Volume 7 Chapter 14: Sudden Change

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:57:04
A+ A- Turn Off Light

I don’t usually smoke, and only when I’m very depressed do I have a few puffs. So I hadn’t refilled the lighter since I bought it. When it suddenly went out, I was shocked. In this kind of place, without any lighting, it was a terrifying thing.

I was wondering what to do when I heard a “cough” from above my head, as if a woman was laughing.

I felt a chill down my spine. The basement was extremely low, and I could reach the ceiling with my hand if I jumped. Although I couldn’t see anything, I reflexively raised my head and looked up.

When I did, I saw nothing, but I felt a fluffy mass hanging over my face. I reached out and grabbed it, and was shocked to discover that it was a ball of hair, and it was wet and slimy.

Ever since the underwater tomb, I have been extremely averse to wet hair. I felt a chill down my spine, as if I had swallowed a rat. I quickly crouched down and waved my sleeve to wipe the stuff off my face. At the same time, I retreated to the side. I looked up and stared at the dark ceiling.

It was so dark that I couldn’t imagine such darkness. My fear immediately rose up in my heart. I thought to myself, “What’s going on? Is there a woman on the ceiling? Could it be that the person who was just here is now hanging from the ceiling? I swear, how could that be? Could it be a four-legged snake?

Things were getting more and more strange. I touched the sticky substance in my hand and smelled it. I couldn’t remember where I had smelled it before, but my heart had a rather ominous feeling.

At this time, the “chittering” laughter sounded again, and it felt like it was coming towards me from the ceiling. I immediately took a few steps back, and “bang” I hit the desk. It sounded like thunder in the quiet basement, and I was scared out of my wits.

I stood up and listened, but the sound was gone. I was getting more and more nervous. I don’t know why, but I started to shake all over, as if my subconscious had already sensed something terrible was about to happen. Then suddenly I felt something tickling my neck, as if something was hanging down behind my head.

I couldn’t hold back any longer, and almost trembling, I turned my head and slid the flint.

A spark flew up, and in a very short time, the white light revealed what was behind me. I looked up and slid the flint again, and I saw a pale, hideous face inside the hair, staring coldly at me.

The sparkle of the fire was short-lived, and darkness returned, but the scene was already clearly imprinted in my mind.

A banshee! I suddenly knew why my body had reacted like that. A fucking banshee is here!

My mind suddenly went blank, and all calmness was gone. I let out a scream, and then I ran backwards, ignoring everything, and rushed straight into the darkness, with only one thought in my head, and that was to escape from this place.

After a few steps, I actually ran into a wall. The impact was like a suicide by hitting the wall. I fell to the ground with a “bang,” and when I got up, I heard a series of “ding-dong” sounds coming from above my head, heading straight for me. I didn’t care about the blood in my nose, got up, felt the door hole I had just entered, and rushed through it again.

This time I learned my lesson. I held my hand out in front of me and felt my way out. I rushed into the corridor by memory, then I held on to the wall and rushed to the exit and knocked the door open. I then slammed the door shut and rushed into the darkness, feeling around blindly, trying to find the stairs.

But in such a dark place, it was really difficult to find the door. I felt around for a long time, but I couldn’t even touch the wall. I touched and touched, and suddenly I hit something and almost fell. I threw myself forward and fell on my stomach. I knew at once that I had kicked on the sarcophagus.

I tried to get up again, but when I touched the sarcophagus, I suddenly felt that something was wrong. The shape of the sarcophagus seemed to have changed. I touched it again and immediately realized that the lid of the sarcophagus had been moved aside. My hand was on the seam.

How did the sarcophagus open? That moment, this question flashed through my mind, but at this time my mind was already in a complete mess, I felt dizzy and had no time to think about this question, I just stood up and continued to touch it.

At this time, suddenly something moved next to me, my nerves were at their limit, I was almost scared to death, just as I was about to take a stance, a hand reached out, and suddenly my mouth was covered, and my body was also held up, unable to move.

I struggled a few times, but the force holding me down was too great. I couldn’t move at all, and at the same time I heard someone whisper in my ear, “Don’t move!”

I was shocked, and immediately stopped struggling. My heart almost exploded.

Although there were only two words, I immediately recognized who it was!

It was the voice of the Mian Youping.

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