Volume 3 chapter35: Out of Control

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:51:34
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When we first came here, Counselor Liang told us that Boss Wang was a rough man who had been on the streets since he was a child and had a very low level of education. The only thing he could boast about was the “Record of the Aftermath of the Plague” that had been passed down in his family. When I was explaining the subconscious to him, he suddenly understood and could even give examples, which shows that he has at least a little knowledge of psychology.

I had felt something strange just now, but I didn’t pay too much attention to it, thinking that it was just a coincidence.

Maybe Mr. Wang has noble sentiments, and while he is cheating and deceiving, he also takes time to study psychology on his own, wanting to be a cultured member of the underworld. But looking at his violent demeanor, it is unlikely.

When I think of this, I can’t help but look at Mr. Wang. A strange premonition overwhelms me, and I feel very strange in my heart—could this person in front of me not be Mr. Wang?

He is thinking about the idea I had proposed, lost in thought, and for a moment did not notice that I was looking at him with a strange look. I took the opportunity to look at his expression, his clothes, and many other details about him.

I had never had much of an impression of Boss Wang. For one thing, he didn’t talk much, and for another, his movements were not outstanding. I had only seen him once or twice before climbing the bronze tree, and at this time I didn’t have much memory to judge the authenticity of the person in front of me.

But I felt as if I had discovered a problem, but I wasn’t sure.

To test my theory, I suddenly pretended to see something and waved at him, calling out softly, “Mr. Wang!”

Mr. Wang turned his head suddenly and asked, “What?”

“Don’t move!” I made a gesture to tell him not to move, and I walked over to him carefully.

He looked at me nervously, thinking that something had gotten on his shoulder, and glanced sideways with his eyes. I walked to his side, pressed his chest, and exclaimed in my heart, but did nothing and backed away.

He was puzzled by my behavior and asked softly, “What’s going on? What’s wrong?”

I was already somewhat certain in my heart at this point, looked at him, and said, “I think your clothes are strange. Where did you buy them?”

Mr. Wang looked at me with an expression of seeing a mental patient and laughed, “What’s wrong with you, suddenly asking me this question?”

I said said, “There is nothing wrong at all, Mr. Wang. A few months ago, when I went to the mine for the first time, my uncle asked me to go shopping. At that time, I also wanted to buy the brand of mountaineering clothes you are wearing, but I didn’t buy it. Do you know why? Because the two pockets on the chest of this kind of clothes look big, but they are actually fake and are used for decoration. At that time, I thought that the more pockets the better for adventure clothes, so I bought another style.”

Mr. Wang touched the two pockets and his expression changed.

I clapped clapped my hands and said softly, “So I feel a little strange. Where did you get the flashlight and your cigarette from, Mr. Wang?” A flash of light flashed through my mind, and I almost blurted out, “Or—would it be better to call you Old Itch?”

Mr. Wang looked at me blankly, and after a long time, he burst out laughing. Suddenly, his fat body began to shrink, as if a deflated balloon, and it suddenly deflated.

I watched I saw Wang’s face change little by little, slowly turning into the face of Lao Yi, and I knew I was right.

He finally stretched out his body, sighed, and said, “Wu Xie is truly Wu Xie. Since you’ve been lying to me since I was a kid, it’s rare that I’d try to lie to you and still get caught.”

I looked at him coldly and asked, “Cut the crap. What are you playing at?”

He smiled wryly and waved his hand, “Listen to my explanation. knew that this matter was not so easy to get away with.”

Seeing that I was not talking, he said, ‘My purpose is not to deceive you, but this matter must be done in this way to be useful. After you hear my explanation, you will know that I have a reason for doing this.’

I saw that he was freely controlling his appearance and realized that his use of this ability exceeded my imagination. Because of this ability, money is not a problem at all.

But With this ability, he is almost invincible. What purpose can he not achieve, and why does he have to come to this ghostly place? Is there something lacking in this ability?

In any case, I am now certain that from the moment he came to me, I fell into a carefully planned trap. In other words, he was lying from the beginning. I was so trusting of him. If I could control this power, I would turn him into a pig.

Old Itch Seeing my facial expression change, he knew that although I was calm on the surface, my heart was already burning with rage.

After a long pause, he suddenly sighed, as if he had figured something out. He took out a photo from his pocket and said, “Take a look at this, and I’ll explain it to you.”

I took it and shone a flashlight on it. The photo was of his mother, with graying hair, probably from overwork. It seemed It seems that she was very affected by the years that my father spent in prison. Her mother was very beautiful when she was young and was very kind to us. We all called her Auntie Beauty. My father and I would visit her a few times a year.

I didn’t know what he was doing with the photo, so I asked him, “What do you mean?”

He sighed and smiled sadly, “Didn’t I say I needed money? Actually, I was lying to you. The reason I came here was for my mother. My mother had passed away when I was in prison.”

I I let out a sound, looked at him with a look of extreme skepticism, frowned, and asked, “Your mother… passed away?”

He nodded silently, looked at his hands, and said, “The day after I got out of prison, I couldn’t wait to go home and surprise my mother, but when I pushed open the door, I smelled a terrible stench. I I thought my mother had a heart attack, so I immediately went to help her. When I lifted her up, do you know what the fuck I saw?

Lao Yang closed his eyes and moaned in pain: “Her face was stuck to the sewing machine. When I pulled it off, it all came off. My God…”

I didn’t know that my mother had passed away, and I didn’t know how to react. Lao Yang was a very filial son. He would never make a joke like that about his mother.

