Volume 3 Chapter 34: Assume boldly, prove carefully

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:51:31
A+ A- Turn Off Light

This kind of corpse cocoon was unearthed in southern Sichuan and Inner Mongolia a few years ago, but they were all the size of a basin, some like jade, some like amber, and contained the dried bodies of small animals or children, with very few adults.

According to According to ancient records, this thing may have been used by alchemists in the pre-Qin period as a medicine to make pills. It was used to immerse under-term pregnant women in a liquid to kill them, then bury them in a jar for 17 years before digging them up. The outside layer of this thing is the petrified substance of the placenta of the pregnant woman. The amber color you see is actually the amniotic fluid inside solidified. There are also people say that this is a kind of corpse embalming technique, using a special mixture of Chinese medicine and resin to wrap the corpse, so that the corpse does not lose moisture.

I have heard of the existence of this thing, but because this thing is too valuable, I have never handled it. Now that I have seen it, I don’t know how to look at it. In addition, in order to ease the atmosphere between me and Mr. Wang, I tentatively asked him a few questions.

Mr. Wang board told me that in his early years, his great-grandfather, when he was a high-ranking official in Hong Kong, had seen some treasures from wealthy people who had emigrated because of the Japanese war.

Some of them were like ordinary insect amber, but some of them were wrapped in human corpses.

His grandfather once saw a mummy with a little girl in red, about 16 or 17 years old, with her eyes closed as if she were asleep, looking very lifelike.

He felt sorry for the little girl and, when the boss wasn’t looking, burned the thing. At that time, it was a time of war and chaos, and the boss didn’t notice, so of course he had a dream at night that the little girl in red came to thank him.

Later Mr. Wang himself had also dealt in antiques and had seen such things before, but this was the first time he had seen one so large and with such a clear view of what was inside.

I thought it was a bit surprising. Could it be that Li Pipa was referring to this when she said it had “benefits better than the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor”? It couldn’t be, could it? Although this was a very rare object, it definitely couldn’t be considered “better than the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor.”

Mr. Wang board himself felt strange, but he believed that the information in the “He Mu Ji” could not be wrong, so he squatted down and carefully attached the surface of the amber to see if there was anything extraordinary inside that had been melted into the amber.

Here, it was fixed by a bronze chain, and he and I could not walk to the same end at the same time, or we would lose our balance, so I stayed in place, holding the bronze chain, and watching to see what he would find.

Wang Wang looked up and down the board several times, but still found nothing. He said that there seemed to be a layer of liquid flowing inside the amber, affecting its transparency. There was nothing in it except the black shadow.

Looking around, there was a dark abyss below, and there was no sign that we could climb down. This bronze tree, the mysterious coffin, was just a piece of amber.

We We both fell silent, unable to say a word. Although the amber was valuable, it was so heavy that the two of us could not lift it. Everything here was meaningless to us. I could let it go, but Boss Wang had come all this way and so many people had died, so of course he was very upset.

After a moment of silence, I realized that the problem was still with Li Pipa’s words, so I asked Boss Wang, “Did Li Pipa reveal anything on the way here, more or less?” Looking at Li Li Pipa is not the type of person who can keep a secret, so she should have accidentally said something.

Wang’s expression changed, and he said, “You are quite accurate in judging people. Li Pipa is indeed not a person who keeps her mouth shut, but it is strange that this time, she is particularly tight-lipped. I remember that she only kept telling us that we would have everything we wanted here, and that we should not worry, but she did not say anything else. She person likes to play the mystic, often like this to stonewall us.”

As long as you come here, you can have whatever you want.

I repeated it, and I felt strange. This sentence was strange, as if there was some hidden meaning.

On second thought, I suddenly had an idea. I exclaimed, ‘Could it be that it is like this?’

Mr. Wang looked at my expression and suddenly became strange, looking at me inexplicably, not knowing what I was thinking.

I was excited scratching my head excitedly, my mind was racing: Li Pipa said to come here, this sentence has a double meaning, maybe they all misunderstood what he meant, the key is that word to, that is, the key is not what you can get, but to get to that place first, to that place, you want what you have!

