Volume 3 Volume 24: Died of a fall

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:51:00
A+ A- Turn Off Light

I froze for a moment, wondering what was going on. How could its face crack? How could its skin be so dry? Before I could take a closer look, the monster holding my ankle suddenly exerted force, knocking me off balance. This thing was very strong, and I had no way to resist it, so I just jumped down with it, and then grabbed a nearby bronze branch with one hand, and shot the monster in the throat with the other hand, “bang” and its head was blown off.

This gun was fired too weakly, and the huge recoil almost knocked me off the branch. I clenched my teeth to ensure that I didn’t lose the gun. The headless corpse on this side was lifted off the bronze tree by the force of the gun, but its hand was still clinging to my foot, and the whole corpse was hanging at my feet, pulling me straight down.

I could not hold the weight of two people with one hand, so I bit my teeth and looked down to find a branch to stand on. Only then did the monster that had broken my face suddenly fall upside down, and one of its claws got stuck My neck was like a spell, unable to get even a hint of air in, and my face immediately turned red. In desperation, I swung my clapper and smashed it at its head.

I I used all my strength, and if those blows had landed on a human face, they would have smashed it to pieces. The monster was also stunned by my blows, and its head kept shaking as it tried to avoid them. I happened to hit the crack in the monster’s face with a heavy blow, and it let out a strange cry, suddenly let go of its claws, jumped onto a branch above my head, and frantically grabbed its own face.

I lost I lost my balance and the weight fell back onto my hands. I lost my grip and fell more than a meter, but I managed to grab a protruding bronze branch and stop myself. I looked up and saw that the monster’s face had completely shattered into small white fragments, which began to fall off like curds.

Soon, all the white fragments had fallen off. I caught one, but it was a stone. Could these people be statues? I looked up again I looked up again and saw that after the stone face fell off, there was actually a face covered in yellow hair.

I looked at the face carefully and suddenly realized what it was. I yelled down to him, “Old Itch! I know what these bastards are! They’re all monkeys, big monkeys!”

Old Itch was in the dark below and couldn’t see what was going on. He only heard me say, “Monkey your grandfather! How could a monkey have a human face? That’s not a monkey!”

I yelled, “That’s not a human face! masks! These monkeys are wearing stone-faced masks!”

Lao Yan had already climbed out of the darkness below, his clothes almost torn to shreds, and yelled at me, ‘Never mind what it is! What if it’s a monkey? Can you beat it?’

I looked down at him and saw a dark shadow below, not knowing how many of these masked monkeys were chasing after him. I climbed a few meters, opened the magazine and saw that the red bullets were all gone, leaving only a few blue ones. I looked up and saw the monkeys coming up behind me, so I quickly held the gun in both hands and fired two shots in a row.

The steel ball The bullets spread out, reducing their power, but the effect of killing a large area was still achieved. The last few monkeys were beaten to a bloody pulp, and there were also many shots from a distance. If I could fire five rounds in a row, I could even kill all of them.

The monkeys seemed to be intimidated by the power of the clapper, and all slowed down their pace of approaching, turning around and following Lao Yi to chase after the cool master. The monkey The monkey that broke my mask saw us and started to panic, showing his teeth and retreating like a shot. Lao Yang looked at me strangely and asked, “Damn, it really is a monkey. What’s going on?”

I was also very curious. Who put these monkeys’ masks on them? And why? The masks had no eye or mouth holes. How did these monkeys survive?

Liang Shi Master has already pulled us down more than ten meters and is now lying there panting. We quickly caught up with him and found that he was in a daze. Fortunately, the branches were dense in that area, and he was hanging there, so he didn’t fall. The torch fell on the lower part of his body and got stuck between three branches.

Lao Yao He picked up the torch and used his other hand to knock the unmasked monkey off. The pistol was completely empty, so he wanted to throw it down, but halfway through he hesitated and put it back in his belt. Then he raised the torch and waved it downwards, trying to use the flames to drive the monkeys back. The monkeys were indeed a little scared. Wherever the torch swept, they all retreated, but as soon as the torch was moved, they quickly pressed in again, giving us no chance to catch our breath.

Lao Yao waved the torch around for a long time, but instead of driving them away, the circle of monkeys was getting smaller and smaller. I pulled at Lao Yao, but he was like a lump of mud and couldn’t move at all. Lao Yao yelled, “Forget about him, he can’t hold out any longer, let’s retreat!”

I was so I was so angry that I wanted to kick him off the branch, but he wasn’t a particularly vicious person, so I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I lifted him up and pulled him up, but his butt fell between the two branches, making the situation even worse.

