Volume 5 Chapter 34 People from the bottom of the sea

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:54:24
A+ A- Turn Off Light

I still had internal injuries, and when I saw it, I almost spat out a mouthful of blood, which scared the others. Pan Zi and the others had never seen this photo before, although they had heard me mention it, but when they saw it, they didn’t recognize it, so they thought it was strange. The fat guy hurriedly gave me a blood-smooth, and asked me what was going on.

I took the photo in my trembling hands and pointed to the oil bottle and Uncle San on the photo.

We couldn’t believe it was real. We turned to look at the mummies and our hearts were in a mess.

This photo wouldn’t appear on unrelated people. Could it be that the mysterious team that entered Changbai Mountain ten years ago and was trapped here was actually the group from the bottom of the sea? Are these mummies Wen Jin and Li Sidi?

I turned the photo over and saw a line of faint words at the back: “Xisha Archaeological Team, Li Sidi’s souvenir.”

It seems that there is no mistake. It is really not possible for someone else to bring this photo here. The person who brought this souvenir photo should be the person involved… No wonder Uncle San couldn’t find them no matter how hard he looked.

They were already dead here! Looking at their clothing, it does match, and so does this photo. But why did these people come here? Did they find something in the underwater tombs and get drawn to Changbai Mountain?

Wait, that’s not right. I suddenly thought of Uncle San and Mung Oil Bottle. My God, almost everyone in the underwater tombs is now in the Genting Palace. These people came ten years ago, and Uncle San and Mung Oil Bottle also arrived recently. Why did they have to come here?

The mysteries that I had already forgotten suddenly came back to life in my heart, and countless questions flooded my brain.

Pan Zi and the others didn’t know about Uncle San’s past, and they were even more shocked by the photos than I was. I had to explain it to them again patiently. The others were dumbfounded, and the fat guy said, “No way! Wait, I think of more. It seems that everyone who went to the underwater tomb, including Ning and us, also came here. Is there a curse in the underwater tomb? As long as someone gets there, they have to climb Changbai Mountain… No, that doesn’t make sense.

Of course, the fat guy was talking nonsense, but I felt a chill down my spine. Something in my heart became clear. It seems that the Haitian Tomb is not the key. The key is here. The underwater tomb seems to be just a springboard…

I searched the bodies for anything I could find, but I didn’t find any clues. I couldn’t figure out who these people were. My heart was in a whirl, and I walked into the tomb passage in a daze, not even taking my flashlight.

Fatty hurriedly stopped me and told me to calm down. He said that it was useless to rush, and that these people were still trapped here. If you died, you could ask their spirits what happened, but it would be too late by then.

I was pulled down and sat down to catch my breath. Gradually, I calmed down, and all I could think of was: “I must get out. I must find Uncle San and ask him what happened, or I won’t be able to close my eyes in death.”

The fat man said, “But so far we haven’t found any clues to prove that anyone among them has successfully escaped. It’s possible that there’s no way out of here at all. It’s a closed space. It’s useless even if you close your eyes.”

As soon as the fat man said that, the others had nothing to say. We had originally hoped to find clues on these bodies, but suddenly discovered such a big secret. It was really one wave after another.

Everyone was thinking about their own business, and the atmosphere was at its worst. My head was spinning, and I didn’t dare to look at the photo again, for fear that a mysterious monster would suck me in. My throat began to itch, as if I had caught a cold, and I started coughing, coughing up blood.

Pan Zi looked at me and said to us, “Let’s take a rest today. We can’t get out of here for a while anyway, so why don’t we get a good night’s sleep? This way, our minds will be clearer. Little Master, you shouldn’t think too much. I know you have too many doubts in your heart, but it won’t be easy to figure it out.”

I waved my hand. How could I sleep? I might as well keep thinking here. I could only fall asleep when I couldn’t hold on any longer, otherwise I would only get more and more tired.

The fat guy didn’t know how many cigarettes he had smoked. He kept muttering, “Actually, I think of it now. If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have pressed the mark to leave. It would have been better to listen to me. One group was trapped, and the other group could still find a way out… That mark, when I think of it now, may have been left by these corpses. You see, things have coincided. Maybe they also left in groups, just like I thought. Those two people were simply on the other side of the tomb passage.”

