Volume 6Chapter 5: The strange face

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:55:16
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Uncle San was stunned. His brain buzzed, his scalp pores stood on end, and he let out a loud cry. He let go of the trapdoor, which fell back down with a thud, smashing into the strange face.

Uncle San didn’t care how badly it had smashed, and immediately took a few steps back in a reflex, moving away from the sarcophagus. His heart was about to jump out of his throat.

He thought to himself, “What is that thing? Could it be that there is a blood corpse in this ancient tomb that has already lost its yin qi? No, the zongzi are all dead things. As soon as the tomb is opened, the tomb qi inside is released and the outside air flows in. There is no reason why a corpse can change for decades in such an outrageous way.

And the strange face that I saw just now was indescribable. Uncle San had never seen such a terrifying face before. It must not be an ordinary zongzi.

Could this be the legendary blood zongzi? Uncle San suddenly thought. But after thinking about it, he really didn’t know.

The Changsha area has the most legends about blood corpses. Generally, they refer to ancient tombs dug out of red clay. No matter what the situation in the tomb is, they are all called blood corpse tombs.

The red clay is also called the blood ground. No one can explain how this kind of ground was formed, but all the feng shui schools are surprisingly consistent in their description of the blood ground as being suitable for burying corpses. That is, it is suitable for deep burial, and the burial of corpses here is extremely heavy, and the descendants will inevitably be extremely noble, but the relatives will die out, and they may be able to become emperors, but all the family members will be killed by the family.

Even with such a legend, many wealthy families still seek this kind of strange geomancy in order to make their descendants noble.

In order to escape the evil spirits, they would find a poor family with the same surname before burial, adopt their children, and then raise them in their own family.

But the world is so big, and treasure and death spots are as rare as each other. Blood spots are even rarer than the average dragon vein, and it is even more difficult to find them. In the end, a large number of half-baked geomancy masters saw that as long as it was a red clay spot, it was a blood spot, and that there must be an ancient tomb under the red clay spot, and that the ancient tomb must be a wealthy family, so there was the legend of “blood corpses guarding treasures.”

In modern Chinese history, there was a very important figure whose main tomb was on a blood-soaked ground. At that time, a master set up a feng shui scheme in order to enter the tomb at that time. It is said that the grandfather of that figure may not have died a normal death.

This figure later became extremely powerful, but as the feng shui theory says, the aura was too strong, and basically all of his immediate family members died.

Because the blood ground was a mixture of real and fake, and the fake ones were more common, the old man took a chance and risked digging, but he didn’t expect that one shovel would dig up a real one.

The real blood corpse tomb is extremely dangerous, as evidenced by the fact that there are no written or oral records of blood corpses in the world. Almost no one who has seen a blood corpse has ever returned alive. Grandpa was already a special case, and his notes were unclear. He didn’t know what a blood corpse was, and he didn’t know how to restrain it. If the thing below is really a blood corpse, let’s not worry about why it’s still here. How to get out is already a big problem.

The old man and his men must have brought black donkey hooves with them when they entered the tomb last time. At that time, they each had a 24-shot box cannon, but none of them came out, which shows how dangerous the situation was. This time, I am even worse off. I only have a machete on my waist. Using a machete to cut the rice dumplings is like sharpening a knife. It is the stupidest thing to do and is useless.

In the more than a second that Uncle San retreated, his mind was spinning like a top, but he had no idea about the blood corpse, and he couldn’t think of a solution.

He was horrified and didn’t know what to do, when suddenly there was a series of stone friction sounds coming from inside the coffin. Then he saw that the stone slab covering the dark room had actually been pushed up by something.

Uncle San saw that it was not good, this thing is going to come out!

At that time, he was a little confused, and he didn’t know what he was thinking about. Uncle San’s mind was hot, and his murderous intent arose. He crossed his heart, shouted, and had the courage to jump into the coffin. He stamped his feet hard, and immediately stepped on the raised stone slab.

Looking down, he saw a dried-up hand sticking out from under the stone slab. The nails were twice as long as the fingers, and the whole hand was covered with green flowers like a piece of rusted bronze. Now, when Uncle San pressed down, it was caught in the gap.

Seeing the hand, Uncle San felt goosebumps all over his back, and he tried to crush it with a hard step, but the hand was as hard as steel, and he didn’t get any reaction after stomping a few times.

Then there was a force under the stone slab that lifted it up. Uncle San was already unsteady on his feet and almost fell. He quickly crouched down, steadied his body, and held the coffin with both hands, pushing down hard.

This was a contest between life and death. As long as the thing below came out of the coffin, in this environment, Uncle San knew that he would definitely die, and he absolutely could not let it out.

But human strength has its limits. The force below was enormous. After a few pushes, Uncle San’s arms were at their limit, and he couldn’t muster any more strength. The stone slab underneath was still being pushed up little by little. Then, the strange face squeezed out from underneath the stone slab and looked at Uncle San expressionlessly.

It was dark inside the coffin, so it wasn’t very visible, and the ghostly face was also indistinct.

Uncle San was already in a state of madness. When he saw the head pop out, his pores almost shrunk into the flesh, and his teeth clenched tighter and tighter, as if he wanted to chop the head off with a knife.

At this moment, Uncle San suddenly had a flash of inspiration and came up with an idea.

He pressed down on his center of gravity, took a bottle of liquor out of his bag with his left hand, and smashed it on the face of the strange face. The bottle shattered, and the liquor splashed all over the monster’s face. Then he took out a lighter and rubbed it on the side. Then he reached out to the strange face and said to himself, “Today I will avenge my grandfather and uncle.

However, as the lighter approached the strange face, Uncle San suddenly noticed that there was something wrong with the face in the light.

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