Volume 4Chapter 5: The initial puzzle

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:52:07
A+ A- Turn Off Light

At this point, the entire underground palace was extremely dark. Looking up, the light from the flashlight was full of eyes looking down at the Arhats. Hundreds of pairs of eyes were staring at Chen Pi A Si. The pupils of the Arhats suddenly revealed a hideous expression due to the change in light, and the atmosphere suddenly became very strange.

Chen Pi A Si cursed the bald monk in his heart again, thinking that the monks must have done it on purpose. At this point, he didn’t care anymore, and after searching for a few more times, he still couldn’t find where a statue was missing.

He slowly realized what the problem was, and moved the flashlight to the position of the white-faced monk looking up at the sky, who had given him a split-second of pain. Only this statue was obviously different from the others, and the problem must be here. It was possible that someone had pushed one of the other statues down and then put the white-faced looking-up statue in its place, which was why it looked so different from the others. Who the hell would be so bored as to do that? And to know exactly where to put it so that the statue’s head was pointing at the place where he had fallen, that would take someone who knew what they were doing. Could it be that he had been here before? Someone has already been here, and they put this thing here to make fun of me?

Chen Pi’s flashlight shone on the fat white-faced looking-up Arhat, and he weighed the heavy eight-layer treasure box in his hand. If it was a second time, why didn’t he take this thing away? It was impossible for people to leave without leaving empty, so it must be that he had thought too much. This was a trap set by those bald-headed donkeys, so that they could think in a wrong direction.

Chen Pi A Si calmed down. He was already at the end of his rope after such a long journey. He coughed a few times and tried to move the flashlight away from the Luohan and shine it around to see how to get back with the least effort. At this time, a terrifying scene occurred.

At the moment the flashlight moved away from the Luohan, Chen Pi A Si suddenly saw the pale face suddenly twist!

The flashlight moved too fast, and the scene was gone in an instant. But Chen Pi A-si saw it clearly. He was not the type of person who would doubt his own eyes. He felt his brain explode and almost fell to the ground. In the blink of an eye, he shouted to strengthen his resolve, and at the same time, he flipped his hand and threw the iron bullet machine gun out.

He fired a dozen rounds in a row, relying on his memory. The dozen bullets bounced around above his head. He thought the white-faced monk had jumped down from the sky. In a panic, he fumbled around and took out an old snapping turtle box. He was really scared. He had never used the gun in the years after the liberation, and he didn’t dare to take it out easily. Now that he had taken it out, he knew it was useless, but he used it to strengthen his courage. He was really so scared that he couldn’t find his way.

You say that after digging for decades, the chances of encountering a dumpling are already very slim. Even if my grandfather were here, he would have a hard time dealing with this situation. Although Chen Pi A Si is an old hand at this, his main experience lies in the contest with people at the critical moment of life and death.

In the midst of panic, he saw the inconspicuous low stone gate on the other side. It was impossible to climb up and go back from the cave, so he had to find a way to run!

He bent down and squeezed through the low door, which led to a stone room. The size of the stone room was not small, and it was originally filled with something. After running a few steps, his feet got stuck in the honeycomb and he fell to the ground. He didn’t even bother to pick up his flashlight, which flew far away, and he just picked up the box and rushed forward.

Beyond the stone room was a long path, which was at least ten meters long by eye. At the end was the formal entrance to the underground palace. There was a faint glow of light, but the exit was blocked by something. He bit his teeth and took a few steps forward, not knowing what he had stepped on. Finally, the terrain began to rise. He ran another dozen steps, dizzy and confused, and finally rushed to the light. He crashed into something, and all he heard was a sound of falling and crashing. He had already rushed out and rolled to the ground.

The fire outside was raging. He stood up and looked around. He had actually broken through a broken wall and saw that the hidden entrance to the underground palace was actually in a wall. He was surprised. Several Miao knives were already on his neck, and the object in his hand was also taken over by someone.

Chen Pi A-si’s physical strength had reached its limit, and he was unable to resist. When he saw that it was not good, he stumbled a few steps, was kicked in the back knee, and fell to the ground. When he looked up, the young Miao people he had tricked were holding torches and surrounding him. The leader in charge looked at him a little annoyed. It seemed that they had searched in a circle and found nothing, and they already knew that they had been deceived.

Chen Pi Ashi knew that he was in trouble. In the early days of liberation, if you committed a crime on the Miao people’s land, you would be lynched.

The Hmong chief looked at the treasure box that Chen Pi Asu had taken from him and then looked at the dark hole in the broken wall. He already knew what was going on and looked disgusted. He made a gesture to cover his eyes for one of the Hmong and then said a few words in Hmong said a few words. Chen Pi Ashi was panting heavily, which was not an act. However, in order to paralyze others, he exaggerated his performance and kept coughing. Seeing the Miao people’s actions, his heart was cold. He had lived in Guangxi for so many years and knew that they were going to gouge out his eyes.

The Miao man nodded and bent down to him, asking him questions in Miao. Chen Pi Ashi kept waving his hands, pretending to be out of breath. The Miao men looked at him and wondered what to do. The other Miao men were curious about where he came from and poked their heads in to look with torches.