Lao Yang scared one of the monkeys away with his torch and yelled at me, “Damn it! what the hell are you doing? This guy is not one of us. If everything had gone well, he might have killed you. Don’t you dare treat him like a prisoner of war.”

I loaded I loaded the gun and fired two more shots. The two loud bangs sent five monkeys flying, pushing the monkey pack back nearly six meters. Then I switched to the last two bullets in the gun and was just about to finish them off when suddenly, Mr. Liang grabbed my hand and said weakly, “These things are afraid of fire. Signal flares…”

I suddenly realized what was going on. Lao Yi reacted quickly and pulled out a flare gun. He aimed at me and asked, “How do you shoot it? It’s useless to shoot it straight down!”

I grabbed the flare gun and fired a shot at the opposite rock wall. The flare hit the rock dozens of meters away like lightning, bounced back and hit the bronze tree. It bounced back like lightning two or three times, and suddenly exploded in the monkey group. The extremely high temperature suddenly made the monkeys run around in a panic. I didn’t wait for the first shot to go out, and I fired two more shots, and suddenly the entire space was lit up with a blinding white light.

Lao Yang I almost fell off the cliff. I turned his head to the side and yelled, “Don’t look! It’s too close, a hundred times more powerful than electric welding, it will burn your retinas!”

The three of us closed our eyes at the same time, but we could still feel the light almost piercing our eyelids. The monkeys went crazy from the intense light.

I don’t know how long it took for the intense light to dim. I squinted I squinted and looked down. The monkeys were gone. My eyes were burning and I could barely see anything. I was itching so badly that I was crying tears of blood. I rubbed my eyes desperately. This time, the old monk fainted completely. If I hadn’t grabbed him by the collar, he would have fallen.

I was relieved to see that the monkeys were gone. I didn’t know if they were afraid of the heat or the bright light. If they had looked directly into the light, they would have gone blind in nine out of ten cases. I thought I was relieved that they wouldn’t recover for ten or fifteen days, so I patted him awake, grabbed his arm, and straightened his body, trying to drag him up. But this guy was really bad, so I could only help him straighten up. I had no way to get him out of his original position.

After he sat After he was stable, I retreated to the side to look at Lao Yi. He squinted, cursing and spitting, but he was able to see. He asked me, “You didn’t tell me before you did something, if you had blinded me, I would have killed you.”

I scolded, “You have the nerve to say that, I saved your life, don’t you know? Besides, you’re not blind, are you?”

Lao Yi looked down and said, “Don’t say it, this trick really works. Are the monkeys all burned to death or have they escaped?”

I told him that it was unlikely that they had all been burned to death, and that they had probably retreated for the time being, but that they might come back. However, since we had discovered a way to deal with them, we didn’t have to be afraid anymore. We still had several flares, which would be enough to deal with them several times.

The monkey’s mask was finely crafted, and it was carved to look just like a real person. Could it be related to the realistic statue we saw on the cliff? But Why did they attack us?

I had read a novel before that said that an ancient civilization trained gorillas to guard mines. After the ancient civilization was destroyed, these gorillas still passed on the training they received in killing to the next generation while guarding the mines.

But these These are monkeys, they are obviously not as smart as gorillas, they should not be able to do such difficult things. I wanted to ask the cool master, but when I saw the cool master’s face, I knew it was useless to ask. This person is completely on the verge of collapse. If he doesn’t rest, I’m afraid he’s going to be scrapped.

We stayed in that place for more than ten minutes, and we didn’t see any monkeys poking their heads out from below. We were finally relieved. Lao Yi He took out some food and wanted us to eat it, but we refused. It wasn’t a matter of hunger, but a lack of rest. Even if you gave me glucose, I couldn’t walk.

I leaned against I leaned my head against my backpack on a few branches and fell asleep without realizing it. Lao Yi and Lang Shiye didn’t stop me even though I was drowsy. Just as I was about to fall asleep, a series of loud bangs came from above, and the entire bronze tree shook violently, as if a huge monster was crawling down.

I thought to myself I thought, “Oh no, I’ve just finished with the monkey, and now I’ve disturbed something big. Could it be King Kong coming down from above?” I didn’t know where to hide, when suddenly a black shadow fell like lightning, crashing into the branches of three trees.

The impact was so strong that the whole bronze tree shook, almost knocking me off. The three of us were all scared half to death, and it took a long time for us to react.

