Mr. Wang must not be feeling well either.

Looking down, I was shocked to see that the iron chain extended all the way down into the darkness below, beyond the reach of my flashlight. It was very long, and looking down from here, the entire coffin well seemed to have no bottom, as if it went on forever.

No way! I thought I thought, and I had a feeling in my heart. Could it be that the entire bronze tree is hollow? We have climbed up to a height of no less than 300 meters, and the depth of this bronze tree into the ground is still unknown. If it is hollow, then where exactly would its bottom be? The center of the earth? Hell? What is the significance of this giant hollow cylinder being inserted here?

Mr. Wang Wang Lao Ban was also very surprised. The two of them didn’t say a word, staring straight down. Suddenly, “de…de…” two sounds rang out, and that eerie sound of knocking suddenly appeared all around us!

Wang Lao Ban and I glanced at each other, our eyes all cast down into the darkness below. The sound, it turned out, was coming from the abyss below.

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