Volume 7 Chapter 35: Snake Bone (Part 2)

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:58:03
A+ A- Turn Off Light

I responded, turned around, and climbed a few steps, shouting at the same time. At this time, I saw that the fat guy was already climbing down. When he heard me call, he quickened his pace, jumped to my side, and asked me what was wrong.

I said that I had made a big discovery, and called out to Pan Zi and A Ning again, calling them down as well.

When the few of us arrived at the edge of the snake bone, I told them what we had discovered, and everyone was surprised. A-Ning immediately became nervous and went over to take a look. Fat Boy said, “No wonder I felt like someone was calling me. It turns out that we have revolutionaries who sacrificed themselves here. That’s too coincidental. Hurry up and dig them up to pay our respects.”

The rain had already subsided by this time. Although it was still not small, it was no longer the kind of overbearing whip of water that it had been. We were already completely wet, so we had nothing to worry about at this point. I carefully protected the blood-stained cuff of my sleeve. This thing might save my life on the road ahead.

We climbed onto the top of the huge plant body. It was okay when there were only two of us, but now that there were more people, the thing couldn’t hold up. The fat guy and I had to put the other foot on a branch on the side to prevent the thing from collapsing. We used a dagger to cut off the dead vines inside and expose the snake corpse wrapped in it.

If it were sunny, it would be easier to dig, but now it was raining heavily, and the rain dripped down the bangs of our heads as soon as we lowered our heads, so our eyes were not very useful. We had to shake off the water from our hair from time to time to be able to see what was underneath.

But it was always good to have more people, especially the fat guy, who was bold and reckless, not considering at all whether his revolutionary predecessors’ bones would be cut by his knife.

The vine was quickly dug out to reveal a larger gap, and a huge snake bone was exposed. The fat man cursed, and I was a little surprised, because when I said snake, I didn’t realize that the snake would be so big. Judging from the diameter of the snake bone, the snake may be as thick as a person, and a snake this big probably wouldn’t need a minute to eat a person.

After a little tugging, we saw the twisted remains of a human skeleton in the coiled snake bones. The python must have just swallowed the man shortly before it died, otherwise the bones would have been spit out. There were still some clothes on the skeleton that had not completely decayed, but it was impossible to tell what it looked like. Pan Zixue leaned over like a man holding a lamp and also picked out something from inside. It was a belt buckle, with only a little rust, and it seemed to be stainless steel.

He took it out, scraped it with a knife, and then handed it to me. We leaned over and I saw that there were a few numbers engraved on it: “02200059.”

I was shocked and immediately looked at Ning: “It’s your company’s registration number. This is one of your people!”

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