Volume 3 Chapter 37, Diary

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:51:41
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The cave was about to collapse, and big and small rocks were falling on my head without regard for anything. If I stayed one more second, I would be buried under the rocks. In this situation, it is already good to have a way out in front of you. How can you care about anything else? I grabbed him and yelled at him, “What can’t you go in? If you don’t go in, are you going to wait to die outside?”

Lao Yang said, “The situation inside is unclear. You should take a look first!”

I said to him, “I can’t care about so much. Look at this situation. Even if it’s a dragon’s den, we have to break through.” I grabbed him and went into the cave.

Lao Yang He held on to his hand, not letting me pull him in, saying, “Please listen to me for once. This cave is really not safe to enter!”

He was about to pull me out, but I was furious. I was about to ask him if he wanted to die or what, when suddenly a rock suddenly collapsed. I quickly let go, and both of us fell backwards. The rock “cracked” and fell between us, blocking the collapsed hole.

I was scared I was so scared that I hurriedly asked him if he was okay. After a long time, I heard him groan and reply, “I’m fine. I hit my head, but the cave is no longer collapsing. How are you?”

I told him that I was fine too. I told him I was fine too, and pushed the rock with my hand. It didn’t move at all, so I knew the way was blocked. I looked around. I thought it was another cave in the rock wall, and there must be an exit on one side. However, now I saw that it was a closed space, very narrow, and seemed to be a natural gap in the mountain. It looked familiar.

I climbed a few steps on the I suddenly realized that this was also a cave that had collapsed, but the collapse here had happened many years ago, and everything that should have collapsed had already collapsed, leaving the ground covered in rubble.

I had just wondered why the giant snake was so powerful, and how it could have caused such damage to the hard rock with just a few impacts. Now I think that there had already been a collapse here before, and that the last accident must have caused great damage to the surrounding rock formations. The rock that looked solid on the surface had actually cracked long ago, and when the giant snake hit it, it finally burst and collapsed this passage.

I looked I looked up and saw that this was a gap between two fallen boulders. The fit looked very solid, and even though it was still being hit from the outside, only dust was falling down.

It seemed that the giant snake had used up most of its strength, and the impact was getting lighter and lighter, until it finally quieted down.

I was still in shock I was still in a daze, and I thought of Lao Yi, who had just pulled me. If I hadn’t let go in time, I would have been a meat pie by now. I was so angry that I shouted behind the rock, “What the hell did you take? You almost got me killed.”

Lao Yi was blocked outside by the rock and couldn’t get in. He also said, “What did I take? Why don’t you say you’re awkward? Look at how good it is now. What should I do?”

I picked I took a few stones and saw Lao Yang’s flashlight light coming through the gaps in the rocks. However, the biggest rock was at least as big as an eight-person table, and the gaps between them were limited. I could stretch my hand out, but I could never get out.

I knocked on the rocks a few times, knocking out a few white stubble. The two types of rocks were the same hardness, and it was very difficult to knock them down. Lao Yang When he saw that the broken stones I had knocked loose were starting to fall apart again, he hurriedly told me to stop, saying, “You’d better be careful. If you knock here again, it’ll collapse.”

I said, “It’s a matter of life and death anyway.

Lao Yan said, ‘You’d better not. We’re not at our wits’ end yet. First, take a look around and see if there’s anything special. If you find anything, call me right away.”

I looked around I looked around. It was dark and I could only see the gravel. I told him there was nothing in there.

He was silent for a moment and asked, “Are you sure there’s nothing in there? Take a closer look.”

I said, “Why would I lie to you? This is a big place. If there’s anything, I’m sure I’d have seen it.”

Lao Yang said, “Okay, take a closer look. I’ll go ahead and see if it’s blocked so tightly that there might be a gap to climb out of.”

As he said that His flashlight moved away, and I leaned against the rock to rest for a moment. I climbed into the gap and looked around. I knew there would be no way out here. The rock above my head weighed several tons, and I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to get out for a year or two.

I walked further inside, but there was no way out. I was about to turn around when I suddenly saw something drawn on the rock wall. I hurried over to take a look.

At first At first glance, I thought it was some primitive cave painting, probably left by the ancestors of the bronze tree. But on closer inspection, I realized that it was not. The graffiti was a plane and some English letters.

I was very puzzled.

The graffiti was half-buried in a pile of broken stones under my feet. I moved the stones to see what was drawn on them. After removing a large stone, a dark, ragged piece of cloth appeared, as if it were a fragment of a garment.

I pulled the cloth apart and a withered, decayed human hand, with exposed bones, suddenly appeared. The hand was claw-like and seemed to be trying to climb out of the rubble, but finally died of exhaustion.

I was shocked I was so scared that I almost screamed. I thought to myself, how could there be a dead body buried here? Could it be that this person was buried alive when the cave collapsed? Then who was this person?

I continued to move the stones, and soon a corpse appeared. The corpse It was completely rotten, and it seemed to have been buried here for some years. The clothes on his body were in tatters, and I couldn’t tell what color they were from the texture. However, judging from the amulet hanging around his neck, this person might be like us, also here to dig up the tomb.

I thought of the corpse I saw at the bottom of the waterfall, which was also almost as rotten as him. These two people might be a gang. It’s really true that people die for money and birds die for food. These two people might be my end.

I continued I continued digging and unearthed the entire corpse. I also found a backpack, which was rotten beyond repair. It was almost empty, with only some black residue. I don’t know what it was that had rotted it. I flipped through the back and a notebook fell out of the false compartment.

The notebook was also falling apart, but fortunately the paper was good and the words written in blue ballpoint pen were still legible. I picked and looked at it. The front page was written with some geographical locations and phone numbers. I flipped to the back page and suddenly froze. There were some diaries here. Judging from the time of the first entry, it seems that the record began three years ago.

