Volume 3 Volume 15: Rest

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:50:31
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Lao Ye reloaded a flare and fired it at the spot where the first flare had gone out, illuminating the area again. I saw that it was an open space with no bodies piled up, located in the center of the entire cave, about 20 to 30 square meters. The flare light was not enough for me to see if there was anything special about this area, but I was certain that the open space was sunken downward, probably a pit.

Lao Ye At this point, he had calmed down and pointed to the pit, saying that the sacrificial pit he had seen three years ago was similar to this one, with an open space in the middle.

The flare light had run out, and the cave was once again pitch black. Lao Yan wanted to reload another flare, but I stopped him. We had seen enough for now, and there was no need to waste resources.

Lao Yan asked me, “What now? After all for half a day, this is what the underworld is like. Maybe this is just a place of sacrifice. Do we still want to go down?”

I thought for a moment and said, ‘Mr. Li said in his ’He Mu Ji’ that there are good things in this pit, so it should be correct. We followed the chains here, and the road was fine. I think the things he said are down there. The most suspicious suspicious place is the empty space between the corpses. I think we should still go and take a look… But this place where the corpses are piled up has always been the most evil place. We have to be prepared to deal with the most troublesome things.”

I originally wanted to talk about the things I encountered in Shandong, but on second thought, it would be strange if these two people weren’t scared to death, so I changed the subject to something else.

Lao Yang didn’t want to go down at all, but he was the one who suggested coming here, so he couldn’t back down either. He reluctantly nodded.

I recalled what I had just seen. I recalled what I had just seen. To reach the clearing, we would inevitably have to descend to the bottom of the cliff and pass through the corpses. The problem was how to climb down the twenty-odd meter high cliff. We didn’t have a rope, so how likely was it that we could climb down bare-handed? We would have to think about it.

Another is whether there are any rice dumplings down here. There shouldn’t be many well-preserved corpses down here, most of them have dried up or become dry bones, but just now, under the light of the flare, I saw the expressions on many of the corpses were very hideous, beyond the limits of human expression.

I was wondering what was going on when I suddenly heard a sound of someone falling.

I looked back and saw that the coolie was trying to creep back up the stone steps.

Lao Yao immediately raised his gun and forced him to stop, shouting, “Take one more step back, and I’ll break your legs and throw you down from here.”

As soon as he heard his voice, Liang Shiyi was so scared that he ran away. Lao Yang fired a shot into the sky, and the sound of the gunshot echoed throughout the cave like thunder.

Liang Shiyi was so scared by the gunshot that he stopped and turned around, saying, “Don’t shoot! Don’t shoot! Can’t I just stop running?”

Lao Yang cursed: “I don’t believe you. Come back and sit down properly. If you run again, I’ll deal with you!”

Liang Shiyu slunk back, squatted down next to us, and said with a sad face: “My dear brothers, you see, I’m just an intellectual, following Lao Tai to make a living, fooling around with the Cantonese guests. You You are going to do big business now, and I am not strong enough to help you. I am a burden to you. If I am not agile enough, it will be bad for you.”

Lao Yang saw that he was still holding his backpack in his hand, and he was furious. He pointed at him with his gun and said, ‘Do you think we want to take you with us? If you want us to let you go, you can leave the bag behind and go wherever you want.’

Liang Shi Master looked at the bag with difficulty: “But this bag is mine… As the saying goes, a gentleman…” Lao Yang waved the gun in his hand and said, “I’m not a gentleman, I’m an animal, don’t talk to me about reason.”

I feel I think this cool counselor is quite capable. If we let him go back, and if he encounters Tai and the others, it would be like adding an enemy to ourselves. If we leave him behind, it might even be able to play a restraining role. I stopped Lao Yang from saying any more and turned to the cool counselor and said, “We The situation is still unclear. If you leave alone, even if you are given a full set of equipment, you won’t be able to get out without experience. How about this? You come down with us to take a look. If there is something good, Tai will give you as much as he gives us. The three of us will act together, and the chances of survival will be greater. Look The air here is full of evil spirits. If you run into a lonely ghost, no one can save you.”

Old Itch immediately continued, “If you don’t want to go, that’s fine, but leave everything you should leave behind, and give me your clothes…”

When he heard me say that I would leave him a souvenir, he immediately showed signs of wavering. When he was scared by Lao Yang, he immediately said, “No, no, we can talk about it. Since you two think so highly of me, I can’t refuse. In fact, with my knowledge, I can combine it with your experience, which is really a perfect match.”

