Volume 5 Chapter 36 Exit

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:54:30
A+ A- Turn Off Light

My blood immediately froze, and everyone was stunned. Pan Zi reflexively reached for his gun, while the fat man slowly raised the torch in his hand.

The ceiling of the tomb was extremely high, and the light from our lanterns or smokeless stoves could not reach the top. If it weren’t for the sudden brightening of the smokeless stove’s fire from burning the rhinoceros horn, we would only be able to see pitch black when we looked up at the ceiling. But this kind of lighting is still very limited. The black child is extremely blurry in the light, like a black jellyfish attached to the ceiling of the tomb, swaying with the “sea water.”

For a moment, I wasn’t sure if the shadow above my head was illuminated by the “Rhinoceros Lamp” or if it was already there and we just hadn’t noticed it. When we entered the tomb, we had only briefly looked up, but I was so distracted by the jewelry that I didn’t notice what I was looking at. Maybe the “child” was already hanging from the ceiling, but we just didn’t notice it.

The fat guy picked up the gun and turned to us, whispering, “Is it… no… is it… just… is it… this… thing?”

I waved my hand to tell him not to act rashly. In fact, there was no basis for saying that this thing was causing trouble. Maybe the black child just happened to pass by and rest on our heads. But at that time, how could I think about these things? The scene, which had no place to aim, suddenly had a target, and people were already crazy.

But now we don’t know what it is, and we don’t know if bullets are effective against it. If we act rashly and let it run away, we won’t have a second rhino horn to burn.

Several people stood up carefully. The fat man hung the stove on the gun barrel and pushed it up little by little. The top of the tomb room became brighter and brighter. This was very exhausting. The fat man’s hands began to tremble as he lifted it up a little. Pan Zi hurried up to help him.

The black “child” became more and more clear, and gradually a clear shape appeared above our heads. As I watched, I suddenly began to sweat.

The shadow gradually took shape, and the head of the “child” grew larger and larger, until the entire black shadow became the shape of a giant fetus.

This… isn’t it the big-headed fetus we saw in the corpse chamber? How did it follow us here? Is it following us all along?

I suddenly remembered that we had encountered the ghost wall in the main hall, and I was suddenly horrified. Isn’t this thing originally hidden in the mezzanine under the main hall? Could this predicament that breaks through the limits of physics be created by the corpse fetus?

The fat guy and Pan Zi also recognized it. The fat guy smiled and whispered to Pan Zi, “I… shit, look… at… the… way you… black… girl… in your… room… don’t… want… you… to… leave.” His mouth moved very exaggeratedly and comically!

Pan Zi was furious and whispered back, “You… son of a bitch… is the only one… who… grows… like this!”

I waved my hand at them and pointed to the smokeless stove. The fire was already gradually beginning to dim. When the rhino horn burned out, we would really be doomed. We had to get this thing done in one go.

The fat man nodded and gently pulled the gun bolt, aiming little by little, but the gun was hanging from a smokeless stove, which really looked a bit panicked. After aiming a few times, the gun was shaking, so the fat man simply fired a burst. Shunzi on the side also picked up his gun and aimed in the faint light.

The light was getting darker and darker, and I was sweating with anxiety, but they just wouldn’t shoot. I knew what was going on. This also meant that Fatso and Shunzi were really good at shooting guns. The light in the smokeless stove here was too erratic. In fact, the position of this thing above our heads was offset when we looked at it with our naked eyes, so they didn’t dare to shoot recklessly. Only when the fire gradually went out, the light was dim, and the shadows no longer moved could they aim accurately.

I didn’t dare to speak, just watching the fat man’s hand shaking more and more, Pan Zi holding it for him below, the shadow above gradually disappearing into the darkness.

I don’t know how those few seconds passed, the dim light was so fast that it was almost impossible to adjust your mentality. Just at the moment the corpse disappeared, the fat man and Shunzi fired at the same time.

We heard a series of gunshots, and a total of ten bullets were fired from the gun. We didn’t know how many of them hit the target, but the thing was immediately hit and splattered with black juice, and it fell to the ground in an instant. The fat man couldn’t hold the stove anymore, and the stove fell to the ground, and the remains of the charcoal fell to the ground.

