Volume 3 Chapter 39 Candle Nine Yin

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:51:48
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The huge tongue pressed against my nose, and my eyes were full of wriggling scales. I didn’t know how to tell others about this shock. All of a sudden, my heart seemed to stop beating, and my whole body was stiff as a rock.

For the first The first time I actually experienced the tremendous power of this ability, it swept away all my remaining doubts. But this huge black python was so real, every scale, the smell in the air, and the sound of friction everywhere were flawless. I really couldn’t imagine how this thing suddenly appeared. If the light had been on just now, would it have “bang” appeared out of thin air?

“Old Itch” was still calling out, but I had no mood to pay attention to him. I just felt the reptile’s emotionless gaze hovering over me. The rock crevice I was in was small, and now suddenly there was this black dragon-like python, and there was no room to do calisthenics. At this time, as long as the python opened its mouth casually to the side, I would immediately burp and die of cold, and everything would be over.

I I thought quickly. The python had a keen sense of smell and sight, so there was no reason why it couldn’t see me. Now there was only one hope, and that was that it wasn’t interested in my size. Pythons didn’t prey on things that were too small. If I just sat still and didn’t cause it to panic, it might let me go. But if that didn’t work, then there was really nothing I could do.

I swallowed I swallowed a mouthful of saliva and tried not to tremble. The huge tongue licked past my ear, leaving behind extremely unpleasant saliva. But, fortunately, it just looked up at me for a moment, then turned its head to look at the flashlight source of “Old Itch” behind the rock.

“Old It was hiding behind a huge rock blocking the entrance to the cave. When it saw that the python wasn’t attacking me, it turned its head and looked over to him. It immediately realized that something was wrong. The huge rock blocking the entrance to the cave was only as big as its head compared to the python, and it couldn’t block it at all. I heard Lao Yi scold, and hurriedly retreated behind the rock.

The flashlight was turned off with a click. It suddenly became dark, and the python’s two yellow eyes glowed in the dark. I still dared not make a sound, and I vaguely saw the python gently nudge twice. Seeing that the rock was still, it suddenly retracted its neck and made an attacking gesture.

My brain I immediately knew what was going to happen next. In an instant, the python’s retracted neck shot out like a bullet, and I heard a muffled sound. The entire cave shook, and the boulder blocking the door was knocked away like a kite. I heard “Lao Ye” scream, and then the sound of rocks colliding with each other came over and over again.

Although I knew that it wasn’t the real Lao Ye outside, this scream still made my heart panic reflexively. The python I found a hollow behind the stone, but its head was too big to fit through. Its body kept arching up in the coils, and I dodged left and right to keep it from winding in, otherwise it would definitely break its bones when it was sandwiched between the scales on both sides.

After several unsuccessful attempts, the python became agitated and began to swing its head and hit the stone wall next to the hole. The python its body coiled up looked very scary, and now it was dancing like a dragon, which was even more spectacular. In a few moves, it had knocked a hole in the cave. The python turned with great force, and its head squeezed out of the hole. The scales rubbed against the stone wall, pushing the entire stone out of the crack.

The python pushed all the rocks in front of it out of the way. I followed the python out and saw “Old Itch” lying in a pile of broken rocks, almost completely covered by the rocks behind him, barely breathing. When he saw me, he coughed a few times, as if he wanted to say something, but as soon as he opened his mouth, blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

I checked I checked his injuries and tried to move the rocks, but at a glance, the lower body was completely crushed. I sighed and asked him, “What else do you have to say?”

He looked at me, gritted his teeth, and pulled out the backpack he got from Mr. Wang from the rock crevices and threw it to me.

I took the bag, and I didn’t know what I felt in my heart. He coughed a few times, spit out a lot of blood, and then stopped talking and closed his eyes.

I paused I paused to ask him what had happened that day, when suddenly there was a loud bang, and the whole cave shook violently. I almost couldn’t sit still, and I hit the rock wall.

I was so scared that I thought the giant snake outside had started to attack again, and I hurriedly bent over and crawled out of the cave. At this time, “Old Itch” suddenly called out hoarsely, “Old Wu!”

I was stunned I didn’t know what else he wanted to say, and when I looked back, I saw him open his mouth at me. Suddenly the ground where he was collapsed, and the rocks above him fell like a waterfall. In a flash, he disappeared into the rubble like he had fallen into a quagmire.

I felt a pang in my heart I felt a pang in my heart, and I even felt a heart-wrenching feeling, but there was no time to adjust my emotions. I rolled a few times to avoid the falling rocks and rushed out of the cave. Just as I was about to catch up with a black shadow, it crashed into me again. I quickly rolled to the side, and the black shadow crashed into the mountain, causing the entire mountain wall to shake. The stones flew everywhere, and a crack appeared in the mountain, extending from the position where I was standing.

I saw that it had been hit so hard, and I couldn’t help but wonder, “Is this snake not afraid of death? I turned I looked again and saw that it was not the case. I saw that the black snake that had just climbed out had already entwined itself with the thin-scaled giant snake that had climbed out of the bronze tree, and they were fighting hard to separate. The thin The black snake was much larger than the python, but it was no match for the python in a fight. Plus, both were black, so it was hard to tell who was who. All I could see was two black whirlwinds constantly entwining around the bronze tree, their tails flailing about, knocking the surrounding stalagmites and stalactites flying like cannonballs.

