Volume 7 Chapter 34 Snake Bone (Part 1)

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:58:00
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If he had hesitated even a little when he did it, I would have been able to prepare myself a little, and at least not scream. But this guy was too ruthless. He reached down without blinking an eye, even with all those disgusting bones and bugs. Luckily, this guy finally had a conscience and wiped the blood on my cuff, or else I would have really been killed by him this time.

After calming down, I realized that in the blink of an eye, I could no longer see any of the surrounding insects.

In the Qinling Mountains and on the snow-capped mountains, I have long felt that my blood has this ability, but I don’t know why it doesn’t seem to work on these insects here. Is there a difference between Mung’s blood and my blood? Is my blood not ripe enough?

Mung put the thing he had taken out of the skeleton under the light of the miner’s lamp and looked at it carefully. I went over and found that it was a large, greenish object about the size of a fist. Mian Youping reached into the rain and washed it off, then brought it back. I was surprised to find that I had seen this object before. It was actually a twisted old-fashioned copper flashlight.

After a brief look, I knew that this object was from the 1980s or 1990s, after the reform and opening up. The copper shell was covered in rust and green, and when I opened the back cover, the battery inside was rotten and looked like a moldy congee.

I was extremely puzzled. How could something like this appear here, in the animal bones? Could it be a human skeleton?

As I was thinking, Mung Youping reached into the bones again. This time, no bugs came out. He closed his eyes and felt around inside. He quickly grabbed something, and it seemed to be something big. He used his other hand to dig it out.

I felt a sudden tightening in my throat. It was a human hand bone, already decayed and full of holes, filled with black, rotting dirt.

“This…” I didn’t know what to say.

“This is a giant anaconda that ate a person. This flashlight was on that person.” Mian Youping said with a blank expression. “And, it was a woman.”

I saw a string of what looked like decorations stuck to the hand bone, and knew that Mian Youping was right. I felt a strange feeling well up in my heart. I was suddenly excited and thought of a lot of things.

The terrain of this oasis is peculiar. It can only be discovered when the underground river, Anqarazha, rises to the surface after a heavy rain. It is almost as rare as winning the lottery for an oil worker or an expedition team to happen upon this place during a rainstorm and then wander in and get eaten by the giant snake. Another possibility made me feel a chill down my spine. Could the corpse in the giant snake be one of the members of Wenjin’s camel caravan?

After all, Wenjin gave up the opportunity to enter the Xiwangmu Palace at the last moment and returned by himself, but how did Huo Ling and the others who entered the Xiwangmu Palace ruins end up? She didn’t know.

Muyoubing must have thought of this as well. After looking at Aning and the others above, he said to me, “Go up and tell them to come down and help us dig out this snake bone to see who is inside.”

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