Volume 7 Chapter 13: Darkness

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:57:02
A+ A- Turn Off Light

This “person” had a strange figure. Although the light from the lighter was dim, only casting a gray outline, and I could not see its face clearly, I could still see that its neck was a bit strange.

It was sitting in the chair I had just sat in, with its two long, slender arms sliding to the side of its head, moving in a strange manner. I froze for a moment before realizing that it was combing its hair. I immediately felt cold all over, and my pores started to tingle.

In such a basement that had been abandoned for more than a decade, suddenly seeing a person combing their hair in the dark, this behavior, coupled with this occasion, would probably scare the average person to death on the spot.

While I was sweating profusely, I wondered, “Who is this person? When did he appear? From the time I found the notebook to the time I sat down to read it, it had been at most twenty minutes. When the hell did he sit down across from me? How could I not have noticed it at all… And this is a hidden basement in an abandoned building, how could there be anyone else here?

Plus this strange action, sitting in that chair, looking at the mirror on that side of Huo Ling, actually combing her hair, I couldn’t help but think, did Huo Ling not leave with someone else… Is this “person” Huo Ling?

My cold sweat fell like a waterfall. Fortunately, my nerves were not what they used to be. Although I couldn’t understand what was happening in front of me, my body still reacted involuntarily. I reflexively took a few steps back, staring at the other person, on full alert.

If this were a TV show, the person hiding in the dark would definitely laugh three times at my panicked look, and then the director would give a close-up, or pull out a small pistol and say, “Didn’t expect it, Mr. Bond.” But this is not a TV show. As I retreated, the man did not move at all, still doing the mechanical combing motion. As I took a few steps away, the flickering lighter grew dimmer and the distance grew farther. The man disappeared into the darkness, almost invisible.

After taking five or six steps back, I felt a little safer and stopped. I summoned up the courage to ask, “Who are you?”

I had barely spoken a word since I got to the basement, and now that I said it, my voice was hoarse, almost not my own. I was startled to hear it myself, but in the basement, which was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, the hoarse voice was very penetrating.

However, after I asked, the other person did not respond, and no sound came from behind the desk. It was as if I was talking to air.

Damn it, trying to scare me? I cursed in my heart, and I was really scared. I thought about the strange posture of the man I just saw, and I thought to myself, “This thing can’t be a human being, right?

No, no, I denied myself. It’s possible in an ancient tomb, but this is a modern building, there won’t be such a thing here, and there are no coffins here… Wait, wait, no! Fuck, there are coffins here.

My brain buzzed, and I thought to myself, ‘Could this thing be the zongzi in the coffin at that time?’

I shook my head, tried to catch my breath, and calmed myself down.

This is also impossible. How could a corpse come out of a coffin? If that were the case, everyone in the funeral home would have to go to Mount Mao to take a bachelor’s degree.

At this moment, a thought suddenly flashed through my mind. Could it be that this person is the one who sent me the video? Waiting for me here?

From the notebook I saw just now, it was Wen Jin who arranged to send the video. However, in fact, it is not certain that the person who sent the video is her. It could be someone else she arranged.

I thought to myself that it was very likely that no ordinary person would know about this kind of basement. The person who could come in must be an insider, and it could be the sender who had been waiting for me nearby and followed me in when she saw me climb in. Thinking this way, I calmed down a little. I summoned up my courage and thought to myself that if it was a living person, I wouldn’t be afraid, so I frowned and held out my lighter to see who it was.

I cautiously took two or three steps forward, and I could vaguely see the situation across from the desk again. But when I looked, I was shocked again. The “person” sitting there was gone.

I squinted and looked carefully, and indeed it was gone. There was no one in the seat. I was puzzled, and I thought to myself, “Did I just see it wrong? An illusion?

Impossible. I was sweating profusely. It was definitely impossible to see it wrong. I suddenly became nervous and hurriedly raised the lighter and shone it around.

But when I lifted it, I made a big move and the lighter suddenly lit up, then went out.

It was pitch black, I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face, there was no light at all, it was absolute darkness.

However, I shook it, shook it, and continued to shake it, but this thing was just not up to it. No matter how I shook it, it wouldn’t light up. I could only see sparks flying everywhere, which were especially dazzling in the absolute darkness of the basement. I realized that it might be out of gas.

I thought to myself, “This is terrible!” I looked around at the pitch-black darkness, and a very ominous premonition came over me. I put my notebook in my pocket and was about to take a few steps back to touch the door that I had entered through, when suddenly I heard a “cough” sound overhead, as if a woman was laughing.

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