Volume 6 Chapter 22: A choice

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:56:07
A+ A- Turn Off Light

At this point, Uncle San let out a long sigh, pinched his brow, and seemed reluctant to continue.

I was sweating profusely as I listened, and when Uncle San stopped, I was able to catch my breath.

This story was truly thrilling, and I felt a little suffocated as I listened to it.

Who was this person? I thought to myself, judging from his behavior, this person is quite decisive. The oxygen tank stopper could not have been opened by accident or loosened by itself. It must have been this person who unscrewed it. Moreover, it is very likely that this person opened it when he followed Uncle San in, and there must not be much oxygen left in it.

This underwater tomb is a considerable distance from the surface of the sea. Without oxygen, Uncle San and Xie Lianlian will surely be trapped and die here. This person would not tell anyone about what happened to Uncle San when he returned to the ship. The tomb would never be discovered, and the people on the ship would never find it, so there was no way they could expect the people on the ship to come and rescue them. This was a very vicious killing move. Obviously, he must have wanted Uncle San and Xie Lianhuan to die inside.

In that case, Uncle San was actually in a worse situation than we were. He was alone, and the distance he had to travel to the bottom of the sea was much greater than ours.

But now, sitting in front of me, Uncle San is leisurely picking his toes and drinking tea. Obviously, he found a way out in the end, so I don’t need to be too nervous.

Both of them calmed down, and Uncle San paused for a moment before continuing.

At that time, when he saw the situation, his mind immediately exploded. He hurriedly screwed on the air plug, and after he finished, he was already scared stiff.

At that moment, he thought he was finished, definitely dead, and it was the death he feared most, being trapped alive in a sealed tomb. He regretted his carelessness and was full of hatred. For Uncle San, dying in a tomb was just dying in a tomb. If he died from a trap, that was fate, but if he was killed by a person, he was greatly unwilling and really annoyed.

He immediately went to check the oxygen gauge, and after looking at it, his teeth bit into his gums. His own oxygen bottle, probably because of the anti-leakage effect of the air plug, did not leak, and there was still one-tenth of the oxygen left. There was also some left in the oxygen bottle of Xie Lianhuan, which was almost nothing. It was estimated that it would be gone after breathing for thirty or forty times.

This may still be because the deflation time was relatively short. If it was a few minutes later, it could be a few empty bottles.

This little oxygen was almost as good as none at all. When they came in, Uncle San had used half of it, and Xie Lianxian had used more than half. This little oxygen was far from enough to get out.

Thinking about this, Uncle San became desperate. He looked around at the pitch-black tomb chamber, and a wave of extreme fear came over him. He thought to himself, “Could it be that I will really be trapped here and die alive?”

The more he thought about it, the more scared he became. He was really scared, not nervous or anxious. He immediately had a thought: he couldn’t die here. If he was going to die, he should die somewhere else. At that moment, he almost wanted to jump into the water inlet and drown himself.

However, Uncle San was a great man. His fear was quickly suppressed. He slapped himself, cursed himself for being a loser, calmed down, and began to think about what to do.

When me, Fatso and Mian Youping were trapped, we had no oxygen at all, so we could only pin our hopes on finding an oxygen bottle. However, Uncle San still had oxygen at that time, and the amount of oxygen was neither too much nor too little. It was very embarrassing, so all his thoughts were quickly attracted by the amount of oxygen. He first began to consider whether it was possible for this amount of oxygen to last until he got out.

After some calculations, he realized that it was impossible to get out because there was too little oxygen. Although he had been very careful when entering, he had not been very fast. If he had been faster when entering, he would have been able to shorten the time considerably. However, he had used five parts of oxygen when entering, and now he would only need one part when leaving.

That meant that he would have to leave five times as fast as he had entered. It had taken him about 30 minutes to enter, so he would have to leave in six minutes? He was not a fish, so how could he possibly do that?

Uncle San was a little uncomfortable again. He immediately slapped himself on the face to get rid of his fear and forced himself to continue thinking.

Where could he get to in six minutes? It would take about three minutes to get out from here. Six minutes would only get him to the mouth of the huge abyss.

Once he reached the mouth of the abyss, it would only take ten minutes to get out, which was half an hour away. If he was lucky, he could finish in 16 minutes. Moreover, he looked at his watch and saw that the tide was about to go out. At that time, the hole would be exposed above the sea, and a little air would enter the hole.

Then he could breathe without going to the hole. If he could hold his breath for another minute, he would only need to get ten more minutes of oxygen.

But where could he find ten minutes of oxygen? There was no way to do this here. Uncle San scratched his head and looked around reflexively, hoping to see something that would inspire him.

But what could be inspiring in an ancient tomb? Could he find a Ming or Qing dynasty ceramic oxygen bottle?

This was just wishful thinking. Uncle San angrily slapped the water at the entrance. At this moment, he saw his own reflection in the dark sea water below. He turned the flashlight to the side, and the reflection became clear. He immediately found something that could provide him with ten minutes of oxygen.

Uncle San was really full of ideas. What he saw at the time was the diving suit he was wearing.

So how could a diving suit be used as an oxygen tank? Uncle San thought of a very clever idea. He tied up the sleeves and trouser legs of the diving suit, then filled it with air and tied up the collar. He jumped into the water and untied one of the sleeves to use it as an oxygen tube.

He found that it really worked. He sucked for about three or four minutes before the air became cloudy.

There’s a way out! He was overjoyed and immediately came up, took off the clothes that had been unbuttoned and made another airbag, then filled both air sacs. He thought to himself, “I’ve got ten minutes!”

He couldn’t wait a moment longer, so he immediately dragged everything and prepared to go out into the water.

Uncle San’s character was not like mine, where I would hesitate and not choose a conservative approach, so he didn’t hesitate at all.

However, even if the oxygen could last until they got out, only one person could make it out. That person would have to take the two oxygen tanks with him, and the other person would have to wait here for him to come back and pick him up. If that person died on the way, then no one would come back. The psychological pressure was enormous.

Uncle San didn’t feel that this was a serious matter. He thought to himself that Jielianhuan’s oxygen wasn’t enough in the first place, and now it was even worse. Moreover, at this point, he had no intention of solving the puzzle. He had already entered a state of extreme excitement.

He placed the puzzle on the coffin, then took the water bag that he had just used to hit people and filled it with a human skull, and used it as a pillow to make his posture more comfortable.

As Uncle San had expected, six minutes later, he had already entered the abyss. There was still a little oxygen left.

Uncle San’s heart had settled down by now, and he really admired himself. He thought to himself, “I can’t die in this way. When I get back to the boat, that bastard who tried to kill me will be scared to death.”

He dragged the two huge airbags behind him with great difficulty, and he floated up involuntarily, which saved him a lot of effort. He swam to the exit of this abyss by memory. However, what he didn’t expect was that when he swam to the entrance position he thought he was at, he froze.

There was nothing there, just a bumpy coral reef.

Hmm? He wondered, and then looked to the side. He saw many lights along the way, but none of them were the exit.

He suddenly felt cold. His mother’s business was not as smooth as he had thought. It seemed that he had remembered the entrance location incorrectly! He looked at the oxygen gauge, and saw that the oxygen gauge index was already below zero.

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