We immediately retreated a few steps, and the corpse gave off a scream similar to a baby’s, and slammed into the smokeless stove that was still rolling, and fled into the darkness behind the tomb door like lightning.

“Fuck… he can still run?“ the fat man cried.

”We can’t let him get away, or else we’ll be in trouble!“ Pan Zi yelled, ‘Hurry up and chase him!’

The four of us got up and chased after him. We passed through the tomb door, and almost instantly, we suddenly saw that the murals on the outside of the tomb had changed back to their original patterns, and the ghostly wall had failed!

”He’s out!“ the fat man exclaimed in joy, ‘We’re not trapped anymore! It really was this ghostly mantis that was causing trouble!’

”Where is that ghostly thing?” I turned on my flashlight and saw the corpse immediately stop in the depths of the tomb. As soon as it saw our flashlight, it rushed into the darkness of the tomb at an astonishing speed and ran towards the other end of the tomb.

We immediately chased after it, knowing that we absolutely could not let it escape. Once it stopped, it would probably return to that situation again, and I really didn’t want to experience it again.

It was almost seven or eight minutes before we finished running, and I was out of breath. The end of the tunnel appeared before us, and it was a staircase leading straight down. The black blood of the corpse was flowing all over the ground, and it was obvious that it had rushed down like lightning.

I reflexively felt depressed here, because before, we would always see the stone door that marked our return to the starting point, but now that we saw a staircase, I suddenly wasn’t used to it. However, the next second, I was really relieved. The fat guy pushed me from behind, and we ran in a line, ignoring all the traps. If we were going to die, we were going to die. Even if only one of the four of us survived, we would kill this thing to relieve our hatred!

Almost ten sections were combined into one, and we dashed down like kangaroos. But running up the stairs was always half a beat slower than running, and the corpse didn’t slow down at all, disappearing almost instantly into the darkness under the stairs. I knew that there was no hope of catching up, but I couldn’t stop. I wanted to stop, but I tripped over my left foot and fell to the end of the stone steps, rolling several times and bleeding profusely.

I cursed in my heart, and just as I was about to get up, the fat guy tripped and fell from above, and he ran over me. Fortunately, it wasn’t the first time, so I groaned and quickly got up, so as not to have any more follow-ups. But just as I got halfway up, something grabbed my pants, and I fell back down, followed by a sharp pain in my butt.

I scrambled to my feet and fell several times before realizing that I had been caught by something. The fat guy on the other side had already gotten up and was shining his flashlight at me when he suddenly let out a grunt.

I used his flashlight to see what had caught my pants, but behind me I saw a row of concrete frames with barbed wire running across the entire tomb.

But I heard gunshots coming from the side, and they were very dense, not like the sound that the two guns of the fat guy and Shunzi could make.

I got up and saw the light coming from the side, but it wasn’t very strong. I was about to go out, but Pan Zi and the fat guy who was running behind me arrived.

I was surprised that they were so slow. The fat guy said that when Shunzi passed the intersection, he went back the same way. He also found his father and touched so much gold that he didn’t want to take any more risks with us. He said he would wait for us on the snowy mountain outside for a week. If we didn’t come out after a week, he would go back by himself.

I cursed him in my heart, but he had suffered enough, following us through so much hardship. At this time, the fat man also heard the gunshots and suddenly became alert.

We shone our flashlights around and found that at the end of the stairs on the other side of the tomb passage was a balcony, with several corridors outside. In other words, this was the entrance to a huge two-story tomb chamber, but there was no ceiling between the two floors of the tomb chamber, only a few overhead corridors, and you could see the scene of the lower floor directly from the corridors.

This is called a corridor, which looks like it is carved with dragons and phoenixes, but it is actually functional. It is a device for hanging coffins in the huge tomb chamber. It seems that the corridor may be a coffin chamber underneath, and the dense gunfire is coming from below, and the flashlights are flashing everywhere.

We were wondering what had happened. Could it be that the corpse just jumped down? With so many guns firing, and the elephant also down, how could they not hit a corpse?

