Volume 5 Chapter 33: Treasure-hunting and quantum mechanics

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:54:20
A+ A- Turn Off Light

We sat down again in the treasure room, but the atmosphere was completely different. No one spoke, and their faces were either white or green. The golden light reflected from the smokeless stove actually began to make me feel very disgusted.

No one asked any more questions, and everyone looked thoughtful, but I knew that they were all just as blank-minded as I was.

Things have gone beyond our control. Even the hypothesis of a mechanism, which I thought existed, no longer exists. We have entered an indescribable state. Any scientific reasoning has been completely invalidated by such a simple experiment.

Because no human power can make a bullet make such a huge turn in a matter of seconds.

To explain this phenomenon scientifically, I’m afraid even quantum mechanics can’t settle the matter.

“This is really a wall of ghosts!” Shunzi’s face was extremely ugly, and he looked at his father on the side, revealing a very sad and fearful expression.

I know what he was thinking at this time, and he also understood why the mummies in those jewels had such a desperate look on their faces. In such a situation, trying again and again, and returning to the starting point again and again, until they ran out of ammunition, how could they not be desperate? I’m afraid they were already despondent when they died, and they still hadn’t figured it out.

And we, we may be the next batch. Soon there will be four more shriveled corpses here, all with the same deep despair, leaving the victims behind to guess what we were thinking before we died.

The reason I wasn’t desperate before, and didn’t think of this step, was because I thought that with my own intelligence, as long as it was something intellectual like a trap, I would definitely not be trapped.

“Do we continue?” It was quiet for about ten minutes, and Pan Zi asked in a dry voice.

But no one answered, but several people’s eyes were cast in the direction of the fat man.

There were still two of our hypotheses on the ground in front of the fat man, and the third was a thought I just made up: spatial folding.

The reason I suddenly brought this up was that I suddenly remembered that when we were in the crevasse of the volcano, the oil bottle had disappeared in front of me for a few seconds. Because the experiment just now was really terrible, it was almost a pseudoscience experiment. All of a sudden, my mysterious space folding became the most likely explanation.

If it weren’t for the fat guy listing all these things, I’m afraid that after seeing this experiment, I would definitely have panicked and forgotten everything.

After a long silence, the fat guy said, “Okay, we’ve all seen it with our own eyes, so let’s not say anything nonsense. How do we prove the third one?”

“No! No need to prove it.” Suddenly, Pan Zi on the side spoke again.

Pan Zi is very thorough in his thinking and is always able to see the essence of things directly, just as he immediately completely denied the fat man’s extravagant hope that the tomb passage would appear. This also has something to do with the fact that Pan Zi came down from the battlefield. He thinks without a trace of fluke, so when I hear him speak, I am very afraid that he will say many things that should not be said.

I only heard him say, “There are only six bodies here. Let’s assume that there were eight people who came in. Then two people must have gone out. Although we don’t know how they got out, if it’s like the third thing that Xiaosan said, absolutely no one can get out. So we don’t have to consider it. Considering the third thing is the same as admitting that we are dead.”

These words made everyone feel cold. The fat man protested, “How can you be sure that there were eight people who came in? Maybe there were only six when they came in.”

Pan Zi sighed and said, “You fat idiot, you still don’t understand. It doesn’t matter how many people came in.”

This is not provable, and arguing is useless. I thought to myself, “It doesn’t matter how many people came in, but it’s very important for our morale. If two people successfully get out, then our mood will be completely different. We can think about how they got out, and at least there is a little hope.”

Thinking about this, I ignored them and walked over to the bodies to look at their notes to see if there were any clues. Maybe someone had kept a diary or something. If someone had recorded their thoughts at the time, or recorded that someone had gone out before, then at least we would have a little hope.

But when I looked at the notebooks just now, I flipped through them roughly. There was no large amount of text, and the small amount of text was mostly accounting or short messages.

I wondered if these people would still be writing when they were about to die. Maybe they didn’t even have a light when they died, the batteries had long since run out, and there was nothing to keep them warm, so they were huddled together in the dark. If eight people came in, when did the last two people go out? It definitely wasn’t when they were conscious. If that were the case, the others should have been able to go out as well. Could it be that they were so hungry that they were delirious, and there was no light, it was pitch black? So the two people who left didn’t know the others?

So the key to getting out is darkness, walking without lights?

Thinking about it, I felt a chill, and I remembered that this was an ancient tomb. If you walk in the dark through such a long and narrow tomb, it would really be fatal.

The others saw me looking for information and came over to help look for it. Sitting there and daydreaming all the time was not a solution. Sometimes you need to look at something to stimulate you.

I thought about the last thing that happened without light, so I told them not to waste electricity and turned off the flashlights. The stove that was left to keep us warm could also be used for lighting. We gathered around the stove, with three notebooks and a novel. Everyone opened them up and looked for clues word by word.

The handwriting in the notebook I was looking at was delicate, and it seemed to be written by a woman. After flipping through a few pages, I found that it was full of names and phone numbers, as well as a list of people she had invited to dinner, and the phone number of the Changbai Mountain Hotel. In some places, there were also some simple maps, as well as some addresses and memos. I saw that in 1994, it seemed that this woman had been sick and had been hospitalized, and it was written here that she needed to be re-examined.

When I turned the pages further, there was only blank paper, but I still turned the pages one by one, hoping that she would write something. As I was turning the pages, the fat guy on one side said, “There is a clue here.” He then read, “Today, I sold the last thing I brought from the sea and got 3,000 yuan. I gave 1,500 yuan back to Lao Li and paid off the debt. It turns out that this guy was a fisherman.”

I shook my head and smiled wryly. I looked at Pan Zi again. His notebook was the thinnest, with almost nothing in it. He had already finished reading it. I looked at Shun Zi again. I saw that he was reading the novel with relish, apparently jumping to the most passionate page before the protagonist walked.

The fat guy looked unhappy and snatched it away in one go, scolding, “I told you to look for clues, but you read porn! Confiscated!”

The novel suddenly fell apart under the grab, and the paper flew all over the place.

I scolded him, scolding him while I picked up the flashlight to pick up the pieces. Suddenly, Pan Zi said, “Hey, there’s a photo here.” He picked up a yellowed black and white photo from the paper.

I took it over and looked at it. Suddenly, I felt familiar with it. When I looked again, my brain suddenly buzzed, and I almost passed out. This photo was none other than a group photo of Uncle San and the others at the dock before they went to Xisha!

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