Volume 6 Chapter 24 The man who came back from the dead

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:56:13
A+ A- Turn Off Light

I suddenly got goosebumps all over my body and almost shrunk into a ball. I really didn’t expect my uncle to say this person’s name.

It took me a long time to react, and I stuttered, “How is that possible?”

“How is that impossible? We’re cousins, and we were very similar in many ways, especially in that era, when everyone wore the same clothes and hairstyles. If this story is to be believed, only he fits the bill.”

“But wasn’t he already dead at the time?” I asked, dumbfounded.

Uncle San took a deep breath and then leaned back, frowning. ”It’s true that he must have been dead. When his body was found, it was already stiff and bloated. There was absolutely no way to revive him. But apart from this explanation, I can’t think of any other way to prove that my brother and I are innocent. Anyway, the boat that transported the bodies never returned to the dock, and the fishermen disappeared into the sea with it. He paused and continued, “Actually, sometimes I think I underestimated Xie Lianhuan.”

“What do you mean?” I felt a chill in my heart. “Are you saying that he faked his death?”

Uncle San nodded: “I investigated everyone’s background and found nothing suspicious. I thought about this possibility. Could it be that Xie Lianhuan didn’t die at the time, and he came back in secret to work with Huo Ling to complete this conspiracy? That would explain everything. However, I was the one who examined his body at the time, and I remember very clearly that the body was definitely not faked. So I ruled out this possibility later. However, now that you mention it, I feel that if he hadn’t died, it would explain everything.

I shook my head and said, “Since you are sure that he is dead, let’s not think about this possibility. This Xie Lianxian is not a zombie, so there must be another reason.”

Uncle San sighed and said to me, “Let’s not think about this for the time being. We don’t have enough information now, and the little brother is not around. Discussing this will not lead to any results. Let’s talk about it later. After we finish talking, let’s analyze it from the beginning. Maybe we will get some results.

I also felt the same way. On one side was Uncle San’s version, and on the other was the version of the Mummy. They were both just versions, and there was no third party. So I let Uncle San continue.

After that, Uncle San said very briefly that after he came out of the underwater tomb, he began to investigate the whole thing. Because he had learned of Jude’s plan from Xie Lianhuan, he focused on investigating this person as the key to solving the mystery, while also searching for the whereabouts of the missing people. After that, he had several encounters with Jude, but Jude never revealed anything to him until he failed again at the Seven Star Lu Palace.

At that time, Jude found that the place where his entire army was wiped out, Uncle San’s group was able to escape unscathed, and he began to realize that perhaps his method was fundamentally wrong.

However, Uncle San was indeed the nemesis of Jude Kao. He and Jude Kao made an agreement to cooperate and enter the underwater tomb again. This time, the purpose was to photograph the murals. However, just like the time when Jude Kao betrayed his grandfather in Changsha, Uncle San only used Jude Kao’s resources. He already knew Jude Kao’s purpose. He entered the tomb and forced the people who accompanied him to reveal a lot of secrets. Using this information, he knew that their next target was the Yunding Palace, so he began to race against them.

There were quite a few adventures during this period, but it would be tedious to write them out, so I will just mention them briefly.

Afterwards, Ning and the others came to find me, but it wasn’t arranged by Uncle San. He said that I could actually figure it out just by thinking about it. It was impossible for him to have sent them over. At my level, if I were to be his backup, it would definitely be a dead end. How could he harm me? I was tricked by Ah Ning. At the time, they thought I could get out of the Lu Palace and was also a master, so they used this method to trick me.

Uncle San said that the reason he didn’t want to tell me so much at the time was that he was afraid I would get involved in this matter. Unfortunately, Jude Kao must have known a lot about the Lu Palace, so after that, they contacted several other people who could move in the Lu Palace. I was tricked, the fat man was bought, and the little brother probably decided to join your team after he learned about this.

After that, I knew exactly what happened. After he got the mural, he set off directly in order to reach the Palace of the Heavenly Emperor before Bi Aning and the others, but a person who steals such a large painting always feels guilty, so he left a message for Pan Zi. He didn’t plan on letting me go, but apparently Chu Ge leaked the news and told Chen Pi A Si about it. The old man then forced his way in and asked Chu Ge to bring me along as well, planning to use me to blackmail Uncle San. At the time, that group of people were all very powerful, and they specifically chose me, a weakling, to be their spare tire.

Uncle San shook his head and said, “After working together for so many years, as soon as he saw that his business was not going well, he immediately turned to Chen Pi A Si. His mother really is not a good person. Now he is in prison, and it is retribution.”

Jude betrayed his grandfather, Uncle San betrayed Jude, Chu betrayed Uncle San, and then A Ning betrayed us. People are really terrible animals.

His experience in the Yunding Palace was also very terrifying. In the end, he was alone, and he followed the clues provided by the murals all the way, but in the end he was caught and saved by us. It was also very exciting to talk about the details, but there was no need to go into detail here, so Uncle San just said it briefly. At the time, I was already sweating all over from the previous narration, so I didn’t think much about it. It was only much later that I felt that maybe Uncle San was still hiding something here, but that was a long time later.

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