I listened and realized that this kid is still a wallflower, swaying back and forth, changing his mind so quickly, and I felt funny in my heart. Grandpa was right, people’s hearts are treacherous, and there are really all kinds of people in this world.

We We took the contents of the coolie’s bag back and emptied it, looking for anything we could use, such as ropes and lighting equipment. But his bag mainly contained food and clothes. The coolie said that their important equipment was carried by Tai and Erma, two of the main men.

Without ropes, we would have to climb down the cliff like a gecko. It was so steep here that I didn’t know if it was suitable for climbing. I fired one of the few cold fireworks I had, threw it down the cliff, and looked down the whole way. I saw that there were many places to set foot on, and if there were durable lighting tools, it wouldn’t be too difficult to climb down.

It’s already about 11 o’clock at night outside, and we haven’t stopped along the way. We won’t go down tonight, we’ll rest up, treat the wounds, and wait until tomorrow to go down again. Otherwise, if we go down to the pit in a state of fatigue, if there is anything going on inside, there will definitely be a mistake.

Uncle Tai We don’t know if the fat Cantonese guy and Uncle Tai are still alive. They have two guns between them, so if they come together, there will be a fight.

I wanted to ask Master Liang about their background, but then I thought it wasn’t the right time to ask. Our relationship is so tense now that he would definitely not tell me. I’ll have to wait until he’s relaxed and then ask him, and maybe I’ll hear the truth.

I told I told Lao Yang my thoughts, and he nodded in agreement, but said, “It’s too damn noisy here, with so many bodies down below. We’d better go up and rest at the altar.”

I thought it was a good idea, so I climbed back up the stone steps and returned to the altar.

Lao Yang lit the charcoal fire again, emptied a can of food, put it on the fire to boil some water, soaked some dry food to soften it, and then ate it separately. After everyone had eaten, they ate some chocolate to increase their blood sugar.

Lao Yang After eating, they were so sleepy that I let them sleep for a while while I kept watch over the fire. Lao Yang said that there were no wild animals here, so there was no need to worry so much. I secretly told him that I mainly wanted to keep an eye on that cool counselor.

Lao Yang said, “If you don’t trust him, I can knock him out.”

I waved my hand, thinking that it would be a problem if he got knocked silly.

Lao Yang I took out the flint from the inside pocket of my jacket, inserted it into the belt, and then burned a pot of water to clean my wounds. At the waterfall, my hands were badly burned, and if I didn’t treat them properly, it would definitely cause an infection.

After After all this was taken care of, I woke up Lao Yi and went to sleep myself. This sleep was extremely uncomfortable, my whole body ached, and my wounds itched and hurt. When I woke up, I found that I had only slept for five hours, and my body was so uncomfortable that my nose was stuffed up.

Lao Yi gave me a hot water face wash, and I felt a little better. When I was having breakfast, I saw that the cool master’s expression was not as wary as yesterday, so I asked a few questions about Lao Tai’s background.

The cool master Master already knew our names. He looked at me, understood what I meant, and said to me, “Little Brother Wu, since we are now a team, I won’t hide it from you. When we arrived, there were five of us. Only Uncle Tai and Er Ma Zi were specialized specialized in this. I came with Boss Li and Boss Wang to see how the fresh goods were unearthed, and the two bosses asked me to pick out the most valuable things in the tomb. So to be honest, I really am a very wronged character.”

Old Itch Hearing him say this, I asked him, “Strange, I just saw you were four people, where is the fifth person?”

The cool counselor said, “The person you are talking about is Boss Li. When we were coming down from the mine, he went to a puddle to wash his face. When we found him, his head had been bitten off by something in the water…”

I and Lao Yang were eating, and we hurriedly told him to stop talking. We already knew what happened next, and if we kept talking, we wouldn’t be able to eat.

I saw He seemed to be planning to tell us everything, so I thought to myself that this person was quite a good judge of the times. I took the opportunity to ask him about the backgrounds of the two bosses.

The cool master stood up and said, “Speaking of the backgrounds of the two bosses, if you don’t know, you will be shocked when you hear it. They are not ordinary antique dealers. Let me tell you in detail…”

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