The three of us lined up and went to the balcony. The corridor outside was very narrow, so we climbed up carefully. Looking down, we discovered that there was a huge circular tomb below, measuring 500 to 600 square meters. It was a bit of a surprise that Aning’s team was right under our balcony, with dozens of cold fireworks thrown around, illuminating the entire tomb. I saw them forming a circle and shooting at things around them with guns, but I couldn’t see what they were shooting at. I looked closer and realized that they were all centipedes as thick as an arm, covering the entire tomb chamber, so densely that it was like an ocean, surrounding Ning and the others in the middle.

In the center of the tomb chamber, there was an inverted pyramid-shaped coffin well. At the bottom of the well were eight huge black coffins, surrounding a translucent giant jade coffin in the middle. The jade coffin had been opened, and under the cold light of the fireworks below, the jade coffin was full of light and color, reflecting a strange glow. I saw that the centipedes seemed to be crawling out of this coffin.

I had a chill in my heart, thinking that this was the coffin of the Nine Dragons mentioned in the Snake-Eyed Bronze Fish? The coffin that contained the body of the King of Ten Thousand? It seemed that these amateurs had triggered some mechanism, or they had simply stepped on a centipede.

At this point, I couldn’t care less. The dozen or so people below were already exhausted, but the centipedes kept coming like a tide.

“Should we help them?” the fat man asked me.

Pan Zi shook his head: ‘Wait until they die a few more times.’

The fat man laughed: ‘Why don’t you just shoot them now, and they’ll die even faster.’

I was also very conflicted. It wasn’t a matter of whether or not to save them, but what would happen to us after we saved them. Ning was about to kill us in the underwater tomb, but we escaped by a narrow margin. I had saved her before, but I don’t think she bought me any favors. If we don’t save them, I’m afraid I’ll feel guilty for the rest of my life, watching so many people die right under our noses.

The other thing is that it’s not a matter of whether we can save them or not. It’s useless to shoot at them from above. The only way to save them is to pull them up with a rope. But they are only barely able to escape with their lives after firing at full strength. If the rope sags or stops, there will definitely be casualties below.

While I was hesitating, I suddenly saw a foreigner in Aning’s group carrying someone on his back. He looked very familiar. I immediately patted Pan Zi and pointed to him. At the first finger, he suddenly screamed, “That’s Uncle San!”

“Are you sure?” I also looked like it, but I wasn’t sure. When Pan Zi said it, I felt even more like it, and I hurriedly walked a few steps closer to this person to take a closer look.

I didn’t expect to take a step, my feet felt wrong, I looked down, and I saw the corpse that had just escaped hanging below the stone corridor. It just so happened that I happened to walk on top of it, and its dry hand grabbed my foot and pulled it down hard.

I was furious and thought to myself that this thing must have a grudge against me and was always looking for trouble with us. But I was on the stone corridor and my sense of balance was poor. When it pulled me, I couldn’t stand still and suddenly fell onto the corridor.

Pan Zi and the fat guy both raised their guns at the same time. This guy really doesn’t learn. At such a close distance, his head was instantly blown apart, leaving only half of his big head. Then he grabbed the lower claws of the gallery and let go. The whole corpse fell into the gallery, dragging my feet at the same time.

I was pulled by such a heavy object, screamed, and fell down. Then the corpse fell first into the crowd of Aning and the others. The others had already been fully absorbed in the centipedes on the side, and they didn’t care about the head. They were suddenly scared and fell to the ground, and then I also fell from the air.

Later, according to Fat Man, the way I fell seemed like I jumped down myself. But I really had no choice but to fall, and then I stepped on the corpse’s already smashed head, and black blood splattered everywhere.

Fortunately, the stone corridor was not too high, otherwise I would have definitely sprained my ankle if I had fallen like that. But after falling, I just stood up with a slight stumble, and when I looked around, I suddenly saw the centipedes around me fleeing like they had seen a ghost. In an instant, the tide of centipedes receded like a tide, and soon only the bodies of the centipedes were left on the ground.

I was so scared that it took me a long time to come to my senses. I didn’t understand what had happened. I looked up and saw that everyone was looking at me, their faces full of horror, as if they had seen some kind of monster.

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