He touched He touched his forehead and said, “After I had my mother embalmed, I was alone in the empty house and didn’t know what to do. I didn’t dare to sleep either, because as soon as I lay down, I saw my mother’s face glued to the sewing machine. I stayed like that for nine days, starving to death. I thought I would die of hunger, but then suddenly I smelled a delicious aroma coming from the kitchen, as if someone was cooking. I went I went over and saw that my mother had appeared again. When she saw me coming, she said, “Wait a minute, it’ll be ready soon.”

I realized what was going on when I heard this.

Lao Yi continued, “At first, I thought I was crazy and hallucinating because I missed my mother so much. Later, I gradually realized that something was wrong. It wasn’t a hallucination. Not only me, but even the vegetable seller saw my mother. I knew that my mother had really returned. She was exactly the same as before, even the taste of the food she cooked was the same.

”If If it was someone else, they might think they had seen a ghost, but I didn’t. I started to think about what was going on. Gradually, I began to realize that there was something wrong with my surroundings, but I hadn’t found the key yet. Until one time, I watched TV all night, and guess what, that night there was a power outage.

“I I didn’t know what was going on. At this time, my cousin wrote me a letter, in which he told me that he had also experienced this situation. At that moment, I immediately understood that this had something to do with the bronze tree.

I read a lot of books and learned that the tree might be the snake god tree that the ancients said they could make wishes on. I thought that my ability might come from the bronze tree. At first, I was very happy, thinking that I had become rich. But when I studied this ability and gradually began to control it, problems arose.

“Once Once you use your mind to control this ability, if you can’t get rid of distracting thoughts, a lot of things will mix together and become very bad. So one day, I got up and saw my mother sewing with her back to me. I was terrified when I saw her sitting on the sewing machine. I crept over to her and you know what I saw, my God, my mother’s face…”

Lao Yi made several gestures, but he couldn’t go on. He sighed several times.

I felt a chill in my heart as I listened. I really couldn’t imagine how terrible the scene must have been.

Lao Yi He took a cigarette out of thin air, put it in his mouth, and it lit without a lighter. He took a deep drag and continued, “From that moment on, I realized the horror of this power, but I was unwilling to give up. I really wanted my mother back, so I had to find someone to come over, someone who knew my mother and had a very clean subconscious, and that was you, Lao Wu. At the same time, I had to eliminate my own ability.”

I didn’t I didn’t expect that this was the purpose of Lao Yao, and I said, “But Lao Yao, this sounds like going against the will of heaven. People cannot be resurrected after death.”

He said, “Lao Wu, I’m not very greedy. I only need three years. I’ll be satisfied if I can spend three more years with my mother. You’ve been to my house many times. You wouldn’t want my mother to die alone, would you?”

I sighed I sighed, thinking that if his mother really came back to life, I would not dare to go to his house. I wondered who had planted this tree, and how it had such evil power.

After thinking for a long time, I shook my head and said, “I can’t do this. Your mother is dead. She has already returned to the earth. Just let her go. Don’t hold on to her.”

Lao Yang smiled: “It’s too late, Lao Wu. You don’t understand. This has nothing to do with whether you want to help me or not. That’s why I couldn’t tell you my purpose. Now, I think my purpose has been achieved.”

I didn’t understand what he was talking about, so I asked, “What do you mean?”

He raised his hand and said, “Try it yourself. Can you materialize something?”

I know what he was trying to do. I looked at my hands and tried to visualize a stone, but after a long time, my hands were still empty. There is no doubt that this ability is difficult to use. Ordinary people cannot control their subconscious.

Lao Yi said to me with a little pride, “You see, this power is definitely useless when you do it on purpose. Otherwise, when I was hungry just now, a roast duck should have flown over by itself. Only It only appears under certain circumstances. It’s very difficult. Lao Wu, you can only guide it, you can’t use it. Even if you’re trained, it’s very difficult. You want to turn a TV set into a TV set here. Such a complicated thing can’t be turned out in any way.

I looked at him and said, “Are you saying that this ability is passive? Does it require a psychological guide?”

He nodded, “Yes, for example, the words I just said to you can already guide your thoughts in your brain, and make a person materialize in my home hundreds of miles away.”

I stunned, looked at him and said, “Bullshit, do you think I really believe everything?”

Old Itch He shook his head. At this moment, the bronze tree and the entire amber suddenly shook. We both slipped and almost fell. We quickly grabbed the bronze chain on the side. Looking down, we saw that in the abyss beneath us, something seemed to be wriggling. Every time it wriggled, the bronze tree shook, shaking the mountain and making it difficult to stand.

I pulled the bronze chain, I thought it was strange and remembered something. I turned to ask Lao Yang, “Right, that strange sound of ‘de… de… de’… was that you too?”

Lao Yang looked down in confusion and nodded, “Yes, I used that sound to lure you into the root plate, and then I knocked out the boss who was guarding the outside. That radio interference was just to prevent you from hearing the sound of the boss and me fighting.”

I frowned and cried out, “What about this vibration!”

Lao Yang’s face also changed, saying, “I don’t know either, but Lao Wu, what is your first impression of this bronze tree?”

I suddenly shuddered when I heard him say this, “I think… it goes to hell…” and looked down, “No, you’re not saying that the thing below is…”

Lao Yang kicked me hard and yelled, “Idiot, don’t think about it!”

As soon as he had just fallen, a huge eye appeared in the darkness below, with purple pupils that became a narrow, strange line like a cat’s.

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