Volume 7 Chapter 40: The Disaster of the Python

Release Date: 2024-07-23 09:58:16
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The canopy above our heads was actually very close to us, almost two or three meters away, and the scales of the snake were clearly visible. This is a tree python, the thickest part of which is as thick as a bucket. The canopy is dense, and most of the body is hidden inside. I was surprised to see that the scales of the snake reflected a golden brown color under the light of the miner’s lamp, as if the snake had been gilded.

When we climbed up just now, there must have been no pythons around. This snake must have climbed through the tangled canopy while we were resting. The python moves very slowly and stealthily when it is not hunting. There was a little wind outside and the jungle was full of the sound of leaves. The night watchman Pan Zi didn’t notice its approach either.

However, it is not surprising that a python appears here. The rainforest is the home of the python, and we have seen many strange things. A big snake like this doesn’t seem to be able to strain our nerves.

Pan Zi and the others had seen a lot of the world, and they were surprisingly calm. No one moved or screamed. This kind of snake has a long attack range. We don’t know if it’s interested in us. If we move suddenly and scare the snake, it will attack in an instant. We always lose in the trees.

We were at a standstill, and the tree python slowly coiled down. The huge snake head hung under the branch, looked at us, and the yellow, venomous snake eyes made people extremely uncomfortable in the dark.

Pan Zi had already raised his gun and was pushing the fat man. This bastard really can sleep. He couldn’t be woken up no matter how hard he pushed. The black gold knife of the stuffy oil bottle was also lying behind his waist, and the dagger was held in his other hand. Everyone subconsciously retreated, trying to keep a distance from the snake.

I was at the back of the group, and I thought to myself that if they were going to attack, they wouldn’t attack me first. I looked down at the tree and wondered if I could jump down. After all, this was a tree, and it was quite a bit of height. I couldn’t move around, and I was afraid that I would suffer if I fought hard.

After the heavy rain, the waterfalls on both sides of the cliff converged into a large number of streams at the bottom of the canyon. Now these streams have merged together, and the muddy ground under the tree has become a black lake.

I thought about it and turned to look at the rainforest in front of me. At this time, the sound of the canopy shaking came from all around me again, rustling and whispering.

This time it seemed to come from behind me. I looked back and my cold sweat came down like a waterfall. Just behind my neck hung a smaller tree python, also brownish gold. This one was probably only as thick as my thigh and was only an arm’s length away from my face.

I was so scared that I retreated even further, and the people in front of me retreated even further, so that we were all crowded together, with no way to retreat.

We were all frozen in place, unable to move. The people stared at the snake, and the snake stared at the people, and even our breathing was tight.

I felt strange in my heart. Boa constrictors are solitary animals with a strong sense of territory, and they rarely hunt in cooperation, except during mating. Then we really came at the wrong time. The two pythons, one in front of the other, seemed to be deliberately attacking us. They were probably a male and female that had just mated. I felt a wave of nausea when I thought of the human corpse inside the snake’s bones. I thought to myself, “I don’t want to be your snack after you’re done having fun.”

The two snakes were in a stalemate for a long time, neither moving. The pythons probably rarely saw people, and for a while they couldn’t figure out the situation, so they didn’t dare attack. Moreover, the momentum of the two men was very fierce. They stared at the snakes’ eyes like stone statues. The pythons seemed to sense the potential danger and hesitated.

After ten minutes, the two pythons could not find a weakness in us, so they slowly retreated back into the canopy, as if they were giving up.

Seeing the snakes on both sides curled up, I couldn’t help but slowly let out a sigh of relief. Pan Zi’s tense body also slowly relaxed, and the gun head slowly lowered. I was relieved. To be honest, it’s better not to fight snakes in this kind of place. Not to mention the snake’s attack power, it’s enough to fall down from here.

But just as I was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the fat guy suddenly rolled over, snoring very loudly and making a long nasal sound.

It was a sound that came out of the extreme silence, and everyone was shocked. Ning hurriedly pressed his mouth, but it was too late. The whole tree shook violently, and a gust of wind blew. The python in front of us poked its head back out again. This time, the snake’s body was already bent into a U-shape, and it was obvious that it was going to attack.

Pan Zi immediately raised his gun, but it was still a step too late. The python’s head bit down like lightning. In an instant, Pan Zi lowered his head, and the snake’s head bit past his head. The man behind him, who had poor vision, couldn’t dodge in time and was bitten on the shoulder. Then the muscular body of the python rolled in like a gust of wind. In a very short time, its upper body, like a coiled dragon, slammed into the snake bones at our feet. The already crumbling pile of bones immediately fell apart. We were knocked over by the snake’s body, and then our feet collapsed. Everyone was wrapped in snake bones and fell down.