I had I had never seen such a thrilling scene before. I was stunned. Suddenly, a tail swept straight at my feet, and the entire rock I was standing on turned into powder. In a panic, I grabbed at the surrounding rocks, but I didn’t expect that all the surrounding rocks had been knocked loose, and I suddenly lost my grip and fell into the abyss below.

Within a few Within a few minutes, I experienced life and death several times. I couldn’t react in time, and suddenly I heard the sound of rushing water. Then I felt a chill, and my ears were quiet. I fell into the water.

Damn it, where did the water come from?

I kept stabbing into the water for six or seven meters before stopping. I couldn’t adjust my posture in the water. I heard a crack in my neck, and I didn’t know if it was broken. I couldn’t use any strength, and I was sinking straight into the water.

Just when I was at my wits’ end when a figure swam up from behind and held me up.

I looked back and saw that it was the cool-headed scholar who had been hiding in the cave below. He had probably been forced out by the rising water and, seeing someone fall, had come to help me.

When I looked out of the water, I saw that the abyss we had just climbed up had somehow become a pool. There was a strong current in the water, and I didn’t know where it was coming from. The water level was still rising rapidly.

I looked around and thought to myself, “When they came here three years ago, was this a pool? I looked around and thought to myself, “When they came here three years ago, was this a pool? But now, we can’t go back!”

I was a better swimmer than Master Liang, and after he pulled me up, he lost his strength and sank straight down. I pulled him to the bronze tree and didn’t want to argue with him about the past. I asked, “What’s going on?”

Master Liang coughed a few times and said, “There must have been a rainstorm outside. This is a flash flood. There are often flash floods at this time of year. The flood into the underground river we came across. That river must be connected to the caves in the wall here. The flood at high altitude rushed down, the water level rose, and the water poured in! As soon as the flash flood passes, the water level will immediately drop.”

I thought to myself I cursed in my heart, and in this way, I didn’t know where to go. I looked up and saw a huge black shadow still fighting above. I thought to myself, “Oh my, it’s already fighting like this. If it falls into the water later, won’t it really be a tiger’s den?

Before I could finish thinking, I heard a whistling sound in my ear, and the black python had already fallen, straight into the water. For a moment, the water splashed everywhere, and the small pool of water boiled like boiling water.

Immediately The giant snake with fine scales also climbed down the bronze tree. When the cool master saw the huge purple eyes of the snake, he was so scared that he sank into the water. I pulled him up and he said in a trembling voice, “My God! Where did this thing come from? This… this is the Candle Nine Yin!”

I heard this name so familiar, I pulled him straight to hide behind the bronze tree and asked him what was going on.

The cool master Master Liang said softly, “Candle Nine Yin is a dragon. In ancient times, it was called Candle Dragon. In fact, it was a huge ancient snake. In the era of Emperor Shun, this was used to make oil and candles. It became extinct thousands of years ago. How come there is still one here?”

I had never known these things. I felt strange at the moment. Since I didn’t know, it couldn’t be something I had imagined. Could it be true? Is there really a huge ancient snake in this bronze ancient tree?

Master Liang Master continued, “This huge Candle Nine Yin has lived for countless years. Did you notice that from here you can only see one of its eyes? The Candle Nine Yin’s eyes are horizontally elongated. The one you see now is the main eye, and the other eye is located above it. It is called the Yin eye. Legend has it that the Yin eye of the Candle Nine Yin is connected to hell. If you look at it, you will be possessed by evil spirits, and over time you will become a monster with a human head and a snake body.”

I thought I thought of the old man’s expression, which was like a poisonous snake, and I felt a chill in my heart. I turned around and took a quick look. Fortunately, the attention of the Candle Nine Yin was completely off us. I felt that the water flow under the water had become extremely chaotic, and I knew that the black python was still underwater. The Candle Nine Yin stared at the water, probably afraid that the python would suddenly attack.

The water level kept rising, and we were getting closer and closer to the body of Candle Nine Yin. The water level told him my thoughts in a low voice, but he didn’t listen. At this time, several white masks floated up from the water. I suddenly felt something was wrong, picked one up and saw that the cavity in the mouth was empty and the parasite inside was gone.

“Damn it!” I cursed and suddenly realized why the python had not come up after so long in the water. I shone my flashlight into the water and saw countless crab-like worms, some with masks, some with only their bodies, attached to the black python like leeches. body hit the rocks, and the masks of the parasites were rubbed off, but the bodies of the parasites were still firmly attached to the snake, looking very strange.

Some of the parasites were unable to grab a position and were wandering around the snake’s body. They were very agile. Unfortunately, as soon as they saw the flashlight in my hand, all the parasites suddenly stopped moving, and then quickly bounced off the python. Before I could react, I saw a flash of light, and all the parasites swarmed towards me like a giant school of fish in the sea.

These swam so fast that I couldn’t react in time. In desperation, I bit my hand hard. I don’t know why I bit so hard, but suddenly blood gushed out. I waved my hand in the water to spread the blood.

The insects were afraid of my blood and swam away from me. Flocks of of white bugs formed a wall of bugs in front of me, and I even vaguely felt that the undulations of the arrangement of these bugs were a bit like a human face.

The cold master was scared to death, and without saying a word, he climbed up the bronze tree. I knew that staying in the water was not a solution, so I poked my head out of the water and looked back. I saw that the Candle Nine Yin had already discovered us. The huge snake head was facing our direction, and the purple eye had already closed. Instead, there was a blood-red eye, which opened at some unknown time and looked at us with a spiteful gaze.

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