And in the information that Mr. Qi gave me, I saw a picture of a cave painting with a bronze tree and many people kneeling in front of it. Many people think that it means that the ancients were praying for a good harvest, but judging from the hieroglyphs on the edge of the photo, they were making a wish. It is recorded that the ancients made a wish to the bronze tree and offered blood, and that wish would be fulfilled.

This seems like superstition, but when I think of what Li Pipa said, I have to connect the two things.

Could it be is it possible that Li Pipa came here because he believed that this bronze tree really had the power to help people achieve their wishes?

I suddenly wanted to laugh, but I couldn’t. If that were the case, it would indeed be a great benefit. No benefit in the world is worth a hundred millionth of this benefit. However, this is simply impossible. If this person really had this purpose, it seems too incredible. Moreover, he naturally could not say it out loud, otherwise who would come with him?

I I told Mr. Wang what I thought. To my surprise, after listening to me, Mr. Wang did not find it funny. Instead, it seemed as if he suddenly remembered something and said, “No, that’s not it. It seems that it’s really possible.”

I let out a sigh and thought to myself, “No way!” I asked him, “How is that possible?”

He said “Just now, when the two of us fell from above, as soon as I landed, I ran to the center of the fog in case you were going to attack me. At that time, I also saw these bronze chains, but when I passed through the middle of the bronze chains, I didn’t fall. The ground was solid. But the second time I attacked you, I stepped on an empty space. There was already a hole here. I thought I was mistaken in the fog, and I didn’t pay attention at the time. Now that I think about it, it seems that the hole appeared out of thin air.“

”What do you mean?” I asked.

He said : “What I mean is that the first time I stepped on that spot, I was thinking that there should be a coffin well underneath, but when I stepped on it, there wasn’t one. When I stepped on it the second time, the coffin well appeared. Does this count as my wish coming true?”

I looked at him suspiciously and thought to myself, how could this be possible? Was he confused by my beating him?

Wang Lao Wang looked at me and said, “It’s true. I’ve always wondered why the ‘Riverwood Collection’ has never been wrong. If Li Pipa’s claim is true, then he must be very confident. Maybe it’s really possible.”

I frowned and still didn’t believe it. In psychological terms, what Li Pipa meant was that as long as you arrive at this place, your subconscious can influence the surrounding environment, making the images in your subconscious become real objects.

If If this is the case, then the bronze tree really has this ability, and everything we see now may have been created by ourselves. This bronze tree was not originally like this, this cave was not originally like this, and the bodies here were not originally like this.

If If the owner of the “River Wood Collection” knew that the bronze tree had the same “materialization” power as a fairy when he was climbing or torturing the ancestors of the She people, then Li Pipa must have wanted to obtain this power before inciting these people to come to this place.

If this this premise, Li Pipa’s words can be explained, but the rest is a mess. So now we are in a world where the subconscious and reality are intertwined. What does the original form of the bronze tree actually look like? What is the scene here?

Is this kind of thing too weird? Is it possible that it could happen?

When we climbed up, many things, such as the monkey with the Chi Gu mask and the hollow in the rock face, might have been things that we materialized ourselves.

This power seems good at first glance, but when I think about it, I feel inexplicably terrified. Human thoughts are uncontrollable. For example, if you have this power, you watch a horror movie, and after watching it, you might find that the corpse in the horror movie is hanging from the ceiling fan behind you, dripping blood. For example, if you walk past a cemetery, maybe…

Maybe people who have been trained in psychology can control this power to a certain extent. Then they can control the world, and so on—no, I suddenly thought of something.

Old Itch The bronze branch they dug up should also be a totem of this wishing tree. His cousin secretly took the bronze branch out. Could it be that he knew that this tree had such power? But how could he have gone crazy? Now that the branch is in Lao Yi’s hands, does Lao Yi also know the inside story of this matter?

I looked at the tree next to me and suddenly thought, if it is true, then now I can make a wish on this tree to let me know what is going on. Immediately I laughed. How could it be? I actually believed it. It was just a big piece of bronze in front of me.

When I thought about it, I suddenly felt a strange feeling. A series of thoughts suddenly passed through my mind. I felt a thump in my heart and turned my head sharply, staring at Mr. Wang.

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