Fortunately, the snake bones were entwined with a large number of vines, and the bones were broken and the muscles were entangled. I grabbed the vines with my hands and feet, and after sliding down a few meters, I also got caught. When I looked up, I saw that the oil bottle was tightly wrapped around the python, and it was rolled into the air. The black gold ancient knife was knocked into somewhere, and the snake body curled up, getting tighter and tighter. The oil bottle struggled hard but was helpless.

I was so anxious that I yelled at Pan Zi to shoot, but when I turned around, I couldn’t see Pan Zi. I didn’t know where he had fallen. At that moment, I saw the oil bottle in midair suddenly shrug its shoulders, and the whole body suddenly shrunk. It suddenly slipped out of the python’s coils and fell onto a branch. It turned over and jumped onto the tangled vines and slid down. It slid to my side in an instant and yelled at me, “Give me the knife!”

I quickly went to pull out the knife, but I was so nervous that I couldn’t pull it out after a few tries. At this time, the python found that it was in an empty position, and it couldn’t help but be angry. It suddenly circled back to the tree, and in an instant it was in front of us. The snake’s head turned and it bit over again.

“I swear,” I yelled, watching the blood-filled mouth coming towards my face. I don’t think many people can see the visual impact. Mian Youping grabbed the vine and pulled a piece of bone out of the vine and threw it over. The python dodged in mid-air, giving us a little time. Mian Youping yelled at me, ”Jump down!”

But at that time I was already confused, and I didn’t know what I was thinking. I reflexively curled up, and I couldn’t react quickly enough. At that moment, the snake’s head arched again, and Mian Youping “clicked” and kicked me out with a flying kick.

The kick was so strong that the vine I was holding broke. In my panic, I grabbed at the air, but I couldn’t catch anything. I fell straight down, hitting several branches along the way, and then I fell heavily to the ground. Fortunately, there was water and mud below, so I rolled a few times and got into it. I got a mouthful of mud, but it didn’t hurt very much.

I was helped up in a daze and dragged out. I felt the pain all over my body after a few steps. I wiped the mud off my face and saw that it was Ning and Fatso who were helping me. I looked around and saw that the mine lamps had all fallen into the mud and gone out, and everything was blurry. Pan Zi was holding a gun and aiming at the tree, but from the tree, the canopy was dark and I couldn’t see anything.

“How are you?” Ning asked me.

I shook my head and said it was fine, and they dragged me out. I said no, that kid is still in the tree, I can’t leave him behind!

As soon as I finished speaking, the entire tree shook violently, and the oil bottle jumped down from the tree trunk like a monkey. At the same time, a huge black shadow rolled in the leaves and bark like a gust of wind and followed. The two shadows fell into the mud almost wrapped together. Before the water splashed down, I saw the python pounce and rush towards him.

I thought to myself, “Fuck, he’s actually fighting this snake!” I hurriedly shouted, “Pan Zi, go help!”

Pan Zi rushed over before I could finish speaking, ducked under the water, raised his gun and took aim. His marksmanship was excellent, and he hit the snake in the head with one shot, twisting the snake in mid-air. The snake didn’t die, and it turned over violently, as if it were a spring, and then pounced on Pan Zi again. At the same time, Pan Zi fired another shot, and the snake retreated. He retreated at the same time, and then shouted at us, “I’ll cover you! Get out of here!”

Before he finished speaking, another python suddenly shot down from the tree and bit Pan Zi’s shoulder. Then, in a flash, the snake’s body arched and lifted him up.

The attack was so fast that no one reacted. We were shocked, and he was already halfway up in the air. I watched him flail about, and my heart sank. I thought, it’s over!

Before I could say it, Pan Zi, who was not afraid in the face of danger, turned his folding knife out with one hand and stabbed it up, suddenly piercing the snake’s eye. The giant python was in pain and bent its whole body. It let go of Pan Zi, who was thrown and fell on the tree, turning over and falling down with blood all over his face. Then Ning took out two cold fireworks from her backpack, lit them by knocking them against her knees, and rushed between the python and Pan Zi, using the cold flames to block the python while yelling at us, “Drag him away, run!”

I yelled, “No! The cold fireworks aren’t hot enough!” Ning said, “You know that the snake doesn’t!”

Me and Fatso rushed over, picked Pan Zi up and ran into the woods, but before we had gone a few steps, suddenly water and mud splashed over us like waves. I turned around and saw that the giant snake behind Mian Youping was still alive. The snake’s head was covered in blood, and the huge body was chasing Mian Youping furiously, while the latter was rushing towards me. The huge snake was dancing behind him, and it looked like it was flying.

