Volume 5 Chapter 12 The Chamber of Corpses

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:53:16
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The entire chamber of corpses was pitch black, with the light from a few flashlights crisscrossing each other, creating a messy light. The corner where the fat man was located was far away from the rest of us, and the flashlight shone over there, obscured by the surrounding corpses, with layers of shadows, so even if it was thoroughly illuminated, we couldn’t see very clearly.

But the bluish purple color on the fat man’s face was unmistakable. That strange, lifeless, and eerie expression was so similar to the corpse next to it that it made people break out in a cold sweat.

Pan Zi originally thought that the fat man was just messing around again, so he called out again, but the fat man still didn’t respond. He was as still as a statue. Pan Zi also saw that something was wrong, and said to us, “It seems like something’s happened?”

I frowned and didn’t know what to say. The fat man’s expression and movements were so similar to the corpses here that if he wasn’t playing with us, something must have gone wrong. But everyone else was fine, so why was it him? Looking at his behavior, was he possessed by the ghosts here? Or had he been cursed by the shaman?

We gradually slid down the steep slope, getting closer to the place where the fat man was squatting. When we were about four or five meters away from him, Pan Zi waved his hand, telling us to stop and gave a gesture to Hua Fan.

In Chen Pi A Si’s team, Lang Feng was the vanguard type like the fat man, Hua Fan was the counselor, and Ye Cheng was similar to a handyman. Each of them had their own special abilities. Now that Lang Feng was dead, but Hua Monk’s abilities were not weak, so Pan Zi would give him a sign.

I felt the gap. If it were our team, there were many pioneers, but I was too weak to be a counselor. After thinking about the lack of a boring oil bottle, if the other side did not have Hua Monk, then I would have to do something.

Hua Monk saw Pan Zi’s gesture and nodded. The two of them each took out a hunting knife, held it in their backhand, and moved towards the fat man.

The two of them quickly reached the fat man, but the fat man didn’t turn to look at them, just like those street performers who pretend to be statues in performance art, standing still.

My palms were sweating, and I didn’t know why I always felt a little bit wrong. At this time, the two people in front stopped, and Pan Zi was already very close to the fat man, almost touching him with his hand. But then the two of them suddenly waved their hands back, telling us to stay away, and they began to back away themselves.

My heart began to race, and I didn’t know what they had seen. I saw Pan Zi retreat to my side, and he turned to us and said, “We’re in trouble. There’s something wrong with the corpse behind him.”

“What trouble?” I asked. “Is it the big zongzi?”

Pan Zi told us not to ask, and made a gesture for us to follow him.

We followed him through several corpses, down several terraces, and came to the side of the fat man. He pointed, and I looked in the direction he was pointing. I saw several greenish-black bodies sitting cross-legged behind the fat man, but one of them was different from the others!

The head of this corpse was extremely large, almost three times the size of an ordinary person’s head. The facial features were not clear, and it looked like a large-headed, undeveloped baby. A strange tongue came out of the corpse’s mouth and wound around the fat man’s neck.

My scalp suddenly felt numb, my heart was pounding, and my neck was almost stiff. I covered my mouth to prevent myself from screaming, and whispered, “What is it?”

“This may be a corpse fetus. The location of the corpse must be the corpse-nourishing pit of the entire spirit palace. This corpse happened to be at this point. After a long time, it changed and became like this. In a few hundred years, it may become a spirit.” Chen Pi Asa whispered on the other side. After he finished speaking, his expression suddenly became very strange, as if he had thought of something. He said, “No! But isn’t this dragon vein fake? How could there be a corpse-nourishing cave here?”

When Hua saw Chen Pi’s strange expression, he seemed to suddenly understand. His expression changed (I feel that Hua actually thought of it long ago, but in order to protect Chen Pi’s face, he often waited until Chen Pi thought of it before reacting). He asked Chen Pi, “Old man, is this a ‘chain link’?”

“A trick” is a kind of deception, a trick used by the old cheats in the ‘bird’ game. It is about making something real look fake, then making it look real again, and then leaving a little flaw so that when others see it, they see the flaw and see through the veil of the ‘real’ outside, thinking that the thing is fake, but in fact it is really real, which is a kind of empty city strategy.

Chen Pi A Si sneered: “Yes, it’s fake. How could there be a corpse-raising cave on a fake dragon vein? Wang Zanghai is an old guy, and he’s very good at playing ‘chain link,’ but unfortunately, you were too meticulous and finally made a mistake.”

I didn’t understand, so I asked the monk Hua what was going on.

The monk Hua explained, “It was really close. We almost got fooled, but fortunately, we fell here. Do you remember that after we discovered that the location had been faked, we thought that the dragon vein was fake, but now there is a corpse fetus here. There is no treasure cave on a fake dragon vein, so it is impossible for a corpse fetus to appear. This is a flaw. It seems that the magnetic turtle is also part of Wang Zanghai part of the trap, trying to make us think that we were fooled, that the entire dragon vein was fake. In fact, the dragon vein is real, but the pattern is not a three-headed dragon. The magnetic turtle only modified an ordinary dragon vein pattern into the best overall pattern of the dragon seat. This is actually very easy.

