Volume 6Chapter 21: The Third Person in the Darkness

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:56:04
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Uncle San thought about this and, although he couldn’t believe it, he still broke out in a cold sweat. He put down the chain and quickly looked around.

After sweeping around, he saw nothing. There was nothing in the quiet tomb room, and the dim light of the flashlight swept over the walls of the tomb room, and an inexplicable chill invaded the innards of Uncle San.

Uncle San is different from us. As someone who has played underground since childhood, the dead are not scary because they are just objects. Although they are harmful, they will not come to harm others. However, living people are different. Uncle San was scared when he thought that there might be a third person in the tomb.

The blow to the back of the head from the chain of events can be big or small. Now, no matter what TV series or movie we watch, if we want to make someone faint, we just need to hit them on the back of the head with something. In fact, people like Uncle San know that the force with which you knock someone unconscious is the same as the force with which you knock someone to death. Whether the person is dead or alive after you knock them down is entirely a matter of luck. If you knock them a little lighter, you can knock them out for a few seconds at most. The real way to knock someone unconscious without killing them is to knock them on the back of the neck. People who know kung fu don’t even need to knock them, they just pinch them with their hands and they will faint.

So he wasn’t sure what had happened to Xie Lianhuan, but he knew that if it was a human being who had hit him, the blow had obviously been lethal. A fall would never have caused such a heavy injury, and even if he had died, it would have been from internal bleeding, not a scalp wound like that.

But how could there be a third person here?

If this is an ancient tomb on land, it is not uncommon to run into an acquaintance, but this is the bottom of the sea. Could it be that someone else also knew about this place and came in?

No, this is too unlikely. Uncle San’s mind was quick, and he immediately thought of a possibility.

Shit, did someone see them when they went into the water with Xie Lianquan? Did someone follow them down?

Now that he thought about it, it was definitely possible. There were no other boats around, and when he caught up with Xie Lianquan, he did make a lot of noise. Could it be that someone was awakened by the noise and followed them all the way here?

The sea was pitch black all the way there, and it was a chaotic, dark place where nothing could be seen clearly. If someone was following them, they would never have found them. Besides, the two of them were in a hurry and didn’t think about such things at all.

To be honest, Uncle San didn’t think much of the archaeological team. He thought that if Wenjin could keep him hidden, even if the team suspected something, they wouldn’t be able to do anything. So when he and Xie Lianqian went into the water, he didn’t think too much about whether anyone would know. But he never expected that someone would follow them secretly.

Who could it be? He knew most of the people in the archaeological team, and although there were a few unfamiliar faces, he was usually quite accurate in his judgment of people. If it was the boatman, that was also possible. Could it be that he had gone into the water and the boatman had seen him, and the boatman had followed him out of curiosity?

However, to get here, you would definitely need diving equipment. Those boatmen were good swimmers, but they wouldn’t be able to operate diving equipment, would they?

In that case, it should still be someone from the archaeological team. Which one?

Uncle San couldn’t think of an answer, so he said to himself, “No matter what, if he followed me here by chance, he should have called out to negotiate at this point. If he didn’t, and he hit me so hard that I was knocked unconscious, and I didn’t hear any yelling, it must have been a sneak attack. Then there must be a problem. I’ll wait until I’ve subdued him and see what kind of person he really is.

These thoughts flashed through San Shu’s mind like lightning. Once he thought of this, he turned off the flashlight, and the surroundings became dark. The only light left was the flickering flashlight of Xie Lianhuan. Then he crouched down and rolled to the side.

This was to prevent the opponent from knowing his position. The enemy is aware of his position, but he is not. This is the most likely opportunity. Crouching down is a unique action of San Shu. He was afraid that the opponent would hear the sound and throw something over. If you stand, you can only hear your heartbeat, and he can hit you.

After rolling for more than ten steps, he felt that he had moved away from the iron coffin, so he concentrated and tried to listen to the sounds around him.

The tomb room was already extremely quiet, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. When Uncle San became quiet, it was even quieter. He could hear his own heartbeat, like thunder.

In addition to the sound of his own heartbeat, he did hear some strange sound, very faint, and he couldn’t tell where it was coming from, but it was definitely around him, like the sound of breathing, or maybe the sound of extremely light friction, which made him break out in a cold sweat.

There really was someone there.