The snake was very angry! The consequences are serious! I suddenly had this thought in my head, and I was so scared that I felt my legs go weak. Mian Youping yelled, “Get down!” and Fat Boy grabbed me and ran a few steps forward, then fell to the ground in the water. The python was there in an instant, and Mung Youping and A Ning rolled into the mud as well. The python’s huge body rolled past my back, and I couldn’t stop in time, crashing into a tree on the side. The tree almost broke, and leaves and tree attachments fell like rain.

We got up, and we couldn’t tell which way was north, south, east, or west. The fat man’s murderous intent rose, and he shouted, “Fuck your grandmother, let’s fight it!” He suddenly pulled out the knife in my waist and rushed towards the stunned python. I quickly rushed up and held him in my arms to prevent him from going over. Mian Youping also got up. I saw that his shoulders were covered in blood and he was obviously seriously injured. He pointed at the jungle and shouted at us, “Run! These two snakes are not right!”

Seeing that Mung Oil Bottle was injured like this, the fat man also muttered, and quickly picked up Pan Zi and threw Pan Zi’s gun to me. I held the gun and led the way, and the group fled straight into the jungle. Just as we rushed into the bushes, water splashed behind us, and the snake came again.

No one had time to look back. Under the trees were extremely dense bushes and ferns. As soon as we rushed in, the branches all had thorns, which slid across my bare skin, drawing out countless blood streaks. It hurt so much that I could not help but grin, but I could not care less. I gritted my teeth and ran like crazy.

No one could have imagined that we could reach that speed in the jungle. If we had kept up that speed, we would have crossed the canyon by noon today. We soon reached the edge of the canyon, where the mountain walls were full of waterfalls. The water was knee-deep, and we couldn’t run any faster.

We looked back, and holy shit, that snake was barely behind us, slithering through the bushes like a coiled dragon. We wanted to run again, but the waterfall was right ahead, and there was no way to go around it. The fat guy yelled, “Fuck, who brought the way!”

Everyone panicked. The water was so deep that we couldn’t move, and the anaconda was very agile in the water. At this moment, Ning saw something and yelled at us, “Over there!”

We looked at her miner’s lamp and saw a crack behind the waterfall on one side of the rock. It seemed like a hiding place. The fat guy yelled, “Hurry!”

We rushed over and into the waterfall. The crack was very narrow, and the python definitely couldn’t get in. We were barely able to get in ourselves, and several of us had to squeeze sideways. It was full of water, and we barely squeezed in, but the fat guy was never able to get in.

We desperately pulled him, and he desperately squeezed in, but only one leg came in. Ning, who was inside, shone her miner’s lamp outside the crack. The huge snake’s head was already outside the waterfall’s curtain of water, and it was a huge shadow. The fat guy panicked and yelled, “What are you shining at? Turn off the light!

I went up and covered his mouth, quietly telling him to shut up. But everyone knew that hiding was useless, so they all picked up their tools and prepared to fight to the death.

But the strange thing was that the python was actually hovering outside the waterfall, not sticking its head in. After hovering for a few times, it turned around and left.

We all looked at each other in confusion. If the snake had just stuck its head in a little further, the fat guy would have been finished. We couldn’t just stand there and do nothing. It would have been a fight to the death. We would have been killed or half killed. How come it suddenly left? Was it scared of the waterfall?

At this time, we all heard a series of “clucking” sounds coming from the depths of the crevice, as if it were a chicken. The sound of the water outside was not loud, but the sound of the chicken was particularly loud and we all heard it at once.

Everyone turned their heads and only then did they have the energy to observe the crevice. They found that the water inside did not reach our waists. Looking further into the crevice, there was nothing inside, and at the end of the crevice, there was something standing in the stone crevice. This thing was completely hidden in the darkness, and with the light from the miner’s lamp, it was impossible to see it.

My eyes were a little dazed, and I couldn’t see clearly, but as soon as I saw the way this thing was standing, I felt that something was wrong. I couldn’t say exactly what was strange, so I asked Ning to turn the miner’s lamp around.

When the light shone on it, the object revealed its true identity. I looked at it for two or three seconds without realizing what it was. I was extremely surprised for two or three seconds, and then I reacted, unable to believe my own eyes.

I saw a snake about the thickness of a human wrist at the very back of the gap. This snake was not a python, it was bright red, and its head was a very sharp triangle with a large crest growing on it. What I couldn’t believe was that the snake was standing there straight, its head hanging low, its eyes staring at me with murderous intent, its whole posture like that of a person without arms or legs.

I looked into the snake’s eyes, and I almost couldn’t move. I stared at it like that until Aning pulled me back, and only then did I realize what I had seen, and I knew immediately why the giant snake had abandoned us. The fear of my childhood spread throughout my body.

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