After a few minutes, Chen Pi Ashi saw no sign of the monster-like white-faced Luohan chasing him out, and he couldn’t help but wonder. At this time, his physical strength had recovered to a certain extent. Seeing that two Miao people were about to press his hands, he knew that if he didn’t resist, it would be over. He smiled and suddenly pulled out a metal bullet, which made a loud noise as it hit the ground, knocking all the torches to the ground in an instant.

The Miao people were suddenly frightened and lost. Chen Pi A Si sneered, his murderous intent had already begun. He kicked the Miao people in front of him, and at the same time, he took out the turtle box in his other hand and wanted to kill them. At this time, he heard a cold wind blowing from the side, and his hand felt cold. When he touched it, the finger that was holding the trigger was gone.

Chen Pi A Si had never suffered such a loss before, and he was horrified. But before he could react, another cold wind blew, and the last thing he saw was the calm eyes of the Miao leader and the dancing unicorn tattoo on his body. This was the last thing he saw, because the next second his two eyes were already blinded by a knife. The Miao leader’s earth knife cut in from the left eye, severing the nose bridge bone, and the knife cut across the right eye and out, and both eyes were scrapped at once.

It’s over. I’ve met a master. Chen Pi A Si sighed, fell to the ground, and fainted in pain.

Lao Hai said, “Those Miao people didn’t kill him after all. They handed Chen Pi A-si and the treasure box to the local militia. His comrade in the uprising was in charge of the militia there during those years, and he saved him. He didn’t get shot, but his eyes were blinded. Later, the treasure box was sent to the museum. When the people there heard about it, they sent someone to the scene to see it. They didn’t know if there was a result, but when the treasure box was opened, the last layer turned out to be not a relic, but this copper fish.” He knocked on the newspaper, “Isn’t it strange? This was a thunderbolt at the time. When Master Chen heard about it, he cursed and said that he had been fooled. This treasure box may have been opened by someone generations ago, and the contents were swapped.”

I had already drunk a cup of wine while listening to Lao Hai’s story, and I was a little bit drunk. I asked, “What is his basis?” Old Hai said while sucking on a snail, “I don’t know. Chen Pi A-si later became a monk and was listed in Guangxi. I only found out about these things through old connections. Little brother, this information is not cheap. In the future, if you have any benefits, don’t forget to give me a discount.”

I cursed in my heart, thinking that I knew this old guy wasn’t so kind. It seems that he just wanted to get close to me. Seeing that he didn’t have any other information, I asked him what happened at the auction in Hangzhou this time.

Old Hai finished the last snail and smacked his lips, saying, “It was a mess back then, and I don’t know where this fish went. , they sent me a brochure and an invitation. Look, this fish is on the auction list. I see that you are also interested in this fish, so I got you an invitation. Whether it is useful or not, it is a good thing to go and see who wants to buy this fish. I looked at the starting price, 10 million, and it would be crazy to buy it. I still have two more. If someone buys it, I’ll have 20 million. The auction houses are hyping themselves up too much now. They have to make people believe it.

Although the news from Lao Hai was good, it wasn’t what I wanted to know. For a moment, we were speechless. We each lit a cigarette and thought about our own business. The waiter saw that we were reluctant to leave and wanted to come up and clear the table. I had to ask Lao Hai again about his business. Haise’s business is how good, Haise said he also wanted to see how I go to see this, but also can not see whether it is sincere, I said or to avoid, I myself do not plan to go to the ground, you a old bones do not get involved, lest drag themselves and drag me.

I had drunk quite a bit of wine, so I asked him to take a rest after he had received the invitation. In the evening, Qin Haiting wanted to go out and play, so I drove them around a bit and had some snacks with them. However, it was too cold, so they went back to bed early.

I drove home, but didn’t go upstairs. Suddenly, I felt that my home was very desolate. I had never felt this way before, so I thought it was strange. Could it be that these experiences had made me more worldly-wise? I thought it was funny, so I drove straight to the teahouse my uncle ran and went to have some late tea.

While drinking in the teahouse and reading my grandfather’s notes, I thought about what had happened. I felt like I was still in the dark. The main problem was that the three fish were not from the same dynasty, and the geographical locations were so far apart. Regardless of the use of the three fish, the place where they were discovered was also completely without a clue that could lead to speculation.

The ancients must have had a purpose in doing this, otherwise it would be too big a task for ordinary people to afford. I thought about it over and over again, but I still didn’t know what his purpose was. If only I knew the purpose, I would have a much clearer direction to follow.

If only Grandpa were still alive, I sighed. Or if Uncle San were here, at least I would have someone to talk to. Now that I’m alone, I’m really getting a little tired of thinking about these problems.

Suddenly I smelled a burning smell. I looked down and saw a Chinese tourist map in the magazine I was reading. I was thinking about it and used a cigarette to draw on it, subconsciously burning a hole in all three places. When I realized what I had done, it was too late. I quickly put out the cigarette and looked around. The waiter didn’t notice my vandalism and I couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Although my uncle is my relative, he is very stubborn. If I damage his things, he will be angry. Especially the magazines here, each one is very precious and is his collection. If I damage them, I will have to apologize to him for years.

I pretended nothing had happened and returned the magazine. As soon as I put it down, an old man took it and stood there flipping through it. I was worried that he would discover my sabotage and dared not go far. I fell to the sofa on the side and watched the old man flip through the pages until he came to the page I had burned.

I heard him say, “Who burned a feng shui chart here? That’s really mean.”

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