I let out a sigh, and suddenly I had a clue. The direction of the geomantic flow is actually very important in determining the quality of a dragon vein. For example, if there is a one-eyed dragon, from west to east, that is a rising dragon, and from east to west, that is a crouching dragon. If you bury a magnetic turtle and change the local geomantic flow direction, then the crouching dragon can be disguised as a rising dragon.

(Later, I looked up the Dragon Seat, and found that the three dragon heads can only be called the Dragon Seat if they all face east, and the three sacred mountains of Changbai Mountain all face north, so only the middle one is the dragon head, and the other two on the sides are called the Twin Snake Coiling, which is also a good feng shui spot, but it is not suitable for burying people, but for building temples. When the magnetic turtle was placed there, the north became the east, and Chen Pi A Si made the wrong judgment.

I couldn’t help but sigh, such a complex set-up, this level of intellectual combat, is simply incredible. Think about it, we were completely fooled just now, if it weren’t for the discovery of the corpse fetus here, we would have definitely gone back in disgrace.

There is a thousand years between us and Wang Zanghai. But I suddenly felt that his thoughts were almost flowing in front of me. The plan he set a thousand years ago was still able to turn us around. What is this person’s background?

Pan Zi whispered, “You still have the heart to say these things. What should we do about the fat guy now? Does the black donkey hoof work against this thing?”

Chen Pi Ashi shook his head and said he didn’t know. Hua Monk also frowned, obviously not knowing how to deal with it.

This is the most annoying time. We don’t know if there is any danger in the fat man’s tongue, but we are afraid that if we rush to save him, it will make the situation worse. We are at a loss on both sides. Pan Zi and I are sweating and don’t know what to do.

Unexpectedly, we didn’t move, but the fat man reacted first. We saw the fat man suddenly fall to the ground, and then he was dragged away. The big-headed corpse was curled up and crawling, using its tongue to pull the fat man, and began to pull him rapidly down the steep slope. The fat man was as stiff as a rock, and didn’t put up any resistance.

If it was pulled down there, the fat man would be dead. The situation escalated immediately, and Pan Zi called out to chase after it. We immediately rushed down.

As soon as the big-headed corpse saw us rushing down, it immediately accelerated, and suddenly the fat man rolled up the slope, knocking the corpses all over the place. We couldn’t run on the slope at all, so we simply slid down like a slide.

We quickly chased down for more than ten meters. Suddenly we saw that the fat man had disappeared on the slope. In a flash, he was gone. We rushed over in a panic and immediately saw that there was a hole on the slope. The fat man had been dragged into the hole, leaving only his feet outside.

Pan Zi jumped up and pounced on him like a tiger. He grabbed the fat man’s feet and pulled hard. I slid over and then scrambled back with my feet flailing, also going to help. Then Ye Cheng, Shunzi and Hua Monk also rushed down. Hua Monk pulled a piece of climbing rope and tied it to the fat man’s leg, so that unless the fat man was pulled off, the corpse could not win against us.

With so many of us, the fat man was soon pulled up, and the tongue was tightly wrapped around the fat man’s throat, almost cutting into the flesh. The fat man’s veins were bulging, his eyes were rolling back in his head, and he was almost out of it. Pan Zi took out his saber and slashed, and suddenly a woman’s scream came from the hole. The tongue broke, and the fat man let go and we pulled him out.

We quickly pulled the severed tongue away and threw it into the hole. We pressed the fat man’s chest, and the fat man’s body was able to move immediately. He began to touch his neck and pant and cough. Pan Zi was afraid that the thing would come out again, so he pulled out the engineer’s shovel and went to the hole. He shone a flashlight into the hole, but after shining it for a while, he put down his weapon, as if the corpse had already gone down.

We all breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly patted the fat man on the back. After patting for a long time, he finally recovered, looking at the broken hole with lingering fear, and said, “Thank you, thank you, heroes.” I asked the fat man what was going on, why he was motionless like Maitreya.

The fat guy didn’t know either, saying that he felt a chill in his neck as he searched, and he couldn’t move. He could see and hear, but his body wouldn’t move at all, as if he were frozen in ice. He was there, exerting all his strength, but he couldn’t even blink his eyes, which made him very anxious.

Pan Zi laughed: “From the sound of that scream, it’s a female fetus. It’s probably lonely here, and seeing that you’re similar in size to her, it wants to drag you down to keep her company. This is called a pick-up line from hell.

The fat man smiled bitterly and pushed him, “You’re the one who looks like her.”

Pan Zi laughed and dodged his push, and everyone was surprised when, at that moment, the huge fetal head suddenly poked its head out of the hole again, its mouth full of blood, and it suddenly bit Pan Zi’s foot.

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