Lao Ye was the first to calm down and beckoned us over with a torch to see what had fallen. We approached and discovered that it was a human being, stuck between the branches of the bronze tree, his body twisted in an unnatural way, his eyes wide open, his face covered in blood, and his ribs protruding from his body.

Lao Yi held the torch up to his face and exclaimed, “Fuck, it’s that old fucker Tai. This old guy was in front of us, no wonder we never saw them!”

The cold counselor leaned over and looked up, then pressed on Tai’s chest. A stream of blood gushed out of the corpse’s mouth and nose. He sighed and said, ‘He died from a high fall, his internal organs were shattered. How could he fall so carelessly?’

I looked at his feet, the bones were already poking out, and his whole body was almost twisted unnaturally. It should have been caused by hitting those bronze branches when he fell. The cold counselor Master Liang pressed his limbs again and let out a gasp. “Gentlemen, it looks like this is not an ordinary height. Look at Uncle Tai, all his long bones are broken. He couldn’t have fallen this far without hitting something.”

I couldn’t help but groan inwardly. We’ve only climbed about 50 or 60 meters, and we’re already exhausted like this. If it’s really this high, how can we climb it? Even if even if we get to the top, we won’t have any strength left, and we might just fall to pieces like Uncle Tai.

Thinking about this, both the cool-headed counselor and I showed signs of pain.

Lao Yi didn’t feel that the future was bleak. Seeing us like this, he patted my shoulder and said that even if there were a few hundred meters, we could run across it in a few seconds. I said Fuck you, according to you, Mount Everest is only 8,848 meters high, and you can ride a bicycle up there in half an hour. We are not fighting friction, but the force of gravity.

Lao Yang waved his hand at me, indicating that he didn’t want to argue with me, and then went to unpack Tai’s backpack, turning out the contents to see if there was anything we could use. Upon , he was overjoyed. In the team of the cool counselor, Uncle Tai and the young man with two moles carried the main equipment. Most of the things were there: pistol bullets, a few detonators, signal guns, ropes, and most happily, a flashlight. Fuck, when I think of the situation in the Thousand Coffin Cave where we were afraid that the torch would go out and we would die, I really want to stick this flashlight on and kiss it a few times. High technology is good.

Old Itch After changing the magazine and organizing the other things, he put them on his back and said to us, “The monkeys must still be down there. This place can’t be stayed for long. We’ll take a break and then go up immediately. Everyone in the Taishan group has climbed it before, right? It’s only 1,300 meters, and it’s not a round trip a day? It’s fine. Just think of it as a sightseeing tour.”

Liang Shi The old man’s face brightened slightly, and he made a wry smile, gesturing with his finger to indicate walking, and said, “This brother Yao… Mount Tai is climbed, so you just use your feet. But we’re going straight up and straight down, so how can we compare? And that’s the style of the Five Mountains. There are strange rocks and clouds everywhere. What’s there to see here?”

Old Yao kicked the bronze tree beside him and said, “I’m just using an analogy. Although the bronze tree is not as beautiful as the scenery of Mount Tai, it is at least spectacular. You two just have to be a little more accommodating. Victory is at hand. Don’t be discouraged. Hurry up and pack up. Let’s grit our teeth and go all out to the top. It’s definitely a great view.”

I knocked I tapped my swollen calf and told him that I didn’t want to grit my teeth, but I really had no choice. I could still muster some strength, but now the old man was half dead. It would be better to rest thoroughly than to rush these few minutes.

The old man looked at me gratefully, and Lao Yi sighed and said, “Okay, but we have to get Uncle Tai’s body down. It’s not comfortable to look at it here.”

I looked I saw Uncle Tai’s distorted face and his eyes that refused to close, but I didn’t feel anything in particular. However, his eyes that bulged out of his sockets were really a bit scary. At this time, I didn’t want to talk about morality or immorality, and Lao Yan and I carefully tried to lift Uncle Tai’s body from the branch.

From this falling from such a height, it was inevitable that he would hit a lot of protruding bronze branches on the way down. It was lucky that he didn’t fall directly to the bottom and turn into a pile of mud. When I lifted Uncle Tai’s body, I found that the cool master was right. The body was so soft that it was spectacle, it seemed that all the bones were broken. When he moved, a large amount of blood gushed out of his broken body, flowing down the branches into the lines on the bronze tree, and then flowing down the ravine in the middle of the lines.

Me and Liang Shiyi saw this phenomenon at the same time, and we both froze for a moment. Liang Shiyi immediately told us to stop, and shone the flashlight into the ravine. He looked at the bronze tree branches again and said, “Gentlemen, I think I know what this bronze tree is used for!”

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