Volume 5Chapter 41: Spy in the Spy

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:54:45
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Seeing nine giant centipedes coiled on the coffin platform at the bottom of the rift valley, we felt immense pressure, even though they were motionless.

The Chinese expert said, “You don’t need to be so nervous. It’s winter, the temperature is still low, and the centipedes are still hibernating. These giant bugs won’t wake up so easily.”

A-Ning said, “It’s not easy to wake up, but there’s always a chance. We are the perfect snack for hibernating insects.”

The fat man’s murderous intent rose again, and he said, “I don’t care if they wake up or not. I’ll just go over and shoot them in the head. Even if they’re ten times bigger, they’ll be dead in no time. Then we’ll go see if this undying king of slaves that crawled out of the ground is a human or a monster.”

Pan Zi waved his hand and said, “Absolutely not. Do you remember what Shunzi said? Dead centipedes will wake up their hibernating companions. This rift valley runs through the entire Changbai Mountain Range. Do you know how many centipedes there are in it? Don’t let a bigger one come out to avenge its disciples.”

I raised my night vision binoculars to take a closer look. This big centipede might be a fossil of an ancient insect. I really couldn’t convince myself that these were alive. When I looked up, I saw that on the wall behind the coffin, the relief that was originally unclear turned out to be a lot of Jurchen characters. I was immediately stunned and my heart was excited.

There were so many characters on the reliefs on the screen wall, and where there were so many characters gathered together, there must be some narrative content. In the buildings built by Wang Zanghui, there were very few characters, but there were so many here, so it was very likely that they were the epitaph of the tomb owner, one of the most precious materials in the tomb.

I quickly pulled the little man who could read Jurchen characters under Ning’s command over and handed him the telescope, asking him to help me see what was written on it.

The little man looked at it and was puzzled. He said that although the characters looked similar to the Jurchen characters, they were not Jurchen characters, but another language of the same family.

I was discouraged again and cursed in my heart. This Wan Nuwang is too cunning, he doesn’t leave me any loopholes.

No wonder, a person like Wang Zanghai, who has been here for twenty years and has been directly involved in the reconstruction of the ancient imperial tombs, has not been able to find the core of the secret that the Wannu Kingdom wants to hide. The Wannu King has set an insurmountable obstacle for him, not to mention those of us who rely on guesswork.

It’s a pity that Hua Monk is not here. He has been immersed in it for many years and has a thinking habit that others do not have. If he were here, he might be able to say something.

But then I thought, if Hua was here, the situation would be too complicated for me to handle.

One thought after another, my mind was racing. I heard Pan Zi call out, “Fatty? Are you up to it? Do you want to switch?”

I hate it when Pan Zi calls me fat. I jumped and looked up, and saw that Fat Boy and Kirk had climbed onto a chain and carefully walked to the top of the coffin platform. Fat Boy was tying a rope around his waist, probably imagining he was Tom Cruise, hanging from the chain and dangling above the coffin.

I asked Aning what was going on. Were these people going to watch the Nine Dragons play with Fat Boy?

Ah-ning said, “It’s fine. Generally speaking, this method won’t disturb the centipedes hibernating. Besides, I just found that the tails of the centipedes are locked to the stone piles under the stone platform by the bronze chains. Their range of movement is limited, and only people who walk close to them are in danger. They all came here to see what’s in the coffin of the King of Ten Thousand, and now that they’ve found the coffin, they can’t see it. Who can resist it?”

I said that even if the fat man could hang down, he couldn’t open the stone lid of such a huge coffin. You were just watching him make a fool of himself. Aning said, “He’s not going to open the lid of the coffin. He’s going to hook the coffin hook into the gap in the coffin. We’ll hang a pulley on one of the bronze chains above, and then we’ll lift the lid of the coffin here.”

I felt very uncomfortable. A-Ning was still fulfilling her company’s work obligations, looking for something in the coffin. Even at this point, she had not given up. Although I didn’t know what she was looking for, I didn’t think there was any reason for something to be more important than one’s own life. And there were so many bronze chains on the coffin bed that Wang Zanghai would not have thought of their tricks when he designed it. There must be something strange that made him think that there was no need for precautions. The fat guy was acting like a fool, trying to be the first to open the coffin and get some benefits. I had to stop him.

No one knew what was going on with Kirk. The fat guy was adjusting his position for bungee jumping, and when he saw that Kirk was jumping faster than him, he was stunned and didn’t know what to do. Then suddenly he flew up himself, and in the air he danced around for a while, and then fell straight down. Fortunately, he had a rope around his waist, and when his head was about to hit the coffin, the rope straightened and stopped, and under his head was Kirk’s corpse.

I was almost scared to faint. This scene was too strange. Could it be that something on the chain pushed them down?

Thinking of this, I hurriedly called out to Pan Zi, who was stunned, “Flare! Everyone grab their weapons!”

Everyone immediately reacted, and we didn’t have time to worry about the fat man. Pan Zi shot a flare into the air, and it exploded. Suddenly we saw countless shadows hovering above our heads, and several of them had already hung upside down on the chains, curiously looking at us intruders in their lair.

It turned out that the strange birds had silently begun to return to their nests at some point. I even saw several of the strange birds flying in the sky clutching something, apparently having caught prey. I raised my hand to stop those who were about to shoot.

These strange birds are half-blind and cannot see us at all in such strong light, but they are very sensitive to sound. It was only when we fired a shot in the front hall that a large number of strange birds flew in from all directions. Obviously, these creatures living in the underground crater with no light at all have long been accustomed to living in the dark.

However, I said not to shoot, not to shoot, but someone still fired, and not just one shot, but a barrage of gunfire. The sound was extremely loud at the bottom of the open rift valley, resounding through the sky, and the sky was suddenly in an uproar, with countless shadows hovering and then diving down.

I turned my head angrily to see which bastard was disobeying orders, but I saw the fat man on the stone platform trying to climb up the rope. Kirk’s M16 was taken away by him, and he was shooting at the coffin below.

I took a closer look and found that the huge coffin of the King of the Ten Thousand had opened a crack at some point. Three things that looked like arms, but were actually three purple-blue things, were sticking out of the coffin.

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