Volume 3 Chapter 36 Collapse

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:51:37
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The giant eye below was rapidly approaching. The situation was chaotic, and the entire bronze tree was shaking violently. I couldn’t see clearly how it was climbing, but I knew that at this rate, we would be in a fight within ten minutes.

Lao Yi looked green with fear and complained to me, “What the hell is in your head?”

I cried out in innocence, “I swear to God, this is the first time I’ve seen this thing. If I’m lying, may God strike me dead.”

He looked I said so decisively, and he was stunned. “Impossible, if not you, then who?”

At this point, I couldn’t estimate much more. I told him to stop talking nonsense and think of a way out. It was uncomfortable to be stared at like this.

He said, “Don’t worry too much. It’s just an eye. Could it kill us with its eyelids? Wait until it comes up, and I’ll kick it blind with one kick.”

Before the sound had not yet finished, when a huge tentacle like an octopus suddenly rolled up, hitting Amber with a thud. We swung around like trapeze artists in the air, crashing into the bronze wall, Amber smashed to pieces, and the corpse inside was directly dismembered, falling down like a shower of flowers with the fragments of Amber.

We the two of us managed to hang on to the bronze chains at the last moment, but we were dizzy and disoriented. I yelled at Lao Yi, “This is a big joke. Can’t you change? Quickly change into a cannon and blow this thing up.”

Lao Yi yelled, “What the hell are you talking about? Is it that easy? Run!”

We Without saying a word, we climbed up the bronze chains. After a few steps, my hand suddenly slipped and I lost my strength. I thought of the slippery plants on the tree roots and was terrified. I thought we were finished. Were we going to die here?

At this moment, Lao Yan raised his hand and I suddenly felt the slippery feeling disappear. He climbed up like a monkey and pulled me over. I almost lost my grip and almost let go. I complained said, “If you’re so good, why don’t you just turn into a ladder?”

He scolded, “Please don’t be so opinionated!”

The two of us bit our teeth and climbed into the coffin chamber. The fog above had already dissipated, and I wanted to take this opportunity to take a look at the other reliefs. Lao Yan said, “Don’t look anymore, it’s time to go. He pulled me up the wall of the coffin, and suddenly the tentacle shot up from the coffin shaft like lightning, sending the huge stone lid of the coffin flying into the sky. The force was so overwhelming that even the iron-like tree roots were smashed to pieces. For a moment, the entire bronze tree shook violently, and my eyes were filled with the roots, decaying bark, and dust. Large of roots and branches flew out like bullets, hitting the plank road and sweeping a large area away. The two of us were lying on a slippery root, and this time it directly threw us out of the coffin and we fell to the sacrificial altar.

After the tentacle rushed out of the bronze tree, it didn’t want to go back in, and it rolled around wildly, hitting the surrounding bronze statues twice and deforming them. Me and Old Itchy and I ducked down and dodged several times. Old Itchy pointed at the plank road and said, “Hurry down, you’ll be dead up there.” I thought of the boss Wang who Old Itchy had knocked out outside. I thought to myself, “Although he’s a bastard, he’s not completely evil, and we can’t just leave him there. I hurriedly turned to look for him, but I couldn’t see him anywhere. Could it be that he was taken down by those exploding tree roots?

The tree roots had been uprooted, leaving only those that had grown under the sacrificial altar. Old Itch saw me looking around, kicked me, and told me to look at the sky. I looked up and saw a huge slab of rock that had been knocked into the sky falling down in a spin. I quickly escaped, and Old Itch rolled over and picked up his backpack hanging on a broken branch. The two of us jumped like a mermaid and climbed onto the climbing rope used as a rope bridge.

As soon as We had just grabbed the rope when the stone slab behind us crashed down on the sacrificial altar, shattering into a million pieces and making a deafening noise. The rope we were holding on to also seemed to be trembling like piano strings, almost unable to bear the weight.

Looking back I looked back and saw that the tree root we had hooked on with the climbing pick had been torn off at the top by the roots of the banyan tree that was wrapped around the coffin.

I felt more and more that things were not going well, so I turned around and told Lao Yi to climb faster, saying that if we didn’t, we would follow in Lao Tai’s footsteps! Lao Yi slapped me hard, and I heard a loud buzzing in my ears.

I yelled I yelled, “Fuck, are you addicted to hitting people?”

Lao Yang yelled, “How can I not hit you? Control your mind, don’t think about anything!”

I yelled, “What am I thinking about?”

Before I could finish hadn’t finished speaking, there was a loud bang, and when we looked back, the entire coffin suddenly bulged, splitting open into several cracks. A black giant snake poked its head out, and the tentacle was the snake’s tail. But this one-eyed giant snake had very small scales, and looked more like a giant bug.