The person’s handwriting was rather childish, and he was probably not very good at writing. Each diary entry was only a hundred words or so. I quickly flipped through a few pages, and my spine went cold.

Judging from the entries in the diary, this person should have come here three years ago. The diary It didn’t say how he got here, but it started when he got stuck in this cave. However, in the later content, he occasionally mentioned his experience before he came in.

There should be a total of 18 people in their group, because in one of the articles it was mentioned that only I was left of the 18. It was also mentioned that they did not enter from our route, but from the banyan forest at the top of the mountain, a huge tree hole wrapped in aerial roots.

This should should be the banyan forest that Lao Yi mentioned. We didn’t have a chance to go in, and we didn’t expect there to be such a big mystery inside. If we had known, we wouldn’t have gone through so much trouble.

But as I read on, I couldn’t help but be glad that we didn’t take that route, because it was recorded that the way they came down was extremely dangerous. Eighteen people went in, and only six came out from the bottom.

It is estimated The tree hole should be in the middle of the forest, on one of the old banyan trees that Lao Yan said could not be contained by a dozen people. After these people came down, they should have been in the exact opposite situation to us. We climbed up from the bottom of the bronze tree, but they must have fallen straight to the top of the bronze tree.

Unexpectedly to my surprise, he also said that after they found nothing on the sacrificial altar, they followed the plank road around the tree and found that the bottom of the plank road was completely submerged in water, like a very deep pool.

They jumped into the pool and found that it was extremely deep and they could not dive in without equipment. The diving equipment they brought was too small, so after trying it out, they had to give up. The six of them floated to the surface and when they looked, they were dumbfounded.

It turned out that At the moment they were diving, the water level had dropped extremely low. When they came out, the plank they had left their equipment on had moved six or seven meters away. They had not thought of this, and all the ropes were in their bags, not on their bodies.

The water level dropped rapidly, and some of them climbed onto the bronze tree, while others ran into the hole exposed on the rock wall. At that time The owner of this diary entered the cave where I was at that time, but unfortunately, not long after he entered the cave, a black dragon-like python suddenly appeared from the water and chased him up the bronze tree. He only heard the screams of his companions and the sound of gunshots, and was so scared that he hid in the cave and dared not go out.

This The disaster caught him off guard. His companions were all desperate criminals. One of them, in the midst of fighting the giant python, activated the explosives before he died. They were preparing to blow up the tomb by blasting the mountain, so the amount of explosives was very large.

The owner of the diary The owner of the diary was temporarily stunned by the explosion, and when he woke up, he found himself trapped. He guessed that with such a violent explosion, no one outside would survive, and he had no goal in coming to the tomb to rob it.

He couldn’t possibly expect anyone to rescue him, and he was disheartened for a while. The rest of the content is a bit boring.

He was stuck in the gap for seven days, and he didn’t have much food with him, so he ate it all at once. He was thirsty and hungry, and his battery was exhausted. In the darkness, he knew that his time was coming to an end, and he thought of his mother who had no one to take care of her, and he couldn’t help but feel miserable.

Later a few days later, he was delirious from hunger. One day he woke up and didn’t know what time it was. He felt extremely thirsty and, in a trance, picked up the long-dry water bottle and gulped down a few mouthfuls. At this time, a miracle happened. Sweet, clear water suddenly gushed out of the bottle. He didn’t know what was going on, so he greedily drank for more than ten minutes, but the water didn’t seem to be getting any less.

He thought thought he was dreaming, and said to himself that he must be dying and hallucinating, so he might as well die. Then he thought that since he was dreaming, there might be food in his bag, so he searched and sure enough, the bags that originally held food were full. He was overjoyed and ate desperately, almost choking to death.

Gradually gradually, he realized that this was not a dream. At first, he thought that God had appeared to save him, but later he felt that this was not the case. Finally, he discovered that this was related to his thoughts, but it was not a surefire way to materialize things. For example, when he wanted to eat something, it would not appear, but when he reached into his bag for something to eat, he would often find something he liked to eat, even though there was nothing in the bag.

He began started to analyze consciously and do experiments with his mind. Gradually, he discovered his ability to materialize. He wrote a lot about this period, and the process of the experiment was very complicated. In the end, he did not draw a conclusion about his ability to materialize, but thought that he had become a “trance god.”

The graffiti on the stone were drawn during this period of time. I’m afraid he was bored and drew them for fun.

At the end of the diary At the end of the diary, he wrote that he would use this ability to try to get out of here. If he succeeded, he would be able to go out and become a superman. If he failed, he would die here. I don’t know what experiment he finally did, but it seems that in the end he failed.

However, it is not clear whether it is a good thing or a bad thing for a person with such abilities to come to the real world.

Seeing seeing this corpse, I thought about my own situation, and I couldn’t help but feel cold. There was no food at all around me, and I was afraid that I wouldn’t last even seven days. Besides, even if there was food, it would be better to die than to be trapped here endlessly.

I put down the diary and looked through the pockets of the corpse again, finding a cell phone. It was already out of battery, so I threw it aside. I found a wallet, and there was some money in it. I thought to myself, “Everything else will rot, but the RMB won’t rot. What a mess.”

Wallet There was also the man’s ID card in it. I pulled it out and wanted to see what the unlucky bastard was called. I looked at it with a flashlight and saw that the man’s photo had already blurred out, but the name was still clear. It was called “Xie Zi Yang.”

This surname is really rare. Xie Lianhuan, who died in the underwater tomb, also had this surname. I looked at the man’s birthday and he was still quite young, which was a pity.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light from behind. Lao Yao had already climbed back and asked me behind the rock, “Lao Wu! What are you looking at?”

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