I shook my head and said no. If one group got trapped and the other came back to look for them, they would be just as trapped. They would be even more depressed, and it might be even more dangerous to go to the other side without the markings.

I couldn’t think about it too deeply, because if they were already trapped, then when the other group came back, the tomb passage would have changed and they wouldn’t be able to find this tomb room. Could those markings have been left by the survivors on the other side, the markings of the missing group?

As I thought about it, I suddenly shuddered… and then a bolt of lightning flashed through my mind… the marks…

I sat up abruptly and said to them, “I suddenly thought of a very strange flaw. This tomb passage is a paradox!”


I frowned and thought about what I should say. “I’m afraid you won’t understand. For example, if we walk out, in the dark, no matter what caused us to be here, we must have a process of turning around, even though we don’t know anything about it, right?”

The others nodded, and I continued, “For example, if I were to walk forward with a pen in my hand, scratching the wall, then there would be a long trail on the wall at the exit, following me.

The fat guy almost jumped up: ‘You would see that there was already a trail on the wall of the tunnel ahead of you!’

”Not only that!” I said, ”What’s the most important thing? It is that after I turn around, the situation changes, and then the hand holding the pen will start to draw on the other side of the wall.

“This!” Pan Zi also frowned.

“This is logical deduction,” I said. “In other words, if we explain it logically, there must be a turning point in the middle of the tomb passage! At the turning point, we are like walking into a mirror, walking in a straight line to the opposite direction of ourselves. Do you admit it or not?”

Everyone nodded. As long as it is logical, it must be what I said.

I said, “Okay, then think about it. If we really encounter the ‘reflective surface’ I mentioned, how thick is it?”

“How thick?” Several people were still digesting my previous words and were confused.

“Yes, there must be a thickness. If there is no thickness, then when the front half of your body passes, the back half of your body will…”

Pan Zi instantly understood what I meant, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He subconsciously said, “Overlapping!”

“Right! Because at that position, the front half of your body has already been reflected back, but the back half of your body has not passed through the ‘mirror surface’, so if my statement is correct, then while we are passing through the reflecting ‘mirror’, we will definitely die! We will become a pile of monsters! My face will hit the back of your head!“

”But we have walked so many times and we haven’t died yet?” the fat guy asked curiously.

“This is what I’m saying. This mirror surface must have a thickness that is much greater than that of a person. There is an excessive section of reflection. After we walk into this section, we enter from one end, walk a certain distance inside, and then exit from the other end, completing the folding of space.”

Everyone nodded in agreement, and the reasoning was flawless.

“The problem is that we don’t know how far this distance is. We assume it’s only two or three steps. Let me give you an example. If we walk into that ‘mirror space,’ but the fat man doesn’t walk in, but stays outside the mirror space, and the mirror space is only two or three steps, you can see both sides, what do you think will happen?”

Pan Zi understood the fastest, and his throat was almost rigid. ”It will… see two identical fat men appear in front and behind.”

“Okay, here’s a paradox. When the fat man behind you looks in front of you, can he see the fat man in front of you? Or what happens when you go to hold the hand of one of the fat men?“

Pan Zi quickly made a gesture to stop: ‘Don’t… don’t say it!’

”What does this mean?“ The fat man on the side also had a pale face.

”We don’t need to continue the experiment to determine that this so-called ‘mirror space’ does not exist! And the logical basis for how this tomb passage cannot be reflected and how we cannot get out is also non-existent. The existence of this tomb passage is illogical. I lowered my voice: “Wang Zanghai is not a god. He cannot create physical rules by himself. The mechanisms here have nothing to do with Wang Zanghai. These people did not die because of this. The situation we are facing now is a special case, a new situation! We have been misled by these corpses, and there seems to be only one possibility that could have caused this situation for us…”

I carefully pointed my finger to the fourth item written by the fat man, and moved my mouth, using lip-reading to say, ”There is a ghost around us!”

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