After the one-eyed The giant snake crawled out, and its huge eyes immediately turned towards us. Lao Yi saw that it was not good, and he suddenly pulled out a long-handled hunting knife from my waist, swung it hard, and cut the climbing rope. We were like Tarzan, swinging through a cycloid, and crashed into the side of the plank road. This time I had experience, and I rolled on the ground, cushioning a lot of the impact.

After Lao Yi landed, he took out the short rifle that was straddling the side of his backpack and fired a shot at the giant snake’s eye. The bullet and the snake curled up in pain, its tail sweeping away the plank road above our heads.

Lao Ye dodged the falling wood and stood up, facing the snake. He fired the gun while pulling me down. I knew that the gun could hold five bullets, but Lao Ye was so skilled with it that he didn’t need to reload.

Unfortunately The caliber of the gun was still too small. The snake had just been hit by a bullet and now it had learned its lesson. It coiled up and used its body to protect its eyes. The bullets all hit its tail, and the scales were like iron armor, useless.

As soon as I saw that the gun was useless against it, I called out to Lao Yang to run. We ran all the way to the broken end of the plank road. I just wanted to climb up the cliff, but Lao Yang grabbed me and said, “What time is it? pulled me down. We fell from the broken section directly onto the plank road on the next level. We heard a crackling sound from the wooden planks below. Where could they withstand such a shock? They immediately cracked into dozens of pieces. We fell through the planks and broke through another layer, falling onto the platform on the plank road.

This time I fell very badly. When I got up, there was blood in my mouth and nose. Lao Yan pulled me up and said, “It seems that I was too optimistic. Are you okay?”

I only felt dizzy and didn’t know what to say to him. The black giant snake had already descended from the bronze tree like lightning. Lao Yi said, “We can’t fight it, and we can’t escape. Let’s go down and find a cave to hide in.”

I looked down and saw that there was no more plank road, only the small caves where we had rested. The snake was very large, so we could hide in one of them for a while and think of a plan.

At that moment was pulled down by Lao Yan and climbed into the nearest cave, which was less than one meter in diameter. Before we reached the bottom, the giant snake’s eyes suddenly appeared at the entrance, looking at us, then rushing forward, trying to get in.

Lao Yan fired several shots, trying to force it back, but the bullets hit the snake’s head, only knocking off a few scales, with no effect.

The giant black snake The giant black snake was as big as a truck, and after several failed attempts to get in, it suddenly shook its head and smashed into the cave entrance.

The black snake was furious when it saw us retreating into the cave, and it smashed into the cave again. The whole cave shook, and we could hear the sound of rocks cracking, which came from the cave entrance and reached our heads.

The basalt here basalt, because the underground river inside has been over-excavated, is already very unstable. The subtle balance inside the rock was destroyed by this impact, and a chain reaction occurred in the gaps inside, and a crack suddenly appeared above our heads. Old Itchy saw that it was not good, and pulled me back to the bottom of the cave. I was still in a daze, and I had only crawled a few steps inside when I heard a series of roars. For a moment, the dust filled my eyes, and gravel splattered everywhere. I didn’t know where it had collapsed.

Out of instinct, I reflexively curled up to protect my head. The rocks rained down from above, hitting me and my back more than a dozen times. In the midst of the chaos, Lao Yan grabbed me and dragged me to his side. At the same time, a loud noise came from the back of the cave, and a desk-like rock collapsed, completely blocking the entrance.

Now not only could the black snake not get in, we could not see it either. However, it did not seem to give up, and it kept on crashing into the rocks for more than ten times. The rocks kept on falling, and cracks began to appear on the surrounding rock walls.

Lao Yi said, “This is not a solution. This thing will not stop until it kills us. If it crashes a few more times, the mountain will collapse.”

I turned around and saw that we had already retreated to the innermost part of the cave. There was nowhere to retreat. If it crashed in a little more, even the gods could not save us.

At this time we were already in a desperate situation. Even if we had explosives, we couldn’t use them in such a small space. I was anxious to see the cracks around us spreading little by little.

At this moment, suddenly a crack shattered open, and a section of the rock wall was overwhelmed, collapsing completely. We leaned against the side, barely keeping our whole bodies, but after seeing the rock wall collapse, we saw that there was actually a cave behind it.

I was I was overjoyed, thinking that heaven had not forgotten me. It must have been the rock between the two caves that had cracked, creating a path in the middle. I hurriedly turned to call Lao Yang, ready to climb in.

But Lao Yang suddenly stopped me, saying, “You can’t go in!”

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