Uncle San cursed under his breath, closed his eyes, and tried to listen to the sound he heard, trying to discern the direction of the sound.

However, after listening for a while, the sound disappeared, as if the other person knew he had discovered him and was holding his breath.

Uncle San’s heart rate quickened, and he slowly got up. If the person was nearby, he would be at a disadvantage if he accidentally stepped on him.

Just when he had climbed halfway, he suddenly heard a sound of a bone joint behind his left side. It was extremely close, and Uncle San was a little panicked. He turned his body and wanted to retreat a little to get away from the sound.

At that moment, he suddenly felt a breeze on his face. He thought to himself, “This is bad.” He tried to duck, but it was too late. Suddenly, a gust of wind came from the darkness, and a person suddenly pounced on him, knocking him to the ground. Then, Uncle San felt that the flashlight that had been inserted into his waist had been pulled out. Then the force of the person’s hand loosened, and Uncle San suddenly bent over to try to break free. Suddenly, his jaw went numb, and he was hit hard by the flashlight, and suddenly his mouth was full of blood.

Damn it, the other guy can see me! Uncle San thought to himself in that split second.

He was able to accurately pounce in the dark, and he was able to quickly pull out his flashlight. It was obvious that he could see very clearly.

What was going on? Did the other guy have a pair of cat eyes?

In addition to being shocked, he forcefully turned his head to the other side, and then the second blow from the other guy was still accurate and fell on Uncle San’s nose. The blow was so heavy that he couldn’t lift his head, and a salty taste welled up in his mouth.

This time, Uncle San was really scared. He had been the leader of the children since he was a child, and except for being beaten by his grandfather, when had he ever suffered such a loss? He immediately had the desire to kill, and when he looked up, the dagger went past.

However, nothing was cut, and instead, he was hit hard on the chin again. The killer was so strong that Uncle San couldn’t even feel the pain in his chin. Then, the man holding the dagger grabbed Uncle San’s hand tightly.

He couldn’t use his strength while lying down, so he was pushed to the ground by the man’s hand. Uncle San cursed loudly, thinking that the man wanted to rape him. He suddenly raised his head and spat out a mouthful of saliva, along with a large amount of blood from his mouth.

He knew from the feeling in his body that the other person had flinched. In that instant, Uncle San twisted his whole body and broke free. The other person did not expect Uncle San to break free, and he hurriedly leaned over and pressed with his knee, falling into Uncle San’s trap.

In a normal fight, if one person is pinned down by another, the first thought is to break free if the other person lets go. So Uncle San pretended to break free, and when the other person pressed down again, Uncle San grabbed the water bag with the human skull in his other hand and smashed it out.

He didn’t know where it hit, but he heard the other person grunt and roll out. Uncle San laughed, rolled over, got up, grabbed the water bag, and smashed it at the place where the other person had grunted.

Unfortunately, the bones inside must have been smashed to pieces, and the water bag had no power when it was thrown. Uncle San didn’t care if he had hit it or not, and stumbled over to the place where the flashlight was linked together, grabbed the flashlight and shone it behind him.

The confrontation in the dark that he had considered was useless. The other party was able to see him, so the action of turning off the flashlight and then rolling over was ridiculous. Now he had to subdue the other party, so he had to force him out.

However, after the flashlight swept through a radius like lightning, he didn’t see anyone, and the person who attacked him was gone.

He was already in a state of anger, and he wasn’t calm anymore. As soon as he saw someone hiding, he cursed and went looking for him with a dagger. He only circled the coffin once, and then he heard a sound of water coming from where he had gone into the water.

He had fucking run away? Uncle San jumped up and chased after him. He rushed to the water inlet and saw that the man had already jumped into the water. The water was still rippling on the surface. Uncle San was so angry that he wanted to jump in after him. However, when he saw that the water was black under the flashlight, he thought that if he went down, the other person might be waiting for him there and he would be in trouble. He could only hold back and curse at the water.

Because he didn’t know who it was, he simply cursed everyone on the boat except Wenjin.

However, as he cursed, he felt something was not quite right. There seemed to be a strange hissing sound around him, and his ears were itchy.

When San Shu looked at the place where the sound was coming from with his flashlight, he suddenly felt cold all over, and almost fainted.

It turned out that someone had unscrewed his oxygen bottle stopper at some point, and oxygen was hissing out.

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